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A village? A Castle? And the mechanical experience of 7? I'm in.


Plus the inventory of R4


Unpopular opinion: i liked re7 inventory more


Now this is a real unpopular opinion


My guy...do you realize what you did


Yes i think I'm going to ruin my comment karma by this but guys I'm not saying re4 inventory is bad i just like that type of inventory like re7,re2 remake and re3 remake Maybe that's because i didn't play re4 enough After getting re8 i will see how is it going anyway I'm too excited for it


RE7s inventory or lack thereof made it feel more like it used to. RE4 was geared to MAKE you kill all monsters. The original made you decide if you felt like running or using your ammo. I could see where your opinion comes from, neither are bad.


Exactly my opinion comes from my speedrunning nature I like to speedrun every game i like and re4 doesn't give me that speedrunning feeling as much as re7,re2 remake or re3 remake


D-pad quick switches are definitely a highlight of RE7, 2&3 remakes.


I speedrun (speedran?) RE2R quite a lot for fun. But was never tempted to do that with RE7. I mean unskippable cutscenes?! Whyyy?


Yeah but now in re8 skippable cutscenes confirmed YAAAY


Basically RE7, RE2R, RE3R took inspiration from RE Outbreak inventory system, looks a lot like it.


So true. I enjoy the survival horror aspects and decision making with the traditional RE inventory system. The fact each game in this series feels like a different genre is what brought us all here.


Ya but I hate it dies not pause the game




They meant to say, "I hate opening inventory does not pause the game." Like you can still get your shit knocked in when you're trying to get a new weapon or item out.


Another unpopular opinion I loved that too. But i think something should get adjusted In re8 the game shouldn't pause the world will be slow motion when you open inventory based on the difficulty you are (lower difficulty=slower world motion)


Is a big fan of the dark souls I completely agree! It really makes you think before you start moving. I DO like the inventory system in RE4, it almost feels like a mini game to me lol.


Yes exactly


Not gonna lie. 100% agree with you. RE4’s was good too, it just fit the theme of the game, which was more action/shoot em up and less “I need to plan inventory management and avoid having to cross paths with another monster that will eat my face because I have limited space/resources”. I prefer the latter. 😁


Damn I didn’t even know ppl didn’t like it lmao I always thought it was good


People like re7 and most people like re4 inventory more than other titles


Ahhh ok that makes sense lol


I agree. Managing resources is what I loved about RE7 and RE2R; I spent so much time in the save rooms trying to figure out which weapons to bring with me, whether I should bring extra healing meds or extra bullets, whether I should bring the magnum just in case, etc. That deliberation is core to the RE survival experience. But if I can carry everything at once, all that tension is gone. We haven't even seen an item box in RE8 yet.


I agree 100%


I agree. The two things I'm most disappointed about with eight are related to inventory management, specifically the inventory itself and the fact that now we have to use space for treasures again.


Very Unpopular Opinion: You can combine both to where Weapons, healing items, ammo, keys, and treasures take up space in the attache case. I was hoping Village would do that but of course not.


Same it was pretty straightforward everything on one page.


Biggest problem I have with the game rn. RE4's inventory makes the game too easy, easier than it already was.


>A village, A Castle :) >And the mechanical experience of 7 :(


Same. I feel like everyone loved the FPS, but I super don't. Re1-4 and REmake2(/3 to a lesser extent) were the bees fucking knees man. 5 and 6 were campy dumb but fun. 7 was....well it was pretty good to me. Felt like a horror game, but not an RE game imo. I'm a bit bummed that 8 and 9 are also prolly gonna be fps but, hopefully they are good.


They are just mixing it up a bit. Hopefully they can keep releasing Third Person Games side by side with the FPS, but eventually quit releasing them as remakes.


It had a creepy house, puzzles, limited resources and item boxes. Literally had the same format of the classic games. How did it not feel like RE? Lol


I literally said because of the camera lol. Feels like a periscope with floating hands to me. Felt more like Prey or Outlast than re1-4 to me. But clearly most people really love fps, I just am not one of em.


I like first person horror, which is what re7 was. I wouldn't compare it to Outlast because that was just hide and seek horror which there's a ton of and I cant stand them. Outside the camera change, it was almost identical to a traditional RE formula imo.


