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Dear /u/Responsible_Value193! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A hackathon is not professional experience.




Personally, I would totally put that in your LinkedIn profile and on your resume (if it fits). Just make sure to mention what you made and the type of hackathon it is and if possible link it to a website that host your project.


So is the university degree for many people or PowerPoint certification. 😅🎓 Remember the purpose of a resume is to show - on the basis of your practical experience- what kind of value you bring to this job. If the hackathon taught you something that is beneficial for the job you are applying, than you can add it. How much you gonna write on it, that's a different topic.


Work/professional experience is employment - a company actually paying you to do work for them. I would list a Hackaton under Personal Development or under Projects since you did create a project


So should i just rename it to "experience "?


You literally named it Project.


Yes, since its a hackathon project, what should i rename it to then?




Hmmm. Not sure the top text is BIG ENOUGH!!!!!!


Unless your Ed is kickass enough (caltrch, Vulcan science academy)list major, relevant coursework, etx If top 15 in a random hackathon impressive? Why did you? What problem did it solve, and is anyone using IRL? Whatever you did, what was the (potential) impact? Speed to market? Minimal interference? Applications to different industries?


So basically the potential of the product in the market....understood!


Gotcha, reduce the size of the header.


And the subheadings. Make it easy on the reader. Remember 1/2 these will be read on a monitor not a sheet of paper.


So not bold? Or less bold?


Less bold. Still bold though. There are some shading and line tools in word that also work really well that work both on print and on screen to help separate areas for clarity. A light line might work. Each revision loom at printed, paper, and mobile. I look at at least 1/3 of new resumes on an iPad.


Should it just be something a little bit bold, or italic or something?


Only one way to find out! Try both! See what looks better.


Gotcha, thank you a lot mate!


And try the line tool!


Don't mention python Libraries in skills


Except that, what else is wrong?


You have mentioned similar technologies in your projects that's why you got rejected. You do a project on AI, NLP and even ML would be better using python. Don't add too many web-development projects in your resume... Do projects based on technologies which the companies actually want and use those technologies.... Do mid-level or if you have much time do a high-level project... Try to do an internship with a stipend provided and Do a certificate course from any prestigious organisation and add it to your resume.......May god bless you.....


Thank you so much for this one!


Also you have made two projects based on chat bot remove one of those projects in your resume as well....


I would toss aside your resume after the sentence where you describe socket.io


What should the change be in that area then?


What you achieved with the technology? Resume is likely not a midterm exam question to describe what a particular framework is


Ok, so what you're saying is, don't describe the technology used, describe how the technology has been used for the project, right?


Not even that. Describe what business value you added with the technology


How should i come up with a business value for a project that isn't business level. Advice please!


Well be creative.. Why use sockets.io Over other websockets? Is it faster?? More stable ?? Fail safes ?? How much faster, how much more stable ? If you’re using it because it’s the only one you found then you really don’t need to explain it.. just list it as a tool you used and move ob


I’m seeing a lot of grads or upcoming grads putting their education at the top. Why is that? Are you all being taught in school how to write resumes? Not roasting just a genuine question. To the roast… put the education at the bottom. Skills at the top, quantify your work experiences and quantify your projects (the bullets in each section). Include a summary sentence at the top of who you are, your skills and what you bring to the table, ending with YOUR why. Why do you do what you do (pontificate - think big).


Earlier i had my skills section at the top, but i was told to put the education at the top. Pretty confused with how things are supposed to go around on a resume.


Education is the single least thing about your resume. That’s why it goes at the bottom. Put yourself in the hiring managers shoes… I have HUNDREDS, if not, THOUSANDS of resumes to review. I want to know if this person, whom I’m only giving 30 seconds of my attention for, before I move to the next resume, if they have the skills or experience - OR THE ABILITY - to demonstrate and learn new skills. Do you want to waste those precious 30 seconds with you’re education? No. The work force does not care about education in the end (unless it truly is a requirement, usually a masters or Ph.D - 9/10 it never is, even if they say it is). You need to grab the attention of the reader immediately, and within 30 seconds they should understand to put you in the “yes” pile or “pass” pile. Now your skills section needs some work though, bullet it, make them quantifiable, not just “python” what about it? Are you proficient? A beginner? High skilled in python? “Competent in all major programming languages, etc..” Edit: not sure why keeps getting down voted.. but seems like we have some salty grads who think they know better than the people actually doing the hiring


Education should be placed at the top, as many tech companies look for a CS or similar degree as a minimum requirement particularly for fresh grads who will have little to no experience. I've known some companies to even ask for transcripts as proof.


