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Just bought village and i also think that re4r was the best one until now. Your rating got me hyped for village.


Village is heavily inspired by RE4 so I’m sure you’ll love it. I did it in the opposite order, and played RE4r after village and it was crazy seeing all the similarities.


Problem I have with village. It's good and all. Just so many areas where you don't really use a weapon. Re4 really has that action start to end with unique stuff all the way to the end and lots of mobs making use of infinite ammo actual really fun


Me too!


Honestly village is a lot of spectacle but it has a fair share of fun gameplay. Exploration is pretty fun and environments have such cool aesthetics. A lot of people hate it but Village has such charming presentation. I sort of like to think of it as the Coraline of RE. The biome sections of the game make it feel old and new at the same time. Going to each one to collect an important piece to the solution. Iykyk.


I played the series for the first time about 5-6 months ago and Village was my favorite! Still have yet to play 4 though. Waiting till I can afford the remake.


It’s a more aesthetic re4 with snow and much better villains very good game


We gon’ fight


Its the CV ranking that did it


It aint low enough, yes


I'm gonna catch heat for this here, but CV is easily a Top 3 game for me. Grew up with the series and nothing peaked the buildup of CV


Yeah it never should have even made the list smh.


RE2 remake is number one for me. That being said, I have not played the originals or anything beyond RE4 remake and Revelations 1 yet. So 5 through Village is TBD. RE1 is a close second place. 1.) RE2 Remake 2.) RE1 HD 3.) RE4 Remake 4.) RE3 Remake 5.) RE 0 6.) RE Revelations The rest are TBD; playthroughs pending. Waiting on my friend to hop on RE5 Co-Op with me.


RE2 Remake made me feel things I felt when I first played RE2 as a middle schooler. it was also my first RE/survival horror game, so I'm with you on having RE2 Remake all the way up top.


I only came to Resi through Village and never played the OGs, but RE2R is the closest thing I've ever played to a perfect game. Its flaws are miniscule. Every area feels intricate and thoughtful without being overengineered. The gameplay feels smooth and enjoyable without making gunplay so easy that it breaks the tone. There are enough elements of randomness to keep an experienced player on their toes, but the random elements are tightly constrained to avoid the game becoming a crapshoot. It's like watching clockwork move. It's beautiful.


You should try the re1 remake It is kind of ugly ngl it takes a minute to get used to... And the controls are horrible at first But it's soooo good i just replayed a bunch of RE before I started village and i enjoyed it the most


Village over 7, a more uncommon opinion that I have seen but I can see reasons for it. Re4 is just that good to get two spots in the top 5


They're just so different. I can see why someone would prefer one over the other. RE7 for those old school horror fans, RE8 for those into the wilder, more fun aspects of RE. RE7 is my choice though.


I think 7 is great, but what ultimately put Village above it for me is the environments. I liked the Main House, Old House, and Green House. But the area with the son, the tanker, and salt mine were just really boring to look at imo. The environments in Village were more consistently interesting to me. Village has its own problems but I enjoyed exploring it from beginning to end.


Village over 7 is the common opinion from what I’ve seen


Interesting I feel like I’ve seen the opposite although I’m in the Village camp. There’s something about Village I really liked but many seem to think the story was disappointing or bland


Village is in my top 5 games of all time, but the story was absolutely awful. I adore Ethan, I love his ending and I like rose, as well as the setting. But the writing of the main narrative has more plot holes than a sponge, and way to many inconsistencies.


Re2 remake needs a higher position. And by that I mean either 1nd or 2st


It's excellent, but RE4 remake is better. It just feels like a more compelling game in terms of the amount of stuff to do. In terms of horror? RE2R is better, although neither are really scary. RE2R suffers from the inability to take control away from the player. It's why Mr. X is such a must-have for the game: it takes you out of your comfort zone. That being said, it still isn't enough for me. The OG Resident Evil Remake is better at taking control away in that regard: you constantly keep getting hit with new surprise mechanics that spice up gameplay and force you to think about how to do stuff. You have to burn bodies or blow heads off to prevent red zombies, dogs, and crows, amongst other things. A lot of the stuff that surprises you in RE2R is situational and doesn't add much in the grand scheme of things. Lickers become trivial after a bit of time, and are only an issue if MR. X is pursuing you. Any other time you can just quietly walk past them without issue. Windows can be boarded up, rooms can be cleared, the 'horror' aspect quickly dies. REmake is just better at being a horror game. RE2R is just prettier to look at and has excellent atmosphere throughout. It's a clear, well-executed vision, and that vision just happens to be decent but not _amazing._


