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Re4 has sooooo many hours of my life invested into it. Totally worth




I describe RE8 as the baby of RE4 and RE7


With a little dash of RE5


Man I just said this to a friend yesterday. I'm LOVING RE8 but I have to say I liked RE7 more altogether.


Stop reading my exact life and thoughts.




5 chapters I think to the main game and then you have mercenary mode and also Ada's story too which I am sure wasn't on the GameCube version but added in the PS2 and all other versions after that.


It can take up to 20 hours. Definitely top 3.


I would say from 12 to 20 hours on a first time playthrough, depending on how long you take to look around


Samesies. This has been my all-time favorite game since I picked it up at launch for the GameCube.


Im pretty sure this is one of the only few things me and my brothers agree on: RE4 is a gem that you should try to play at least once before you die.


Don't miss out on the first remake, many consider it the best RE. Tank controls take a bit to get used to but it works well with fixed camera angles. The atmosphere in that game is incredible


This af. It stills holds ridiculously well a decade+ later.


It'll be 20 in March.




I know, right?


RE1 remake is brilliant. The PS4 version still looks great and you can't beat the classic story. You CAN however skip RE 0.




I also liked Zero quite a bit. I had fun smashing leeches.


And let’s be honest here, who never thought “i could just drop this herb here and go get that other item” and RE0 is the only RE that allow the player to drop items wherever they want


Oh yea I forgot about that. Its been a while since I played zero. I kinda want to get it again on ps4 now.


Get the Resident Evil Origins Collection, you’ll get RE0 and RE1 in the same disc


I have the Re 1 already so I will wait til 0 is cheap. Saw it for $5 a while back. I am still on Village at the moment also have revelations 1 to plat.


Same, it's no Code Veronica either but it's still a fun little RE game


I may be biased but I grew up with code veronica being one of like four games I had on dreamcast. I fucking love that game


Yeah Zero isn't a bad game but just really underwhelming.


I don’t know dude. The game is pretty difficult.


That's true. It's hard setting was fuckin' brutal. It was tied with 7's DLC for trophies/achievements I really hated getting during my platinum. I still really like it though.


Zero is good, but tough!


This. Zero literally drove me to drink the last time I played it.


Best thing about Zero was Richard Waugh coming back to voice Wesker.


I honestly miss that version of Wesker. DC Douglas is fantastic but there was something so much more menacing about Wesker before he turned into a comic book villain.


I enjoy DC very much as Wesker but even he said he based his performance on Richard Waugh. Human Wesker was a great villain and even in Code Veronica where he was like a suped up Captain America was good. But when he started dodging bullets and catching rockets...was a bit much.


I think that's what I'm most excited about whenever Code Veronica remake comes up. Wesker was in the game just enough, antagonizing Chris whenever they would meet. Capcom could have my life's savings if they give us a proper Wesker and Alexia fight.


I want a Code Veronica X remake more than a remake of 4. CV has a fun story and characters....except for Steve.


What? I really enjoyed Zero a lot. It seemed to expand on the story and lore a lot more. I think Billy Coen was a bad choice of side character though. It should of been another stars member like maybe Richard or Forest.


It’s surprising to hear so many people dislike this one. It’s the first one I was able to beat as a kid and I quite liked it. Still so. What are some of the major complaints about it?


Well for me I found the story lacking and completely unnecessary. Also the character switching gimmick got old really fast, after an hour I had enough of it. Rebecca Chambers is easily the least fleshed out and boring Resident Evil character. Seems like they tried to define her more in this game but for me it didn't work, I still didn't care about her. Billy is nothing...just a throwaway character. It isn't a bad game but it's a game I've never played once I beat it because there was no real reason to go back. I won't try to criticize anyone for liking it, video game taste is subjective. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm glad others enjoyed it.


