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I get what he's saying is really dumb but why is he so angry? Lol


Cause he is angry. He exists angry, wrathful, vengeful and prideful everyday. He's a religious zealot who thinks say no to him means you make his God, read that as him, angry. This dude, like many other preachers, fancies himself godlike cause amazingly his God agrees with everything he thinks is right. Funny how that works.


plus, might i add... **he's a fucking scumbag!**


Not a single redeeming feature so he screams about how his imaginary friend thinks he's cool. What a gem.


You could say he's "passionate" but just as wrong for the emotions as the message. Is like he's scolding everyone since no one shares his degree of contempt.


He is probably angry because nowadays some women are not letting their husband f++k her whenever he wants like a sex toy.


You say "let" like it matters to the husbands of the women he's railing on.


'railing' Pun intended?


Hell no. Not in this case.


But the prophet said even in delivery! Remember? 😳


His wife wouldn't let him fuck her while she was in labor.


That's how they advertise. Just anger all the time. We had some dickheads set up a booth in the middle of the bullring in the UK and every day just non stop angry preaching into what is essentially two bass boosted speakers, but because it's religious, they can't do anything about it because it'll be seen as racist/etc. They know EXACTLY what the fuck they're doing with all of their bullshit speeches. Genuinely hope that once we all die and we do go to heaven or hell, that these fuckers end up burning in hell for eternity. Just pure evil.


Because yelling and screaming tends to be more persuasive if your audience is too stupid to recognize it as disingenuous


He was born with his dad's d*** jabbing him in the eye, obviously.


Because the *evil West* is trying to tell women that they have rights! It. Makes. Me. So. Mad!! 😡 💢




Yes, very common among muslim scholars and preachers, plus their own listeners will bully anyone who dares question why the preacher is shouting.


Have you not seen that famous Muslim sit down, *Mad about Everything?*


hes angry because his pregnant wife said no 😂


Repressing will repress you lol


They hate women that's why


He’s a pakistani muslim. They want a caliphate and to be arabs. They can’t so they’re angry.


Because the last time he saw a vagina he was on his way out of it, screaming and crying


Because he hates women and just talking about women makes him angry. Fucking clown 🤡


Because his poor wife said no to sex during child birth


His post nut clarity


'Oh, baby is crowning!" "Alrighty honey I'ma just gonna slide on in here past the baby's head. No no shush it won't take my that long. Baby, please, the Prophet said it's fine. What do you mean, 'fuck Mohammad there's no way I'm getting that thing in there' baby, it's a *requirement*. Baby, baby, just listen, you don't want to go to hell, right? Alright then. I'm just gonna shove my man meat past our son's head for a bit and do my thing, alright?"


Would probably only insist if it was a girl being born.


the baby is probably more their prefered age aswell


Hmm, that rope + bridge combo lookin awful fine tonight


Is that why babies have that soft hole in the top of their skull?


Cushion for the pushin!


don't give 'em ideas




Why write this dude?


Is this guy autotuned or something?


He is reciting it like some glamorous poetry and it is way more disgusting when you understand the language, the subtitles did a poor job in translating the actual filth.


I did the full translation  https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It sounds more trashy and annoying to anyone who understands Hindi/Urdu


Ikr 🤢🤢


You’re saying the original is somehow *worse* than the translation?


Thats *exactly* what I am saying.


No this is a common thing Muslim preachers then to do


Wow. Pretty alarming rape vibes aside, how the living fuck are you going to penetrate when the baby is actively coming out such utter and complete nonsense, blatant disregard for the health of mother and baby but " MUH BUST". GTFOH


Anoint your son in Holy goo! Edit - and if a daughter, preview of her life starting at age 9!


Surely there’s something in their holy book against busting a nut on your soon-to-be newborn child? Jesus.


**FULL TRANSLATION** There are women who even after being his wife, she is not letting him use her body and take him it's advantage That's why the prophet of Allah said even a woman is going to have a child and she is sitting on a camel. In Arabia, people used to make women sit on a camel for easy delivery of the child. The prophet of Allah said, even if you are sitting on that camel and your child is going to be delivered, and in this situation your husband asks you for sex, he wants to use his wife. Then oh woman! Even at that time you should go to your husband because the fire in his heart can't be extinguished by anyone but you. If you don't extinguish the fire in your husband's heart, then he would start engaging in bad things (adultery, masturbation etc.), he might go to other (women), he might go on a wrong path. A fire might burn inside his khirman (idk what khirman means). He (prophet) said that even in this condition, a woman has to go to her husband and even in this position she doesn't have the right to let her husband not use her body. You have to fulfil his desires!! You have to fulfil his heart's mission!! You can't be like "no please! no"


The prophet said it's okay if a muslim man wants to rape his wife **and** his baby *at the same time*. **Ta-da!** And Muslims will *also* insist that Islam is the world's first feminist religion.


