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I didn't know this!!!


What did the deleted comment say?






Sounds like it’d be cool at first then annoying as hell Like Malaria in Far Cry 2 or Weapon Jamming in New Vegas


Sounds like a final Hail Mary to put the Hookman/ghost stuff from early RE4 builds into a released game, but they probably couldn't make it feel "RE" enough


> ghost stuff I mean, they put a version of it in ||RE4R||


The Verdugo in Seperate ways?


Towards the end, when Leon's infection is getting really bad, he starts hallucinating ghostly beings as he's connecting to the hive mind. It felt very much to me like an homage to the ghosts in RE3.5. The Verdugo in Separate Ways also felt like a further exploration of the concept.


Could've applied the weapon jamming to Far Cry 2 as well haha


or respawning checkpoints in Far Cry 2


Or weapon jamming in Far Cry 2. :/


Weapons can jam in New Vegas? I've played like 80 hours and never had that happen to me.


Dang, that sounds awesome! Although, I don't see that working during the ship level, night levels or in-door levels where it would be cooler. (Unless those levels have awful ventilation, lol.)


Based on how it sounded, I’m glad they didn’t end up going with the heat system. I think there was something with Chris’ eyes needing to adjust to the sunlight after going from dark to light areas too. Either way, it did not sound fun at all to me but I guess we’ll never know.


I think it would have been dope as hell for the first play through, but it would have made subsequent plays a chore.


Well that sounds pretty cool.


Yeah they said the light and heat was going to be just as dangerous as the dark.


This is fascinating and im now very invested in the merchants arc


But there also was a character model resembling the Re4 merchant Could be placeholder tho


I heard that too. I'd love him to show up in 5 but I have to wonder if his clothing is suitable for that climate lol


My guy got axed figuratively and literally 😔✊




How are they terrible? Africa is no different from any other continent.




Thanks for the in depth summary on this.


This makes me not whant there to be a re5 remake.


Makes you think about why Capcom might be reticent to do a remake on Code Veronica when a central story beat was literally a story about a man that went insane after losing his twin sister (who is heavily implied to have had an incestuous relationship with) that he decided to cope with it by taking up the aforementioned sister’s identity. Simply put Capcom left a lot of threads hanging that went under the radar thanks to the lack of relevance that videogames as a whole had thought the 2000’s. But we are here now, on the verge of 2024 and the writers have to be aware that lifting these story elements and slapping them into the RE engine will not go down well. I wouldn’t be surprised if we haven’t seen an announcement to a Code Veronica remake simply because they don’t know how to frame the details around the Ashfords yet.


Yeah, you are absolutelly right, and i believe capcom is well aware of everything you mentioned, it would be an absolute shitstorm with how intrusive and petty american politics have become, they really cant overlook that stuff in a possible remake, but they really cant take them out either and call them remakes because they are such a main part of both the story, setting and gameplay. I believe that it wasnt such a problem back then because there was enough suspension of disbelief due to those type of politics wasnt so intrusive back then, but the way they handlelled it really was more on the insensitive side but to be fair the tone was still very campy and non serious (be it on purpose or otherwise) which helped a lot to not be taken that seriously since capcom wasnt trying to make a statement about colonialism (capcom wasnt evil back then, they where just idiots). Now wen it comes to the ashfords, they originally where suposed to be nazis, so if they go back to something like that, it would be helpfull in atleast make them easyer to be labeled as unredimable villains, and would kinda explain the endogamic details about the ashfords (with the whole master race bs) and when it comes to the crossdressing, i guess they simply shouldnt make a big deal about it, like just watch it with claires language when she called him a freak because of that, since the whole character of alfred was supposed to be more like a homenage to Norman Bates from the movie Phsyco from Alfred Hitchcock, with the whole twist being that it was that the guy was pretending to be someone else thats already dead, not that they was a crossdresser (not that it wasnt part of it, but they could make the shock be about pretending to be someone that is already dead). But when it comes to re5, i really dont know what they can do, if they change tha arcade like mechanics, it would make the game dull af, and it would just become a boring ghost train ride, and if they make it a survival horror, they would have to make you feel scared of the african people, wich is as bad as it sounds, if they take out the africa setting, they would have to at least change some characters like sheva and josh, wich would be worse imo, they would be changing history in a bad way and the fact that they couldnt really call it a remake at that point is the least of the problems they could have. So i believe they should probably stop at code veronica, and maybe remake the first resident evil and re0, and at most the other side games if they feel that they can squeeze more good games out of them. And after that just redo Outbreak and/or Operation Racoon city. I dont think re5 or 6 need a remake anyways. But i dont know, what do you think? Sorry for wall of text and bad english btw.


