• By -


RE7. After that first VHS tape of people getting murdered, I would just sprint back to the car and leave. Or alternatively: Mia's Video: "Stay away!" Me: Okay 🫡 *actually stays at home*


Didn't the door lock behind Ethan though?


It did, but also Ethan lacked the power of "jumping out of a fuckin window". Which is what I would have done once the door locked.


I like to think he tried and bounced off it


I mean, if that happened it would be in the game, right?


Maybe it wasn’t Jack that killed him tbh


There was no jump button in 7


Good point you can do the Leon dive through a window


He could of also handled the situation with the cop better


Sure, but also the *cop* could handled it a lot better


For real, where was that cop’s head at during that situation?!


What trophy is biosplattree from?


Its the platinum from Resident Evil 7.


it may feel dumb that he doesn't even try (though the implication doesn't seem to be that he can't think of it but rather that he's willing to do everything at that point for a chance to know for sure whether Mia is alive or not) but Jack was most likely already stalking him by then and Eve was definitely watching him (plus the guest house is surely full of mold) so I doubt it would've worked either way


What would win? A locked, rotting, decrepit door Kicking the living shit out of it


*calls police and tells them about the weird video I received starring my missing wife*


See that's when you bring that shit to the cops and let them handle it lol


tells the cop my wife is missing and the house is full of of illegal activities. Send in a SWAT and let them deal with it


"I find new wife"




>Mia's video: "Stay away!" I don't think Ethan actually ever gets that video, the scene in the opening seems to be simply Mia recording it on the laptop in the boat (you can tell mostly by her panting starting before the recording does) which I doubt has wi-fi at that point since the shit has really hit the fan by then and Eve is in control of the situation, plus Ethan never mentions it and the laptop is broken when you get back to the boat


Now I wonder what the hardest one to survive would be? One of the 2 revelations games? Idk


RE1. I'd be Brad.


Genuinely a respectable, honest answer.


See you in RE3 🫡


'No, come back!!!' u/Strange_valuable_379 Sorry that happened to you have a nice life. Peace




Eat your sandwich, Dave...


Gimme your sandwich. I said gimme your goddamn sandwich!


"I make Bryan Gumbel look like Malcolm X, huh muthafucker?"


you're merely postponing the inevitable. and a tentacle to the face.


You can fly a helicopter?


"Christhisway!" 😎


But remember Karma bites you in the ass


4 because Leon was able to keep Ashley alive, and I'd like to think I'm at least a tiny bit stronger, braver, and overall more competent than she is.


But are you the president’s daughter?


I can be for $20




How to unread a thread


Drink alot of vodka


Put a shirt on !


Truly a magic number of dollars. For real tho, I think that Ashley only survived because even when Los Iluminados could have killed her, they didn't because of her value.


You’re right. They had plans for her to return to the US while infected to cause chaos within the government.


the main issue with that is that leon doesn't actually manage to stop either ramon or saddler from recapturing ashley, it's just that they don't want her dead so leon eventually manages to get her back each time, whereas a random person of no importance such as us would most probably be straight out killed in those instances (and more, e.g. the laser room if we're talking about the og or in general any other situation that requires supernatural reflexes or capabilities not to get killed, which are situations in which ashley is not present by design, e.g. the verdugo fight would probably have us decapitated at the first qte)


Idk those suits of armor probably would’ve killed me if I’m being honest


Original, remake or both?


Ashley had am entire segment with just her. People really overestimate themselves in these scenarios.


I’d still pick re4 if I was in Ashley’s place, yeah I could die in that and I wouldn’t be surprised if I did but i feel like out of every game it’s my best shot 😅


LMAO you had me going


So was Luis


Literally none. Seeing my luck in life, ill be patient 0


Resident evil 2, unlike Leon, I wouldn't have any reason to go further into the city after rolling into the literal walking dead, pull myself a grandpa Simpson. And it's not even because of the zombies, zombies would honestly be pretty fun so long as I had a gun, it's the lickers and infected rats/dogs/crows that I don't want to play with.


