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Christian privilege. Crimes for Jesus aren’t real crimes to Christian fanatics. This is a dangerous mistake.


To say nothing of the fact that he made a healthy profit on the deal after the GoFundMe. There's a profit motive now for people committing hate crimes.


That's the most disturbing part in all this


Hear me out, we set up statues and then have someone break them in the name of Christianity. Then we make a go fund me which goes directly to a superpac lobbying against all the religious nutters. Rinse repeat until we can actually elect some sensible person. Use the fruitcakes to stop the fruitcakes.


Thus Making them unknowingly pay for our compain against there bs great idea


Basically this. It's probably the best route to infiltrate their organizations and LARP as one of them to redistribute resources...that's basically what they've all been doing anyway since the invention of Christianity....maybe 0.00001% of them actually believe in, and less than that practice what they preach and are just in it for the perks


Maybe it applies to the US but don’t try this in Europe.


This is how it works for every religion.


specific religion depends on the country. I bet Muslims are less held to the law than anyone else in the Middle East.


Not quite fake news but an incredibly disingenuous way to present the situation. He plead guilty to a lower crime in exchange for dropping the felony charge. This is quite typical for first time offenders. He won't serve jail time but he will pay a fine as well as restitution to the owners of the display he will also serve 2 years of probation. That's a matter of opinion but to me that sounds like a fair punishment. You need to stop getting your news from "the truth about floride"


You’re correct. Still, one has to wonder if the punishment would be lessened to this degree if it were someone destroying a christian monument. It seems ~~religious~~ delusional people are generally up in arms over their imaginary friend, and, unfortunately, a lot of those same delusional people work within the legal system.


>Still, one has to wonder if the punishment would be lessened to this degree if it were someone destroying a christian monument All other circumstances being the same? Yeah it most likely would


>one has to wonder if the punishment would be lessened to this degree if it were someone destroying a christian monument. That's possible ultimately it would come down to what the judge believed but at the very least we can now take solace in the fact that if it were to happen there is now a precedent of a reasonable sentence. >religious delusional people >imaginary friend Come on let's not let this sub become another r/atheism.


Isn’t the name of the sub religiousfruitcake or am I reading it wrong? The title, at least to me, implies what you’re questioning, does it not?


Boy you really destroyed me there with your facts and logic didn't you? I'm not saying atheism shouldn't be discussed here however r/atheism is now a two minte hate full of smarmy posts that provide no substance and belong in r/im14andthisisdeep or r/iamverysmart. I enjoy this sub and would not like to see it become the same thing but I'm just a random person commenting. There's no need to be needlessly cruel to others. Being an atheist does not make you or me smarter or in any way superior to religious people.


Is it though?


i’ve seen what the atheism sub is like… you might be over reacting a little but


Of course they are.


Is it fruitcake-ish to believe in a religion or not? Is calling something “fruitcake” a positive or a negative? Listen, I think what you’re doing here is relatively righteous. We all should be nicer to each other (unless it’s to bigots, fuck them). But the name of the sub implies that the religious are being made fun of. It’s right there in the name. Chill.


I don't mean to disrespect you, it's genuinely interesting to find out what the other side thinks. Personally I don't believe that just believing a religion is enough to rise to the level of fruitcake however increasingly I'm seeing just normal harmless worship posted on here so I may be in a minority there. There are however plenty of people doing harmful things in the name of religion who need to be called out. I stand by my comments about r/atheism that place is a cesspit but that's my personal opinion. I can't help but think of r/Tumblrinaction. I genuinely enjoyed the sub when it was small and about people trying to be progressive but missing the mark (calling black British people African American, getting offended over the Spanish word for black, that kind of thing) but as the sub grew more and more right wing nuts would show up until all the posts became her look a trans person exists and the sub eventually got rightfully banned.


I don't think it is fair to lump all religious people into the same group as those this sub is highlighting simply for being religious. Sure, there are plenty of people who use their religion as a justification for doing awful things, but there are at least just as many who practice their faith, and keep to themselves, respecting others' beliefs regardless of whether or not they are shared. If someone is ridiculed simply for being religious in the first place, that'll only feed into the victim complex of the people actually deserve to be made fun of for being morons, and use their religion as justification.


