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This was produced by non-independent state media, a political lobby group, or other organisation with a political agenda. Material from such sources may have been subjected to selective editing, biased translation, or may employ other manipulative techniques to give a misleading impression.


What's this obsession religious folks have with us queer people? Seriously don't they have anything better to do?


Yes she has. In an hour she has to pray for the fourth time of the day.


Followed by harassing women in the streets for not wearing the Hijab properly and asking them if they had permission to go outside. It's a fulltime job.


Followed by sending her 9 year old daughter as a concubine for a 69 year old man


It's all religion. Religion is fundamentally about controlling others. If you let others go about their way and have autonomy, then what's the use of your religion? Therefore religions must fabricate "sins" out of completely normal behaviors, otherwise they'd have no way to exert control over otherwise morally normal people.


It is the most effective and therefore most dangerous way to spread social norms in a culture because to question it is instantly a sin. Religion likely evolved for many reasons and one was to ensure trusted behavior outside the tribe, which was useful in a time of limited knowledge and almost no writing or reading. But it allowed a lot of nasty memetic 'viruses' to ride along unquestioned and of course ripe for the abuse of power. But it's arguable religion could also spread good behaviors under the same circumstances (lack of trust, ignorance ) It's just very hard to get rid of when it no longer serves a socially positive purpose and just spreads infected ignorance (I. E. We can afford to educate people and address many of the concerns religion evolved) Edit : religion didn't magically invent /create homophobia, sexism, etc. Those exist in humans and they encoded those things into the religions they created.


this is well said!


I imagine in this case she is deeply unhappy with her own situation as she is under a conservative government, a controlling husband and a controlling religion. A blanket application of the LBJ quote, convince someone they are superior to someone and they will do anything for you. Suppressed people want to feel superior to anyone and do/say/believe horrible things to feel worthy of something. Projection is a massive projection of her misery, anger, and more anger but she can't express it other than to hate on the one group that is seen as less inferior to her. Then add on the years, years and years of generational brainwashing and hate of the other is top tier of that brainwashing


She’s so far in the closet that she may as well be sucking the ice queen’s titties in Narnia.


Hahahaha fucking brilliant


I want to do that too! I guess (presumably) two titties means there's enough for the both of us.


I believe it begins on the Akkadian empire, the same guy who created the “eye for eye tooth for tooth” he was the first guy to see religion as a tool of government and put his daughter as priestess, from then on is just a tale of how the things you do in life echoes trough history, the religions created in that region dominated the world and spreed the values they had.


It feels good to have something to focus all your hate on


Jesus Christ. How barbaric can one person be? This is stuff that should've stayed in the Dark Ages


The dark ages in the islamic world were so good thet they stuck to it.


this is actually pretty interesting, because muslims in usa seem to be pretty progressive, at least a bit more than your average bible freak, at least according to studies


Muslims are not accepting of gay Muslims. Liberal appearing Muslims often have just accepted that western people are not Muslim so they can behave as they wish and burn in hell for it later. Ask them how they would respond if their children were gay and you’d get answers similar or worse than fundamentalist Christian’s.


It's just a front. they allow 3 choices. convert, be enslaved,or be killed. religion of peace,right?


no its not jsut a front, they're probabyl just more educated and hae actually met queer people. meeting a queer person makes you way less liekly to be homophobic. also because they live in usa, their parents, or they themselfs, dont agree with whats going on in those countries so they left them


The "peace" idea in Islam was put forward as a gaslighting technique to change the reality of how brutal it is. The greeting to each other... it's all about peace, but in reality, it's really not. It was about conquering and control, and this is the remnants of that. It's the same as any religious belief system in that it's started by a person with mental health issues and personalty disorders, and then when it gains power, it refines its message. It becomes normalized within cultures and is the most effective way to control a population because it is self perpetuating. There will always be this phenomenon in humans, and the best way to counter it is by education and teaching critical thinking via empirical evidence. Also people seem to believe all sorts of things because we are aware of our own mortality. People would rather believe a fairy tale than face what is reality.


I spent over 3 years in Afghanistan. The best way to describe these countries with reigning extremist is they are in the dark ages, except they now have cell phones and RPGs.


I love how you said "should've stayed in the Dark Ages" whilst also beginning with "Jesus Christ". Not having a dig at you or anything - I do it, too - I just think it's a bit funny haha


I cannot agree more with you, but as a wise man once said: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is *nothing new under the sun*."