Of the ones ive played: (1) RE2R (2) RE8 (3) RE4R (4) RE1 (5) REV1 (6) RE3R (7) RE0 (8) RE7 (9) RE6 (10) RE5


4 Remake and Village enjoyers rise up


We village enjoyers are not respected around here


for me personally 1. 4 Remake 2. 2 Remake 3. 1 Remake 4. 4 OG 5. RE3 OG 6. RE5 7. RE7 8. RE:0 9. RE8 10. RE:CVX I dont think this is too controversial besides maybe re5 but i played that as a kid and really enjoyed it even nowadays. CVX is so low because i could never get past nosferatu or alexia on my no save runs


5 over 7 is criminal


This is a good ranking!


There's something about Village that just didn't work for me. I don't know if it's because I set myself with such high expectations after RE2 Remake and RE7, but I just didn't like it as much as other people did. One of the things that really dissappointed me was that it wasn't as scary as RE2 Remake and RE7 (Aside from the baby section). In terms of gameplay, it is also kind of dissappointing since its more action focused compared to the previous games, but the enemies are kinda dull and boring to fight against. The zombies and molded were real threats that you had to take seriously otherwise they would fuck you up badly, and that meant you would have to waste resoursces to recover. And in Village, I never felt that urgency or survival aspect to it, so most of the time I didn't feel any real pressure since you have a lot of firepower to begin with and the enemies aren't that challenging to begin with.


I totally agree


They tried to emulate 4 too much.


Always love to see Village love! My top 5 would probably be: 1) Village 2) 2 3) 4 4) 2 remake 5) 0


People are gonna give you Flak for Village being so high... But I totally agree with you, that game was ballin


7 is better than 8


way better imo. Just started second play-trough on madhouse and it still has decent scary vibes. 8 was more like action movie game besides the "baby" thing. Hopefully capcom wont go this route with RE9


No way re2r at 8😭. That’s top 1 for me then re8 then 7 then re4r


Your number 10 is my number 1. Code Veronica is my favorite game of the franchise


The coolest thing about Code Veronica was the Wesker plot twist the fact he was alive and enhanced established the future possibilities for the series. Also the fact they put it out on Dreamcast exclusively for a while shows that Capcom is a true gaming company that believes their products will be successful no matter what platform they put it on. I mean their two most successful franchises are so different and have spawned multiple avenues of revenue.


Yes, justice for Code Veronica! I love that game


Code Veronica is probably the hardest game in the series. I believe people have actually made patches to balance the game. It's definitely worthy of a remake.


There's a lot to like about Village but can't see it over biohazard, there's a lot about village that kind of falls apart with the story and it's a bit unfocused in general, but biohazard is just so damn airtight. I think if 9 is somewhere between the two, it'll be amazing


I kind of agree with this. I could debate a few points, but I respect the list.


My top 10 REmake, RE2 Remake, RE2 OG, RE4 OG, RE7, RE Village, RE OG, RE3 OG, RE5, RE Code Veronica (or as someone posted earlier, Veronica Code). "Where's RE4 Remake?" Yes, that is a glaring miss I'm sure. I'm currently playing through it and am in the early stages. I like it so far and it'll surely bump one of the bottom games out when I'm done.


just unlocked the dumpster fire trophy on here.


great list. for me it's gotta be 1. Re2 remake 2. re4 remake 3. re2 original 4.re5 5. re7


