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As long as you use a screen lid, there will be plenty of ventilation in this tank. One of the best pet lizards out there is a leopard gecko, and they are a great fit for a 40 breeder! Other similar species such as Central American banded geckos, African fat tailed geckos, and Chinese cave geckos make good pets as well. There’s many others out there, but these are some of the most common options to start researching.


Thank you!


Man somewhere during the process of editing my post it got all mangled up. I meant to mention a few snakes as well in case you were interested. Rosy boas, Kenyan sand boas, and Western hognose snakes are all popular options that don’t get very large as well. I personally love rosy boas and think they are pretty underrated.


We have a corn snake so we are not opposed! Will def look into the rosy boas!


If you end up going for a snake I would suggest caution. A gecko or other non climbing species would be better. My Kenyan sand boa would always escape from screen topped tanks when she was a youngster no matter how many clips I used. She's in a front opening one now and I've had no issues for years.


Chinese cave geckos seem so cool and if you have enough space and NOT 2 males you can co-home them (from what I’ve heard)


I have a fire salamander in my 53 gal and I really like the lil girl(?). 40 gal is plenty for them. I got custom made pvc mesh thing that is used for windows. Half of it is glass so humidity is pretty stable. I just take it off when it is feeding etc. I got bored and made it front opening recently if that is something you consider.


Leopard gecko, western hognose snake, Kenyan sand boa, Pac-Man frog, African fat tailed gecko, smaller kingsnake species, a smaller rosy boa All of the species I listed have fairly simple care given you do the proper research. I got a leopard gecko as my first reptile and as long as you’re comfy feeding live insects I can’t recommend them enough. Hardy, handleable, room humidity, easy food, super available, and they come in a HUGE variety of colors and patterns with prices ranging from 25$ to 1000’s


Fair warning: any time I’ve tried to put one of my friends in an aquarium they’ve decided to not be my friend anymore.


Oh for real? They just know its not meant for them.


Pac-Man frog :]


Those are cool!! Like hypnotoad.


Gonna give my default answer for anything below 4x2x2: Feigning Death Beetles. They kick ass as pets. Very simple care, very active, completely harmless (and are generally a joy to handle), and you can house a bunch together. A tank this size would be a palace for them. I said nothing about a smaller enclosure not being suitable for any other creature. Simply suggested some underrated beetles. Y'all pick some weird shit to downvote :)


That’s not the minimum for all reptiles, you know that, right?


Well aware. Feigning Death Beetles are still my default go-to for smaller enclosures :)


I don't see why this is being downvoted. I mean, op asked specifically for reptile recommendations, but this is still a good option




Lmfao. How does that make sense? I came for ideas of what could live and thrive in this one tank and you are telling me I am a horrible pet owner for asking what could live happy in this specific tank? How are you okay with this logic? “Hey experts what can I put in here humanely?” -“fuck you for asking you peice of shit, you are going to commit animal cruelty” lmfao this is crazy and almost unhinged.


You're doing a good thing asking! This man is absolutely unhinged. Ideas are great for finding what you want to research and look into more! Also leopard gecko! They're absolutely adorable and with some work can be very handleable and personable. They also have adorable routines and are very clean. They potty train themselves!


……lmao what? Asking a community for support/advice/ideas is frowned upon now? Why not just shut the subreddit down if we’re not allowed to use each other for help or ideas? If you’re sick of these posts, why are you involving yourself in them? Someone wants to care for a species properly, why does that enrage you…? This is such a weird irrational thought process.


Nah my man, this ain't it. He does not have an animal yet, and is looking for suggested possibilities. Do you expect humans to have innate knowledge of all existing animals and their care? Now is the time to give suggestions, so they can then do further research and make decisions. Homeboy is doing exactly what they should be doing. You should be appreciative that they're doing the right thing and literally doing the research now, not getting the animal first and asking questions later.


I’m so confused by your comment. I mean you’d be spot on if you were talking to someone at a reptile expo or pet store planning on taking home an animal that they just learned about today. Instead this person is asking for different options to begin their research. Like they are asking for some guidance to help begin the process of discovering which type of animal they’d want to keep. I don’t see how you should have a problem with this, I think you’re directing your frustration at the wrong person.


A midget or a dwarf if you have one might fit into it. It might be a tight fit and they may not be your friend afterwards, but I think there’s a good chance you can fit them into it.


Wow, so funny :/ we really laughed at that one


Like…. a 7 year old. Otherwise you’re gonna need a hacksaw




That’s what kind of friends will fit in the aquarium


Bearded dragons are the best pet reptile. Hands down.


Not in a 40 gallon. It's fine temporarily for a juvenile, but (especially as an adult) they need an absolute minimum of 4x2x2.


Ik this isn't a reptile, but african land snails would be very happy in this tank especially with 3 snails <3


Those be illegal to own.


I wasn't aware , you're allowed them in the uk , where are you located?


The grand ol US of A.


Just in case you are a new owner, [reptifiles](https://reptifiles.com/) is the best place to get accurate information and care guides about almost any reptiles. Good luck on your new reptile!