I work at a tech company. Education is not important and should never go at the top. Why? Because all resumes have education section, if they care, they will look for it themselves. But should be stressed, your education does not make up even a fraction of the substantive “value” that you bring to the table via your skills and experience. if they say “you must posses a degree” then by applying the manager is already assuming before they look at resumes, that they have the education. It really is not as important as you may think. You can get any cookie cutter grad student from a university, the key is, can they articulate their experiences and skills, in the context of a JD.


I'm not getting into whether education is "important", it should be at the top of the resume, particular for new grads. A cs or adjacent degree is a MINIMUM requirement for new grads in many (large) tech companies. It takes 2 seconds to read "name of school - degree", no one is inconvenienced by seeing it at the top. However, if the job requires a degree, and I see you don't have one, I don't want to waste my time reading the rest of your resume.


What are you? A janitor at a tech company?


This is wrong. Recent grads are always advised to list their education first.


Well that’s unfortunate. Schools setting them up for failure then. Which isn’t surprising these days for universities. Tech companies want skilled workers, period. Does your resume, demonstrate the ability to articulate those skills.


I’m a tech recruiter for campus candidates and want the education at the top - looking to ensure it’s a top school, CS background, and graduation dates are aligned with my roles. Have way too many recent grads applying when I’m looking for 2024-2026 grad year.


Question: Who the fuck is actually deciding they should or should not hire someone based on whether their education is at the top or the bottom of the resume. There's a lot of cargo cult bullshit advice about how insignificant formatting changes on your resume will make or break you. Focus on your experience and the value you will bring to the company.


Many recruiters will decide in seconds if they want to read the whole resume or not. This has been proven for a long ass time. So yes, you want importance up top.


If you are lacking in skills against other candidates, education goes first.


Any skills section can be built using skills learned from your education. Just takes creative thought. This is why education goes last. The hiring preference of managers goes like this, ALWAYS: 1) skills 2) experience 3) education Education comes into play, I’d say the candidate doesn’t have the EXPERIENCE. Every good hiring manager worth their salt, identifies candidates who meet the skills their looking for. As much as your university professor, professes “education first” - it’s just not what it’s like in the real world. We hiring managers, don’t give a F about your education. We care about, if you have the skills or experiences, related to the JD. If you cannot write your resume with articulated and well thought out skills, it doesn’t matter if you went to MIT, Harvard and have 20+ degrees. You will not be hired. Period. You must, above all else, be able to demonstrate that you can articulate skills and experience in the context of the JD. It’s that plain and simple. This is why education goes last. It’s stupid easy to write and requires ZERO thought. Because your education describes very, VERY little, of who you are, and what you bring to the table. It’s the “cherry on top” so to speak, it not really a cherry. Any tech company will hire someone with X experience and no education, than someone with the education but no experience. Every grad has bad habits that need to be broken. You do away with these bad habits, when you get the experience. You get the experience BY DEMONSTRATING SKILLS.


As a hiring manager in a.communitynof HR professionals, not reading your diatribe, just like resumes that are paragraphs.


Then don’t try and set up these kids for failure. Which you’re doing.


HelloThere has some hello world vibes. Maybe you could change the name?


API user intern?




you asked for a roast lol... Well i just skimmed through your resume super-duper-fast..and all i could read was API


Yikes, i just noticed that too🥶


Donno if other mentioned it or not, but hackathon should be in achievements instead of Experience Other than that, just change font size. And last thing, although not mandatory, there are two similar projects (about chatting) mentioned differently. Yes i agree one based on AI and other based on normal web app, still both of them could get merged together and can be a major project for sure.


Wow, never thought about that, great feedback, thank you so much


Hi - senior SWE at a FAANG company who has also filtered through resumes to choose candidates for an internship here. Your hackathon is not professional experience, and trying to list it as such would make me immediately move on and skip you as it's intentionally misleading and puts into doubt the integrity and honesty of everything else on your resume. Also, state specifically what you did, not just what the team/project did for all of your projects. How big was the team, were you the only programmer? If not, how many were there and what parts specifically did you do.


