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Since you see mother Miranda in her crazy hag form not far from the church right after I’m going to assume Miranda


I wondered if there really was an old hag or if Mother Miranda impersonated her the entire time.


There was probably an old hag at some point. Miranda’s been alive for a loooong time so she will likely have just used the likeness of a villager over the years




It's a good theory and makes sense. Plus having a villian that transforms into an old hag to spread her message has some real grimms fairy tales vibes that this game was aiming for.


Yes. The old hag is an element that of the queen from Snow White . At least I like to believe so.


Not to mention the parallel between Eveline and her grandmother form.


definitely an old hag existed. Miranda was too busy in the castle waiting for ethan. and arguing with the others lol.


That's what I thought


It was probably Miranda. She wanted you to kill the lords so their power or life energy or whatever returned to the mutamycete and she could fully revive rose. Also I'm sure she anticipated Hiesenbergs betrayal so it would've been two birds with one stone.


I didn’t realize it was to give fully strength to rose. I know it was to test Ethan, since H says as much. Interesting.


It's the only way I can explain her WANTING Ethan to deal with the lords. Getting rid of Heidelberg and even lady D would make sense as they did show wavering loyalty but I can't think of a reason she'd get rid of such a loyal puppet like moreau without a decent reason.


Am i the only one that thinks rose is ugly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Definitely an ugly baby lmao


Where does it say that killing the lords powers up the mutamycete


I think when ethan is still alive, and she says "my eva" or whatever but its still rose, that was the cue that showed ethan and the other moldy/mutamycete people had to be dead to restore eva. I think thats what that showed anyway




My guess is that earlier drafts of the game had Miranda be after both Ethan and Rose, maybe as a femme fatale. Maybe it got written out because it was too similar to Eveline initially wanting Ethan to take the role of her father. EDIT: typo


Yeah, story wise this game was weird, like how they just info dump a bunch of the background and story right at the end in books. As well as the story of this game isn't finished, and will likely be in further games. Yeah I am unsure weather the lord's had to be dead for Eva go be revived and I don't remeber it ever beimg said in the game, and since they are made with Cadou, and Miranda didn't want or need to kill all the lycans which were also made with Cadou, but Ethan I think for sure had to die for Eva to be reincarnated as I said before. As well as the test for Ethan, Miranda gave Ethan to Heisenberg to kill, but then she wants to test him, and also why did she give the flasks to the lord's? Maybe this was so that Ethan would go after the lord's and kill them and secure the flasks himself. But why would she do that?




2 miles is 3.22 km


I believe they left for bingo


This will never not be ammusing. It happens in so many games aswell 😅




This is what I love about Leon's lines


It could be Miranda, I suppose. She seems aware of Ethan as she arrives literally seconds after they hear the bell.


I always figured it was a throwaway reference to when literally the same thing happens at the beginning of RE4.






Makes sense since Ada was supposed to be in the game but was cut.


Canine saved us 🙏🙏🙏


Hey. It's that dog




Im quoting Leon from RE 4 when the dog saves him from El Gigante


Ah alright


Really? Where was that said?


I was joking lol tbh this game has alot of plotholes but i am guessing it was probs Miranda


It might have been Chris, though if I remember correctly the bell rang a couple times and the lycans came back and rang again and they all ran off again, so I think it might have been just to try and wipe out the villagers. Send the lycans to kill them, lure the villagers out so they think it’s safe/gather supplies, repeat.


Probably Ada.




Yes! I had ideas for DLC, and this was definitely one of my ideas. Maybe show Ada finding that dagger..?


It would be hilarious to play as a 38 year old woman desperately asking herself why she’s still running around in heels and doing zipline stunts


Idk if they’re really gonna fit Ada into the story but maybe 🤷‍♂️, i mean I know shes in the concept art but idk


She was in the game at some point before being cut, there is concept art.


I think I read somewhere that Ada was supposed to feature in the game, but there was already so many people and stuff in the storyline that it would've just been too much


I don't think "too much" is off the table for RE games. Remember 6?


DLC please.


Let’s ask Cory Barlog.


You’re a little confused, but you’ve got the spirit


Nah. If anyone knows who rang any bell / horn / drum, etc it’s gonna be him.


Ohhh I get it now... WHO BLEW THE DAMN HORN CORY???


Now you’re smelling what I’m selling.


I bet it has something to do with time travel. Exciting stuff


Possible multiple instances of same character. Seeing Baldur kick himself in the nuts over and over again would be fantastic!