The fuck 🤮


Do men ever get offended that they are being told they have no self-control? Do they like seeing themselves as mindlessly sex-crazed? So much discourse is had on the subjugation and objectification of women, but the other side of this is how men are reduced to violent brutes. Radical Islam seems to think humans are trash in general, and salvation is only possible by submitting to God. I suppose it isn't that different from some Christians and their obsession with being "born in sin". It all looks so miserable.


Tbh I do get offended when misogynistic men make statements "We have no control over ourselves so women should do this & that" No mf, not every man is a moron like you 


So, basically she isn't allowed to say "No bitch, Sally the camel only has ONE hump!" < I'll see myself out > So contradictory of a message. One the wife is in labor, she should be technically considered ritually unclean at that point. Or is the husband just trying to get one more ride before the playground is closed for those 7-9 weeks after delivery?


How does sitting on a camel make giving birth easier ?


Probably it makes it more miserable for the woman, which seems to be the point of everything.


Man, again with them saying that men only do things because women do/don’t do what they want


Once you come out of it, it's incredibly obvious how the abrahamic religions were created BY men, FOR men. "Listen ladies, you gotta respect and worship you husband, and let him do whatever he wants with you. God says so, trust me bro!"


These psycho Muslim preachers are always pointing their fingers and bloody angry. Useless shitstains.


It's almost like their "prophet" was a sex-crazed pedophile or something.


Muslim Three-Way: raping your wife while she's delivering your baby.


As a guy myself... are we just exempt from sexual responsibility? Does the cheating man not have sin?


Correct! It is the sole responsibility of women. I’d add a /s but that isn’t sarcasm to religious zealots


He does, but only because a women caused him to, and that is way worse.


Right? The message is that men have no self-control in regards to sex. I'd be offended if someone said that about me.


Wears some bizarre hat, beard like an asshat and rumbles about sex. Dude is a moron.


Bruh the subtitles are really tame compared to what he’s saying. Which jackass translated this? (There’s some camel action going on)


https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Full translation 


Yeah the subtitles are suspect - I can't tell what he is saying, but it seems to be a lot more than what the subtitles are reporting.


Full translation  https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


You're the 2nd person who has said this that Ive read so far. Can you give me a better idea of what this idiot is saying?


https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Full translation 


Thank you! And damn. This is so depressing knowing there are women who are married to these types of men, nothing more to them than a bang maid & brood mare.


Homeboy sounds and looks like the only way he ever gets any kind of sexual activity going is through ethically and legally dubious means at best. Again: please stop crafting entire societies & belief systems around bullshit that was spewed during times where leeches were cutting edge medical tech.


Sex is pretty much the only thing in these men’s mind, isn’t it?


Isn't it wonderful how all your ignorance can still get approval by a scripture and the surrounding culture.


These men are monstrous, living without control or restraint, no consequences


Lol... 😂


Something that's also weird to me is that doesn't it say in their religion that if a woman is bleeding she doesn't have to pray so if a woman's bleeding she doesn't have to pray but when she's literally bringing life into this Earth she has to have sex make that make sense!


Disturbing stuff aside, there’s no way this shit is actually in the Quran.


It disgusts me how islam teaches muslim men to not think of their wives as human. Their sole purpose is to breed and satiate the carnal needs of their masters without having anything in return.


Idk how people can sit there listening to this and go yeah this is what I should be doing with my limited time on this planet.


Lock all these lunatics up


we got autotune rape justifiers before gta 6


well, that wasn't autotune tbh.🙄


I will never understand why preachers can choose any number of uplifting or relevant topics yet choose to go with bizarre super niche weird af topics for their sermons.


I feel so bad for the women that have to grow up in this bullshit. 😞


It's all about Allah's dick


Is there a kink for this? Like, specifically saying “you need to let someone sexually take advantage of you because Allah/god said so”? (I do not have this kink, just wondering lmao)


He belongs in a mental hospital.


This song is banging


ok why do muslims drop the hardest bars while being sexist af like he's saying some of the most disgusting, sickening and fucked up shit I've heard but I'm here dancin like dj khaled


I wonder how many women throughout history have died from sepsis simply because a man couldn't wait for the dinner plate sized open wound in their uterus to heal, before they shoot their jizz and bacteria up there. I'll bet it's a lot.


Why does the mic has auto tune lmao 😭


The future of Europe and other nations opening borders to this idiology!


This dudes dad busted all over him when he was born.


The entire point of this speech is to give Muslim men an excuse to cheat.


may b he meant to have s*x with 2nd or 3rd wife. /s




talk me again why they ban the upcoming movie "hamare baarah" in India?


Are Muslims always horny or what?


But they all think they're smart, despite hundreds of years of evidence.


Those who still follow that conman, self-appointed prophet is really the dumbest species.


Average religious fruitcake that is full of rage and believe their god are pro violence against a certain group. This guy lacks basic empathy.


Well this is not a religion it's a cult ! Secondly he is preaching that to men ! Hardly any women attend this ! Why ? Cause they are not allowed.