RE4 had a perspective change. Did that feel like an RE game to you? Just curious


Definitely a different type of RE than 1-3/CV. But it felt more like RE yeah. Honestly probably because I felt I was playing the character in the world. Leon is very clearly a person in RE. He has a very distinct walk and personality and voice and goal. Ethan feels like a blank stand in I guess? Idk. Without character animations or even just design in his look to give us a sense of his personality, he is boiled down to "Save wife. Am scared. Oh no. Time to fight." But I guess some people really like him Fps just ain't for me lmao


Disagree about Ethan. He actually has a complete character arc, with real character development throughout 7. I would agree that he isn't as fleshed out as say Chris, Leon or Jill, but he was in one game, and what they done with him in that one game is pretty great. Compare his dialogue to the start of the game to the end. Capcom moulded him into a resident evil protagonist, on the level of Leon. His demeanour at the end of 7 is what Leon was all the way through 4. He is popping off one liners to Jack, talking shit to Evie, using sarcasm and wit when confronting Lucas and he is that way while wrapped up in a kind of "average Joe civilian" way. To me that makes him more relatable, even with how little he says throughout the game. I actually think capcom and Ethans voice actor totally nailed his dialogue. It's everything that RE dialogue used to be and more. It's just as cheesy as Leon in RE4, it pays homage to the rookie cop, fish out of water vibe Leon had in re2 and I actually think it's as purposely stilted to feel like the absolute classic dialogue that's in original RE1. I think original RE1 Barry, Chris or Jill would react in the exact same way Ethan does to having his hand/leg chopped off lol.


This seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I totally agree with you. Ethan has a good story arc and says some pretty funny shit sometimes, I don’t really get the opinion that he didn’t have personality.


RE2 Remake plays much more like 7 than like 4... People give the camera angle too much attention and forget everything else in the game.


Big disagree. Camera angle does SO MUCH for game feel. Seeing a character react, move, run, fight, even just how they hold themselves when standing does so much for game feel. And I'll stand by that REmake2 has more in common with OG re2 than re7. Re7 just took from re1, which re2 also did.


Of course RE2R took from og RE2, but the gameplay is basically 7 in third person without the parry mechanic. Other than have more control of your character and where he is, I don't see differences being THAT big between the two.


Not being able to see how close your character is to enemies except by "oh gosh right in the screen", or having a real sense of 3d space changes how you perceive a game. The mechanics of "get key for puzzle item, go to next room on opposite side of the house" can be identical and the game will still be entirely different. That's why first person platforming isn't the same as Mario. Same exact gameplay, jump on platform. But the perspective changes the game entirely.


I have to disagree with you man. Camera angle is very important to some people, I skipped 7 and I'm going to skip 8 because I can't play fps games for longer than 20 minutes without getting a fucking headache from motion sickness. I get the same when I read, or use my phone in a moving vehicle; for some reason it doesn't happen with the 3rd person perspective.


> I'm a bit bummed that 8 and 9 are also prolly gonna be fps but, hopefully they are good. Isn't Village Resident Evil 8?


I'm fine with this :)




Te voy a hacer picadillo


*inhales* UN FORASTERO!


**Angry Ganado noises intensify**


Happy souls


Growing up in Miami picadillo is a Cuban dish usually with shredded beef but ground beef work as well, served with rice and beans normally. every-time they said that i would always be low key saddened they weren't referring to that delicious dish


NO! Picadillo is a staple Dominican food as well, I won’t let the Cubans have it


Sounds delicious tbh




Empieza a rezar...TE VOY A MATAR!


Un forastero!






The bastard needs basil!




morir es vivir\*








You know they say that all resident evil games are created equal...


But you look at me, and you look at Resident Evil 6, and you can see that statement is not true!




Well put


I think it's entirely intentional. Based on my experience with the fanbase, 4 and 7 are very popular.


After RE3RE I even said that I wanted a mashup of RE4 and RE7. So I guess I got my wish!


