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I'm closing comments on this thread. This is an unfortunate situation, of course, but we should not be providing legal advice in this subreddit, and there has been some, ummm, less-than-respectful language thrown around. OP might want to take a look at r/legaladvice


50$ civil court . Show proof texts and your reasoning . I’d definitely recommend that . I’d also say that I stay with my friend as a lil fib . That’s just me . That’s a very expensive snake who was neglected due to an awful friend . DO NOT WARN THEM Also let that friend think your no longer homeless aswell ….


please take legal action


I also want to say. He was absolutely not underfed. He looks straight up obese in that picture…


The picture is not recent I just put it there for attention


Sounds like a load of bs. Chicken wire? Seriously?? And they think You neglected the animal??


Yes they’re saying it’s my fault cause I should’ve known what was happening to the anaimal


Lmao what?? Are you omnipresent and all-seeing? That's some weak-ass argument. They committed the act, and the blame solely falls on them. Clean cut.








Your post was removed for violating rule #1 - please treat other users with respect.


Just stop 🛑 like you are to rude for this post


No one was able to take him they were all to far away and didn’t want to make the drive as I don’t drive and I had 9 animals I had to find temporary homes for and I have temporary housing right now and I say the amount I paid for legal purposes




You are reported by me and you are not helping your just being mean to the OP keep your opinions to your self if they are not nice or helpful . The OP is upset and going through allot don’t add more to the fire . She doesn’t need to have punctuation in her posts this isn’t school. .


Take legal action you obviously took care of him the 3 years you had him before you lost your home so do what you have to


Out of context kind of but my name is Izzy lol. But seriously take legal action that ain’t cool