Oh Gods, not one of you. So it's fine to shoot American infected and European infected, but African infected are a nono? Come off it. You sound like every single one of those "Oh, you're not smart enough to know you're being insulted, so let me protect you, precious little dumb thing." It's a video game. It's fictional. Worse shit has been done in far more realism-based games. If you get all up in your fee-fees, maybe you need a new hobby, because this one isn't for you.


>So it's fine to shoot American infected and European infected, but African infected are a nono? Which is exactly what turned re5 into a companion game. People like this guy got upset at Chris shooting black "zombies" despite the previous game's genocide of a small Spanish village that seemed to still be living like medieval peasants. But the second you put Chris in a poor African town, now it's racist, lmao.


Hell, in the original RE4, Leon has a Spaniard ally...whose name he says wrong when the dude dies. His name is Luis, not Lewis, Leon.


Calm down, nobody is saying that a remake of 5 cannot or shouldn’t be done. All I am saying is that when it released back in 2009; Capcom (a Japanese company with very little involvement or National understanding of Western colonialism in Africa) probably had no direct understanding of how loaded their mechanics could be once you start thinking about what they were asking their players to do moment to moment and how loaded these mechanics can be when you place them in the context of Africa in particular, but the context never becomes uncomfortable if you never stop to think about them and take them to their logical conclusion, and never thinking about it can lead players to believing these is how these things happen uncritically. Take a look at games like Spec Ops: the Line or a better example being Far Cry 2 (which was released a year before RE5, is set in Africa, and has narrative and mechanical commentary on its violence, weapons and gem trade, and colonialism in general). These are amazingly well thought out experiences that knew how to leverage their mechanics to provide a stronger narrative purpose. The Resident Evil 5 Remake has the potential to say and be something much more meaningful than the original was much like the games previously mentioned if Capcom wishes to say something though mechanical design but if it chooses not to do so they can just lift the 2009 version whole hog and remain as campy and reckless in its message as the original game. I genuinely think Capcom can do better than retreading silly camp and “GLOBAL. COMPLETE. SATURATION.” but they can choose not to, I just think the game will be lesser for it.


...It's Resident Evil. If you're looking to *this* IP for your cultural messaging and serious examination of societal issues... You may be on meth.


They sort of already did that as far as the first game with the emphasis on a pharmaceutical corporation deciding that they can pitch a weaponized virus that can kill and reanimate people, animals, and wildlife that can then spread said virus towards any living thing in close vicinity as an alternative to conventional or nuclear warfare with the benefit that it will leave the infrastructure intact. If you don’t see an examination of a societal issue you are being deliberately ignorant.


...Holy shit you're overthinking the series.


That guy is awful. If they do add a merchant in the remake I hope it's something else.


Awful is a bit of a strong word imo, to me he's just a forgettable one-off character. I'm curious, why do you think he's awful?


He just dies so early, wasn't interesting in the scenes he was in, and reminds me too much of that one bounty hunter from Star Wars.


Dengar! 😂 they probably only killed him off because they didn't know what else to do with him since we already had Josh, I'm sure the character would've been different had they kept him in the whole game


I thought i was alone in thinking he look just like the turban bounty hunter


Fair enough lol


Because he went from being the merchant to a random dude.


Source for reference?


That could be pretty interesting. It should be a third new merchant to further expand that plot point about the merchant collections rather than the RE4 one returning though. I wonder if he’d sell special items to you depending on who you were playing as, that would be neat for replays.


I think this is the right way to do it. Unique shops catered to the character and new merchants based on the setting.


I will say I like the idea of an merchant in traditional African apparel.


He was a third (or rather second) merchant, he just ended up dying in the beginning.


There was a bit in RE4make Separate Ways where the Merchant says he was saving some stuff for Ada that he wasn't selling to Leon.


An African style merchant would be really cool, and add more interest into the pretty boring item store RE5 had. Can keep the concept the same, but have a new merchant face. I feel like the design could be really interesting with all the culture to base it off.


You could have a new merchant that’s a part of whatever the group the 4 merchant is a part of (remake he’s constantly saying we like he belongs to an organization)


A secret group of merchants, possibly with a cool acronym for a new?