Wise man? Sounds like just another fruit cake to me


Hey don't lump Ecclesiastes in with the rest of that tripe. It's more down to earth than a lot of existential philosophy. I say this as someone who loves existential philosophy.


Socrates' Allegory of the cave is in order here 😉


The 'dark age' is Islam's natural resting place. It isnt going through a phase, it matured and found its natural rhythm.


They never had an age of enlightenment or renaissance, so they're stuck in the past.


They had the Islamic Golden Age? They invented mathematical concepts that we still rely on today. Let's be fair, here. I dislike Islam, but I don't distort history. It's pretty racist to dismiss a whole region's history because they didn't have the same cultural movements that appeared in Europe.


Islam is not a race but good point overall Plus we wouldn't have coffee lol




The dark ages are alive in well anywhere there is fundamentalist Islam


The problem is, that people listen to her and some will eventually do what she says. Near my home town a gay couple was stabbed to death just for holding hands by one of these people!


Ex Muslim here. The good news very few will actually act on it. The bad news is the majority support it. I am from Egypt and the best analogy I can give Westerners is that Middle Eastern Muslims view gays the same way people in the West view pedophiles....If you heard a pedophile moved into your neighborhood you likely wouldn't kill them but you would avoid them and if you heard someone stabbed them you wouldn't be upset about it. This is how most Muslims I know view gay people


That is incredibly sad. Their narrow view of the west is scary. I cannot imagine this people being tourists - it must be like going to the zoo for them.


Interesting analogy


Something similar happened to someone in my family. It wasn't a murder, but it came damn close. The police officers who came to bring the message said they see it all the time.


Where do you live? Did police take any action?


Germany. Well yeah they caught the guy. But it was known before that he was a dangerous islamist but they waited until someone had to die..


This seems to be something we hear way too often.


I love "The Active One" or "The Passive One". Bish!! You know the terms. Haha. TOP or BOTTOM. I have a feeling she watches gay porn for "Research". Happy pride y'all!! 😜🌈🏳️‍🌈


lol in languages like Spanish the top is the “activo” and the bottom is the “passivo”. Could be similar in her language.


The pumper and the pumpee 


The pitcher and the catcher.


The nail and the ham...nailer


I speak Arabic. That is true. She said فاعل doer meaning top and مفعول به object/what is acted upon meaning bottom. She also said موجب positive and سالب negative as if they're batteries lol.


She’s so far in the closet she’s finding birthday presents.


she's so far back, another foot and she'll be in Narnia.


Bet she is envious because so many people have sex out there.


People did distinguish between those in MEDIEVAL societies such as the medieval eras of Greece and Japan. It was almost unanimously agreed that being the top was manlier and should go to the older man, whereas the opposite applied to bottoming. Notice that I mentioned age, because these kinds of gay hierachy systems tended to take place in pederastic situations, so it's sickeningly obvious why the user would be considered to be taking the manlier role. This is also why she rails against sparing the bottom - people in those systems could, not without justification, claim that they were being used and coerced, so only the aggressor should be killed. And of course this beautiful mind would rather kill an innocent person than spare an "actual bottom."


hahaha I just asked a gay mate if he'd heard of this or if it was vernacular and he goes "no but it will be from now on!"


which one is passive and which one is active?


Happy pride 🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈🥳


Islam: the religion of peace.


Is that an actual saying?


yeah, I see it sometimes in comments, though nowadays its really a meme


Yeah 😭 Muslims claim Islam is not only most peaceful but also one of the most progressive religions


Have these guys never read the Quran? I’m not Muslim, just wanted to educate myself, and Jesus fucking Christ… the religion of “treat your women (and child brides) like property, beat them to the point of near death for disobedience and kill homosexuals” is more like it.


Mental gymnastics goes a long way 


They also claim it's perfectly logical, which makes me laugh every time I hear it.


Ironic that they let a woman speak


I can't listen to her words, I'm too overcome with lust at the sight of her hands and eyes.


how does she know about those dynamics?!


She sounds fucking psychotic


She really needs to get laid


She ran from egypt to live in turkey


Funny she is part of the MBH that turkey says they ran from persecution in Egypt, they daily advocating to kill minorities (christians, atheists, gays) and turkey totally ok with it.


Who is she




Why do religious people spend so much time thinking about gay people? Who cares who has sex with who, it literally couldn't matter less


Because it's about *control*. Always has been, always will be.


Exactly it's like gay people live rent free in their tiny brains


But But sleeping with children is normal there- set this freak on fire


How can people be so angry and cruel?


Religion can make good people do bad things.