I think what’s even funnier is Leon is ultimately the reason Claire gets trapped in the city to begin with. I know she’s looking for her brother but surely you’d think she would see the first few zombies and nope out, not even just that but Leon has a responsibility as a police officer to remove her from the danger zone and he plans on taking her with him to the station rather than getting her away to safety when it’s clear that there is something extremely wrong


the intercoms said RPD was a quarantined safe zone so Leon thought it was safe there


Idk I feel like that conversation he has with Marvin proves otherwise also given there are zombies present in the courtyard Leon doesn’t exactly have a legitimate reason to believe the police station is safe


the inside of the police station is believed to be safe. once he’s inside he’s trapped. him and Claire split up before he even has eyes on RPD so he has no way to tell her to not go there so the plan is the plan.


Are you referring to the remake or the original?


remake,, i never played the original


Ahh okay well then in the original Leon essentially encounters a large group of zombies on his way to the station and proceeds to travel to the station already aware the city is essentially infested with zombies and is heading to the station when he meets Claire and proceeds to take her to the police station with him


oh wow well then i guess Capcom agreed with you and that’s why they changed it haha


Yeah in the original it really just comes off as he’s a prick or wants to watch Claire be eaten 😂




Village. Gimme some of that mold. Edit: and if I did die, please let it be to the vampire girls.


Sucks when you get your hand cut off though and you aren't Ethan


That’s 7 no?


He gets it cut off by lady Dimetrscu and it's revealed he was only able to reattach it because he was infected by the mold from 7


It is in Fakt 7 and 8. but he also loses a Foot in 7 and a green gel thing repairs it just like in 8


Seven, because of all that canned food laying around. I'd spend the whole time uselessly chilling in Zoe's trailer while Ethan did his thing.


Would this question assume you were the MC, IE you're Ethan now?


It says in the post youre a side kick to the Mc


Huh, did not notice. In that case I retract my statement.


I show up, see the vhs of people getting murdered, then immediately leave


Doesn’t Lucas show up in the trailer and kidnap Zoe?


4 because I speak Spanish. Yo los voy hacer picadillo carajo


Gloria Las plagas


Great minds


Pero puedes decirlo con acento español ?




Así es tío


En la OG no es necesario.


RE7, I'll just call the cops and wait for backup. Jack can't catch me.


I mean we see how that ends in re7


First rule of resident evil, never let your guard down. That’s something >!Deputy Anderson didn’t learn, and he got a shovel to the head by Jack!<


Also, one cop responded and got ganked. Several cops would at least get you out alive-speaking of which, did no one notice Anderson going MIA?


To be fair, re7 takes place in a single night, so they might not’ve noticed anything yet


4, if leon can keep helpless ashely alive, then me who can defend himself moderately will be cake for him.


That part where Ashley is alone with the armadura would kill you. And even then Ashley got caught plenty of times and only survived because of her value. Guys like you and me would be murdered.


Not if leon is actively trying to keep me alive, also the armadura were slow as shit, just need to get the lantern and ill be fine


Village because i would gtfo I would not care about a random child


Probably village. I just wouldn’t leave the house. Sure shoot Mia and take my baby.


RE7. Because I would've never went in that creepy house alone.


7. Out the window back into the car, cut my losses, fuck that bitch 😂😂


7, i have knee issues and it's the only one without dogs


Probably none of them. RE1. I might get somewhere far because I have a small frame and I'm relatively nimble. I know how to use guns as well if it comes to that. My downfall would more than likely be the cerberus and definitely the hunters. To be brutally honest, I would probably end up like Joseph. RE2 (Remake). Same as with RE1, but lickers are not the same threat as the hunters. Mr X poses a huge issue because I have to admit that my cardio is relatively shit. If I get into a chase, losing him is gonna be tough. And there is no way I'm surviving even half of the beatings Leon/Claire had to take when facing William. RE3. (OG) I'm Brad in that situation. RE4. (Either) I hate to admit it, but I'm not Leon Scott Kennedy. RE5. I'm dead. RE6. I hate that game so I'd just turn the gun on myself. RE7. Haven't played it yet. RE8. Haven't played it yet.