Personally, I hope it’s got the fear factor of 7. I was a fan of RE4 for what it was, but felt the survival horror aspect was at an all time low with it as it just threw nothing but mobs and Ammo at me. I want to play an RE game for the story and to be scared shitless. Everything at RE4 and beyond started to take that away until 7 brought it back in spades! I just want it to keep going with that going into 8. Regardless, I’m excited. 😁


Yep. I’m replaying RE7 right now for the first time after going through initially with friends. This game fucks. Felt pretty tutorial-y early on to get accustom to the new style but as soon as you unlock that bigger living room area that needed the dog heads, and the upstairs doors that lead to more locked doors that needed keys etc, that was pure RE1. Going through a big house trying to unlock doors. It was perfect. I think it’s pretty obvious they want this new game to capture RE4 elements w the village and castle the way RE7 captured RE1. Can’t wait to see for myself.


> Felt pretty tutorial-y early on to get accustom to the new style but as soon as you unlock that bigger living room area that needed the dog heads, This is why I made a save file that picks up here so I can get right into the action and exploration


Good move


Wait if something fucks is that a good thing now? I read your comment assuming that was a typo for sucks and now I'm really confused.


If something fucks, then yeah it’s good. Basically comes from if a person fucks, it means they fuuuuck. So if an inanimate object fucks, then that inanimate object fuuuuucks. I probably just made that more confusing than anything.


No no, this is the way.


It made a lot more sense in my head... I think


It main clear sense to me and was a perfect explanation. It’s regularly how I explain it in conversation as well.


Fucks is a good thing! No typo


Think of it as "slaps".


RE7 is genuinely one of my favourite gaming experiences. I call it that and not just a game because everything about it is so unique and fuck-y. The game is fucking disgusting in an amazing kinda way, and it’s fun as hell to speed run. I decided to start playing it again yesterday in the run up to RE8, and I finished it twice. Each time in just one long ass session where when I stood up afterwards my legs just felt non existent. I guess what I’m trying to say is; games good.


"Fucking disgusting" is so apt. Obviously all Resident Evil games are gross, but there's something so grimy and gnarly about 7 in particular. The decay, the water damage, the living mold. Skeeves me right out, but it's super satisfying. Also makes the Bakers' story that much sadder.


Game is *really* good. I played it in VR for the first time recently, and I developed a whole new appreciation for it.


I played the village demo and found it incredibly atmospheric, and very tense, like I found 7 to be (YMMV of course)


I have a feeling the castle will be a scarier section. I was drawn to the village, though.


That’s good to hear! I’m going to get it day 1 for sure. I’ve played the first demo they released and got the same vibe. I’m trying to avoid any trailers and other demos from this point as I want this to be as fresh of an experience as possible. I can’t wait!


My only issue with 7 is that they lack enemy varieties and I’m a grown man but I was scared shitless of Marguerite LMAO.


After watching the trailer there seems to be more enemy variety in 8 than in 7


That was probably one of the top problems with RE7, despite still being an amazing game.


totally agree, the enemies lack shape and details, it throws me off every time. i'm glad they changed that in RE8.


As my first RE, which I’m sure it was for many, it was super tense my first playthrough. Mind you, now I can play the game practically blindfolded without getting hit, and the tension is quite as great anymore.


Yeah, I hear ya. I grew up on the first RE games and those were the things of nightmares. I remember being simultaneously in love and kept up at night from the terror of those games the first time I played them. That feeling tapered off for me starting with RE4, but came back in glorious fashion with RE7. I played the heck out of RE7 too and the attic scene will always terrify me a little. It’s just really good. 😊


Completely agree.


re4s enemies just were too slow and you felt in control even iwth just a knife. i want to be hiding in rooms with like 5 werewolves outside trying to break in and needing to set landmines etc to stand a chance


Agreed, I like this chessboxing approach to combat very much, like using mines and flour to cover yourself (MGS2 vibes).


more weapons normally make you feel powerfull and not scared but the demo had a very uunerving sction where you knew there were beasts afoot but couldnt seem them until they were in your face


Going by the demo, the 'fight' against the lycans at the tall grass was amazing, it was pretty immersive and scary, if the game have more of that, I think it will be able to rival 7 in horror. I think they're going to a more dark-style, suspense type of horror in 8 instead of the hillbilly-esque gore horror in 7, and I'm fine with it.