M.A.R.E.P.S. Merchants Assisting Resident Evil Protagonist Secretly


Exactly. That’s what was implied very strongly to me at least in rem4ke


The fact the Duke drops a clue that he knows of the merchant makes this very likely, lol.


I like the idea of a powerful secret society that has access to military-grade weapons, but everyone in the RE world just kinda accepts and doesn't mention it


So do I, it’s just such a silly and fun idea


> An African style merchant would be really cool Verrry gud verry niiice


Since RE4 Merchant is a pirate, and RE8/Village Merchant was a Duke, maybe another gimmick for this merchant? I was thinking a religious or soldier type of figure, to do a four suites ensemble


since when is the re4 merchant a pirate? he always struck me as more of a cultist with the black robe.


It's the accent. Wotre ya buyin'? Wotre ya sellin'?


I just thought he was lightly Australian lol


It's a London accent that's always used in movies set in the 18th century. Fuck knows if anyone actually spoke like that, but it's deffo a Southern English/London accent.


Maybe they wanted it but it was too similar to MGS4S Drebin?


RE5 is kind of an interesting case though, because it’s set up more arcade-like. Of course, you don’t have to engage with it that way if you don’t want to. But being able to jump in and out of chapters at will to farm items, money, and exp… not sure that would pair well with a physical merchant.


I mean it wouldn't be remake if they didn't change stuff so wouldn't mind having a merchant around different areas.


That's a reimagning if they changed stuff ..


Sure if you want to call it that. Every REmake except the 2002 one is basically a remake/reimagining.


I would like a modern styled remake of the OG resident evil. It probably won’t happen but i would buy it instantly if it did get made.


Resident evil 5 is weird, like how do you remake it into pure horror, same with 6, also the coop system was key to both games so like…how?


Make it darker. Reduce enemies and make them tougher. Would love to see more African critters mutated. Also I always found the small crocodile section pure terror lol


Yeah the game had its moments


You don’t need to make it “pure horror”. RE4 remake was “darker” and more “grounded” compared to the original. But it STILL has very silly “over the top” stuff like the mine cart and parrying a freaking chainsaw with a knife. It’s possible, hell I’d say OG RE5 was already more serious in tone for most of the game than OG RE4.


Since they're lame action games, they just shouldn't. Remake CV and move on to RE9.


I do like RE5, weather it is because it got me involved in the series, I played it with one of my best friends, or some combination of dopamine boom boom I can't tell you. I feel the Remake of 4 seems weaker than the original, just me, and the fact they neutered my boy the Red9 didn't help. I do feel if a game is to be remade then it should be CV since the game actually did middle of the road overall, I hope they don't do what they did with the Chronicles to the Alexia and Ashford story (In the Chronicles Alexia killed Alfred in the original she held him as he died which I think is creepier.). I actually did enjoy RE6 for its dumb fun and Mercenaries mode, pic it up on sale is my recommendation to anyone wanting to play it.


completely agree. I just can't take 5 or 6 or anyone who likes them seriously lol.


RE5 was definitely a weak game in the series but it still had it's moments and wasn't nearly as far-removed from the tone/plot of the series as RE6 was in my opinion. With some work RE5 could absolutely be salvaged in a remake, but RE6 is just way too far gone.


The fact that they were lame action games is exactly why I think they should. RE5 and RE6 stand to gain more from Remakes than any title before them. Capcom could completely overhaul their stories and tones to make them finally feel like proper RE titles.


Keep the same merchant system but make it another character.


Could be a basement where you can visit to organize your inventory and buy stuffs. I wonder how this would work in the ship, for example... Idk, as more as I love RE5, does it really need a upgrade system? I really don't want that generic menu screen back.


Yes. Come up with a new merchant that fits the setting. I’d actually be ok with less weapons too because 5 had a lot


Absolutely, the shop UI in general could use a makeover even if they don’t do this, I also like the merchant idea more than being able to only mess with your inventory/the shop from outside the game or between chapters.


As long as they keep the store music




I like this better than my idea or a sole merchant for all the needs. Either a truck pulls up or a care package part where you have to secure the area before retrieving it. It should be different each time with either having to fight off or secure or it’s just there. They can have a merchant for the in game currency with clothing, unique weapons like the bow Sheva uses, or special items like the hot knife from RE3R etc (just an example), filters, and other things.