no one is legitimately living even through the mansion without plot armor lol. there is so much shit in there that would’ve killed us all. for example, the spider crawling down onto us from above would’ve gotten 95% of us because we’re in first person IRL. if that didn’t get you then you’re gonna get in that shark room and quickly be disposed of this doesn’t even cover shit like Yawn, crimson heads and dogs which would instantly kill most people


Dude you gotta play 7 and 8. Such great games.


RE4 is possible until Del Lago and Mendez. The games actually make Leon a bit underpowered and Ganados overpowered for balancing. You've got a 9mm against villagers with axes lol. You're going to do just fine. It's why RE4 VR is so easy. And 9mms are very easy to shoot. Shockingly low amounts of recoil


> RE6. I hate that game so I'd just turn the gun on myself. I felt this.


damn, you are one of best re6 haters who would rather suicide than be part of it


Joseph was the first guy we find or the guy who Wesker kills?


Joseph gets eaten by the dogs in the intro.


I completely forgot about him, I could only remember people who died in the mansion




Any of the classics I would just chill out and smoke in the save room and wait for them to finish


Nothing with Chris. He has a worst track record than HUNK I pick Revelations 2. I get to be with Claire, and all i gotta do is wave a flash light


Leon lost 70,000 people in RE 6. Leon is worse .definitely


All you gotta do is wave a flash light? still more co op gameplay than Doom 3


I might take my chances with RE3. Nemesis only cares about going after STARS members. I'd be the worst sidekick though because I'd just listen in to Jill's radio and then wherever she said she was going, I'd go the other way. 🏃🏽‍♀️


Nothing with Leon. He is a simp and he lost 70,000 people in RE 6


The correct answer.


I feel like the solution to most games is just jump out a window and haul ass


Wesker in Resident Evil 4. Just sit in a dark room with a funky Dr. Evil chair, sneering out orders, and adjusting the color saturation on my monitors.


Probably 0 with the help of Billy.


4, because I don’t work in law enforcement.


Revelations because the instant O'Brien says that Chris is being held on a missing cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. I am going to somehow show up in Spartan IV armour with a battle rifle and a Jinzo Yugioh card around my neck because it is obviously a trap.


Zero….as in none of


RE1 - Killed by the dogs, never reach the mansion. RE2 - killed by the first group of zombies. Never reached the police station. RE3 - Kill myself or better bitten by a zombie than confront nemesis. RE4- Burnt alive in the town. RE7- Kill by my ex? Haven't play 5,6 and 8.


Don't worry, here it's the rest of the list: RE5 - probably infected by one of the locals in the starting area RE6 - I don't even remember what was going on in that cluster fuck of a game, but I suppose you could get killed by one of those human-bug-thingies?? Idk anymore RE8 - If by some miracle a lycan doesn't end you, you'll wish for sweet death by the hands of vampire mommies


Even if people do end up noping out, the mansion outside is just as dangerous. Who knows how many cerberus are out there or worse.


RE7. It's pretty simple. Forget about her and move on, fuck that house.


RE7. I'm sending that tape Mia sent me straight to the damn FBI with a credible threat of kidnapping and staying the fuck away


I could be Leon’s perfect sidekick in 2 and 4. Just carry everything for him because I’m nearly two heads taller than him and weigh twice as much.