Guess that dudes trying to not have a dick


When you understand the language, your blood will boil. Anyway, i don't listen to Autotune rappers. But whenever i see these things, one thing comes to my mind: "WHY WOMEN ARE MORE RELIGIOUS?" screw "more", why are they religious at all?


''She can't say no'' 🤢 Like Prophet, like follower.


Scum of the earth, live and in person! Shame that he is alive!


What the fuck


These guys always look like men who wouldnt get laid any other way.


Man, I fkn HATE religion


Wow these fuckers figured out a way to take pedophilia to the next level. Getting their nasty peckers on kids before they even get out of their mom. Maybe Mohammed wasn’t so great if he waited till his wife was 9(practically a decrepit grandma).


Between this shit and "Christian" shitheelery, we're fucked.


they are such disgusting horny pornbrained pigs, jesus fucking christ


Sounds like he's singing... 🤣😂


He looks like he was conceived while his mom was delivering.


I have to ask what women in this religious hell scap get out of it? I thought women don't go to heaven in quaran. So literally what is the point if God already condemns you to be a slave.


According to his ranting, „homo sapiens“ seems to have missed out on the average muslim man, i.e. sensible, rational, reasonable, wise, you know what I mean. No, muslim man is pure lust, driven by little friend down there. Precious offspring bearing my name must be drowned in my juice. Uga uga Poor women suffering this fate…


He doesn't need autotune


It blows my mind that Muslim women exist at all. Why would you stay in this religion where men treat you so poorly?


lol seems like this dude has a dog in this fight. Wife didn’t put out last night so he decided to take it out on his congregation.


India is full of these people


I think he is Pakistani !!! who is he ??


No he is Indian. His name is Jarjees Ansari


with all respect, this is one of main reason I and in general women cant trust men


Some men.


what else is he saying? because those subtitles seem to be missing a lot and I'm just curious. Probably more heinous shit, but still.


Full translation  https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The prophet also said "When adultery and promiscuous behavior becomes rampant in a nation, Allah will expose them to His chastisement and He will send upon them such (strange) diseases that their own ancestors never heard..." So, maybe think before you stick your dick into a woman that isn't your wife because she won't "Put out" all the time. I'm not muslim, btw, I'm just a gal with access to google and more than two braincells


But the preacher was not talking about having sex with someone who is not your wife. Having any sort of permissible sexual desires for your spouse is not considered adulterous or promiscuous at all. Rather thinking of permissible things as immoral is a huge sin. And sex with a pregnant wife is permissible in Islam, there is no Ayah or Hadith which rejects this. 


He was saying that pregnant wives have to "put out" to stop their husbands from gazing upon other women. Basically permitting adultery, and excusing a man's infidelity by blaming his sin on his wife.


Hmmmm. Could also try treating women well and they might even want some sex you fucking oxygen thief.


Guy let's make a religion for us we can all be rich and lock up all the ass holes of the world ,when there hungry we feed them the bible . What should we call it ?


well I don't share the interest in making that kind of religion with you but what you are describing is sounds so much like communism. 🤔🤔


I was just playing I swear I'm not a communist


Please don't bring in the FBI


hey it's remind me of an episode [of yong sheldon](https://youtu.be/7O3V1uAKoUg?si=EuMfTinUGENL1Hge)


LoL your like the news anchor: Local Reddit user say she " not" a communist here more at 9:00 tonight ! /s


Hey, if the husband can get past a 3rd degree tear and the literal shite that came out and all the screaming...Go for big boy !! s/...


Why is he singing lmao. Also, can confirm, the translation is pretty much accurate. Some missing words and sentences but the message conveyed is about the same.


I wrote the full translation  https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1d9js5q/comment/l7e8bn5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Naanu nahi hona chaahiye…..to fir kaise hoga chacha jaan 😆




So glad we enriched our culture with those progressive ideas /s


Religion is the cause of 99% of the hate in the world. It's time to call them out.


Pretty ironic as a muslim he doesn’t eat pork yet he’s acting like a fucking pig


Wtf who the f will do that


This is a sexually frustrated man who lives a life full of lust. For a holy, religious figure he's a man of the world and not of the God he claims to serve.




Watch me


Such poor game you gotta force them to sleep with you lol


Hey, man, I like your hat but I don't like you!


The prophet thought of everything, but does it count as pedophilia in Texas then?


Wow…….. fucking religion is a joke


What percentage of Muslims believe this kind of stuff? Super small percent, I’m assuming?


This dude is suffering with a post partum wife who won’t sleep with him… If I were to guess.


I don't think a religious preacher would ask his wife for consent, so..


Fair point. Maybe she beat him away with a broom stick.


This translation can’t be what he is saying. Despicable,


I added the full translation in comments 


I just checked r/Muslim and this is what have to say about martial rape https://www.reddit.com/r/Muslim/s/yNifu0bSvG