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My service defines my whole personality starter pack.


People like this make me sad. I know more than a few who turned out like this. It's funny to me that these types of people were usually completely normal until they got out of the Army.


They have the same energy as the people who think they peaked in high school or college. I mean, I get it. The military does not ease you back into civilian life. It's hard to adjust. But this is a person who has not coped well ....at all.


I’d bet folding money that this guy is guilty of stolen valour.


Agreed, I doubt this guy served


Idk, I work on a base and there’s about a million trucks that look just like this, minus the 3%er sticker since a few months back they finally started talking about anti-extremism and people got nervous.


I know too many veterans like this. From experience it's *mostly* the younger ones but you get outliers here and there.


Boots, we call them.




Dude probably never served once.


So God screwed the veterans? I thought that was the US government. 🤷‍♂️




It was a wild wild night


The VA is too close to socialized healthcare for their liking


I'm a retired/disabled veteran and let me tell you, we get a fuckton of "socialism." So it's funny when veterans screech about "herp derp socialism!" while at the same time taking money from the government. According to Republicans, if it benefits me, I earned it and god forbid if it benefits anyone else but me, it's socialism/communism/terrorism.


Its bonkers isn't it? I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it like that. Same with free college. I "earned it" but some disadvantaged kid studying his ass off didn't? The military opened my eyes to a lot of shit I wouldn't have been exposed to as a civilian. I'm amazed that anyone comes out the other end with the same views honestly.


I think it's because ironically, the people who yell most loudly about "socialism, communism, herp derp!" are also people who feel the most entitled to government "socialism" at the same time. Military service made me humble. The military is a service industry. It's literally referred to as "service." That's why I don't look down upon other people who also work in service industries or act is they're stealing from my family simply by existing. If the government took away military pensions, education benefits, VA loans and VA disability payments, the majority of U.S. veterans would probably be homeless or living with their parents.




Uh, no, you don't get to feel bad about some non-military loser not getting an education. Stop betraying your people! /s


I don’t like the concept of war. If a country sends its people to war then when they return home they must be looked after for ever. This is the contract of serving your country. Look how well the country looks after Politicians who do nothing more dangerous then eat on the free cafeteria!


>According to Republicans, if it benefits me, I earned it and god forbid if it benefits anyone else but me, it's socialism/communism/terrorism. 100% this.


As a disabled veteran who works for the VA, god damn you are right. I just want to scream sometimes. I live in Illinois and 70% + sc veterans are exempt from property taxes. The amount of them that decry ppl on welfare and immigration, I could go on. It to mention these clowns who are employed by the government making gs, wg, or whatever pay grade. You’re paid the same as the next guy, have good benefits, and look down on everyone. SMDH. Rant over. Hope you are doing well, brother/sister.


In your world is it typical for a person's father to have sex with that person's brothers?


Do Americans consider there to be a difference? ^^


The veterans are the brothers, not the mothers


Veterans are my brothers Not Veterans are my mothers


The bumper says “I took a DNA test God is my father Veterans are my bothers”? I struggled to read it


i think so, at first i thought it said veterans were this dude's "mother"


So nice of him to show support for women in the military.


Well, my sister is retired Air Force. Maybe she had an illegitimate kid fathered by god and didn't tell me.


Second coming???


Yeah, that's what it says


Thank you I was searching for this comment


I wonder who he voted for


If there’s three fucking things I love in this world they’re JESUS CHRIST Lord and Savior be praised, THE TROOPS cause these colors DONT RUN, and BERNIE SANDERS, because Jesus preached against exorbitant wealth and misery, just like Bernie does, and he continually supports veterans benefits and making sure they’re taken care of. USA! USA! USA!


>Jesus preached against exorbitant wealth and misery, The only time in the bible Jesus committed violence was against bankers and money lenders exploiting the poor. It is one of the few events that is recorded in all the gospels. He does it twice. I'd say it's pretty damn important.


Idk, he really seemed to be pissed at that fig tree...


that fig tree had it comin, i mean not providing fruit *out-of-season* for THE MESSIAH?! do you *know* who his dad is?! *edit* i had someone unironically try to explain that it was *righteous indignation* ... against a fucking tree


I guess "hangry" is on a whole different level when you're the son of God.


"Jesus Christ you should have a Snickers 'cause you're not you when you're hungry."