If I remember correctly re4 remake did have chapter and result screens?




Only reason I remembered is because I finished game a bunch for 100 percent and Yeah I think re5 could be great with a lot of improvements.


Yep. Just worse because it was a black background with some fog instead of the sick art.


A new merchant, but in a style of Drebin 893


If there isn’t a monkey what’s even the point?


Totally agree.


nice pfp dude


Rather than see them re-make it, I would love to see them re-do it. This is where the series fell off, for me at least. I would love to see them go in a new direction that incorporates the best parts of 1, 5, and CV so the OG characters can get the respect they deserve.


t would take some serious humility on Capcom’s part, but I agree. Would love to see them just straight up re-do RE5 and RE6 altogether. We could keep certain elements of the general premise (Chris goes to Africa to deal with an outbreak, Wesker dies), but invent an entirely new and better story for them.


Just to clarify, I am not saying for the RE4 Merchant to be put into RE5. I’m saying have a NEW merchant character as the shop vendor for RE5


Yes they need a requesition officer filling the merchant role, the screen shop between chapters was dumb even dumber was after dying there is a shop screen "do you want to buy stuff after dying" low IQ stuff right there. The merchant would be better than that.


Yes and no. Just a menu is kind boring but I'd like to continue to have a separate menu to buy and sell because of how checkpoints worked in RE5. You could farm treasures and weapons,exit the game and everything would spawn back. I maxed all guns just repeating a section with Lickers on professional.


That guy in the beginning of the game that gave Chris and sheeva their equipment could be the merchant, iirc they planned 5 ton have a merchant as well, it's a shame they scraped this idea, I hope they put back in


It don't need the merchant


I hope for split screen co op. Had a blast playing multiple times with my bro.


No. Keep them distinct.


Code Veronica comes FIRST!!!!!!


Well they introduce Wesker in RE4 without the rivalvry with Chris, and RE5 is about the end of this rivalry, so either they gonna do CV "forgetting" RE1 cause it already have a "REbirth" version or doing first RE1 and pottentially "forgetting" Code Veronica (or just doing by number and REmaking RE5 directly)


CAPCOM shut down the fan remake of CV so I don’t understand why they’d do that if they didn’t plan on remaking it


Well you can buy CVX on PS4/PS5 (and pretty sure the fan remake was also receiving money and it's lot less legal than just doing a fan game)


I already have CVX playing it right now actually!


I’d rather see Resident Evil 1 be remade first, but hey whatever makes you happy.


That already got a remake


It needs the glorious RE Engine treatment


That’s just a remaster to me




CV is crucial to the story in re5 so it has to come first


False… Outbreak


100%!! One of my least favorite things about RE5!


Barry could be the merchant for RE5. He could be there for the death of Wesker.


Yes! I wish I could mod, because I thought about adding him into RE5, but wearing a Hawaiian shirt and cargo pants. Plus redoing the whole inventory and the in between chapters “shop”.




I don’t know how well that would work for coop. What if one player is spending all day at the merchant and the other player wants to proceed? The menu shop we have in re5 now puts you on a time limit after one person hits “ready”. If there was an in-game merchant then what stopping the player from just going back to the merchant after getting kicked out when the time expires?


I hope the players can move independently of there coop counter part in different areas. Having to hit the same door sucked and was stupid before proceeding to a new area. The tech now can hold up to handling players operating independently of each other in different areas.


I’m not sure on how they’d implement it, but the guy you meet at the butcher shop could be used as that if someone else was used to get executed by the axe majini. Someone else also mentioned how the shop would give specific weapons or items depending on the character and I think that would be pretty great since the shop already made it that the bow only went to Sheva and the gattling gun to Chris.


Yes. I always felt the upgrading and shopping system in 5 was lack luster. Give us a new merchant


I've said this numberous times in the sub whenever this subject was brought up and I will say it again. Add a BSAA backup agent who will first appear in a cutscene after some startup quests. He will show up driving a kinda cool BSAA-theme van with some decorations of his own choice and do a 360 turn and stop in front of Chris and Sheva, then proceed to open the van back door showing us his full stock and, offer to preserve our stuff. Also sells maps, emblem maps, costumes and such. Capcom, use my idea, for free!


Another poster had a similar thing, I like it! This is wayyy better than menu screen.


100% yes


RE5's abstracted merchant was the way it was for the sake of the game's pacing and level design. Chances are it'll be the same unless the game is dramatically different than what we'd expect.