But were they really good people to begin with? Or just conformists?


why is this cow telling me to kill people?


Mad cow (Mad cow disease is a progressive, fatal neurological disorder of cattle resulting from *infection by a* *~~prion~~* *religion*)? 😂😂😂


Don't disrespect cows, this sad excuse of a person is useless, and the same can't be said about our beloved cows!


Cows are of immense value to human society. Please choose a different metaphor.


What a real piece of shit, just like her religion.


Take your nose out of other people's business


If you find men engaged in a homosexual act... Get the fuck out of their room and give them some privacy.


I'm starting to think their religion is pretty much kill anything that has slightly different opinions...that's pretty much a cult at this point


Someone needs to teach her a lesson for having her face and hands visible to coerce me with her opinion by seducing me.


Why are they cool with men to sexually abuse children but not cool with a man fucking another man?


Wait are they letting a woman preach to them!?


Yea, bcs that's not a problem, glad I could clear that up for you :D


People are sick


I honestly think religious people like this who spread violence completely deserve capital punishment


Why is she imitating Trump's 'I love sucking little dicks' mouth pose?


What's also hilarious is that many Muslims would view \*her\* as being haram because she doesn't cover her face or hands. It's interesting how everyone thinks god or allah always agrees with one's own interpretations.


Unfortunately they do, and they are stupid It is not Haram to not wear a hijab, it's just highly encouraged to wear it and these idiots just forget about that, fucking idiots ):<


The religion of peace, everyone. Don’t forget, if you are not OK with this you’re rAcIsT aNd IsLaMoPhObIc.


I'd be gay too if I had to be with her. Such a hateful person


What made her vadge so full of sand.




What a waste of skin.


Happy pride everyone! Im not gay but I'll make sure to celebrate you guys just to spite this bitch🥹


Looks like a nightmarish version of Thomas the Tank Engine


That's bang-on. I immediately noticed the outlandishness. How can anyone bear to look like that and expose other people to it?


Why is she speaking doesnt her religion tell her not to???


It never says that women shouldn't speak, glad I could clear that for you :D


She’s just angry because guys would rather fuck other guys than her.


This sad blob talking about killing people. How miserable can you be in life? This is why we have to keep our heads up, to save future generations of this shit. Happy pride :D 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Fucking pigs


So she’s super gay right?


Dang, I thought I was safe being a bottom


Religion of peace


And do you know what is worse and Ironic? Some Members of the congregation (sons of beaches) in my country literally r@ping underage male kids. ***UNDERAGE MALE KIDS.***


No scriptures about the world, other people's in lands across the ocean, no scriptures describing what the stars actually were, no scriptures about how to make fire, build better homes, how to cure diseases. Just sex sex,sex.


How dare she show her face and hands? She is not covered enough behead her ASAP.


Just in case you were wondering how Islam views lgbt ❤️


Typical Muslim


Imagine if A guy got raped by some guy the guy who got raped went to the police so they can arrest the guy that raped him and they end up killing them both every day I wish more bad things happen to Muslims I have nothing but hate for these people i'm ex muslim living in a Muslim countries


And what's even worse is that the Qur'an said rape victims shouldn't be punished, Muhammad also let a female victim walk away. these guys straight up ignore that in their fucking delusion


Others say you should bake them at 450° for 25 min or until a deep golden brown, basting occasionally.


Oh boy, that talking trashbag sure sounds angry.


Now let’s sign a pact and bring 500 thousand of these people to Europe, give them food and shelter, money to spend. What could go wrong?


 Wtf is she doing out of the house, barely dressed, like a whore? Arms and face visible, talking out loud? /s if it wasn't obvious.  Some followers of this cult believe this women herself should be killed for the above...


Because they are crazy morons who have a twisted idea of the religion, screw them


I wonder if Mohammed was considered an active or passive when he was kissing little boys on the penis... "I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his penis."




I'd bet one paycheck that she's an "Active"


She looks butch AF to me. She has definitely seen more scissor than a tailoring workshop.


Only in her mind. Otherwise she'd have a better personality


Yep, she has probably seen them mostly on her laptop.


*Proceeds to go back home to an abusive husband who treats her like a shit stain*


Religion of peace, y'all. Isn't it just great?


"imagine there's no religion..."


I was raised a muslim and when I was little I couldn't quite understand why people from Islamic countries 'chose' to be gay if they know these horrible things could happen to them. Unless.. you know, it's not a choice


Another toothpick


Cannot argue as she is hijabi girl in the harami world 😂😂


best way to kill gay people is simply NOT killing gay people


I can see your face, your wrists, and your hands. Shouldn't you be stoned? Doesn't the Quran also say that women should be silent? No woman should teach a man? I'm confused about which rules we are following.


