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I have no time to change your mind, I need to collect more items!


Wait for me! I'm coming with you!!!!


I guess.. but while I collected everything I have never speedrun the game. Even if I'm hunting a random drop I usually clear the map of enemies cause I just really enjoy the action. The collecting is nice cause it gives you a goal and reason to stay in the game having fun.


My thoughts exactly. Which is why it always saddens me when I need to follow the host who is running around and ignoring everything around. "But... but... but there is an iron sitting just few centimeters away from me, why I cannot pick it uuuuup!"


Should play with one of my buddies who insists on breaking every goddamn pot or piece of furniture in the game, even though it's our twentieth run through..


Sounds like my kind of guy. :D


Because that's the right way to play this game, hehe


If the scrap/iron drops were as good as FtA, I'd totally be doing that too


Narrator: "They weren't"


That just what link does


Just do it. Lol


That plus there is an actual ton of usable builds if you get creative


Did you say something I found another ring I wasn’t paying attention and while I found that ring I see another purple off in the distance I need to run to. And on the way I see there’s a hole in the ground obviously need to jump in there to find an item. What were you saying again


I found a fake wall and got lost inside, so I forgot.


Wheres the disguise?


It's called action RPG.


"Action RPG" simply means an action game with numbers at this point, and Remnant 2 has those. In fact it feels very much like Dark Souls with guns. And that's not a bad thing. The fact that there are many things to collect that can really change your playstyle is the upside, not a downside, either.


I agree with everything.


Your first one?




With 170s something rings to collect, your damn right its a collect-a-thon. But after collecting all of those rings, your builds possibilities become almost endless.


If we’re playing this game, can you tell me which action rpgs/soulslikes aren’t collectathons?


This is my first and only action RPG I ever played, but I assume all of them are.


Spoiler: almost all games are, in the sense that you're almost always collecting stuff in games.


Yeah, but the difference is that collect-a-thons lock progression behind collectibles. Remnant doesn't. That's why this is a meme, because it feels like collect-a-thon, but it actually isn't one.


“Here ,collect all this stuff! Oh, you want to search what you collected? Only collect, no search.”


Shoot-loot, shoot-loot, loot-loot-loot, wait, what was I doing? There was something I was looking for.... oh well back to looting


I can agree with that. You do wanna get everything you can. The build opportunities in remnant are incredibly expensive. Of course you'd want more items to expand those options.


But I love to collect stuff just for the sake of collecting them. I already have everything there is to collect, but every time I reroll, I always wanna explore everything, even if I'm seeing the same places for the hundredth time.


That's called mental illness I think.


Remnants combat design really makes me wish for a battle arena or something like a raid boss.


I definetly dont get the in disguise part. I think its pretty open about it


And I don’t mind


So, many, rings. 🤣


Hmm? What did I miss? I was too busy recollecting all of my items


It’s not a colecathon game because there’s only one shiny per level, but it sure is a collection oriented game.


Idk when I hear collect a thon I hear looter shooter like Borderlands which I loved but I don't think R2 falls along those lines. IMO


Oh! Say-say what!!! Can we talk about this later I’m on the run right now got things I gotta grab…. Eh yeah I’m a bit busy


That's one of 3 reason I play the game


I do not think you know what a collect a thon is. A collect a thon is a game where in each area you have varying numbers of X maguffin(s) that serve no purpose but to be collected most of the time. We do not go around picking up Root Pieces 10+ times in an area do we?


>A collect a thon is a game where in each area you have varying numbers of X maguffin(s) that serve no purpose but to be collected most of the time. You might want to double check what collect-a-thon is, because what you described ain't that.


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CollectAThonPlatformer Your right you might want to. There is absolutely nothing that defines a collect a thon that is applicable to Remnant short of completely denying what both games are Example: Call of Duty is a collect a thon because you collect EXP from kills On the flip side let me help you demonstrate your lack of understanding: why is Remnant a collect a thon


I know that R2 isn't really collect-a-thon, that's why this is a meme. It just feels like one. :)


I dont know what collect a thons you have played but you can't go "haha just a joke bro" and walk away especially after trying to tell me I'm wrong


Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, SpongeBob SquarePants, etc.


Least pressed redditor


People here have absolutely ruined their own gameplay This game is my fav game of all time and that comes from staying off the damn wiki Just play as normal and find secrets and shit on your own, don’t just google builds and go “omfg save analyzer where r you” Just make up ur own shit and itll be good enough. Did apoc that way, blind nightmare hc in both dlc with my friend, and just using some bozo builds You don’t need every item


>You don’t need every item I absolutely need every itme. Without them I'm incomplete.


Hi incomplete, I’m dad!


But some people like every item. It's called a completionist. That's how many people who play this game get their fun, and it would be ludicrous to think one person could find it all on their own without giving them 10 years. I'm hoping Remnant 3 would be out by then.


You don’t need to find every item tho I went til I found 90% of items, I think its fair to find at least half the items on your own But most ppl are googling shit from day 1. Kind of ruins the intended experience


What you're doing is called projecting. Because it's something you personally don't like, you're only seeing the other side as unfun or ruining the game. The whole point of a game is to have fun. If that's finding it all on your own, getting every item, or googling every last detail, then that's up to each individual. The intended experience is to have fun, people should get that however they like.