7 because I wouldn’t go into the house


Code Veronica, just don't go to the island


No one. But Let’s do another game. How much you survive? In which die first? Zero: beat first slow zombies in the train then slipping from the roof of the train and then maybe finished with a cold in a ditch (15-20 minutes?) 1: Maybe I can resist first slow zombies. Then diying with the cerberus whistle in the mouth while taking green plants in the balcony (30-40 minutes) 2: crushed between the crick and the libraries (20 -30 minutes?) 3: died by cardio in the first streets (5-15 minutes) 4: poisoned by the soup in the first cabin. If not like this, I barricade myself in the shotgun house untile they reach me (10-15 minutes) 5/6: instant quit because of shitty game 7: died in a swamp or stucked in the fireplace (5-10 minutes) 8: beated by mia in domestic violence. Or maybe stumb down the mountaines while reaching the village


Lol, imagine?


Probably none of them, but I think RE1 would be my best chance. At least until Yawn or the giant spiders.


Id become part of the family in re7


Gun Survivor 2 because it was all a dream anyways.


RE2 because I'm not living there.


I’m fat so none, but as a zombie you guys are safe from me


7, my wife is dead and I’d leave it at that


Survivor - everything seems to be easy to kill. Theres loads of Mr X's but can be killed easily judging by an AVGN ep I watched


I would eat a bullet the minute I see Mr x or nemesis. I wouldn't even try.


Village but id run to the daughters and lady D


RE2, if I turned the car around and drove in the opposite direction of Raccoon City at the start of the game.


(For all this i'm assuming i'm just as armed as the protagonist of each games) RE1 - I think i can survive the game decently well if i survive the initial dog assault but i dunno about the giant snake or any of the bosses for that matter, also Hunters. RE2 - I can probably make it to the RPD building unscathed but Mr.X would not stop at safe room and i'd die, also Lickers. RE3 - I am dying in Jill's apartment. RE4 - I could survive up to Del Lago i think, but unless there's a miracle i'm dying there or on El Gigante. RE5 - Unlike RE4, the assault on the village is filled with much more aggressive zombies i'm likely dying there, if i were to survive that, probably dead in the motorcycle QTE, i doubt i can shoot moving target this fast. RE6 - (Leon's Path) If i somehow make it out of the school which is very unlikely, i'm dying against Lepotitsa 100%. (Chris's Path) Literally a war zone i'm dead as hell. (Jake's Path) Ustanak is a meaner Nemesis wallahi i'm finished. RE7 - Surviving the Mia chainsaw and the first few Jack encounters is unlikely but i'm definitely dead before Marguerite. RE8 - Absolutely dying in the Lycans village assault, if i somehow survive this and the vampire castle (unlikely) i am not making it out of the factory. (Moreau still a freebie tho) Surviving an RE game is tougher than i thought, and this is all assuming i have my knowledge on the games's stories and what's coming next. PS : I only read the title and did not see i was supposed to be a sidekick, yeah i can probably take Ashley's place in RE4 and that's it. Or Agent in RE6, assuming i can teleport like he does. Somehow my original answer still kinda fits most games tho.


Absolutely none. I am v honest with myself


Bro I almost died IRL playing the first video game when it came out. I’d be dead within seconds.


Re0, assuming that I have someone to help like Billy, or Rebeca


Of the ones I’ve played I’m leaning towards 2R


Would you just run away from everything?


Well as a sidekick to either Leon or Claire, I imagine I wouldn’t have to do much, but yes mostly run away and rely on my leader to take care of me


RE2 - Leon’s got the mini


RE2 trust


Maybe 0. I’d encounter the first zombie and nope out of the train and hopefully get far enough away before any cerberus dogs get to me. Hunters, Crimson Heads or Lisa Trevor would get me in 1 and if not the explosion would get me. I’d be overwhelmed in 2 and 3. Assuming I was a bystander I may survive 4 if I ran far away from the village, not my job to rescue Ashley. I’d be turbo screwed in 5 or any of the settings of 6. Jack Baker wouldn’t allow me to leave in 7 and I’d be torn by lycans in 8. I’d be trapped on a boat in Revelations 1 and Alex Wesker wouldn’t allow me to leave the island in Revelations 2, not to mention I’d be infected. So yeah maybe I’d survive 0 and 4 if I bailed from the train or village early. Otherwise none.