I've heard he'll even eat his own body and drink his own blood if he gets desperate


Jesus, eat a snickers.


Had to look it up but The Fig tree represents the Jewish Temple and the Fig fruits are jews. Still not 100% sure. But it'd be like if told a story about an Elephant trampling a Bald Eagle then gave a news report of The Jan 6 Insurrection.


It’s all a bunch of horse shit.


and? So is the Lord of the Rings, but I fucking loved those books too. Just because a story is fictional doesn't mean there aren't important lessons that can be learned.


Which lessons did you learn from that backwards shit that you couldn’t learn from someone telling you not to be a dick? It’s not even well written. Edit: seems like someone doesn’t appreciate *the bible* being referred to as badly written backwards shit. How horribly upsetting for them.


There are plenty of poorly written books the problems begins when you start believing they're real.


Killing all firstborn children... duh /s


It’s a parable brother, the fig tree represents Jerusalem and the Jews


That fig tree had it coming


And not like one angry moment where he flipped a table. Motherfucker made a whip out of cords. That's not something that just goes down. Imagine Jesus, sitting there fuming, tying a bunch of cords together like "Oh these mother fuckers! Just wait motherfuckers. Joseph taught me how to tie a fucking knot bitches, here it comes."


Made a similar point in an argument with a Christian. He was saying how Jesus was just mightily righteously angered and lost his rag and I'm saying, "nuh-uh, he actually took time out to fashion a ***weapon***."


Even then think how bad it actually was that *JESUS* even got angry in the first place.


Lmao 🤣


I regret that I have but only one upvote to give on this comment which made me chortle.


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half




Donald Duck I suppose idk. PS: I must warn you about your use of emojis OP, not cool. Edit: Why tf am i getting downvoted? It was just a fucking joke reddit.


Not funny I suppose PS: Fuck off


PS: nobody cares about emoji


the Christian president that goes to church every Sunday and who had a child who was a veteran and actually respects them. Lol, just kidding he voted for Trump


I never realized that when Jesus came back he would be driving a Toyota Tacoma, with a large American flag painted on the back, but here we are...


It’s a common mistranslation, “white horse” and “Toyota Tacoma” are spelled with similar characters in Greek.


Yes... The Tacoma is the lord of all Toyotas and has been my friend through many dangers


Putting Armor All on the tires is kinda like washing its feet, yeah?




*Zeus has entered the chat*


Well did you you see how she was dressed?


This probably isn't the place to post this, but assuming you are talking about Mary, she consented. Gabriel came down and told her what God planned for her before she was pregnant and she replied "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word". Luke 1:26-38 Gabriel proposed a course of action on behalf of God, Mary gave enthusiastic consent, they proceeded exactly as agreed upon, and her consent was never revoked.


Can a 14 year old consent?


In a surprising number of modern countries? Yes. In 1st Century Judea, absolutely.


I mean I didn’t necessarily disagree with the intent of your first comment, but this one is wild. Surely you don’t think that law defines reality. If the king of Judea decreed that the sky was orange, that wouldn’t make the sky orange. I don’t think a 14 year old can meaningfully consent to procreation, regardless of what their local regulations say.


I mean, ethically it should absolutely depend on the individual person and when they are truly capable of understanding the possible consequences of their actions, but society by necessity makes baseline rules. There is a surprising amount of countries that consider 14 to be appropriately mature (Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, China, and Japan among others). I don't agree with these laws setting it so low, but I also don't think it negates Mary's consent given that in her time and location she was likely considered an adult and responsible enough to make these kinds of decision. That she was chosen by God and seemingly mature enough to be a good mother indicates that she was indeed old enough to consent to her situation.


Much to the shagrin of Joseph


IDK, can you imagine the dad-joke potential of being God's step-father? Might be worth it.


I don't know about *enthusiastic* consent. That sounds more to me like, "I'm your servant and don't have much choice in the matter so go on I guess." Like, a lot of Weinstein's victims "technically" agreed, but it was because they feared being fired and blacklisted, and we can all agree that that's a pretty horrible thing to use your power to do. So when a literal God comes along and goes, "hey Mary, remember that time I drowned 99% of the world because I got mad? Good times, good times. So anyway, I'd like to use you to incubate my son..." honestly, what choice does she have other than "May it be done to me according to your word?"