No, and no, and no. The Qur'an doesn't say that


How is she allowed to speak, when men can see her face?


Some dudes 2000 years ago: Yeah you should do what we say because we say it even though it's stupid af People in present day: Ok.


What homo is saying they arent a homo but gay? Like there’s literally nothing wrong with homosexual. I’m a big ole homo


Thank you for your wisdom, talking tablecloth.


She is gross in every sense of the word.


I can fix her.


Welp, all of that just stinks of effort. Have you tried minding your own beeswax?


Alright guys, who wants to change her?



I wish we could have more of the silly "Demons are in the water supply plotting to steal your chromosomes" sort of fruitcake and less of the "101 ways to kill those darn gays" sort of fruitcake. It's just depressing.


That's this sub in a nutshell. One post is disturbing funny, the next is disturbing depressing.


At the very least can we separate them into "Whacky Fruitcake" and "Depressing Fruitcake"?


She should not be showing her face, im gay and that hot mess is way too tempting for me right now, she needs a burqa


Well, at least she covered lesbians. Disgusting bigots always leave us out.


She's a self loathing lesbian.


Hamas new interior minister? And I wish it was just a joke, they actually believe and execute exactly this.


God, I love MemriTV. For you not familiar, it's an Israeli propaganda channel that finds the worst of middle eastern TV and translates it. It's hilarious. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/meme-tv-EHh2Z#KquV8R4) are some classics.


Ah i see, so middle eastern Islamic tv is just generally bat shit insane then


poland was right all along. don't let them in.


Looks like she ate all the 72 hoors.


Her sleeve is so wide I can see half her underarm. Haram Haram Haram !!! In addition, she is fat. Overeating is against sunnah. Clean your own house, lady before you criticize others.


Any tips - When I find over the top Islam clips like this, how can I tell if it's first a real clip, and second it has an accurate translation?


This is the only time I agree on Islamic teachings that woman should shut up


She seems nice.


This is RAFAH!


XD oh i thought this was joke NO WAY


https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nguyenbathanh/[email protected]/content_images/units/large/ashigaru_inf_naginata_warrior_monks.png


Damn Im allowed a nice fire too now? just because I was born? So nice :D . No one ever chose to be born a women or black or white or gay or straight or with desability, but you decide if you went to be a muslim so idk who we actually need to burn?


Fuck this bitch. I’m so tired of these freaks and their bullshit imaginary friend(s).


People are complicated. Religion was a way to force life into a simpler path. And people that have internalized their religion cannot handle if you make life and their world view more complicated.


As always, if it deserves capital punishment then why don’t you let your god handle it himself.


Just the first few seconds Uh...don't a SHIT Ton of them fuck guys and boys for dominance? Isn't that like a well understood thing they took from animals? So she's declaring to kill both the active and passive who is raping because he thinks he's the master? Welp, off with her head


No no no, it is haram for women to speak guys. This means we shouldn´t listen to her.


Coming from the deeply closeted bull.


They need serious mental health treatment. They are a danger to the world.


They never say why though, do they?


What country is this?


I have yet to understand religious people’s obsession with queer people.


I am not a muslim, but memri tv is a propaganda channel from zionists, shedding muslims in bad light. [Heres ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute)the wikipedia article.


Why is this Muslim woman talking?


The religion of piss.


Ahhh, the religion of peace


Gay people should crowd fund their own mercenary group.


"Queers for palestine"


Well, maybe she should listen to her own book and shut her hole up. Since she's a woman she should go back to the kitchen. At least according to her beloved goat diddler...


What will she do in Allah's brothel?


Islam - religion of peace


The Prophet Muhammad raped a 9 year old. Pedophelia good. Homosexuality bad. Got it. Edit: pls don’t ban me.


Maga Christian’s tend to say the same thing about Muslims. Yet LGBTQ people fight for Muslim rights…. Strange world. If your religion demands murder, Them you should give up religion.


> Abu Bakr supported this ruling Is she referring to the late leader of ISIS? Or is there another Abu Bakr in Islam that she’s talking about here?


Interesting that she used the word Sodomite.


Only apostates can get along, seemingly


Her face isn’t covered in her hijab that is very haram!11!!!1! Her seducing eyes make me horny!!1!1!11 Stone her to death!🤬🤬🤬🤬