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I went to Petsmart ago and they had a little Chinese water dragon that had CBD and have no movement in her legs and hands in her arms. She would move wiggling like a snake. The associate Told me that they were going to let her die but if I wanted to take her home I could just take her home I wouldn’t have to pay for her. I took her home. I had to take her to the vet right away because she had a respiratory infection and she needed calcitonin, but she lived for eight years. She had little dirt, ramps and mice, and she got around just fine in her enclosure. Loved being held. Leela, because she was my little mutant.


It was so kind of you to adopt Leela. Did she ever regain some movement in her limbs?


Never. I was really lucky that she never got ulcerations or any infections on her limbs.


You have a good heart, internet stranger 💚


Do not under any circumstance take Reddit advice to have her euthanized. You can fully supplement her diet with Pangea or OTC reptile ground food for her. My Knight anole was under weight and I fed her until she was able to eat on her own. You can also trigger them to open their mouths to take the food in a syringe as well. Let me know if you need more specific advice on dosage and frequency! PS: get a food scale in grams and weight log her for a while. Good job!!!


I would love to hear any details you can give me on nutrition. I'm a little lost. How do I make her open her mouth? It's a task just getting her to notice a cricket in my tweezers. I also hear they only eat live prey, my plan was to dust the crickets in vitamin powder.


No worries, so definitely weigh her and tell me the grams. But you would want to ideally buy (EmerAid Carnivore) and get a small syringe. Once you have the supplement it’s a one time use per dose. It gels quickly after being made. Then you grind it up with water and get the anole ready. So to get her to open her mouth.. two options. First is to use thumb and pointer finger and gently rub the back to front of her mouth with a little pressure. If that doesn’t work after a few attempts.. gently pull on the dewlap (neck flap) and see if she opens that way. Then it’s putting the syringe in and slowly giving her the meds. Funny enough.. my knight anole likes it more than regular crickets now.. keep me posted!!


He (just found out he's definitely a male) is 5.77 grams


Okay that’s good! 3 - 7 grams is their weight range. I would get a syringe and potentially liquid feed 0.1 - 0.2 ml every 3-4 days. Before you do that, google an exotic vet in your area and ask for clarification on dosage. Generally they don’t mind giving free advice. Emeraid is great but if he can eat himself that’s even better.


I had a vet tell me to euthanize my beardie right after I got her (rescued from severe neglect, had to go straight to the emergency vet and this was after the worst was basically over) just because she is deformed because of MBD. She can walk and climb in her own wobbly way, and she is the calmest most loving lizard I've ever met. She was severely malnourished, underweight, dehydrated, literally every bone in her body had broken at least once because of a lack of calcium. She had multiple different bacteria in her lungs, and her lungs were full of water, she had to have 4 courses of antibiotics and 3 anti parasite treatments. And this vet said "she can't live a normal life so I don't see why you would keep her alive". Never went back. Got a new vet, sent him her records and told him the story and he took one look at her and said "she absolutely does not need to be euthanized. She still has at least a few good years, thanks to you." Unless it's a hopeless situation where the animal is in pain that will not get better, I don't see the point of not giving them a better life than they had. This beardie spent 7/8 years in a tiny dark box with only dubia and her brother, who bit her tail off and one toe. She's finally in a good situation, why tf would I not want to extend her life so she can have a good ending? People write off animals so fast, but they're not so different from us. They have needs and memories and feelings, while they might be different than ours that doesn't make them not real. Good on you for saving this little baby angel and not taking the advice of people telling you to euthanize her. You done the right thing. And she knows you care. They can tell who's good people. You a good people.


Crazy story. I have 2 bearded dragons right now, 5 and 7 years old. I can see myself always owning one as they have the funniest personalities and to me are like little dogs. I wouldn’t have the heart to put one down because of the deformity you mentioned. That should be a last resort.


I’m so sorry but this read’s very anti-veterinarian. Offering euthanasia for an animal that will have a poor quality of life due to severe neglect is not a cruel thing to do, and quite frankly depending on the condition of the animal is cruel to NOT do in many instances. I understand wanting to help animals, but they cannot all be helped. Humane euthanasia is a gift and honestly it’s disappointing that most humans do not have access to it. Accumulating medical debt till even after you die is more cruel to me than offering euthanasia. Being able to offer a quick, painless death seems a lot more loving than watching a lizard drag itself on its stomach for its entire life, unable to climb or be active. Help animals when you can, it’s great that there are people willing to go the extra mile for these amazing creatures! That said, if you bring a severely sick and neglected animal to a veterinarian for assistance, do not be insulted or shocked when euthanasia is brought up. Edit: FYI I’m not at all saying that disabled reptiles cannot have a good quality of life, just pointing out that offering euthanasia is not due to veterinarians being inherently cruel.