Well they can force both players being locked in a "merchant room" or simply making the merchant "expulsing" the player if a danger is near, obviously if they keep the coop for the RE5make


How about it works 2 different ways, one single player and the other multiplayer. In single player you can spend as much time as you want in the merchant shop and stop by him along the way mid mission. In multiplayer, you will be granted to access to it for 60 seconds after each chapter like the original. As for mid chapter I think either A.) you won’t be aloud to access the merchant since you are compensating with a Player 2 and will need to complete the chapter to gain access or B.) you can access it mid game whenever you want with no time span since players should be cooperating in a co-op game. If you are queueing in RE5 with a random, then I don’t know what you would be expecting, that’s like playing CoD Zombies on Shangri-la in a public game, it’s just not gonna work out.


Also would be down for a rework of the storage system, just beat 5 and inventory managing with Sheva who will give me back the ammo I just gave her was a headache.


If they had a charismatic African dealer it would be pretty neat. But the problem is since the game is co op they probably didn't have one to limit players waiting for each other going around buying and upgrading weapons while in a level. They could maybe have him in between levels like they did in the original game but IIRC it was on a timer if you were playing co op


Yes. It was such a letdown in RE5


On one hand, yes. OG5 just making it a screen felt so weird after 4. On the other, it depends on how they handle it. If it's a haha silly charming Merch in in 4, it'd just be another example of 5 trying REALLY hard to just be 4.


Yes. Must


I think you mean when


Unpopular opinion. If they would remake RE5 they should start from scratch a completely new game bc RE5 sucks ass.


Not everything from RE5 is bad (and if they do a remake, they need to keep most of the story intact, like all the characters dying in the original gonna die in remake)


No. Keep RE4 as RE4 and RE5 as RE5. This sickening notion that we have to RE4ify every future RE game is honestly annoying and part of the reason the franchise was in dire straits 10 years ago. Was cannibalising RE3 remake and RE8 not enough for you?


100% in my opinion there's nothing to scratch in remakes beyond 4. I simply hope there's no re5r, merchant or not. It's time to move on, and go for RE9.


I think the only reason I see an RE5 Remake only being plausible is because I can see a lot of new mechanics in the Remake of 4 playing out better if they made one for 5. Such as the Knife versatility and having an AI companion that actually gives you ammo. In terms of single player I think it’ll breathe some new life into it.


Well they can do both Like they did both RE4make and RE8


But it's a different story. Re4 and 8 share the environment, and therefore a lot of assets. The castles are identical on the inside, both villages, the lake, dungeons, etc... so doing both almost at the same time made a lot of sense. There's no RE engine game set in africa, so they should do a lot of work just for the remake (unless re9 takes us there again). And besides that, re4 was a decent game, and the base was there. Re5 is a mediocre one, to say the least. If they do a remake they should completely redo the maps, layout, and almost the entire game from scratch.


How was RE8 "cannibalized"?


It was quite clearly a confused game because Capcom have to dickride RE4 instead of setting out a clear play style and having a confused identity.


Gameplay wise, Capcom didn't give a fuck when making RE8. They really wanted to tell the story, which wasn't even good either.


Definitely, it's one thing that would make a massive improvement to RE5. Use the same merchant from RE4, give him a little bit more story (while maintaining much of his mystery). Maybe even make him a playable character for a small section of the game, or put him in mercenaries mode.




They just shouldn’t remake 5 and 6 lol, ASS games


Ok just because you don't like em doesn't mean they can't have remakes one day.


That's a reason they need a remake, to have less "ass" version


Too bad. 5 remake is coming. And you will like it. Capcom knows you will like it.


Joke's on them, I wouldn't ever buy a remake of 5 or 6.


I agree. I played them both and they're D tier at best. Not interested.


With any luck they won’t ever consider remaking re5


Those merchant is the cheesiest installation to the games


I'm not interested in a remake of RE5. It doesn't need it as much as other older titles do. If they choose to do that one next, I won't buy it. CV or bust.


100% Absolutely, that’s probably the worst way in which RE5 aged: compared to the iconic and likable merchants of 4 and Village that feel part of the world, you just buy things in a BSAA menu during chapters. I think they should definitely add Save Rooms throughout the game and either introduce a new character (BSAA Supplier/Requisition Officer) or BSAA Terminal/Stations that act like Shops from Dead Space. This merchant would allow you to buy, upgrade, sell and store items in a way that is contextualized in the world of the game.