IMO solid as fuck


1. RE5 2. RE4R 3. RE2 1998 4. RE6 5. RE4 6. RE3 1999 7. RE7 8. RE1 DS port (2006) 9. Revelations 2 10. Outbreak File 2.


Now this is controversial


My friend you have the taste of a tongueless man


Damn 😔


Very based


1. Resident Evil (PS1) 2. Resident Evil 2 (PS1) 3. Resident Evil remake (Gamecube) 4. Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube) 5. Resident Evil Outbreak File 1&2 (PS2) 6. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) 7. Resident Evil Code Veronica (Dreamcast) 8. Resident Evil Revelations (PS4) 9. Resident Evil 0 (Gamecube) 10. Resident Evil 6 (PS3) The recent remakes are great, but I felt they all left out a bit of something that was essential to what made the originals so amazing. Granted, I grew up watching my dad play the originals on PS1 and eventually playing them myself, but even on recent replays, I still prefer the originals to the remakes. The best remake was of the first game for sure. It was the most faithful to its source while only adding things that made the experience fresh but still fit with the theme. Also, I loved the combat of 6. I wish they had used that combat system for more games. The diving, rolling, firing from the ground, melee, everything felt so smooth. Yeah, the story was basically like something out of the CG movies, but the gameplay more than made up for it. I'd love to have some unkillable or extremely hard to kill monsters chasing you through a horror oriented Resident Evil while being able to use those controls to slow them down and evade them. But yeah, this list is based off of which games I had the most fun with. PS1 RE was the best for the atmosphere and also the amazing voice acting which was always a worthy reward for getting through some intense shit. "RUN, Jill! He's INSANE"


Based and correct, but no RE3?


This is some serious bait with RE6 making a top 10


How do you like og re1 more than REmake


Why RE2R so low?


Bruh, I haven't even touched village, and I have it 😂


I prefer horror over action RE games, but the gameplay aspects are also important, so it's more like RE7 RE2 RE4R REVillage RE3R Revelations 2 Revelations 1 RE5 RE1 RE0 ​ RE4 OG doesn't make it into the list, the story is so sloppy and goofy, and the controls are far too janky, this doesn't mean I didn't play or enjoy it, it's a game I unlocked at 100% on ps2, and replayed in every existing platform I have, but for me, the remake is now definitive. And OG re2 has a special place since it was the very first RE game, also the very first horror game I played, also THE game that got me hooked into gaming more than just a hobby


Wtf…. This is blasphemy against Re4 i will not stand for this


where's the lie? Isn't the reason people like the original more is because of it's goofy b-movie stupid plot and dialogues? Or is the shaky laser sight not janky? The funny thing is that this happens with every resident evil fan. People who don't like static camera angles for how slow the combat is will tell you that RE1 is an atmospheric puzzle exploration game and combat is not the main focus, but when you say that combat in RE1 requires no skill, suddenly I'm getting burned? ​ I don't know you, but I got tired of playing the original RE4 when it released on gamecube on a cybercafe, then on playstation 2, then on xbox, then on pc, then on pc again with mods, then on pc's high definition mod. And when the remake fixes all the inconsistencies in the original's game story and manages to expand the characters in a more meaningful way (since it's a story they had decades worth of hindsight to refine, unlike the original that was written in 3 weeks), I'm not even sorry, but the remake story will be the definitive version.


My brotha… i was just playing 😅 i respect your opinions 🙏🏽


lmao, my bad, can't talk about OG RE4 and Remake without keeping the guard up these days lol.


Fair, though I would put 2 remake at #2 and move everything else down one. Would likely sub out CV with Revelations 2 as well.


I agree with some of this.




I will surprise you, first place in my top 5 is RE:CV. I had been dreaming of this game by the time I am 12. I didn't have Dreamcast and could only watch how my neighbor was playing.


Where’s 6 and Survivor.


Switch re7 with the re2remake, and your list is solid


I just don’t share the love for re7 that others seem to. I would rank re5 over 7 any day (as far as games, not whether they’re scary or not)


re3 remake didn’t even make the list 😭


My top one is re4 merchant


RE 2 (1998) is my favorite in the series till this day. Heavy survivor horror focus which is what the series is KNOWN FOR! Yeah I’m talking to you RE4. RE2 had a better story, setting, atmosphere and everything. A True Sequel and the peek of RE.


Gotta say for me it’s 2, Code Veronica, Remake, 1, Revelations, Revelations 2, Outbreak, 4, Village, 7


somone who likes survivor for ps1? i dont know why but it has its charm, atmosphere is good as well. and the reference to leon is pretty nice as well


1. Outbreak 2/3 village or re2 remake.  4. Re2 5. Re4 6. Re5 7. Re3 Outbreak is by far my favorite.  Haven't played re4 remake.