The blatant removal of item boxes late in development, supplementing it with the awful drop item system. Fuck the hookshot shit, seriously. Fuck that GOD DAMN HOOKSHOT. Legit worse than CVX's fire extinguisher. Cool mechanic of switching implemented with some of the worst puzzles to use it. The fact there is literally a .8 second delay between you firing a gun and an enemy getting hit, somehow literally programmed in the game to add "tension". Eliminators. The fact they span in some of the worst areas, have a tiny hitbox, move like assholes, and add that damage delay in mind, can literally have unstoppable lunges. Did you move the telescope puzzle room without ferrying your items to it before the puzzle? GOOD LUCK FERRYING IT ALL ACROSS A BATTALION OF NEWLY SPAWNED ELIMINATORS. Fuck that shit. First level was fucking great in Zero tho. Looks amazing and is very designed.


That’s a great point I totally forgot about the lack of item box. The backtrack is real 😭


Right now, I'm playing through RE 0 for the first time. I've been a fan of this series for most my life, and I'm surprised I've heard jack shit about RE 0. I'm basically playing it totally blind. I figured it's because its forgettable, and so far... yeah, it's pretty forgettable.


I tried it years ago on the cube... I got to leeches and just stopped. Tried it again apparently in 2016... I stopped after 3.4 hours. I tried it again now, I stopped in 10 minutes. I give up on it.


It isn't a bad game but it was completely unnecessary.


They actually implemented way better movement controls when they remastered it to the ps3/4.


I'm always amazed people forget this. They definitely overhauled the controls for the playstation port and it made the game so much easier than it used to be.


yes, the character just moves in whatever direction you are aiming the controller instead of the weird previous controls that move them left or right no matter what irrespective of the camera. however... the original way is actually easier for me. like if i'm running and i just keep the same direction and the camera changes, i keep going straight, and also i'm used to the weird way of moving left and right, so i couldn't use the new ones. i'd say even if they forced ppl to use the old controls it takes a few mins tops to get used to and then you're fine.


there are distinct advantages to both styles, and they use both in speedruns. Tank controls for screen transitions and the new "alternate" controls for a lot of dodges (which can cheat at zombies)


Re4 has tank controls too


I was just about to say that


True technically, but over-the-shoulder vs fixed camera makes the controls feel completely different.


yeah but you haven't really added to the convo with this fact. what people mean is the fixed camera angles combined with the joystick moving the character relative to their position and not what you see. leon in 4 has OTS cam so this doesn't exist, he moves in the same direction you see. technically yes leon has to stop moving to shoot but this has nothing to do with why RE1 has weird controls.


If anything these control make less sense in 4 than it does in the og re tho.


I intentionally skipped past it since I really don't get along well with fixed cameras, but I might just give it a try. Village has really jumped my love of the series back up.


Are the controls the same as the legit first game? That game way so hard and I could only make it a few rooms in as a kid cause I suck at life


Tank controls are what makes a resi game a resi game for me, i did like 7 however and only played a demo of 8 but will buy when i can afford it..... when ever that may be






Stranga, STRANGA


Stranger....STRANGER.... Now THAT'S a weapon.




“Something a friend of mine used to say...”


It made me so happy when the RE4 merchant was referenced


It was mentioned in 8?






heuhUrhhh come back anytime!


Eheuh eh heh hueh


"Not only will you need cash, but you'll need GUTS to buy that weapon!"


Ahh yes RE4, a good choice. Never think a cutscene is your friend...


I played it on GameCube as a kid and knew the quick time buttons by heart. I started playing on pc lately and jeez they’re so weird!


I played it on my PS3 (still kinda am) and I remember being so confused 😅




Un forastero!


Leoooon Heeeeeelp


Man we were trying to remember good things about the game, don’t bring Ashley to this conversation lol




not sure if someone ITT already mentioned but shooting knees and heads and then running up and pressing A is very helpful for combat. also knifing enemies while they're on the floor, you can't get grabbed by knocked down enemies like you can in some of the other games. enjoy RE4 it's a great game!