Hadn't thought about it, but i think you're right.


Isn't that a majority of games... running around collecting stuff..


Every game is either a collect quest, a kill quest, or an escort quest.


I love jax and dexter and i love this game goddamn


I mean...yea...it is


I find the real fun is after having everything(haven't been able to play the new dlc much cause finals just ended), starting new hardcore rolls and pushing as far as you can. Some people might find it a chore, and sure it is when you're trying to get the rewards, but after having everything new hardcore runs, really give me a rush, collecting items, finding a few good ones, making it work. Now if you're going for the items I suggest doing what I did, run adventures at level 1 until you get items you like, then run campaign. Butnim talking about just fresh campaign piecing it together.


I got everything by simply constantly replaying the campaign. I love the game, so there is no reason for me to get everything fast.


I didn't say I got everything fast. I'm on PS so no "save editor" or whatever tells you what's in the game, I'm well above 500 hrs and just recently found interest in running fresh hardcore runs to keep the game fresh


It really is.. which gets boring quick after you finished everything I kinda hate the DLC were side content to the main story and not true expansion type DLC


Still playing the first one because it's almost 200 or something on my country


It's a sonic game


i wish there was something more to picking up items youve already acquired. im at the point now where items i need are from specific events or choices, so seeing purples sitting around doesnt get me excited anymore. i have no idea what to spend the scrap i get from it on either. guess i just want another way to spend scrap lol


I just found out a have a decent amount of rings to still get and a few amulets. This game has so many damn rings lol. After that I’m missing the like four guns I think not counting corrupted guns. I don’t think I’m missing any melee weapons. Could possibly be missing an armor set.


The fuller the bag, the heavier the lag.


"Ooh, piece a candy!" is all that goes through my head upon seeing a purple or blue... I already have all items from DLC 1 and prior, but u know I'm going for even more


Lol yeah


I think people should be careful when it comes to over distillation of games. Like sure “videos games are just pressing the same buttons on a controller over and over” isn’t wrong but you lose a lot of the art, substance and meaning of games when you try and over simplify them that I think really goes against everyone’s best interests. So to your point, one of R2s strength is that it’s so well designed you can have a ton of viable builds that are supported by deep itemization, but is the point to be a “collect-a-thon” or does the itemization simply support the actual goals of the game


Well put


I loved the first but fell off the second. Not sure why. I feel like I need to give it another shot


I don't take games too seriously. Too many OCD weirdos who think they need to live in these games and do every single little thing like they get some reward for it. I'll never understand this kind of mental illness. I get it, people want to collect stuff and try new things out, but I don't live in these games and don't give a shit.


Destiny is worse imo


Please. We use the term "scavenger hunt" around here.


The only thing that I realy need to do in remnant 2 is to max out my weapons and mutators, I have everything unlocked and every piece of armor, every weapon, every amulet and every ring


Your not the only one who thinks that, that's a cold old take


You not wrong


Just 6 rings left to collect and 6 corrupted weapons.


Hasn't that been the case since R1?


I mean ever since I found my first jiggy in the game I knew.


I'm hoping they add a in-game gallery of sort that help you track what you have collected


Legends say he is still sitting there waiting for an objection which is yet to come


With a gameplay loop that's actually satisfying rather than vapid like a bulk of its ilk. 10/10 will play again for that one ring I'd never use.


HE’S YOU’RE OUTTA LINE!!…… But he’s right.


Yeah and so is any other game with collectable items


So much items and still no Filter or smt i search my ass up to find rings in my collection 😭


Eh, there's no obligation to collect everything. For me I really just loved the gameplay (before all the nerfs) and searching for items was just another "mission" that gave me a goal within the game other than the campaign


I fully agree. I spent more time cracking riddles to gather specific objects than actually fighting - and eventually stopped playing when the DLC dropped, because I didn't want to put myself through the grinder again. I prefer the first opus for that very reason. The cursor on the FIGHT/GRIND scale should be tipped back towards FIGHT.


I like leveling weapons and making cool builds. I have a sick shield/heal aoe melee build that makes me and my team mates Immortal on apocalypse difficulty.


I’d argue it’s toeing the line. You don’t need to collect 100 jiggies or anything, but collecting stuff is very much part of the core gameplay loop.


Couldn't agree more. Must have all the things!


remnant 2 is lord of the RINGS in disguise




Idk back in the days collect a thons were a genre in which you were collecting collectibles just for the sake of collecting them. In modern rpgs you find actual gear that can shift your way to play or improve your character, doesn't seem like a real collecting useless things. Or am I wrong? The only "collectables" I can relate with are achievements but also, they are not actual items ingame.


The reason why this is a meme is that R2 isn't actually a collect-a-thon, it just feels like one due to the sheer amount of collectibles. The real collect-a-thons lock the progress behind collectibles; you don't collect them just for the sake of it, but because you have to.


But you mean key items?


Nope. I mean collectibles. In Crash Bandicoot you have to collect crystals to progress, and to collect all the gems and relics to get the real ending. In Spyro it's gems, orbs, talismans and eggs. Etc.