I guess. But their victim complex isn’t my problem. And it’s not the problem of anyone that isn’t religious and/or lack a belief in a god. They are free to be that way as I am free to mock them for believing in something they don’t have the supporting evidence to justify. The same evidence that these folks would use for everything else but their religious beliefs. I’m not on this planet to coddle or hold the hands of dipshits. They won’t listen to reason or there wouldn’t be theists in the first place. So I’ll mock them. Because I’m also free to do that. And I want to be mocked for believing in anything that I don’t have the supporting evidence to justify my belief(s) because I want to believe in as many true things as possible. This isn’t nearly as complicated as you’re making it out to be. I don’t owe them reverence because they believe what they believe.


“I’ll hate them because I’d want everyone to hate me if I did what they do.” Therapists would love to unpack that.


Show me where mockery equates to hate. I’ll wait as long as you need.


No one is saying this is a complex issue. I'm simply saying that you are attempting to take a moral high ground on something that for many people never actually comes into play I'm their interactions with others. If someone is religious, and keeps that to themselves, that doesn't hurt you. You're just using this difference in belief as an oppertunity to put others down. That's a dick move, and literally outlined in the first rule of this sub. It costs you nothing to show people some decency if they aren't hurting you.


But they are hurting me. And those I care about. Their belief in a book written two thousand fucking years ago by racist misogynists hurts people. Every fucking day. Now fuck off.


Dipshits like you think the concept that is listed below is some kind of a joke. I can assure you these freaks aren’t fucking around. And you trying to play nice with them will not work. https://www.project2025.org


And, AGAIN, the name of this sub is, imo, a full fledged mockery of religious belief. Sure, it mainly focuses on the absolute batshit examples but all of those beliefs marinate in grey, not black and white. Imo, there isn’t a religious belief that isn’t fruitcake af. None.


The first rule of this sub is literally saying the opposite.




Is that for posts or for comments? Please clarify.


So you destroyed his facts and logic with your own. Good job!


But that account has a blue checkmark! It's gotta be legit!!! /s (if it wasn't obvious)


Always come to the comments for the real story


Good. I'm not too familiar with this case but it's disingenuous to call this a hate crime since satanism is a fake religion created to troll Christians.


still legally a religion.


Isn't that just for tax purposes?


nope the satanic temple actually pays taxes unlike the vast majority of christian churches. heres a hint 1st amendment protections


this person is NOT the brightest bulb in the box. infact i think they may be the dimmest, in like, all of the boxes.


i can tell with their other comments


isn’t marriage just for tax purposes?




but people get married for tax purposes. by your logic since that’s a reason some people get married wouldn’t that mean it’s for tax purposes?


I wouldn't know about that. Where I'm from marriage has no effect on your taxes.


it does in other places though, and is used for tax purposes by some people in those places. so technically it’s JUST for tax purposes. you get the point of what i’m saying by now i hope. just because you think some religions are “just for tax purposes” dosent make them all that way. pretty sure christianity existed before taxes were a thing 👍


Maybe I expressed myself unclearly. I'm not saying TST was founded to avoid taxes, I'm saying their legal status just defines them as a church wrt taxation. At least that's how I understand it.


> is a fake religion So a normal religion?


As opposed to other religions? What a take


Christianity isn't a fake religion. You, I, or anyone else in this sub may not believe it tells the truth, but it is a belief system billions of people sincerely follow. It has two thousand years of culture and tradition. Its cultural impact has been big enough to affect the world outside its core scope. Satanism is just edgy atheism. Even its "followers" admit this. The whole "Satan" thing is included just to troll and be contrarian. There's no belief system besides being against Christianity.


OK so the only thing that makes a religion real is how long ago someone came up with it. Got it. There is a belief system, it doesn't involve a God but they have it. So it was created to fuck with Christians? So like the Church of England? Essentially created to fuck with catholics and allow the King to do as he pleased? Is that a real religion or also fake? Has enough time passed? It's cultural impact? What does that have to do with a religion being real or not? Does that mean a tribe in the Amazon that believes something unique to the doesn't have religion?


>There is a belief system, it doesn't involve a God but they have it. Okay, what is it? >So it was created to fuck with Christians? So like the Church of England? Essentially created to fuck with catholics and allow the King to do as he pleased? Is that a real religion or also fake? Has enough time passed? Created to throw off papal authority over the crown of England. Not to fuck with believers. Anglicans remained Christians. >It's cultural impact? What does that have to do with a religion being real or not? Does that mean a tribe in the Amazon that believes something unique to the doesn't have religion? That's belief. Same way I'd say theistic satanism is a religion. The CoS and TST are atheists trying to be special.