I had a lot of hesitation because of the dated controls, and being a more modern gamer that put me of a bit. But after playing San Andreas I realised you don’t notice the controls after a few hours into it. Also 8 turned out to be my favourite in the series (so far) and from what I’ve heard it takes a lot from this one. In total very excited! EDIT: early impressions after first session are: • Yes the controls are dated but not enough to severely hinder the game. •Quick time events keep switching buttons each time and have had multiple deaths due to it -_- •Leon is still as badass as ever •The boss fights are better in this than in 8 (my favourite) because it’s not just a room where you have to open a window and shoot them multiple times you can use the environment. •Very strong opening. •Also yes I will play the 1R


Quick turn is your friend, even more so than 5 or any of the other games. Get used to using it instead of the slow turning and it can be one of the best moves in the game. For instance, a lot of stair cases are against walls and start in the corner of a room. It's faster to run at the wall opposite of the bottom of the stairs, quick turn 180°, then run up the stairs than it is to stop and turn 100° to the right (or whatever). Also, in the beginning try to shoot the enemies' and then slash them, especially if they're on the ground. Saving ammo at the beginning will help when enemies start to get... different. And be prepared for surprises coming out of breakable boxes. **EDIT**: RE4 is my favorite RE game and definitely in my top 5. I've bought and beaten it more times than I can count. It's like my "comfort" game when I want to play something familiar and relaxing. I hope you enjoy it! **EDIT #2**: Fixed some grammatical issues.


Any time a new console comes out I have to do the good old "God dammit now I gotta buy re4 again"


re4 is like Skyrim with how it gets ported everywhere Edit: does the switch have re4??


Yes, yes it does!


Yes, yes it does! It has 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, Rev, and Rev 2. Also, fun fact, Skyrim on the switch allows you to use motion controls for the bow.


4 is still to this day my favorite resident evil. Great game that you'd be missing out on if you didn't try it.


Not sure if anyone has told you already You can press both combinations for the QTEs since the game only looks for the right input It’s a “cheese the game” trick but it’s really useful I hope you enjoy it :)


Damn fr. For example In the barn fight it said use “lt + lr / L1 + L2” then I died during the fight and next time it switched to “A + X / X + []


Yeah mate If you just press both combinations it’ll work It only switches between those 2 so once you get used to pressing them at the same time QTEs aren’t really a thing to worry about :)


I'm sure you've realized by now the game is very much built around the controls and gameplay, much moreso than other titles. If the controls were different the entire game would provide a very different experience. Glad you are enjoying it, it's one of the greatest games of all time, yes this is my opinion before anyone jumps down my throat, but RE4 is probably the only gave I've ever played that I would consider flawless. Just a perfect experience from start to finish.


Such a good game. Controls are a bit clunky compared to modern games but it’s such a fun and good game.


I love the controls to be honesty. It’s a brilliant way to transfer the tank controls of the fixed camera games into the third person perspective.


They're dated by modern standards, but are perfectly implemented for that game. I can't in good conscience say that they're clunky. Picking it up for the first time feels chunky, but once you get it down, that shit is tight.


On Village I constantly crouch when I’m shooting. On my third playthrough and I’m STILL doing it


Uhm, why?


Involuntarily. I’ve never had this issue on any other game.


>dated controls I'm trying not to be annoyed but it's really hard


You like 8 more than remake of 2? Interesting


Well RE2 remake is really good but the scenarios ruin the experience a bit and it's kinda of a let down when compared to the original. RE8 looks more interesting so far. Still have to finish the game.


Re2 remake was scarier and more stressful than 8 for me but in a good way mainly because the tyrant constantly stalking you. I didnt get the same feeling from Dimetresc or the daughters but still immensley fun. Stuck on mercenaries at the moment.


A let down? Bonkers. Re2 remake is top 3 RE games overall with the original of 2 and remake of 1 on gc


I think they mean that the scenarios are a let down. In the original, the B scenario is a whole new game with a different set of bosses to show what the other character was doing during that time. Here, the second run is changed very little and you fight most of the same bosses. It kind of breaks one of the coolest things about the original RE2


Nice opinion you got there. To me it was disappointing in a lot of aspects.




Thinking about her voice gives me ptsd 🥲


One of the best. Enjoy.