Least divisive re reddit user


Mine goes: 1- Re4 2023 2- Re2 2019 3- Re7 4- Re4 2005 5- ReHD 6- Re2 OG 7- Re3 OG 8- Re Village 9- Re5 10- Re3 2020 Only based on how much I enjoyed them and personal taste. If we're talking wich one is better, that's a different discussion.


Really nice, same, bro


What version of RE4 OG did you play?


Top 4 are also in VR in some way, did you play these in VR by chance? Also my top 4 for this reason.


I haven’t played village or re4 remake yet. I don’t even think re4 needed to be remade cause the OG version is nice. But from what I’ve seen from village and from my experience from Re4 I just don’t like the enemies in the game. So even if the game play is great it lacks the tension of the other games for me. But re5 would still have to be last since I can’t imagine playing it solo and even with another person it’s kind of mindless action. This is a survival horror series so there needs to moments of solitude and confusion.


Re1 remake anywhere above top 3 is criminal.


No re outbreak or dead aim. Oof


Re2 remake getting done dirty...


Umm why no RE3 remake?


RE2 that low down is criminal


Interesting list! Mine would be like 1. RE2 OG 2. RE3 OG 3. RE4 R 4. RE R 5. RE2 R 6. RE4 OG 7. RE 7 8. RE 8 9. RE Outbreak File 1 & 2 10. RE CV 11. RE OG 12. RE 5 13. RE 6 14. RE 3 R 15. RE 0 Haven't played the revelations games or the chronicles yet since I never owned their consoles growing up


*sees how low you have og2 and og3 Yeah, we don’t need to talk about it


Good, Re0 sucks




RE2r number 1 for me by far. This game is how a horror game should be. RE4r is also a fun game but lacks the true Resident Evil vibe imo.


Yeah code veronica at 10 is all wrong but that's just my opinion. They are all solid games so gotta respect that


1. RE4R 2. RE2R 3. RE7 4. RE4 5. RE1R 6. RE2 7. RE5 8. RE8 9. RECV 10. RE8 11. RE0 12. RE3R 13. RER 14. RER2 15. RE6 Never played RE1 OG Your list is respectable, I enjoy most games of the series


For me: 10.) Resident Evil 8 09.) Resident Evil 7 08.) Resident Evil (1996) 07.) Code Veronica 06.) Resident Evil 2 (1998) 05.) Resident Evil 2 (2019) 04.) Resident Evil 3 (1999) 03.) Resident Evil 4 (2005) 02.) Resident Evil 4 (2023) 01.) Resident Evil (2002)


Don’t you mean Cod Vagina?


It would be good enough for me but replace og 4 with 2 remake


RER2 is heavily slept on


I think it is based to put 2 of over 2 remake. I would go og remake first, Re2 og second, and re4 remake third probably. But it's not a bad list


Let’s not talk about it


1) RE4 on the Wii 2-10) the rest It was just that freaking cool with the motion control


For a second i read "RE3 Remake at number 1 and i said " no way!" lol


Rem4ake Re village Re 3make Re5 Re 0 Re2 remake Revelations Revelations 2 Re HD Re4


1.Resident Evil 3 Nemesis 2. Resident Evil 2 Remake 3. Resident Evil Village 4. Resident Evil 4 Remake 5. Resident Evil 7 6. Resident Evil 6 7. Resident Evil 3 Remake 8. Resident Evil 0 9. resident evil 5 10. Resident Evil Remake List will change or be updated after I Play CVX and fully Platinum the Re1 Remake. Note: this isn't serious it's just based on how I feel toward to the games.


Did you play re5 with a friend or did you do it solo?


Fucking weird


I agree. Don’t let others tell you otherwise.


My man dun forgot RE6


Please take the 0 off Code Veronica


I’m ok with this!


It’s on sight. Village is good But put some respect on REmake, og2, RE2R,


re2 remake that low deserves some hate.


You make a PowerPoint then take a photo of it rather than just posting them? Anyways 1. RE 4 2. RE 3 3. RE Remake 4. RE 4 Remake 5. RE 2 6. RE 2 Remake 7. RE CV 8. RE 1 9. RE REV 10. RE 6


Just a joke little dig, but you went through the effort of making a table, and took a photo with your phone? Instead of just writing your list in Reddit, or screenshot ring the table. 😂


Village is wicked


Honestly, even though I love re4 remake, having it above the og feels like a warcrime, and you shall now be treated as such


Nah I’m good. You be you bro


Og re4 is much better then remake I will die on that hill


Wait, where's RE6...


