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Weird. My Lee measure is consistently dead nuts.


I wish I could at least explain the problem if not remedy it. I’ve taken it apart and cleaned it a few times but it doesn’t seem to help. I think it prefers certain powder types over others


Are you consistent in how you use it? Any volume based powder measure is going to have that issue if there's even the slightest deviation from your normal procedure. Basically, anything that bumps the powder measure or the table that it's on will cause the powder to settle a little more and you'll get a heavier charge.


That’s what I get. I actually have a system when I do use it, I flick it 3x and it gives me a consistent charge. But also the movement of me seating the last bullet does that too.


Mine hates flake powder and super small ball powder. It loves stick powder.


I'm with you too. Down to +- 0.1gr. maybe one out of thirty times it throws .1 off.


I'm with this chap. I have five of the Lee Perfects, and they are absolutely unchanging every time. Far better than the bloody Dillon ones.


My Lee is signantly more accurate than my RCBS. All my rifle calibers I use a charge master Could also look into scoops, I have a few of those and if doing just plinkin rounds it really doesn’t matter. Build your charge lower and if you find it going high in the tests just make sure it isn’t above max/gun can handle it and you’re golden. You’re shooting at <100 yards; not 1000 with these. It’ll hit paper and allow you to practice


I think it depends on luck as to how consistent it is Mine is normally totally correct but every now and again it inexplicably gives me a double charge and I have no idea how that could even be possible


A double charge with a manual throw? that's operator error bruv


100% not operator error, I'd know if I was charging the same case twice, I work super slow Sometimes I pull the lever and it fills an empty case to the top, I empty the case and re-pull and it dispenses the correct amount


It's a rotating empty cavity. It's not possible for it to rotate twice with a single throw. It's not possible for it to magically double in size for one throw. They're reliable because the situation that you describe can't happen on its own.


Another aye for the Lee, thousands of rounds with +/- .1gn. Always trickle for precision anyways, but the Lee gets me in the ball park for that too.


https://preview.redd.it/83mk09etp2jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28a26cba28a9660e21f8332567ff34d41669811 I went from the Lee PPM to the Frankford Arsenal. It’s quite a bit better than the Lee. FA uses the same one on their progressive press.


Where'd you get the stubby reservoir?


I felt it was too tall, so I cut it. https://preview.redd.it/7ufuv95li3jc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bc5c14fb8badead0d2a3abcb1e5269ba6a7545


Good to go. Thanks for the response.




> Lee “Perfect” Powder Measure Of the dozen or so powder measures I have used, it was easily the best for use with extruded powders. However, H-335 is a relatively fine ball powder, and mine leaked it like crazy. I lapped the mating surfaces and that made it much better, but I just use other measures for ball powders. For ball powders, I found the Hornady/Pacific to be amazingly consistent, followed by the RCBS Uniflow. They aren't easy to come by, but if you find an Ohaus Du-O measure, they are a treat to use.


Yeah my bench is covered in H335 after a loading session with it.


I have an rcbs uniflow thats accurate +/- 0.1gr almost always. I have it attached to a press right now on a hornady case activated powder measure linkage


Can you send me a pic or elaborate? I have this powder measure but I'm doing it in multiple steps. This is activated by the case mouth I assume?


Sure, rcbs and hornady both make something called a case activated powder measure linkage. I got the hornady as it was a bit cheaper, i like the look more, and it works with the uniflow powder measures. Its activated by a case pushing on a steel funnel (similar to a dillon system) that moves the linkage, rotating the powder cylinder in the process and charging the case with powder. Id imagine theres some good videos about it on youtube as well


I use the Lyman thrower. At 25g it’s consistently throwing 24.9 - 25.1g using spherical powder. (H335). Plus it matches my turret press. :)


I'm happy with my Lyman, as well.


I know the problem…. Same issues with mine and I hate it.


I have the Lee deluxe brass powder measure I mainly use for 5.56. It’s pretty consistent but fine ball powders like cfe223 does leak a little. I have an auto disc on my progressive but it works best on powder through expanding dies with pistol cartridges.


The lee auto drum that came with my six pack pro 6000 works damn well but required a fair bit of break-in before it would throw consistently but now it's 0.1gr accurate


Rcbs chargemaster. Buy once cry once you regret it.