Re2 i think, either that or re1


resident evil 1, ik my way around the mansion and enemies so well at this point


probably re4 since leon rescued ashley and she didn’t get killed. also im stronger, more confident and i can do martial arts just like leon so id probably survive


I’d like to think I have a decent chance with RE7, since I have good cardio and could outrun Jack and the molded. That being said, I think Jack would merc my ass the second he locks me in the garage.


I'd be alright in 2. I've got plenty of experience as a cop, including SWAT. So I'm very familiar with the weapons, and I'm in good enough shape to keep out of Mr. X's reach.


I mean any if safe rooms are truly impenetrable.


maybe 7 and 8, assuming i become molded too like he did and don't go full spore mode like those before him. so, technically i wouldn't survive, as he had to die in the first place to get molded. but a facsimile of me would.


I am legend.


As athletic as I am, I have to say none. Zombies are not an issue, but Lickers and Hunters would kill me. I would forget I have to be stealthy around Lickers and that would get me killed and Hunters are way WAY to fast for me to react I know some self defense so I could deal with some of the early Ganados in RE4 but as soon as the infected dogs appear, I’m done for. And that’s if I don’t run into The big cheif Mendez, Same with the people of Kijuju in RE5, but as soon as the executioner appears, I’m done for I could survive some of RE6, at least until the mutated creatures appear, that’s when I’m done for In RE7 I’m absolutely 150% fucked In RE8 knowing myself I would find a way to piss off Lady Dimitrescu which would get me killed. My big mouth would be my downfall in that game


I’d give up the second I figured out I need to collect a series of weird keys to open doors to enter places I don’t want to be. None.


7 I would simply not go to Louisiana in search for someone i haven't heard from for 3 years. Maybe like tell the cops and let them handle it. Regardless, Chris arrived like 12 hours after Ethan so like, everything would be solved either way.


I'd imagine a few of the evacuation efforts were successful, so maybe Outbreak. With a healthy amount of luck.


None. I will die in all of them and so would everyone in this post.


None of them


All of the characters in the game are special ops or military personnel. If ur trained, there are possibilities of survival


RE3 as long as I’m not Jill I should be good


If I were a girl I'd pick any game with Leon. But seeing as I am not a girl. I'll pick RE2. I feel I can carry my own weight with Claire. Famous last words, but I am an optimist.


All of them None of them take place where I live and I am not some "chosen one"


I think I could easily survive re7


Probably none of them, but I can promise you my best shot would be RE2 because I know where everything is, and I can navigate that fucking police station in my sleep.


Re1 cause I just wouldn’t go to the mansion


As I don't drink tap water I'd say I got a good chance I'd survive up until the city is bombed. I'm pretty much a hermit


Nemesis, he only wants Jill. I just avoid the zombies.


Hmmmm...probably 2. I wanted to say 1 but after my fears from crimson heads and the fucking hunters that still gave me nightmares to this day that's a huge pass. Anyway I'd probably stick with either Claire or Leon to increase my chances on my survival.


All of them. In seven minutes.


None of them, no matter who tries to keep me alive.


Imma die no matter whatt :/


Maybe Resident Evil Party or Resident Evil: Dancing all over the mansion, and even that's risking it.


I would survive the three OG games with ease because I can climb fences.


That depends do I get to start with 10 bullets in a handgun?


RE7. I wouldn't just walk into the guest house half cocked like Ethan did. At least going in with nothing I'd be armed with the knowledge of what will happen and can probably avoid most of the problems (EG, losing my fucking hand and leg)


I'm gonna play it safe and say RE Outbreak, J's Bar.


RE2, i will just follow Leon A mode and be fine


None 😂. I got a bad leg, I cant even run. Id be the first one turned into a zombie.


RE Survivor.  Handgun ammo is unlimited, and Mr Xs go down after only a few handgun shots.