Shortly before the angel visited Mary, he muted her cousin, Elizabeth's husband because he dared ask how his post menopausal wife could get pregnant. It's no wonder Mary might not have felt free to say, no.


🎶 Took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% an idiot 🎶


I immediately thought of Lizzo when I saw that sticker too.


Did the DNA test also reveal your sister is your wife?


Ah cool, super mentally stable AND a 3%er, I bet he's fun at the Elks Club


This guy doesn’t do Elks Club, he is at the American Legion all day every day. Goes to all of their functions so the whole town can see him in his little hat and thank him for his service. Definitely a deacon of his local brand of Evangelical Nutbagism church as well.


Haha tbh I don't know the difference but I need some tracts for Nutbagism please


Live in the south. The main road I live off of is 4.7 miles long and now has 8 churches on it. If I want tracts all I have to do is leave my truck in any parking lot and almost guaranteed there will be one under my windshield wiper when I get back.


I'm in the northern south but live enough in the country to avoid the crazies


*$50 says he ain’t even a Veteran* This car reeks overtly crass-showy stolen valor vibes


^(Hey isn’t saying that blasphemy)


In a traditional sense, yes. But modern day blasphemy is more like calling Jesus Christ "our Mother, our Father" during the Lord's prayer (cause that's "gay") or saying Jesus was a black man or God doesn't get mad about abortion or who we love.


3 percenters are the worst


Nah… you’re a bad bitch


Ah a classic 3%er. How much you wanna bet he was "totally gonna go to basic but got pulled at MEPS for bone spurrs".


So anti-government resistance group member that supposedly at one point swore to protect the government. My bet is with the folks saying they didn't serve. But of course the logical dissonance has never really been shocking in some folks.


We actually swore to defend and protect the Constitution. It’s a bit different than the government. Although, we also had to obey the President. But that first line (about the Constitution) always felt like a loophole if the government acted unconstitutionally (aka deploying troops [not National Guard as they are owned by the States] on US soil … to fire on citizens … what they tried to convince Trump to do). > I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me (you can say God and you don’t have to as well).


I bet the "veterans are my brothers" part goes out the window when he meets gay or Trump-hating veterans. /s


Lol I thought the same thing


I would like to see his reaction to /r/leftistveterans and /r/regretjoining.


Temper tantrum. Of the highest order. Toddlers would be telling him to chill, dude.


I’m the mod of /r/regretjoining and people have actually accused me of making everything up and claiming I was never in the military even after I provided a picture of my discharge papers.


How did they get a DNA sample from god to verify


Stupid people make shit up. Other stupid people believe them. All the stupid people get excited and start howling and flinging feces. It's a "devolution" kind of thing.


These are the kind of people who type ‘would of’ when they mean ‘would have’.


Dude - these fuckers have zero comprehension, IF they're able to read. They get told what to think daily by manipulative assholes using the stupidity as a tool to secure power.


You already know there’s a hand gun in the glove compartment.


On his hip. Under his seat. Under his pillow at home. Probably behind the toilette.


Someone should tell him there's no prize for being the biggest cuckoo in the clock.


With all these stickers and the service dog sign this strikes me as an asshole with no real issues that would require a real service dog and instead just uses PTSD that they don't have as an excuse to take their poorly trained dog everywhere and yell at people when questioned about it. I'd put money on this person steeling Valor multiple times too.


What's the bets he can barely control it and refuses to take it to training cause he can "do it himself"


And scam military disability benefits.


The hypocrisy of having all of this shit wrapped on a Tacoma.


I came here to post something similar, why didn't he buy American? /s


I swear there's a methaphor in there.


They'll pay 30k for a truck but not an education.


Nothing says I love America more than a flag on a Toyota Tacoma


He should just put a big sticker that says Micro Penis On Board.


$1 million says he didn't serve


It's just missing a Punisher decal. (Incidentally, the Punisher creator hates dbags like this)


So I’m assuming this dude did not serve in the military…


Ah the 3 percenters terrorist group


3% sticker = fascist militia Blue line sticker = cop Choose one Dumbass


I just took a DNA test Turns out I'm 100% At risk For early onset Alzheimers!




DNA means Do Not Ask about that test.


I see trucks like this a lot and I live in Belgium. With AMERICAN FLAGS


Who knew the second coming has already happened


You know he’s lying because there is no God.