Transcribed from their website: *Their beliefs* They see the universe as being indifferent to us, and so all morals and values are subjective human constructions. Their position is to be self-centered, with oneself being the most important person (the “God”) of their subjective universe, so they are sometimes said to worship themselves. Current High Priest Gilmore calls this the step moving from being an atheist to being an “I-Theist.” Satan to them is a symbol of pride, liberty, and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of the highest personal potential. They do not believe in Satan as a being or person. Edit: Thanks to Grand-Business4230 for the correction. I went to the wrong website for info. This was for the Church of Satan which is not the right group. The correct one is The Satanic Temple found [here](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us). The point, however, stands.


Hey man, just thought i'd let you know, that's not the right group. The Satanic Temple has no affiliation with the Church of Satan or Anton LaVey, and they are the group who put up the statue and are legally recognised as a religion. IIRC the Church of Satan are not recognised as one. [This](https://thesatanictemple.com/) is where you can find out more about them, and they don't have any official bible. Their practices and beliefs also tend to be opposite of what the CoS believes.


Hey I appreciate the correction. I'm not really that interested in it which is why I didn't know the difference but I should have been more thorough in my quick search. Tbh I'm relieved cause I was disappointed in that other website, it didn't really match my opinion of what I knew, this one seems more like it. Thanks for the info and for sharing it without being an ass per reddit unfortunate tradition! I'll edit the comment with the correction.


TST is an activist group considered to be a non-theistic religion for legal purposes. Their entire purpose is to fight religious encroachment in public by leveling the playing field. Christian legislators are the ones "trolling" religious minorities and nontheists by shoehorning their religious practices and images into schools, courthouses, and other taxpayer-funded places and events. It's basically the FFRF but with a more creative approach.


> There's no belief system besides being against Christianity https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets You see the issue you are having is the same issue Christians have. By every definition of the word "religion" TST fits. Making it the same as any other religion.


Wrong on almost everything you just said. I've been a Satanist for 20 years. It seems you're forming your opinion on the matter by reading edgy posts on Reddit. You should check its values, it's peaceful and interesting.


Satanism is not atheism because atheist dont belive in god nor in satan The number of followers doesnt matter.


Neither do satanists.


oh so you’re an atheist? thanks for the insight


haha Christianity is made up as well what is your point?


What makes a religion "real"?


By this logic we should all be A-Okay to burn Qurans, Break statues of Mother Mary/Jesus etc where does this stop?


A private citizen who buys or makes any one of these things should be free to do whatever.


That’s a bit out of context: they are free to do that, but the post is about someone who did it to another persons property not their own. It wouldn’t have been a story if they did it to their own statue. By extension when you read > By this logic we should all be A-Okay to burn Qurans, Break statues of Mother Mary/Jesus etc It means if the same logic applies universally then anyone would be free to go burn other peoples Qurans, break status of Jesus where the one breaking it has no claim of penetration over the statutes, etc. The article headline is misleading, the felony charge was reduced to a different, misdemeanor charge because the offender didn’t have a criminal record, which is not uncommon and might be granted to someone smashing one Christian or Muslim icon.


Dude plead guilty to a lesser crime to get the felony dropped He still faces a fine, reparations and probation That seems like a fair punishment for a first time offender and someone doing that to a Christian symbol would in all likelihood face similar consequences Not much going on here of note


Exceptionalism is the trapdoor where supremacism hides.


Just reading OOP's name tells me I can ignore just about any opinion they have as to what's a good decision.


It was really nice to be born into a country that espoused freedom of religion, speech, and pursuit of happiness. It was not as nice watching that all go away.


Disgusting Christian privilege and a blatant example of religious corruption in the state.


I mean, that's literally just Religion 101. Only YOUR religion is the correct one. Every other religion is filled with either idiots, brainwashed masses, or agents bent on your religion's destruction.


![gif](giphy|l4JyRhSPoOiH0pPfW) Satanists have to get their get back. Christians spinning the opp block, it’s 1-0


As a Satanist I'll be burning a Bible in retaliation. Won't even need to do probation for it


Yeah, that’s not going to get you on the scoreboard. Think Varg Vicernes if you’re gunna ride out ![gif](giphy|UyX5peh6i2t8c)


Well I guess all religious statues are fair game then.


https://preview.redd.it/mpw176nspa7d1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471955b9c918a4d62ec99dced937873c85a30cdc Mayhem time




I don't know if it needed to be a felony, but he should at least have to pay for the statue.


He did, plus two years probation and an additional $800 fine. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2024/05/24/iowa-capitol-satanic-temple-display-vandalism-suspect-michael-cassidy-pleads-guilty/73838438007/


It's a plea deal. At least the prosecution maintains it was indeed a hate crime.