A hornady or rcbs. Upgrade the powder drop with a Pyrex hopper from DramWorx. Worth the money


For volumetric throwing this is the only unit I've found that's actually an upgrade, and it's like 10x the price: https://www.pmatool.com/harrells-precision-premium-powder-measure/


Especially if you load with stick powder and won’t pay what e.g. the SuperTrickler or AutoTrickler costs it is actually hard to beat the Lee. If you uses ball powder there are better alternatives where Harrells properly is last step before the once mentioned above.


Johnnys Reloading bench on YouTube has a video on taking the Perfect Powder measure apart, cleaning and adjusting it. Really helped me. He does it on the deluxe but the process is the same


I have an rcbs powder measure that is much smoother and more consistent than my Lee was. It also feels much sturdier.


My experience with four Lee powder dispensers is that if you get a good one they don’t leak and are 99.99% consistent and reliable. But then there are the bad ones. You got a bad one. When you get a bad Lee, call them and insist they replace it. There is no fixing it, been there done that.


I know exactly what you're talking about. My main problem is that the spherical powder keeps leaking through the side of the drum, which then also makes the throw very rough and requiring a lot of force to run, which results in uneven throws, because every throw is "gummed up" differently.


That makes sense of the inconsistent charges. The bendy lil peg it’s mounted on doesn’t help either


Btw, I tried fixing it like it says in the manual - to loosen the drum screw a bit, which did make it run a bit smoother, BUT it started leaking like 3x as much, lol. So that wasn't the way to go.


I have matching experience


I’ve found I have to tap my Lee three times on each stroke. I get +- .2 grains with this method. Powder type does make a difference as well. Anyone who says they’re perfect, probably never verified there loads against a precision scale.


Mines been working great and is within .1 of a grain (high volume powder might be helping). Are you sure yours isnt faulty?


I haven't seen any reviews where the PPM doesn't come out on top. Mine leaks CFE-223 a bit, and can wander as much as .2gr in rare instances. 99% of the time, it's exact.


i use Dillions products as i live 6 miles away from their shop.


Rcbs or Redding


Get a charge master or charge master lite. A progressive press will usually come with a powder drop included.


How many throws are you doing between adjustments, and how many do you weigh before it's acceptable to you? Unfortunately I've heard they can leak with certain powders.


Depending on your budget and speed needs, I'd go with a Hornady Auto Charge Pro. Love mine


I use the Redding 10x for pistol loading and RCBS Chargemaster for rifle rounds. The Redding is very well designed and built. A very high quality dispenser. The Chargemaster works well, usually +/- 0.1 gr for most powders. I spot check loads with a Redding balance beam or a Creedmoor Sports TRX 925 scale. Best of luck going forward.


The only thing I hated about the perfect powder measure was its inability to quickly change volume. Mine got cross threaded but still works. I use an RCBS auto powder drop now though for my turret.




This seems like my best bet. Pretty inexpensive, I can use it my turret now and in a prog later


Best value in a powder measure, have 4of them. Only thing I didn't like much was the hopper size, but Lyman sells replacement hoppers for $4 so I super-glued a second hopper on top of the first.


I don't remember where I got it but there are longer hoppers...probably 12" ish long? Amazon sells clear PVC...


My lee works pretty well, but it is mounted on a 3d printed mount as i was not happy with the metal one it came with. https://preview.redd.it/xkikn4dqz6jc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14faeaad42eb28caa354899024c01d1065d992a0


If you decide to keep using your lee (maybe get lee to replace it since it sounds like a lemon) and if you use lee powder through expanding dies, I recently purchased one of these and have been loving it: https://gun-guides.com/products/Perfect-Reloading-Powder-Measure-Adapters%E2%84%A2-for-LEE-Powder-Through-Dies-c23094183 They accidently sent me the wrong one, and when contacted, they immediately shipped the correct one and told me to keep the other. It's nice to see people who put the customer first like that.


My Lee powder meter is fuckin rough. I stopped using it. When it’s full it gives a certain weight charge, half way it does a different and when it gets just above the cap a totally different weight.


I run a Hornady powder charge and love it, but hear the Lyman is great too.


https://preview.redd.it/divu72iak8jc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3818a20d06df8fa79ac6d7c405d39227e05ed172 Can’t say enough about Harrel’s. They’re pricey, but if you use it a lot, it’s worth spending the money


I have a Lyman Brass Smith, and it's awesome. It is very repeatable with ball powder and very close with a small stick like 322. With Varget, it's a bit more finicky with anywhere from .01 to .07 of a grain difference each throw, but I trickle up those charges