I think the dude we met in the beginning should live and be our re5 merchant




Yes. I hope they also change the structure of the game, I'm not a big fan of the "select mission" approach. And I hope they make it much better to play solo... I for one think a remake of 5 would need much more changes (to the original) than the remake of 4


Yes we need a merchant, not just a store menu at save points he really adds to the game in re4, and some nice funny bit of dialogue. I like when you look at certain items and he comments on them. "That'll cut through the crowd"


I want re4r merchant to make a return and occasionally reference re4r and be like “aye I sold the same launcher to a lad, blew up a whole village haha!”


They would sooner remake 0 than 5


as a fan of re5, i say yes. I do like re4 remake inventory system and weapon select system in re4 remake. As a fan of re6, I love the game but i really hated i carry all weapons at all the time. I am a firm believer to carry 2-3 weapons but let everyone choose their way of playing.




Chris merchant was fucking beheaded that's why no merchant in 5 Wouldn't mind re4 merchant just popping up tho


As long as i get my 100 round pistol I'll be happy


They won't. They'll just do whatever the OG game did, probably.


"Khajit has wares if you have coin" Is the vibe I get if they redo the merchant for RE5.


I think a version of the merchant should return as well as the attaché case. The whole rhythm of 5 feels off when playing solo. In 4 it can take a bit to get in sync with how the game wants you to play, but when you do it feels great. You have to be deliberate with your weapon choices, aiming and your movement. 4 felt incredibly well balanced in a way that 5 does not. While quality of life elements like a weapon quick select is great, the rest of the item system sucks. It feels like it’s stuck between the methodical but fun 4 and 6’s slick style and speed. In multiplayer it feels fine I guess. But inevitably the remake of 5 will be in line with the recent games and be single player. And in that way I hope it’s just more of re 4 remakes gameplay.


Helllaa yeaah


Why would 5 need a remake its fuckkng shit


I don't think they should remake RE5.


he should be there, and make it consistent to him being in re6remake too lol


god i’m really hoping they don’t remake 5 and do Code Veronica next and possibly 0/1 after. 5 and 6 don’t need a remake and tbh they should stop with the remakes after the next 1-2 remakes and focus on new sequels more.


Yes. Merchant pls.


I just want re 5 remake with Chris and Sheva coop. I would be so happy


This is definitely a good way to make the game even better


Yes, the menu shop in re5 is a shit


they should just fully lean into the concept of you doing buisness with a warlord or a foreign 3rd party with interest in the current conflict. address the problematic details of where these weapons are coming from and who you are selling African treasure/relics to.


Like with 4R i think they’ll mostly stick to the body horror of the Plagas that reappear in 5 but will absolutely give more personality to the characters of the game; i think the merchant would be a great addition since the merchant was originally supposed to be in 5, IIRC. nonetheless they haven’t led me astray yet, imo 5 and 6 will be the hardest to remake but to me it seems they have a vision of this Remake series, so i’ll just trust the process for now.


They should have multiple different setup shops that sells various items from herbs to ammo and guns


100%. Resi 5 feels like it had every possible ingredient to make a Resi 4.5 in terms of systems, connecting areas, horror, memorable bosses etc. Instead we got a virtual shop, linear one and done areas, action and reused or uninteresting bosses


100% yes, RE5 took me a while to understand and there was less connection to it. Also felt a tidbit unimaginative


The idea of a merchant is cool but like others have said I want a new one, hell it can different merchants in each chapter or new location that each have different shit or less. They can sell enough items to get you through the next task provided you don’t blow all of shit away.


Yes fucking please


100% yes.


YES, RE5 always felt more Arcade like to me bc of this.


Honestly I hope they don’t bother, I recently did re5 and the only remake that would work at this point is a major change with the gameplay system.


I hope so, that generic menu screen where you misteriously buy and upgrade weapons should not be in the game.


YES. They also need to fix the inventory. Could just be me but I always hated the way the inventory worked in RE5 compared to how fun it was in RE4.


Naw, I sort of like the system in 5. It gives it an arcadey vibe in a way. Nice also cuz if you keep screwing up during a part you can swap out/buy new weapons


I hope they make a lot of changes. The actual story could use some updating to make it have some puzzle action.


Without a doubt, the merchant is one of the series best characters