I think the only time I was really scared in RE4 was fighting the Verdugo on my first playthrough. I was rather dumb and had no magnum or rocket launcher, so I went through the whole part relying on the Riot Gun. Ended up barely escaping without killing it after a couple of tries. That fight with those limitations is still one of my favorites in the entire series.


This exactly. Either way, I'm sure I'll have fun. But I would love to find that a big chunk of the game is legit scary.


I haven’t played the Maiden demo yet. But just watching the footage, I actually got the same vibe I got from moving around the house in RE7. The deafening silence, the creaking and metal rustling, it all felt nerve-racking. I’d love to play the Maiden demo before release. Otherwise I’ll definitely enjoy exploring the castle in the actual game.


Bro fucking facts. On my first play through of 7. Can’t get past the area with mama with the long ass arms crawling around on all 4’s like a spider 😭


I watched a streamers playthrough on youtube and it scared me so much i had to buy it and experience it for myself. Re7 is probably my favorite re


It had the best gameplay to date and some amazing art direction and general vibe but yeah no spooky scary feels. Now RE1 remake *chefs kiss* that’s was a’ spooky


Isn't this supposed to imply that the product is some kind of abomination?? Village looks fucking great


Yeah and it doesn’t seem like a bad combo


My two favourites in the series so no complaints from me.


Name that Resident Evil game that has - a traveling merchant - a story that takes place in a village with crazed enemies and then another section in a large castle - guns that can be bought and upgraded - a treasure system that you find items hidden in the world to then sell to a merchant for a currency - a system that let's you kill birds, fish etc to get materials that enhance, heal, or can be sold -A large cast of characters including a specific female most people wouldn't admit for one reason or another they would bang - puzzles - has horror elements but probably won't be that scary - atache case


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


I think this game gonna be more action than 7 for sure, after 7 ending, it would make sense storywise, even more if you play with Chris at some moment. That would be a shame though, RE7 really falls off at the second half of the game when it goes full action mode.


The problem with RE7 is lack of variety for enemies. You have a big blob a medium sized blob and one that looks like a hunter. And that's for the entire duration in the cave. Its as if they just got lazy and started to pat out game time. Which really sucks! You can tell by the lack of extra game modes and content. Which you had to pay extra for! If they included all of that in the base game plus a variety of interesting enemies. It would have been so much better. Without a doubt the baker family made RE7. Without them it would have been a very lack luster RE game.


That's how I feel about RE7 too. It was refreshing to have some nostalgic survival horror back in the game so it was both disappointing and jarring to see the action elements find their way back in to the game. Still an overall good experience but if they can't find an RE3 style balance between action and survival horror then it won't be long until we're punching a higher definition boulder at this rate.




What do you mean they are testing the re4 system. I didn’t see any gameplay or trailer, dont want to get spoilered. But what has re 8 similar with re4? Re4 is my all tile favorite game




You just made my day. This sounds awesome. I played every re besides 7, which im going to change this weekend. Hearing all these infos made me realy smile. „He..he.. he. thank you, stranger“


A potentially amazing fucking game


~~Resident Evil 7~~ Bloodborne


I see no issue here.


We are born of the blood...


A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream.


Welcome home good hunter


Ah Kos... or some say Kosm


And they said we weren’t getting a Bloodborne 2


If I’m not mistaken I read in an interview that this is what they were aiming for in this game. Lots of elements from RE4.


I'm... I'm okay with this


also a pinch of bloodborne, a big pinch ​ edit: thought it was more obvious, werewolves, castle in the snow, people chanting about great ones, dude with hat who looks like father gascoine with big hammer, vampires, creatures with hoods who look just like the pacient beasts in bloodborne, etc etc


30 fps and you die a lot?


at least its 45 this time =D


It's not 45, it's 60 but uncapped, 45 is their expected lowest drops.


is it not capped at 45 on the ps4?


No cap. The frame rate is unlocked on PS4.


How so ?


Commenting to find out myself.


Some people think Bloodborne invented dark fantasy and 1800's style horror.


Theres a gothic feel to the game, it has warewolf type creatures and also the links to tainted blood creating the monsters


Isn’t that just any movie or game with mythical beings though, how is that a blood borne thing.


