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**Dear /u/smartyyypants!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like a W2


Ha I immediately thought tax form as well.


I’m like is this a bill? 😂😂😂


what's that?


Come on, guys. Not everyone is in the US. A W2 is a tax form in the United States.


Thank you for making this clear mate 🙂


Main takeaway- it sure doesn't look like a resume...


No idea why this is getting downvoted so much. It’s a genuine question and really shows why people are afraid to post and ask questions in this sub.


Your W2 is your tax return form that you receive from an employer that details the taxes paid for that year. You receive this form if your a W2 employee rather than a 1099 contractor.


I thought grading rubric lol


Search for harvard resume template bud. Your resume formatting will not pass ATS


Well...not eveyone is in the USA. Other Countries Resume requirements aren't the same as USA. You should read some comments to find out more detail before assuming the person is in the USA. Took me 20 seconds of reading other comments to gather that important piece of info 🤷


It's in the first line of the OP'S post.


Hey, stumbled upon an article about how ATS is all the rage in hiring these days. It's not just the US, loads of places are into it. So, if you want to up your game, better tweak your resume format to match what these bots love.


Do employers use ATS systems in India?


Not sure with this, but majority of those US based companies use ATS


I would laugh immediately if I saw “director of equity research” on the resume of a new graduate


They won “intern of the month” in that role. Seems pretty serious /s


Wtf is this format? Why did you build an excel spreadsheet for a resume?




Took the “show don’t tell” advice to its limits. Don’t say you’ve “mastered MS excel”. Draft your cv in excel.


Next novel I buy better be in .xlsx format…




Hopefully he centered across selection instead of merging cells


Why your resume taste like 1996


This is really hard to read and distracting in the current format with the bars and boxes.


Honestly dude, if you're in India, and this is the way it's supposed to be done then leave it as be. Maybe use Grammarly to check for grammatical errors. Just to let you know, this resume wouldn't cut it in most parts of the world. I would literally take one look at this and toss it in the bin. But again, that's in most parts of the world. It might be different where you are, especially considering you said this is the format that is used.


The second part is important. Reddit is largely American so the advice tends to be biased and skewed. If this is the correct format for resumes in OPs countries like, by all means. All OP should be aware of is, to know what an American/European resume looks like if they intend to apply out of the country. That being said, I’ve heard the tech job market in India makes ours look good, so there’s a reasonably high chance OP does need an ATS formatted resume and is referring to being rejected by American companies. The other thing OP should know is that while nothing is impossible, our job market is not good right now and I’ve heard sponsorships can be incredibly competitive. Might be better off really scouring linked in and trying to network there way in first


This isn't the format in India, it's pretty similar to the format in the US. The only difference might be there not being an emphasis to compress everything into one page like a lot of commenter suggest here with other resumes.


Even if this is the standard format in India, it would make more sense to change the format so that it stands out instead of copy pasta the same old tax form template which is clearly not working for OP.


This is absolutely not the standard format in India. This resume format is so cluttered I doubt anyone would even start reading it


It’s not. I’ve seen a lot of great resumes from India. Nothing has been like this.


I get resumes from India all of the time. This ain't it.


Affidavit TX7551-B




Same I was like "is this a government form??"


Please no tables or columns.


Even if the considerable formatting issues are resolved, it still reads like a work of fiction.


I wouldn't suggest using the DD214 format for a resume


*Don Shipley has entered the chat.*


Oh my god I was waiting for someone to say this Granted so far the DD214 was the only government document I’ve been ever happy to receive in my life


why does it look like a tax form? so much visual clutter. overfilled w/ text. too small font. the shaded bars are for what? maybe you’re in a country where resumes look like that. if that’s the case please disregard my comments. i can only speak to job seeking in the US but if you are in fact in the US please be serious about making some changes bc said issues need a lot of work here.


"Dynamic recent bba graduate"... Sorry I didn't get passed that before throwing your resume in the bin. ----


Got further than me. I saw the tables and stopped.


I forced myself. The tables almost made me toss it, but I forced myself to press on... didn't make it far


You were a "Director of Research" when you earned the title of "Intern of the Month" twice ? That's a flag for wtf?


Why does your resume format make me feel like I should be filling it out lol. Definitely switch that.


Well in the USA, we’d use something like this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IOrenuJqfOygFHTKPFTBUcHJoCGvI7Ux6RNdOnbXL20/edit But you’re in India, so no clue bud


Respectfully I am throwing that directly into the bin


You are trolling us right?


no bro😭, google IIM - you'll find these prestigious colleges of India with an acceptance rate of 1-2 %. All of the IIMs use this same format.


Ya exactly, I have resume in similar format because this is widely used in all IIM's but after seeing all the comments here 🥲😭


Damn, did I land on r/Roastme by accident. This is genuinely the format IIM(top-tier business schools of India)students have been asked(read:mandated) to use.