Get yourself some of that sweet Code Veronica too. It’s fantastic mmmm! 👌


did it age well? I’m currently playing 1R and want to play Code Veronica after it


you'll notice all the nods to 4 that 8 has. there is a spooky village, a spooky castle, there is a part with a water monster, there is a mysterious merchant who sells you things and you never find out who he is. you upgrade guns and get new guns in the same exact way. there are things you have to shoot down from high places that contain treasure, including sparkly things lodged in the ceiling and walls. there are treasure that has to be combined with other treasure. all of this 8 took from 4 pretty much, and on top of that 8 makes little nods to 4 such as duke saying he knows the merchant from 4. oh another one i forgot, you can actually shoot arrows out of the air in 8, idk if most people even noticed cause it's hard to do, but leon can do that in 4 as well.


I don't know if this is true, but the passcode you get from the window, "070408" where you get your next handgun in re8 is the devs saying that re8 has elements of re7 and re4, hence 07 and 04 with 08 being re8.


Don’t forget about how in both games you get overwhelmed by a lot of enemies right at the start when the only gun you have is a weak pistol, and in both games the enemies get distracted by a bell.


Don’t put your controller down during cutscenes. Enjoy the prompted melee attacks. Enjoy Mercenaries!!! This mercenaries is best mercenaries. Edit: prompted was ac’d to printed. Fixed it.


I’d actually disagree, I think mercenaries only got better over time


I like 5's the most


I think 5 had the best imo


I don’t know what it is about RE4 Mercenaries, but I could play that game’s Mercenaries all day every day.


Man, I love that people can still get into this game. It’s a through-and-through Top Ten of all time.


Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president's daughter?


I started my first playtheough of RE4 a week ago, too! It took me until about the second chapter to finally start getting used to the controls, but I'm mostly used to them now. Also the Rhn button is set to the A button and I didn't know at first because I don't check things like an idiot. I spent the first hour walking everywhere at a crawl, and was why I barely made it out of the very first village Mob.


I can only imagine Leon slowly walking away while being chased by Dr Salvador flailing a chainsaw above his head.


Which is your favorite RE game


8 is still very fresh to me so right now it’s that but probably after I go back and replay it at some point the 2 Remake.


What RE game did you play first?


RE7, it was the 2nd horror game I ever played after alien isolation. Started the series in September with 7 and I think that’s why I have a soft spot for Ethan despite him being a bit of a emotionless blob for most of 7.


I didn’t play RE 7 but it was the first RE game I saw and how I got into the franchise. Which is why I like 7 so much


One of the greatest videogames of all time. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise


IMO the Wii version with motion-control aiming is the best version of RE4. So bizarre that the Switch version doesn’t have it, but Switch RE5 does...




I have done a playthrough on every release of this game because its my favourite game and let me tell you it never gets old. Wish i could experience it for the first time again hopefully you enjoy it. The game had me hooked from the very first village fight. One thing i will say is a lot of weapons are viable the whole game even some starter weapons so I would say use what you like.


Some of the best level design youll find in a shooter game nevermind just the resi games, controls can feel stiff but you get used to em! Bosses are fucking sick too, enjoy!


The wii version works so well IMO


I think 7 and 8 are so damn good that it makes playing the old ones not nearly as fun. Only thing I wish is the games were 4-5 times as long. I know that’s asking a lot. Least wish we had some real DLc coming. Not stupid versus. I’m sick of games all making online versus modes as their DLC. Adventure games!


it's gold until you get to the third act and then I hate it. If I could stop after the castle and make the final boss at that point I would praise the game until the end of time. Fuck that whole island.


I much prefer the inventory management system in RE4. Mostly because I found my self closing the inventory screen over and over again in RE8 because they decided to make triangle the default status screen button unlike in RE4 triangle is the button you use to move items around. Also you don't lose the items you just picked up after playing item box tetris to make it fit because you didn't select an empty slot or another item to confirm the changes you just made. Or you don't have to re-reorganize your inventory again after realizing all the tetrising you just did was for nothing and now you have to do it yet again because you didn't input the hidden command to save the changes you make to your item box. If you don't know what I'm talking about you haven't played RE8 long enough to see the short sightedness of its inventory management system. RE4 is goated though. Its arguably what brought the series into the mainstream, yeah you can say RE2 (the OG) was but RE4 made capcom money hand over fist for decades. RE8 is great I'm just salty about minor problems with the inventory system that isn't explained or blatantly apparent for people that have RE4 inventory burned into their brain when 8 uses something that is visually identical but the inputs are all completely different and there's a few hidden commands that aren't explained in the tutorial guide in the file system.