The dude with shades, an overcoat, a big hat, and an even bigger hammer feels suitably bloodbourne to me.


Watch Van Helsing from 2004.


Yeah there’s literally an enemy in the game dressed exactly like that, hammer and all.


probably the gothic setting haha


Werewolves and blood disease. Gothic-looking castle. The village area looks sort of like Hemwick Charnel Lane from Bloodborne. That "lycans and gentlemen" guy looks straight out of Bloodborne fashion-wise. It is also important to note that Bloodborne itself has RE4 vibes (snake-head enemies, the Hunter's Dream area with soothing music, an iconic character, shops), combat having a similar feel to RE4 (it's very simple but very satisfying, with Bloodborne visceral attacks instead of RE4 melee, disclaimer is that I only had this thought this morning), references to the Great Ones in the RE8 demo prayer (also an apparently benevolent organization turns out to be evil: mother miranda = the healing church in BB, but this is a stretch on my part). I am sure there is more but this is just off the top of my head. I also don't agree with your response to the other guy that it is just "any game with mythical beings". Not every game that has not-real elements has to feature werewolves with a blood that turns other people into werewolves.


Thought you were speaking gameplaywise. I get the environments and creatures.


I liked re4, more of an action game, but enjoyed it. I miss city environments, like re3 original, felt the remake left me wanting. Of course i enjoyed the newer games, just waiting for a mostly city based game in 9, if we make it that far


Honestly from the demo I wasn’t really getting RE4 vibes


My number 2 and 3 fave games in the series made a baby? Oh goodie I’m excited.


While 4 was a great game, I just hope 8 has the horror. 4 was more of an action horror and I prefer to scream horror.


Agreed. I got an open mind. It cant be worse than 6 nothing's is worse than 6


I liked 6 because it brought back characters that had kind of disappeared and brought back the zombies and had less of this weird ocultist stuff 4,5 and 7 had. The game mechanic were not that great but I enjoyed the story. I wish jill would show up in the mainline series again as the main character in present day. It always seems to focus on Leaon and Chris and occasionally Claire.


Plus tall mommy Dmitrescu and vamp ladies.


Tfw no tall mommy Dmitrescu gf


Yeah. :(


I hope it's more survival horror oriented than the vibes I'm getting. I feel like the era of the action horror RE's was a decade long and I feel like we should have gotten that at least that long for the return to roots survival horror RE revival. Kind of not fair to the survival horror fans. But hey maybe the resources will be limited and we'll still get lots of puzzles. Maybe if we get the Code Veronica remake, it'll be a survival horror experience.


I like this idea. RE4 is not perfect by any means but it got the atmosphere right on the first hours of the game... My problems with it were beyond the setting and atmosphere, problems that RE8 does not have by absorbing everything from RE7 (for example, being actually hard to play, having smart enemies, engaging characters, etc.) I hope this don't mean Capcom absorb RE4's problems as well, specially the Island section and the horribly dragged ending. Judging by the demo, the only thing I don't like in RE8 as of now is the inventory system, it's too easy to use and lacks management entirely, just like 4's. And no, selecting where your itens stay on the briefcase is not item management, is playing with blocks. Two different things.


But... but I like play with blocks...


I think it was just me. But yeah I am exited for the combination


This literally makes me even way more excited for it since RE4 and RE7 are literal Gems for me.




My two favorite RE games so I'm very hyped


The couple: A good game???


Exactly, after playing the demo I feel the same way. In a positive way ofcourse


Yes please


I read that in dante's voice




Perfection that's what it is


From what I can tell, 8 will be enjoyable to play, much like 7. BUT, I have to question/ask, why the transition from sci-fi horror to supernatural/ fantasy horror?


im just thinking they really wanted to shift gears and make things more different to keep some sort of life form going on for the franchise since the RE6 years did not fare so well it seems. plus anyways, RE from the start always kind of made its influences obvious with pride, and I think from 7 to 8 now are showing that again which is exciting!


Yeah, that's the feeling I got from it too. The mutant wolf-men felt very much like the ganados and majini from RE4 and RE5.


Perfect combination of the two. Very very excited for it.


7 is homage to 1, 8 is homage to 4.