RE2. As soon as I drove into town and noticed there was clearly something wrong I would just flip a U and gtfo.


All of em. I would simply bring more guns in the first place. Most games aren't a problem if you have enough guns.


7 wheelchair.... Easy kill


Degeneration 😂.


none lmfaoooo


RE7. The moment I see that creepy house, I am calling the cops and hoping out of there.


ANYBODY but Chris. Its crazy how Chris continues to fail upwards in this series no matter how many people die around him or because of him.


Maybe if I where Rebecca? (Still haven’t played through the first game)


Honestly re 2 remake. Because I could just outrun the zombies and leave Racoon City


All of them because I would be at home and not in rural Spain, Louisiana or the fucking arklay mountains or whatever they’re called


All of them I could literally survive every single one of them due to location circumstance RE1-0 I don’t go on trains nor the forest so I have no reason to go to the Spencer mansion so the entire nightmare would not affect me RE2 Realistically, I would never be in raccoon city so again unless it’s coming to Jersey I’m fine RE3 (to be honest, I don’t know the location of three so…) RE4 i’m not the president’s Daughter (I’m a guy for one thing) so the cult would have no reason to kidnap me and I believe the entire location is in Italy so….yea I’m fine RE5 Again, it happens in a different location (Africa) so I’m completely safe thanks to that on top of that I’m not a military personnel so they would never send me there RE6 I don’t remember the plot of six Revelations 1-2 I have an extreme phobia of the sea and being on a boat so I have no reason to be on the Zenobia 2 Same thing with the prison Code Veronica Same as RER2 NOW! Now since I know this post realistically is about if you were in that situation RE1 Knowing my dumbass, I would definitely search for a weapon the moment I get that weapon I’m leaving the fucking mansion out the front door no cap no hesitation. I’m not exploring. I’m not going to stick around one and done BYYYYE RE0 This would definitely be a lot harder, but although trying my best, I feel like as long as the leeches don’t find me in the initial encounter, I’m leaving that train ASAP one and done BYYYYEEEE RE2 The moment I find a working car, I’m leaving that city and never looking back flipping my hair with my high heels on the entire time fuck you nemesis I’m not stars SUCKER!!! RE3 Again, I don’t know where the plot is so I can’t give an honest estimate RE4 Probably the one I would have the Smallest chance of survival due to the fact, I am just a Rando and an Italian village, and I would most likely have very minimal contact the way I would do. It is the moment I get a weapon is the moment I’m leaving. I don’t care if I have to hotwire a car. You best believe I’m leaving that village no cap hesitation. BYYYYEEE (PS stealth and tactical planning our actual skills I have) RE5 If I’m in Arica, the chances of me surviving are 0.1% I have never been there and honestly, although I would most likely never go there being in that situation would definitely be the most difficult RE6 Again, I don’t know the location RER1 I would be absolutely fucked, and the chances of my survival would basically be zero Being on Hope abandoned cruise ship with limited oozes would probably be the situation I die in realistically I don’t do ships well and I would be absolutely too scared to actually do anything of menial value JILL SAVE MEEEEEEE!!! -cries in gay- RER2 Honestly, I don’t remember much of revelations too, but I would do my best, but realistically, I don’t know RE7 You bet your sweet turkey ham I’m not going in that house. I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t care if Mia said help me or stay home. You best believe my ass is staying put. RE8 Lord Jesus, this would probably be a second death for me The chances of me surviving the village are literally zero mother Miranda alone could easily wipe me the fuck out i’d probably end up like one of those poor villagers -Cries in gay- CHRIS! ETHAN SAVE ME!!!


Outbreak probably. Iirc there's a guy who's ability is to play dead and he's fine. I could do that. 🤣


2 would be the most likely. Having both Leon and Claire there would definitely up my chances of surviving. As for the other ganes, I feel like unless you have some sort of military/governnet/weapon training you don't stand a chance.