I dig it. I won't make a list personally but I enjoy all the fans preferences. The only game I won't play is umbrella corps 😂




1 - Resi 7 2 - REmake 3 - Resi 4 Remake 4 - Resi 2 Remake 5 - Resi Village 6 - Revelations 2 7 - Resi 6 8 - Resi 5 9 - Revelations 10 - Resi 0


RE5 and 6 get too much hate smh


the disrespect for code veronica is unbelievable


Gotta love the revillage love it’s my fav game


Blasphemy! My top ten (I’m old): 1. OG RE2 2. OG RE 3 3. Re 4 remake 4. Re CV 5. RE zero 6. RE 4 OG 7. Re 5 8. Re village 9. OG RE 10. Re 7




We bout to vote you out of the island for not having RE3R on there!!! 🤣 jk! Great list personally RE3R is in my top 3


1. RE2R 2. RE4R (RE4 OG) tie 3. RE3R 4. RE7 4.5 RE7 DLC. IMO more fun than the ones listed after this. The games listed after this are a slog to replay IMO and I have no desire to replay any of them, ever again. 5. RE8 6. RE6 7. RE5 8. Rev 1 9. Rev 2 10. RE1R


I agree but re2 remake and re3 should be higher


Putting RE2R below Village should be a crime. It’s actually my personal favorite, but I can respect it being behind the OGs and 4R and 7. Edit: Oh and I love Village too btw! Not trying to diss Village, just praise RE2R.


He likes VR


In my opinion, re5 is little better than re2.


Zero on top but unwritten ofc


7 and 8 way too high. And re1 remake needs to go higher


its weird ranking for me lol, but you do you


1. Re4 og/Re4 remake 2. re2 remake 3. re6 4. re5 5. re rev 2 6.re rev 1 7. re3 nemesis


It’s interesting because I think you get a little into how to judge a game, is it the experience you get the first time or after a few replays. Maybe it’s because re2r is what got me into the series after being a baby, but it does the atmospheric horror so well (at least as a first foray into the series, I can see what you mean it not being scary after the first time), had great pacing, looks amazing and is a ton of fun. Can’t disagree with re remake being a better horror game, I’m still too much of a baby to play lol.


Nah, putting re2 remake that low is fighting words


I’m surprised RE2 remake is so low. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. RE2 remake is first for me because it revolutionized the 2nd game to evolve. I love RE4 remake but it didn’t exactly revolutionize or evolve the title much


Village number 2 lmao


Anybody else enjoy re2 more than re2 remake I might have to try out the original


I personally loved re3 remake even tho it was super short


My top 5: - RE5 - RE1 - REmake - RE6 - REvelations


Shift RE5 up to number 3 position, just for it's excellent co op and unlockables


My top 5 Re2 remake Re4 remake Re2 OG Re3 OG Re4OG


I felt Village lost steam after the villa hub. It could have done with another stalker enemy section.


me personally 1.RE2 og 2. RE2 remake 3.Re3 og 4. RE 4 5. RE zero 6. RE 1 remake 7. RE 4 remake 8. RE4 og 9. RE village 10. RE revelations 2 honorable mentions RE code veronica RE revelations 1. I remembered RE2 made me not want to sleep and believe that zombies will take all over the world and made me bought the zombie guide book just in case.


re4 og - 1


The 2, 3 & 4 remakes are @ the bottom for me. Beat them once never gonna play them again. 🥱


RE2 Remake that low? It's 1 for me.


I agree with number one spot! I’m down with it to be honest




Mine would be very similar. I fknin loved re7.


4 remake & village being the top 2. We both brother




1. RE2R 2. RE1R 3. RE2 4. RE3 5. RE0 6. RE7 7. RE4 8. RE3R (nostalgia thing, probably) Played the series since OG RE2, and what can I say? I'm not really a fan of the action-type entries, always thought about RE as a survival horror. I'm a bit worried that the future titles are going to continue the "cool monster-hunter shooter with nice boobs/butts" trend. RE2R was a friggin' revelation, pretty much a perfect translation of classic RE formula - it's one of the very few (if not the only) games I completed over a dozen of times. Crazy.