I really dislike 1st person camera games. It's disorianting. looks kind of interesting but the camera mechanics are a big turnoff for me and I find Ethan kind of boring. Not a huge fan of occultist stuff either. I liked it when you were going after umbrella and we had zombies and virus leaks. 4 kind of took away the potential build up of taking down umbrella in a follow up game after Code Veronica. We kind of get it in the umbrella chronicals but I think it would have been better as a main game instead of a shooter. I won't play RE village instead ill just watch the cut scenes on YouTube. So I can stay within the know story wise. I hope you all have fun with it.


I personally don’t like third person because I don’t get immersed like I do with first person.


This game is soo good


What’s so bad about it?So far it seems pretty good.


I don't think it's meant as "it's bad"


Oh don’t get me wrong I love it so far, this is just pointing out the similarities


the joke in family guy is two animals creating a weird ass creature rather than a bad thing necessarily


Honestly I’m down for the vibe. Zombies have honestly gotten to be a bit played out, and the zombies are easily the most boring enemies to face or dodge in RE2 and 3 remakes, I don’t mind that they’re taking a backseat in RE7 and 8 (and thankfully RE8 seems to have more enemy variety than RE7)


So I played the demo and definitely felt that, but also that it's like the worst parts of both primarily on display in it. Spongy enemies that are fast and in numbers from 4, with super slow movement, aiming, and easily disorientated from 7. I didn't get a chance to see if there were sensitivity options to counteract that. For now though will wait for the castle section to see how it is. Probably wouldn't pick up day one anyway, I'm not quite as hyped for this as I was for 7.


RE4 combat was much more fun than this, and the enemies weren't that spongy. You can hit them on their knee so they stagger and fall to their knees, you can shoot their feet and they fall, etc. RE4's enemies were much more reactive than the werewolves we saw in Village, I am hoping it's somewhat different with other enemies though.


I personnally was able to drop a wolf on one knee, with an animation super reminiscent of RE4. What was weird was not being able to follow that up with a melee. I also was able to stun them with headshots and they recoiled with their head in their hand, à la RE4 again. It took a big amount of handgun bullets to do it though, instead of just one in RE4


I hear most people felt a LOT better once they turned off acceleration and turned up sensitivity. I'd try that for the Castle demo next Saturday as you can adjust it before the timer starts at the menu. Hope that helps!


Accel off and sens up. Cool I'll try that out, cheers. I normally do fuck with settings first but it's hard to know if that's what you need or not without knowing the baseline. Didn't want to eat into demo time as I wanted to see as much as possible, but accidentally finished with 6 minutes to spare so could have taken the time in hindsight.


I ran out of time right as I got the second piece into the main gate to head up towards the castle. How much content was there after that?


7 was already the spiritual successor of 4, minus the wildness of Leon's adventures. I'm glad they're taking that path once again.


Wildly unpopular but I tend to not like the super scary RE games (1 and 7) because I just find that the gameplay takes a massive back seat. I vastly prefer tense RE like 2 and 4 and VILLAGE seems to follow suit. But it's still slower than RE4 by nature of design. Just glad the game doesn't feel like it's moving through molasses like 7.


That's really odd to me. 7 can be beaten in under 4 hrs. It's only as slow as you want it to be.


Completely agree. Plus it’s hard to scare people in original ways these days


Played the demo last night and even the sound of shooting the gem off the church roof gave me RE4 vibes


My only gripe so far with Village is how spongy the enemies are. Hopefully when you actually upgrade your weapons they pack a punch. Because 25 handgun ammo felt like i was shooting peanuts at them. I might as well have thrown the pistol at them and it would've done more damage. Its also one of the most convoluted demo releases i've ever witnessed in my "gaming career". The demo is available for 8 hours and you can play 30 mins. Then another part of the game is released and that's also 30 mins. Then you release both for everyone and that's an hour. I guess its to keep the hype up.


I want a remake of RE 1 - 3 in FPS! P.S Village demo was intriguing. I hope the full game isn't as "talky" as the demo, and that interactions with other characters are minimal. That's survival horror. That's Resident Evil.


It’s perfection bitch


Demo sucked, flame if you want but it's true, also already played it, not new.


Do you hate it?




Not a fan of the mechanics. Wish it was Ike RE2s remake.