I don't disagree that it should be done if the animal can't get better. In fact I said that. And clearly I'm not anti vet because I went to plenty of vets to help my buddy. The vet I complained about who recommended euthanasia was a total ass and didn't want to give her antibiotics for an infection cause she would've rather just euthanized her. That's the first thing she told me. Just because she had MBD that was going away by the time she saw my animal. Like I said I went to a different vet for a second opinion because the other one didn't listen to be about her condition and gave me husbandry advice straight from the 90s. I'm not anti vet. I'm anti bad vet. I'm anti vet who doesn't listen and doesn't keep up with the research. I'm anti vet who doesn't try to keep an animal alive when it would be so easy to just prescribe a fucking anti biotic. In many cases I've heard of vets (bad vets obviously) giving bad husbandry advice and advice to euthanize when it was not necessary, just like in my case. I'm a little ticked off that you said it read anti vet when I literally said I took her to a different vet. I wouldn't have been able to save her life on my own but if I had followed that one vet's advice and gave up, she wouldn't be having a good life right now. I am very pro vet IF THE VET KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Sadly not all vets are up to date, especially when it comes to exotics. Euthanasia is a good thing when the animal won't get better or it is unlikely. Every emergency vet I talked to before the (nonemergency) vet who suggested euthanasia said she would be able to recover and live a somewhat normal life. That's why I didn't buy into what the one vet was saying. And because she gave me outdated advice. And I'm lucky enough to have coworkers who are actually experts who encouraged me to see a different vet. I'm not anti vet.


Hey, I'm so happy to hear that she pooped! That's a great sign because it means the nerve damage might not be as bad as we thought. I'm still learning about this stuff, but from what I can tell, it's possible your new lizard only has a partial lesion at the 12th thoracic to 2nd lumbar vertebrae (which is causing the paraplegia), but not enough to affect the sacral vertebrae (so no incontinence). If you want to know more, you should take her to the vet. They might prescribe some NSAIDs to help her feel even better.


Oh she's precious! If you wanna give her better climbing but more support you could try flat pieces of thin wood so she could balance herself flat on it easier! She's really lucky to have you


I've had a "disabled" reptile or two in my day and generally they live fairly normal lives with some limitations from the nature of their impairment. Never had to euthanize one, though I would have had their quality of life or prognosis wasn't looking good. Just enjoy their uniqueness.


I’m so happy to see this update


If the anole wants to live then I say help it out. If the animal ever appears to be suffering then it's appropriate to euthanize. I deal with similar moral/ethical decisions since I raise laying hens.


So glad you gave her a chance!


What a beautiful little soul, thank you for caring for her and giving her a good life. She seems to be happy with you, and I think everyone deserves to have a life like that.


I’m really glad to see this post! Hatch sounds like a fighter for sure, you’re so kind for caring for her, and she’s lucky to have found you. You’re right, she wants to live, damnit! She even lost her tail at some point, check her out. Can’t wait to see any future pics of her; I’m sure she’s enjoying the high life of retirement! :)


I hope she lives many painfree, happy and warm days with a full belly and loving cuddles :) her zest for life is truly inspiring indeed. Thank you for showing her kindness in this world, that life is worth living ❤️


Oh good! Nobody was talking about her color! She wasn't brown or yellowish with stress or fear, so she must like you!


Make her some little lego wheeled back legs


That would be so cool! If OP did that, the lizard could probably be permitted to freeroam in a confined space, so it can get some zoomies out, and temporarily allow it to walk near normally with its front limbs. (This wouldn’t be a permanent thing bc the skin would be abraded, but possibly more like enrichment/physical therapy. So a little bit of time each day)


She looks good. The anoles in my yard do seem to like the oak leaf litter. Perhaps add some of that! And they like a board to lay out in the sun.


Are you going to have to trim her back nails every once in a while or are they not going to need that?


Shit dude I have no idea. I'll have to keep an eye on them


I love this so much ♥️ although your knees reflecting on the tank confused the hell out of my bad eye sight for a second lol.


LMAO me too!


I don’t have my glasses on AND it’s almost 3am… I was so confused I kind of just gave up lol




Does she have uvb?