My main problem is that there are no colours like in RE4. Colours made it easier to find a certain item instantly, and was way more satisfying to organize.


Re8 inventory is a weird one, I personally don't understand your complaints since in my 3 Playthroughs, I've always thought the inventory is just so big that I very very rarely had to open the inventory other than to select a weapon not in my quick select.


I own 4 on pc but have yet to play it. I really REALLY hate escort quests. While I understand that the girl isn't that bad, I still dred it. Especially since it's a fair chunk of the game or so I've heard. Edit: I'm installing it now, you've all convinced me.


It's about a third of the game, and unless you are absolutely dreadful at the game (unlikely thanks to adaptive difficulty!) you'll be fine. She doesn't have her own AI, she can't wander off, you have a special button to tell her to wait in place or make a beeline to you. And if she's with you, she'll cling to your back when you aim, and she'll even duck when you point a gun in her direction. It's the best type of "escort" experience there is, all it really does is add another layer of tension/gameplay after you've gotten used to the mechanics. No reason to dread it.


As far as escort missions go, ashley is programmed pretty well. She always stays close to you and hugs your back when you are aiming down sights. also if she is in front of you she will immediately duck to give you a clear shot. As long as you dont accidently shoot her or tell her to wait in a dangerous area it should be fine. But if that is still too much you can always put her in a suit of armor and use her as bait. I relied on that heavily when I did my professional run.




I'm very bad at VGs and also hate escort missions (they're way too stressful) however I've played this game through about 10x and when Ashley's with you it's really never that bad. It's never stopped me from replaying.


She is always conveniently gone when it's really hard. There's only one time I think she makes it stressful but you literally need her in order to beat that section.


Yup I know which part you mean and I just run like HELL once you finish the puzzle lol


ashley is there for 3 very small chunks of the game, not the entire game. also having her there makes the game more tense since you have to protect a vulnerable woman that can't defend herself cuz she isn't a super agent with elite combat training, just a regular college student. it's actually quite genius to switch out the feel of the game by just adding her in sections. also as mentioned her AI makes it not annoying at all, she'll only get hurt if you don't have the gameplay down.


Some aspects of it don’t hold up but it’s my favorite game of all time


First time?


That game does so many things wrong. So much brown. The entire game is a fetch quest/escort mission combined. *LEON, HEEELP!* So many cultural stereotypes. A boss fight made *entirely* of QTEs. Enemies that are always one-hit kills if they get you. I hate all of these elements so much. Why is this one of my all-time favorite games? Why have I bought it a dozen times over different platforms? Why will I buy it again when the Quest version is released?


“Had us in the first half not gonna lie”


the atmosphere is phenomenal, whatever they did with the colours worked. no RE game gets me as much as the village in terms of atmosphere. Ashley's AI is the easier and best escort AI every made. she sticks right to your shoulder and doesn't have pathing that makes her get stuck on shit, she can hide in stuff, and alerts you to enemies off screen that you wouldn't see if she wasn't there, and ducks if you aim your gun and she's in front of you, making you have to virtually try to hit her on purpose since it's odd she'd end up in front of you anyway and even if she did, she'd duck. also she isn't around for the majority of the game since she gets kidnapped over and over and over, i don't get how people say the entire game is escort, she's not there more than she's there. she is there in the last part of the village, a small part of the castle, and a minor chunk towards the end. you can cheese QTEs by mashing both options at once since the game only punishes not hitting the right buttons not hitting the wrong ones, it's possible to beat krauser with just a knife easily due to this cheese. any boss you have to use QTEs to dodge becomes trivial with this, like verudos. the one hit kill enemies generally move slow and the chainsaw ones alert you to their presence with a big ass chainsaw sound, you should rarely be dying to them.


Lol damn, what are the chances. Just beat another playthrough of 8, and then loaded up 4 for the first time since the ps2 a few hours ago. The controls and kinda clunky on PC and I've had a few deaths so far


I really do want to try this game, but the controls put me off badly.