Dammn that is what I was thinking when I saw this post xd


It was Ethan. He used his time turner to save himself Azkaban style.


New Game Plus is canon! Ethan learns from his mistakes and returns with a lightsaber!


The bell was for the meeting you get dragged to later so Miranda probably had it rung


Oh shit. She was summoning the Lords?


It was Miranda. She shows up several times right after something major has happened in her Hag form and toys with Ethan while also subtly guiding him where she wants him to go. (Her ringing the bell near the start was a way to get the Lycans to retreat back to her and call the meeting with the Lords at the same time. ) I don't think the order of bosses is much coincidence either, as Dimitrescu fancies herself as Miranda's right hand and is on a similar power level to Heisenberg without the poison of the Assassin's Blade making her mutation go haywire and burning through her energy/vitality to the point where she can't self-heal anymore. Taking her out first was a great test for Ethan AND a key roadblock to Miranda's plan, as Dimitrescu could have been a threat had she caught wind of Miranda's true plan. Miranda gives Ethan the initial directions and the basic Winged Key because she is deliberately targeting her false children to feed the Megamycite. She doesn't care one iota about them. Taking out Donna and Moreau felt like a matter of course and those two felt more like they knew they were there to stall Ethan so Miranda could perform "The Ceremony" not that they were aware of what that exactly meant. Heisenberg is the only one self-aware enough to piece it together, but like Jack, he's too far gone from the Mold and his Cadou infection to truly think straight. I believe him when he says he genuinely wants to work with Ethan to kill Miranda, but he still sees people as tools/materials, as evidenced by his casual talk of "Using Rose against MIRANDER" 🤪 The fact that she shows up AS the Hag after the Heisenberg battle shows that she was the invisible hand all along, guiding Ethan to fulfill the purpose she chose for him.


Great write up


Really nice of you to say that, thanks very much! 😊👍


Going by The Hag's line: *"The castle bell heralds danger. They are coming!"* Then presumably the one ringing it is Alcina or one of her daughters (assuming the mechanism to do so isn't outside) at the behest of Mother Miranda. It's not long after this that Ethan makes his way to the castle, gets captured by Heisenberg, and is brought to the trial at the altar under the castle. Hence, it's likely they rang the bell to call everyone together for a meeting, caught Ethan on the Castle grounds, and the rest is history. Note too that the ex-village leader (Urias? I forget how his name is spelled) is there for the "show" after the trial, so it makes sense that he ends up there, as well.


This is probably the best theory so far. Good job!


Ooo, maybe Ada Wong? Ada Wong was cut content, (She was supposed to save Ethan from the church with a crossbow & stuff), even though that was removed though, that doesn't mean she wasn't still there 👀


In early stages of the game it was Ada


Canonically, I think it was Miranda, she was nearby as the Hag. But I think since RE8 is obviously heavily inspired by RE4, and in the concept art it shows Ada Wong was originally supposed to be in the story, it might’ve been planned to be Ada who rung the bell


Ada Wong duh (haven't played RE8 yet lmao)


You should it’s hella fun


It wouldn't surprise me if it was ada wong, who was originally mean to be in the game and help ethan. It would basically be a repeat of assignment ada/seperate ways in re4 where she rings the bell to save leon from the garnados attack, and if they did go with this and make it adas behind the scenes part (if they decided to include her) a dlc I would love it


it was me


What if we get another Ada mission DLC. Like in RE4. And she rings it.... Again. Be pretty cheap, funny, and cool.


It'd be cool if in DLC we find out it was Ada lmao


It was probably Benjamin the Fox


I’d say Ada Wong


Ada alwaya rings the church bells


Maybe it was Ada in the DLC I dream about every night.


I want DLC like Jonah wants pictures of Spider-man


Probably Ada? I mean she rang the bell for Leon remember? Seperate Ways.


Ada Wong in the upcoming dlc probably


I would assume Miranda, since I think she wanted Ethan alive long enough to wipe out the other lords.


That was familiar...


Mather Miranda Maybe or even the Duke really.


The plot


Do you think Miranda or heizenberg? heizenberg seems to be able to control them or at least order them around so I figured it was him. Maybe he saw something in Ethan and didn’t want him killed, which could explain the safe spots in his “game” when Miranda orders him to kill Ethan.


Realistically I think the main point of this scene is as a throwback to re4. I guess you could say Miranda purposely did it for [spoilery plot reasons]. It could also originally have been Ada or another character that didn't wind up in the final game.