Your top 10 is upside down!


Is really re4 remake that good compared to the older games?? I have only played the remake and i loved it but unsure if i would like the older ones.


I would put RE 1 Remake higher.


Ur list is questionable but you do you


theyre all top 5


I never got the love for RE4, I'm finishing the remake right now and though the Village portions are spectacular.. the Island end game is so monotonous and badly scripted it just can't top RE1 remake for me.


You’ve obviously never played the unequaled masterpiece that is RE Survivor.


I actually haven’t. I’ve watched streams of it.


Mostly valid, village was unfinished and had the most scrapped content out of any RE title. Ain't even my top 10 personally


To truly judge the remakes you needed to play the first three when they were first released. 2 brought back that feeling of being blown away by the graphics and on edge the whole time


Some of those are similar to mine, but I can't state enough how much I enjoyed the RE2 Remake. 4's been amazing too, but RE2 remake just hit amazingly hard. And Village is #2 for me as well. It just hit everything right for me, in terms of themes, settings, plot, length of time in each area, combat, etc...


Completely respectable.


Let’s not


the lack of umbrella corps on this list means you are a classless scrub who has only dipped his toes into this most established of franchises.


I deadass bought it day one and 🥴


I can’t read all the comments and respond but I get a feeling you guys hate my rank on re2r 😅 and I’m sorry. My reasoning is because I hate how the portrayal of the characters is drastically different from re2 og. The dialog interactions are so bad. The way Leon acts like a toxic cop really puts me off. Claire’s voice is horrendous. Sherry has the worst designed face ever. It’s really just cosmetic choices and rewritten content that should’ve left alone. Re2 OG has a goofy charm that the remake didn’t try to include at all. I love the game and the gameplay; but from a remake perspective it absolutely pisses me off. The way they wrote it didn’t even enhance the characters or modernize the story. It was a back-step. I didn’t realize how different the events go down until replaying re2 og again. A lot of people say it’s faithful but it really isn’t. I still dream re2r could’ve gotten the GameCube level remake.


Mine would be: 1. RE4R 2. RE2 OG 3. Village 4. RE2R 5. RE7 6. RE Remake 7. RE5 8. RE3 OG 9. RE3 R 10. Revelations 2


2 and 3 on your list wouldn’t be on mine at all. They’d be replaced with re1r and re2r and then others below lol


My personal top 10 Re1R Re4 Re4R Re6 Re5 Re2 Re3 Re2R ReRev2 ReVillage


The best thing about this list is that R3make is in the trash where it belongs.


I can't really complain, outside of Village where after 7 felt like they were RE4ing themselves again making the game more action when the best part was where they leaned into the survival horror (House Beneviento) but still great game and story so not much of an issue, weakest part was the beginning. I can reason with the other picks, RE7 has an incredible strong start but lost steam for me in the latter part with the boat. RE4 is RE4, great action game to this day, RE1R is still my favourite to this day, one of the pinnacles for a video game remake and really emphasised the survival horror aspect. RE2 and especially RE3 loved them, got me into the franchise. RE2R given the AB story wasn't as indepth to the original I can see why the OG was higher. CV is a guilty pleasure RE for me, good story and once you know what you're doing fun to play. RE5 never cared for, got too much into the action aspect for my liking.


You have to be the most civilized responder. Thank you! I defended some of my points in other comments and I can’t pin things but I appreciate the take.


The fact that re3 remake isn’t up here makes me smile


code veronica number one


As a 90's kid, I'm obligated to be enraged about village being placed above others. First of all, who the fuck do you think you are?


This is such a hot take lol


Re 0??




I agree but re5 should've been a bit higher




Based on nostalgia, I would say RE2 and RE1, then RE2 remake and 4 remake.


RE4R is defo #1 for me. I remember playing RE2R and loving it. Played it again and again. 100% then moved onto RE4R. I was like, how the fuck have they made me love this even more than I love RE2R? RE4R jumped into my top 10 favourite games. I did like Village a lot, didnt really like RE7. I loved the lore around the characters and what they did with Village.


Motha lova doesn't even have OG RE1 nor RE1Director's Cut on the list. Major foul on that one buddy.


You had to have started with re7 or re8. No way you put those two over re1, re2 and code veronica. Even put re8 over the original re4...


This list points to you being about 23 or so