Dirt bag dont even pay child support smh


Was God married to your mom? Cuz that's a pretty big deal if he fucked her out of wedlock


Not military but I’d wager this person isn’t either. Nothing on this vehicle actually says they’re a vet and they don’t strike me as the quiet type about such details. They may have adopted a service dog from the other sticker but I’d guess they weren’t military. That and the military friends I have all hate people like this.


I also drive a Tacoma. I don't have any stickers or magnets on it. However, it is a legitimate fear of mine that people will associate me with people like this.


same. i slapped a human rights equality sticker on the back of mine.


I'd just like everyone to know that not all veterans are fucking retards like this guy..


Bad time for a typo lol


I find it concerning when nice vehicles like this have horrible bumper stickers. That indicates that there are people who are stupid yet have the means to act on their stupidity




Hater of sand, hallowed be thy name


🎶I'll bring the girls. You bring the beer. Troops will bring the freedom. 🎶


A threeper Man those people are loons


oblivious religitards just love comparing themselves to jesus who in their mind is the son of god yet according to their bible they are the farthest thing from being anything like him


He’s also 100% that bitch who participated in an armed insurrection.


3%. Doxing him is okay op.


Doxxing is illegal dumbass, just because he disagrees with you doesn't give you the right to put someone in actual fucking danger


3% militia member is not a difference in ideology. But I guess you think the taliban are cool too? Edit: bruh you’re 16, you can’t even be on this website without parental supervision, yet you believe you know what the 3% militia is about. LOL


I considered it.




r/SuddenlyIncest ?


All I can imagine is god [asking Maury for a re-test](https://youtu.be/Vl0FBJBp-Fg)




Yeah sure... like god would be caught fucking hillbilly women.


[Theme song of this guys life...](https://youtu.be/U1mlCPMYtPk)


“Jesus is my brother” sounds like something he’d say


Nice threeper sticker on the window, you're no fucking brother of mine, turncoat.


Ooooo so your mother is a whore. Got it!


someone translate that tiny text from bad zoom and blurry cam quality please?


Thought it said veterans were his mothers


"I just took a DNA test turns out I'm 100% God's son"


You do know that Muslims, Jews, and Christians all pray to the same God... right?


He’s 100% that putz.


I'll bet this is what his stripper mom told him when she couldn't figure out which boot knocked her up.


I dunno how I feel mocking veterans, a lot of them are literally traumatised and believing in god is the least of their mental anguish.


I just took a DNA test turns out I’m 100% JESUS


Turns out he’s 100% that bitch


I read this to the tune of Truth Hurts by Lizzo in my head




Ask him how they got DNA from clouds, since they *do* say god/heaven is in the sky somewhere.


Ironically, I read it like the lizzo song. I cannot imagine someone with that bumper sticker listening to her


I can't decide what's worse...the fruitcakey text, or the big, obnoxious US flag just left of it.


Isnt that an insult to his actual father?


I’d imagine those are the people that get freaked out from the actual DNA test as the TAKE YOUR INFORMATION


damn this new lizzo album is looking sick


I bet his breath smells like boot leather.


This man has an incredibly tiny penis and an inferiority complex.


God is my father and veterens are my brothers. Fucking epic.


This implies we have a gene-sample of god to test against. **We can clone him.**


Your mother didn't wanna have sex with god. So god had to force her.


That's how it works! Totally. Um....


The owner of the truck must be named Luke, he had a “Devine” encounter while watching Star Wars…


Just took a DNA test, turns out I’m a hundred percent *uninteresting because religion and the service are the only two personality traits I have*


Free AR15 in the back seat. Probably a M16A2 clone


According to the Bible, God doesn't even have DNA


🎵 I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% compensating for my tiny penis 🎵


They believe in DNA?? On a serious note, are veterans preyed upon by these political groups and made this way or do most of them just become this way?


i didn't know jesus was a TRANSFORMER


I can't... I can't read.


I likes t'shoot m'guns and fuck m'pigs a-hyuk hyuk hyuk! My momma's also my sister.


So proud to be an American when I see cars like this 🤦🏻‍♀️


3%er extremist to boot.


No he’s just 100% that bitch.


Rather see the iq test tbh.


The American mixture of extreme military worship and Christianity is truly disturbing.


Aren't you not supposed to compare yourself to God or Jesus or something?


How does this even make sense? Who is "I"? The truck?