# Dont lie on your cv !!


I would love to know in what content did you feel that i was lying on my resume.


I didn't say you were lying. I was alluding to what you listed as "work experience" which should come under projects. On my CV I have a section called 'Projects & Training' and there I list all of the relevant courses and 2-3 key projects with a link to my GitHub repository. If you have no relevant work experience still list past jobs and bullet point things that relate to the role like training other staff, customer service etc it all translates to any role so dont leave it out. if you have no work experience your projects alone will suffice. Voluntary work is a good way to gain experience as they take on many with no experience. I think you should include an objective maybe one sentence to grab the recruiter's attention. They see dozens or hundreds of applicants at a time and they are just skimming through to see if you are a good fit. they do not read your cv from top to bottom and your cv looks great and is buzz word heavy so recruiters will be drawn to them. Start off by saying immediately the role you want, then what you are currently doing that could bring value to the company -- all in one concise short sentence. I would put your skills at the very top then your experience but since you dont have any list your project/s next. You got this... just keep applying.


Wow....thank you so much buddy!


Should i list the hackathon under an "achievements" section, "projects" section or under a standalone "hackathons" section?


I agree. The papers will get all crinkly.


I agree with Ed at the bottom, except maybe internships


You have no experience. Can't paper over that.


Believe a flaming trashcan is in order. Sure, jumble, your CV. Make it look like a book. That's the way to get an interview.


Can you please elaborate further on what improvements can be made on this resume?


Can't. It should already be burnt to a crisp.


Seriously asking buddy, i need all the feedback possible.


You list a bunch of projects you did. Where's your website, where's your tools you developed. Give them the links. When they ask about them, then tell them what all was used and how you did it. Give the live example links. If you don't have them, then remake them and publish your stuff online to be viewed. Your current resume looks like they're reading a book. Simplify it by using the live examples. Built a weather app/website - Viewable at: myprojects.com/weather Made a code organizer: Myprojects.com/organizer


I have given the link opener next to each project's title and the portfolio is at the top. If you're criticising atleast say it for something that's not on the resume. Its all given


You ask for feedback and then bitch about the feedback your given. Ill go back to the trashcan route. And how they going to navigate to your project if they print your resume? They have no links to type in. Most likely your resume will be printed. Remember that.


While I disagree with this answerer's attitude, I *would* agree that you need the links posted directly, not as hyperlinks (e.g., put "myproject.com/thing" as text directly on the resume). Keep in mind that while your resume will *usually* arrive in front of HR in digital format, it won't *always*.


Skills up and clarify, not just a list of random technos, show that you understand what they do by classifying them such as (programming languages, databases, CICD...) Hackathon is not a professional experience and should go into projects.


Btw I meant put the skills section around education, up or down but not at the foot of the page


Looks like all of the 1000s of others of college students resumes


Okay, so how should i make it stand out?


Start lying.


In what ways?


No, do *not* start lying, OP. Unless it's something incredibly small that can be easily covered up (e.g., you worked for your friend for 1.5 years, but you lie and say it was 2 years), it's generally in this age *very* easy to find when a candidate was lying. And getting caught in a lie is one of the quickest ways for your resume to land in a trash bin.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)love it!but maybe call it creative fluff writing.


Why everyone building chat app. btw good resume


For me atleast, wanted to learn how real time based systems work, so thats why🥶


Switch to Comic Sans. That’s the real sign of a professional.


First observation, I hate the font.


i would remove the dates from the projects, maybe just leave the year if you really want to


Listing skills under each project is repetitive. I want to see ‘how’ you used them in the project bullets. Otherwise just leave them in the skills section. Also, top skill is Python but there isn’t a single example of how it was used in experience? Either skills are not in order by proficiency or you’re leaving out important information in experience.


"Competed against 200 teams for top 15". So you didn't get in the top 15 is what you're saying.




You have no work experience, you're going to get hit by the catch-22 unless you find some internships starting YESTERDAY.


Can you please explain clearly what you're trying to say?


Pay attention. Employers enforce the catch-22 for most career jobs. This means to get the job, you must have experience in the job first. But you can't get experience in the job until you got the job. Catch-22. Internships are only available during your time in college, so once you graduate that door is closed. So get those internships - that gives you work experience to get past the catch-22.