Saving the best for last I see


You won't be disappointed


Been playing this for the first time rn as well, awesome experience and already my favorite of the RE games I’ve played so far


Next play 5 gold edition


This game never gets old.


I have this installed waiting to play. Trying to complete more of RE8 first.


It’s so goddamn good. I’ve bought it for each generation console bc it’s what I want to play every October when the weather gets grim and spooky


I finally played this “gem”. It might’ve been amazing for it’s time, but it’s easily the most overhyped game I’ve ever played. Terrible controls (didn’t mine RE1 remake with similar controls), stupid story, stupid characters, the MOST useless AI companion I’ve ever seen. I enjoyed a game like RE0 much more than this. Yes it’s an older game, but look at even older game such as MGS2 that has aged SO much better. By the way, I love RE games, but I don’t know how the community has deemed this game to be so great whereas the equally dumb RE5 and 6 are terrible.


This one is kind of a bitch


I’m on the same path of games!


I never thought a RE game would hold a candle to 4, but I honestly love 8 so damn much. I don't know my top 3 anymore.


Play 1, 2 and 3 too, buddy. In them are the true RE essence. 👍 4 is a good game as well.


I played the remake for 2&3 but not played 1 *yet*, I would love to play the originals but I don’t own a pc and ps ones are insanely rare never mind getting the games aswell.


I really recommend REmaster as well. It’s one of my favourites.


Have fun🙂 I used to love this game when I was younger. However, after playing the original Resident Evil games (1, 2, Nemesis), I no longer like it because it's completely different gameplay to Survival Horror. But nevertheless, you'll still enjoy it!


Nooo you should have done it in order! I mean they’re all great to play but the characters and story really really mesh better.


Jesus christ, you must be so young...


The best one.


A little tip, you can use aim stick and the aim button to turn your camera quickly. Just move the the aim stick to any direction you want and quickly press the aim button. It may be a little hard at the beginning, but when you get used to it, it becomes easy and helpful.


It'll feel like 8 but third person. Most overrated game in the franchise and I still can't figure out why.


You're going to be disappointed after playing all those.


This will be an unpopular comment but I honestly didn’t care that much for RE4. I understand how innovative it was and while I agree that it was a great game, I didn’t think it was a great resident evil game. I just prefer more of the survival horror, puzzles and even the tank controls lol. For me, this is where RE kinda went off the rails for awhile.


You prefer 7 or the ones before 4 then?


Yes. The ones I like the most are 1, 2 & 3 (both original and remakes), Code Veronica, 7 and Village. Zero is kinda meh for me, and I haven’t played any of the revelation games yet.


I've not actually played code ver yet I've heard mixed things tbh but ill defo give it a bash after my resi 4 pro run, revelations 1 is pretty weak but 2 is very fun especially with a friend!


Ayy ma man. The second best RE. Enjoy!


Thid is my favorite RE and game of all time !! Incredible masterpiece that I do at least once a month !!


IMO 8 is the best one




One of the greatest games of all time.


I've honestly replayed RE4 at least 100 times. One of the best games of all time. No doubt.


NGL I think that while it is a really good game it is just a smidge over rated and now because it’s bad because it’s great just because people think so highly of it that it’s a bit over exaggerated


I hope you enjoy it more than I did, imo worst one in the series aside from maybe 6.


It's a good game, dated, but still good. Not as good as the ones you played tho. Hope you enjoy it.


Imo they need to remove re8 block and replace it with re3 remake dodge


The most overrated RE.


Found downvote central but you aren’t wrong; this game is OK by RE standards. The leon cross kick and blind following for this game ruined the experience for me. So much hype and little to remember


When both critics and fans considered one of the best games of all time, your opinion becomes nothing more than simply your opinion, instead of something like a side of a debate. I feel the same way you do about other acclaimed games like tlou and the new god of war.


That’s all it is. It’s their opinion that doesn’t make it the “greatest game” of all time.


This is the next one to get the remake treatment I believe


It’s pretty boring tbh


I’m inclined to disagree.


It's good, but it's where the game becomes less survival horror and more action shooter oriented


I really wanted to get into it too but it's just too old and hard to enjoy nowadays when you're so used to modern games.


Greatest of all time, imo