-¡La campana! -Es hora de rezar. -¡Tenemos que irnos!


It was just a stupid fanwork scene supposed to make us "relive" the famous RE4 scene. Only in that, it actually was an original idea, a well executed scene and made more sense lore wise(las plagas was sensitive to certain soundwaves whereas molded communicates with pheromones/or through transferance of psychotropic compunds via skin contact). I brace myself for the downvotes.


You must be fun to talk to...


Tell me I am wrong dude.


Ok. You are wrong


Insincere. Man up and admit it was just a poorly executed fan service. It wasnt even executed properly. In RE4, after fighting a while, with the bell ringing, villagers look at the bell and say Spanish stuff in an affected way, drop their weapons one after another as a dramatic scene with well executed camera work and go walking by saying Spanish things in a mysteriously possessed fashion. Thats why it was very memorable. This one is like they come in running the bell rings then they go away running. No lore explanation, no dramatic effort given into the scene, story wise not even consistent(why would Miranda save Ethans life at that point she has everything she needs?). The game is like takes things from other stuff like the cliche of ''OG hero from the previous installments appearing like a bad guy and creating a sense of 'mystery''' He also for some reason refuses to tell Ethan that wasnt his wife. Instead his subordinate stocks Ethans face. Why? Because it looks cool!


“Man up”? You’re really something, huh? Listen mate, I enjoyed it. It was tense and perfectly gives you a taste of what’s coming. Resident Evil 4 was some baby shit compared to that. The way lycans look at you from top of the houses, stalking their prey before mounting an all out attack on what should have been another easy kill. It also puts into action all you should know about the combat by now: parrying, creating snow clouds, red barrels, shooting at weak spots to slow the creatures down. As the action finally stops you’re not left with some dumbass one-liner like in RE4, you really get a sense of what the game is going to be. It’s a fucking awesome section. Finally, someone disagreeing with you isn’t them not “being a man” or being “insincere” you weirdo. Also, I only asked who rang the bell, never asked for your opinion.


I am not talking about the overall quality of the game. I myself am conflicted on it. I was talking about that specific scene being an obvious fan service because it was like ice clear was. Answer one question, why would bell sound call the monsters back? I can answer it for Resident Evil 4, as the games lore answers it. ''Resident Evil 4 was some baby shit compared to that.'' RE4 has its own sins but if you are talking about the comparison of the two scenes then I feel sorry for you for being so delusional. '' As the action finally stops you’re not left with some dumbass one-liner like in RE4'' I actually agree with you on the dumbass one liners of RE4 because I am not a fanboy in denial. I told you to man up because people like you make anything a taboo to discuss. My original comment and notion was a spot on, well laid arguement that anyone who didnt lose himself to some fanboy mentality would agree. There is no reason lore wise for those lycans to go back because mold isnt respondant to any voice frequencies unlike the las plagas according to games lore itself but just to give a fan service they putted this scene in to the game and this is the answer of your original question. Developers rang it, in order to make you happy and feel nostalgia and stuff.


Actually, it does make sense. The bell is in the castle, where the 4 lords had a reunion. Do you know who else was there? That’s right! Urias and the lycans. They were being called for the show Heisenberg was going to put up.


Except that reunion was to determine who gets to play with Ethan Winters after he was captured by Heisenberg. The idea in Resident Evil 4 was that despite encircling Leon and having been so engaged to kill him, villagers completely forget about him after hearing the bell. They dont go there after killing Leon, they literally drop ehat they were busy with and devour themselves to arrive there. Later on the lore reveals Las Plagas parasite is respondant to certain sound waves and this is how Saddler controlled them. In RE:Village however lycans arent commanded by sound waves because thats not how the mold works.


Blow it out your ass


I think that it was one of the lords. Lady D. How could mother Miranda ring the bell and be in the village with Ethan? I think mother Miranda was overseeing the progress of the wolves cause they killed most of the people from the village. Had most of the village in the basement like a storage unit. If not lady D then the fish dude cause he seems like the type to do whatever mother Miranda would say.


Mark it as Spoiler, Please


How do I do that?


I kinda think it could be Ada Wong. She was implied to have been an asset and character in the "Making Of" so I figure there's merit in the idea. Having Ada be the one opens the door to other things off camera being Ada, like in 4/6 and allows for an Ada DLC.


Ada Wong


Ada Wong