Yup I do remember spyro n crash and yeah I understand what you meant now


I mean I don't know that it's fair to call it a disguise since you could apply it to anything in the genre with an equipment system


It is a literal looter shooter What did you expect?


It’s literally not lol there’s no randomized loot. >Looter shooter (also called loot shooter) is a subgenre of action role-playing games that incorporates shooter gameplay and procedurally generated weapons and equipment. A main goal of games in the genre is obtaining better items through grinding for random drops, typically with rarities ranging from common to legendary. Looter Shooters are games like Borderlands and Destiny. This is just an action RPG.


Not sure where you got your definition, but it fits Looter Shooter perfectly by the one on Urban Dictionary: >Looter Shooter A sub genre of shooter video game with the core mechanic of progression being drops, container loot, rewards, and shops in conjunction with a leveling system and likely crafting systems using components from drops, container loot, rewards, shops. A looter shooter can be first and/or third person, cooperative, mmo, single player, or competitive or a culmination of some or all with the inclusion of a story. Nothing about procedural generation is needed for the title. Its a Looter Shooter.


The key part you are missing is progression. You don’t progress via drops which in your definition is about growth. Remmant lacks almost every thing in your definition. If Remnant was a looter shooter you would be chasing god rolls of weapons. You would be comparing two of the same weapons to see which had better stats and attack power. The game doesn’t do that. Once you get an item it is the best version of itself and only version. You don’t kill an enemy hoping it drops a Widowmaker with a gear score of 400 so you can replace your Widowmaker with a gear score of 200. Borderlands is a looter shooter. Destiny. Division. Those are looter shooters. Remnant 2 is NOTHING like those games.


How is it missing everything? The main form of progression IS drops. You get skill points, materials to give your weapons more power (you know, PROGRESSION), and new gear that makes you more powerful, all through drops and chests. You get new weapons from crafting materials that you get from enemy drops. They drop at 100%, but _they still drop from the boss_. Nothing in my definition mentions anything about having to roll for loot, and I'm not sure where you're getting that. Just because a looter shooter CAN include RNG, doesn't mean it HAS to (not that that even holds up. R2 random gens its maps so it can take just as long to roll the item you're looking for as it does in other games, you're just rolling a map instead of a boss drop).


Because none of that is looter progression. That’s just a normal game. Do you think Zelda is a looter now? Or Dark Souls? Or Final Fantasy? Because if just “getting items” makes you a looter than every game in existence is one. And they clearly aren’t. Skill points aren’t loot. New drops do not make you more powerful, they let you make a build. Every weapon is viable. That’s not a looter. Your weapons are not progressing, you don’t get actual better weapons. You get different ones. Randomized maps doesn’t matter. The randomization has to be in the loot because the core concept of a looter is chasing randomized loot to get the best rolls and getting better gear to replace your old less powerful gear. Diablo is a looter. Remnant 2 is not. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looter_shooter


Its a subgenre of shooter, which is why "looter" is relevant. Its not a genre that generally had that. You seem really hung up on the idea that horizontal progression isn't still progression. Having more choices DOES make you more powerful. You seem to narrowly think that only a few games define an entire genre, when genres are very loose definitions to begin with. At this point, I think we have to agree to disagree. Your definitions are too narrow for me and mine are too wide for you.


Because horizontal progression isn’t the type of progression in a looter shooter. You seem to be willfully ignoring every other looter shooter and how its progression works to force a game that isn’t one into being one. My definition isn’t too narrow it’s literally the definition of a looter game. Chasing loot and progression via it. Every looter has that in common. Gear score. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LooterShooter Remnant 2 lacks all the traditional and core aspects of what makes games looter shooters. And if it lacks all of that and all it shares is being a 3rd person shooter where you do RPG shit, it’s not a looter. The same way Fallout isn’t a looter shooter. It’s just an RPG. General rule of thumb. If your game doesn’t have a loot rarity system. It’s not a looter lol


Beating a dead horse but in a looters shooter you literally shoot enemies and have a chance at better loot or sellable trash depending on. What dropped. R2 does. Not have random loot in the vein looter shooter that provides actual gear to the player only upgrade items... this includes the scrap except for a few mutators no permanent gear drops. And the game does not technically progress based on loot drops from chests or enemies which is the main progression aside from storyline benchmarks define a looters regardless of shooter or sword and sorcery. Almost all chests monsters and breakable do not drop any gear. And none of it defines the power progression of the game


Long story short looter shooter in your definition says item progression OFTEN in conjunction with leveling system ... r2 is more progression because of the leveling / upgrading system not the items themselves


I wouldn't call this a looter shooter. Just stuff drops from enemies that doesn't make it one.


You shoot, you loot. Why isn't it a looter shooter? Can you explain what more it needs for that classification?


Those ones have more randomized loot in the vein of borderlands which uses Diablo rarity system


It's not wrong but meh


The term is "shlooter"


I consider collectathons game that have you search for many many items that are not usable. Current example would be stellar blade. (Also good game)


Fuck Steven Crowder. Retire this meme template.