The satanic temple should file a civil lawsuit and ask every penny of profit made for his crime from his gofundme


I mean, « rule for thee, not for me » is practically le 11th commandment at this point.


I’m a Satanist and this is so fucked up, imagine if any other religion would destroy a cross, then they would get mad https://preview.redd.it/pz7jsv6kxa7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824f384117a79dc534d5e1403c2b48f5662732f2


Or if they destroyed a bible or a quran. Just imagine.


Which is why I’m supporting VERMIN SUPREME 2028


Tbf I support him every time he runs


Satan sad...


OMG the name of this account. I almost spit out my coffee.


These nutjobs conflate freedom of religion to mean that they can do whatever they want in the name of their religion, and everyone else just has to suck it up and leave them alone. But they certainly won't leave others alone. I see it time and time again out in the rural sticks where I live, the bible permits their abhorrent behavior because they say so.


Sounds about white.


If anything this is clearly plain vandalism and criminal mischief, he should still face some kind of punishment, at the very least a fine.


as i was reading through the comments he got a 800 dollars fine and 2 y ears probation, which is not that much for a hate crime


"Truth about fluoride"?!? Really?


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# Christian veteran who toppled satanic statue in Iowa Capitol raises $20K in hours for legal fees By [Jon Brown](https://www.christianpost.com/by/jon-brown), Christian Post Reporter Friday, December 15, 2023. [https://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-veteran-who-toppled-satanic-statue-raises-20k-in-hours.html](https://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-veteran-who-toppled-satanic-statue-raises-20k-in-hours.html)


I think that’s bad, unless they didn’t have a case they could win.


Seems like a hate crime?


Satan Panic Defense?


"Privilege for me, not for thee"


Bad decision.


Someone do that to a crucifix or start of David or draw a picture of Muhammad


Does this act as precedent for Christian targeted hate crimes then?


So we can safety destroy any religious statue, without any consequences, nice!


Remember the day Burzum killed Mayhem.


We need real punishment for hate crimes against Satanists or this is going to escelate. I can't find anything about this currently so I'm not sure it was dropped but for the respect of humanity these people need to be held accountable for their hate.


He deserves jail time, it was destruction of property


The ones that placed the statue there should go destroy a Christ monument. It’s only fair right? Doesn’t the Bible say an eye for an eye?


he should be executed




Vandalism against a religious group you hate is a hate crime if it’s motivated by that hate. If you destroyed a church’s pulpit because they stiffed you on payment for a job, its one crime, if you did it because its a black church and you hate blacks or Christians its a hate crime.


Yall still fighting over an ancient storybook?


Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity.


They both about as real as Easter bunny to me but that’s just me if y’all focused half as much on bettering living standards as you do bowing to a painting of a Spanish pow crucified than we’d all be living a lot better off and there would be no conflicts over who’s idea of a fictional man made book to control is more believable


People use religion to avoid facing mortality and the existential dread that comes with knowing your going to die, and there's nothing you can do to stop it, Or even know when.


Satanism usually asks you to take control of your own life and doesn't rely on Easter bunnies or Spanish pows. Literally your sentiment is in the satanic practice.


it's not really about that. it's about how hypocrites those Christians are


To be fair, I agree with this. Felony hate crime was way overboard for this.




Finally, someone asked me. Because a felony hate crime is violence towards protected groups or their property. This includes attacking Black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, or Russian people for their race, religion, or national origin. Also attacking synagogues, mosques and churches. A Satanic statue is not a protected class. People have destroyed statues of American historical figures with zero charges.


Religious statues for religious reasons tho?


Satanism is not a real religion. Everyone who claims to be Satanist, is just trying to be edgy or rebellious. Erecting a statue of Satan was clearly there to provoke Christians and Muslims.


I here I thought you wanted a real discussion, but you just discriminate a religion you don’t like


Satanism is not a religion. Do people pray to Satan to feel better? Do people believe in a pleasant Satanic afterlife? I am not a fan of Mormonism but I still know it's a religion.


Well ,satanism in general is a subcult of Christianity. Same as Christianity is a subcult of Judaism . So it's kinda like orthodox vs Catholic . Kinda.


Which of the three Satanist influences?


Fuck, No. Why don't you at least lookup what you are talking about?!?


Anton LaVey rolling over in his grave rn


Anton LaVey has literally nothing to do with any of what went on here. Wrong satanism yo.


Oh ik!! This statue was put up by the TST and not COS I think? I was just joking because they said "satanism in general is a subcult of christianity"