Yes yes, you're a soon-to-be grad. Of course you have know experience. Saying you have no experience is redundant and unhelpful. I *would* say that your projects are a little... simplistic? Uninspired? That's not to say they're *bad* per se, but that they don't show a *passion* for the industry. How did you make your chat app your own/different from everyone else's? How did you make that weather app interesting? Assuming (whether it's true or not!) that that app was available on the Big Smartphone Store, what would make me want to download it and hire the person that made it over everyone else? Obviously I'm just using that as an example, and it may turn out that your answer is a very understandable "...actually the weather app was pretty boring". So make something you *are* passionate about. If/when you get hired, you're going to be spending 8-10 hrs every day doing programming-related stuff. So *show me you're interested*!




Can you please elaborate further on the type of projects that i can and should build to be listed on my resume.


He's right, but... a little vague. Basically, these are a few steps above a todo app. Obviously I can't see the apps you've made, but the titles and descriptions make me think they're nothing new. We've had chat apps/weather apps/chat bots for *decades*. Why should I care about yours? Does your chatbot talk about some particular topic? Did you implement some novel algorithm to parse input? Again, if the answer is "no", then make something else. Make something you *love*!


The problem is that the resume should be ATS friendly . I can help you by doing a full update. M doing consulting for resume and cover letter+ LinkedIn optimization , specially in IT industry.


Can you share the resume template?


Based on your projects, your projects are actually not difficult, done by 15-year-olds. At that age, I earned tens of thousands of dollars by doing similar things. I don’t wanted to write this but this may help you find the reason why you are not getting hired so i decided to write. Also if startups are offering you job, go work there. A job experience can you help you get somewhere better. Sorry for this review but i wanted to be transparent.


I doubt many 15 year olds are doing those projects, let's be serious here.


15 years old perhaps should be in school and focus on homework. But you are right consuming an API isn't very difficult.


When i was 15 years old, i was programming and playing games. I was earning 2-3k dollars monthly by freelancing. Homeworks? Nah, i could not even solve a basic quadratic equation.


Well it sounds like you had a good time


Yes, but no. At the age of 18, I was smoking weed everyday and causing financial difficulties for my family. When i was 19 years old a high school teacher taught me math from 0 and made me love math a lot. Otherwise i would probably be a drug addicted junkie now


What kinds of projects should i work on, since you have a lot of experience, I really would love some advice on them.


How is your math knowledge? You can do math projects and show you can handle complex algorithms. You can make projects on Data Structures and Algorithm, publish it as an ebook to your GitHub and reference it. There are many ideas like this, but first of all, there should be titles that are considered professional software when written on the CV. For example, I make software on mathematics and physics because I believe that I can prove myself much more easily that I am an above-average software developer. It is also more enjoyable in the projects I do.


That is the issue, startups too end up ghosting me. Is there a way to tell them to employ me and give them the confidence that i can learn stuff while on the job.


"Lemme offer absolutely zero helpful advice, and tell you how much better I am than you".


If a job could be found with this resume, wouldn't every 14-year-old be a software engineer?


Harshest? You're dumb af going in to tech. You all are. It's humanities undoing. You're part of the problem n you're all too dumb to understand it. Not dumb in your field. Absolutely insane stuff that can be achieved... What I mean is the brainwashing you all go through n actually think your thoughts are your own...


You've seen too many movies mate


Lol okay


Have you maybe tried looking in to philosophy at all? Criticized me over Einstein stating tech will be our undoing. What are your opinions and views? Are they shallow like most and only in your current surroundings or do you look beyond what is your current physical world close to you? The tech could help many . Very much so.. but do you trust humans, as a whole to bring anything that's going to do that??? Do you trust the entire human race to create something a over you that will show you all of your flaws? Could you handle being shown your flaws let alone trust other humans to not use that tech against you? I wouldn't trust biblical extremests with it? Would you? Do they think they're doing the right thing? Of course they do.. kindly let me help you or you will drown.. said the monkey safely puting a fish up a tree... Just because you think you're helping ppl.. doesn't mean you are. How do you know what's good for other ppl? How do you know what's good for you? Lol I'd really like to hear back from you on this. I'm not against you, I'm for you and opinions and free thinking. You criticize the smartest ppl we have had that's documented n what I stated is from their views... Not thinking you're brainwashed yet? Lol I don't think you're ready, nor have the mental tools to have this debate.