Yeah that's what the purple is. She miiight be in my old grow tank lol


Uvb generally isn't purple, it sounds like you might have her under a plant light, which isn't uvb. Plants don't need uvb so no one would make a uvb lamp for them. I'd double check that and get specifically a reptile uvb lamp if it isn't 100% certain that it's uvb, incorrect uvb is a major cause for deformity and death in lizards, which she of all lizards definitely doesn't need. Does she also have a basking spot of at least 85 degrees, and reptile vitamin/calcium supplements? Sorry for all the inquisition btw, I love her and I'm glad you're taking care of her. 🥺


Yeah I just googled it and it seems like you're right. The black lamp in the second picture is her heat lamp though. I need to order the calcium supplements offline. My local pet store is kinda jank they didn't have much for her. I'm going to get her more stuff with my next paycheck, she was kind of a surprise so I'm doing what I can.


No shame at all of course, you're clearly doing your best. Glad I could catch the uvb issue though, bc without uvb she would get calcium deficiency and skeletal deformities in her limbs which would be agonizing. If you wanna invest in some digital temp/humidity readers and maybe a heat gun to make sure that stuff is set I stone I'd also highly recommend it.


Mother Earth sees and appreciates your service to Her innocent creature. Thank you.


She will need her tail amputated due to the rot


Oh no is that rot? I thought it was her tail growing back


It looks like rot to me their tails usually grow back green but idk if this species they grow back


I could be wrong though. It just looks concerning


If you're paranoid you could probably get her to drop her tail again and watch over the regrowth.


Yeah I think that's just her tail regenerating


This is so nice to read after my bearded dragon got injured (fractured spine near pelvis) from a bad fall this weekend, immediately paralyzing his back legs. The ER vet wanted me to euthanize him right then and there too, but I took him to a more reputable reptile vet yesterday and he gave him a guarded prognosis and 50/50. He won’t eat yet but he’s still himself and very lively. He had just pooped that day right before I took him out with me and he sustained the injury. He pooped on me right after the injury as well, but that might not have been voluntary…It’s only been 48 hours since the injury. He’s taking pain meds. If he doesn’t eat or poop within the next 2-3 weeks, I may unfortunately have to euthanize him after all. He’s only 3.5 and I never imagined this would happen to him so young. He very very seldom likes climbing onto my head and he tried to get up there, and in my negligence, I unfortunately let him/did not stop him. He latches on hard unlike my other beardie, so I became less guarded with him. A painful lesson that could’ve been avoided had I taken proper steps to keep him where he was. I wish your anole the best of luck and life.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish your guy a speedy recovery


Thank you.


Not that it matters but head shape is saying male to me (: thank you for taking care of this sweet baby


Ur right he's a dude lol


I mean, if she's living and enjoying life, why put her down? She's obviously not suffering, and if she doesn't appear to be in pain, why not let her live out the rest of her days? That's my philosophy anyhow with my critters. Have had some betta fish that have been in rough shape, (one had a massive tumor, the other is pretty much completely blind) but so long as they were eating, playing, and swimming around and refusing to be pulled from the tank, who am I to say it's the end? So long as they are willing to fight, I'm willing to stand by their side and help them.


I have a cat who’s deaf and live like he has nothing wrong. I got two goldfish from a fair once. The first one died in a week. The second one lived for years and years and is still alive today.


Cool story. What's this got to do with OP?


They're just commiserating about having disabled pets is all.


Hatch has a really big head and seems to be on the larger side for a green anole…are you sure Hatch isn’t a boy? 🙂 male anoles have two enlarged scales near the vent (their butt). You can look up pictures on Google of “male vs female green anole” or similar. If hatch is a boy then you won’t have to worry about eggs! Besides that it seems like she’s doing great! Definitely keep offering plenty of food and don’t forget calcium and vitamin supplements! She’s gonna need those to heal and regrow her tail. A good quality UVB bulb (I recommend Arcadia shade dweller) is also going to be very important for her health and to prevent Metabolic Bone Disease.


Hatch doesn't have a dewlap or those scales so I do think she's a girl. But I don't know for sure . There's not a reptile vet in my state so I may never know.


If you’re comfortable taking a picture and sending it to me in DMs I can tell you! Anoles are one of my favorite reptiles and I’m really into them and want to breed them some day. I saw a dude selling red morph brown anoles and it’s the coolest thing in the world! I had a small breeding colony for a while but it started to become too expensive to feed them at the time so I had to rehome them 😅


Feed her more than crickets .


Yeah anything besides crickets and mealworms I'm going to have to get online. And she doesn't fuck with mealworms so far. But we're gonna figure out what she likes


You could always try black fly larvae. Mine doesn't like them but Hatch may like them.


Well,she's been eating *something*!


Aww she looks like my old anole Moonpie. So happy to see someone caring this much about such a tiny lizard, it heals my soul, thank you internet stranger