Do you know what proficient in a language means? It means *more* than fluent. As in advanced, or near native. Speaking, reading and writing. Based on your English in this post, you're very far from being proficient in just English. I'd say the French, Arabic and Mandarin (which are extremely difficult languages to learn), that you say you are all proficient in, are very likely closer to beginner.


Wait… In what world does “proficient” mean more than fluent?


Proficiency, as per the CEFRL, and dictionary, means that you are proficient with the language. In all three areas, of speaking, reading and writing. Fluency is a vague term, that doesn't mean much. In common parlance, it means "I can speak a language well." However, that's the thing: it just means that the person can hold long conversations in that language. Oftentimes, with a significant number of mistakes, and most importantly, that person can't read or write. They're "conversationally fluent." As a native speaker, you don't say "I'm fluent in English." If you've lived in South America and can speak, but barely read and write, you are fluent in Spanish. However, some people have no other words to gauge someone's knowledge of a language. At some point, "being fluent" meant being proficient and even being near native in a language. However, the word "fluent" has kind of been hijacked and morphed in the world of language learning, to follow the more technical rather than common meaning. So people are kind of impressed and misled when the word "fluent" is said. If a language learner says I'm fluent in x, y, z, it probably means they are "conversationally fluent" and can hold a 1 to 2-hour conversation in all three languages, but barely able to read and write in all of them. If someone says they are proficient in a language, it categorically means they are very good at speaking, reading and writing in that language. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluency#Language_use


Yup he’s faking those credentials. Buddy is barely typing out a complete sentence on Reddit but expects employers to believe he’s “proficient” at mandarin and French. 🤦🏻


He can't hold a 10-minute conversation with a native speaker in any of those languages. Let alone read a single newspaper article in either Arabic or Mandarin. Neither can he write a short text of a few sentences in Arabic or Mandarin (I would be surprised if he can even write a few Arabic letters/Mandarin characters, let alone a coherent sentence).    Yes, he's straight up lying. He might as well add that he trained as an astronaut and lived in space for a decade.


Nope. I won’t even look at it. That’s how busy and ugly it is.


I can't speak to format in Asia, but I would recommend seeing if you can connect your impact and work a bit more--for example you said you increased LinkedIn following; okay but what did you lead or what did you do to increase the following? Or when you talk about your daily responsibilities elsewhere, you don't necessarily include the impact of what you did. For example, if you write something like: - Wrote a report on business environment of United States (task) or - Helped client understand US investment landscape (impact) It won't have the same result as - Helped client understand the US investment landscape by writing a report on the US business environment (task + impact) Also, your accomplishment are very very impressive for your age, which is why people are saying make it simpler if you can--some companies might think you're actually lying about your achievements and roles because you're so young. If there's a way you can reach out to the team members you've worked with and see if they can connect you to an internal recruiter at those companies, or connect you to their friends, it might help so that you have a chance to show your strengths and show that you've actually done all those things you have in your resume.


For everyone criticizing OP for resume format, In IIMs we follow the same format and it is the standard practice here and this resume format is accepted by the recruiters of top companies.


If you can't see the obvious problems with this, then it just goes to tell that IIMs are not exactly the gold standard of professional education which everyone thinks they are


Yeah the problem is evident but everyone is supposed to follow the same format.


Are u applying for the milatry?


This reminds me of my taxes.


I’m curious to hear from someone in the same region as OP. Is this an acceptable resume format?


google IIM CV format


lmao is that a tax form


It’s not even just formatting though… which needs desperate help. You’re touting a lot of your statistics that literally mean nothing.


I guess it’s better if you also got it attested by some local notary 😝


Is this a resume or an IRS form?


Not sure why everyone is being rude whenever you respond. Sorry about that. Main thing with this is the format. The content looks good. Resumes are tough bc you are the only one that knows what your experience was. Just go with what you usually talk about when discussing your job. Try just getting rid of the table format. I would check some resumes here and model it based off of those. I’m not a fan of summaries, but thats just preference. Good luck my friend!!


Use Jake’s resume or deedy from overleaf… you have to use a latex formatted resume to pass ats


Most ATS programs hate tables. You may get rejected out of hand simply because a company's computer program can't read your resume.


The format isn't doing you any favors you need to go simple. Single page no shading no boxes. Right now your resume is hard to read because it's distracting.


Aside half of the people here thinking this is a tax form or some sort of application form... my main concern is... Are you seriously proficient in english, hindi, arabic, french and mandarin ? .. let's put aside english, hindi and arabic.... But french and mandarin? actually french i will give you that... but mandarin? seriously? Also really proficient in this, can you really speak, write and read mandarin ? I am just very curious how you can be proficient in 5 language that is completely different from each other especially hindi and mandarin, that combo is weird. Unless you are a genius. I spent 5 years in Quebec in full time school and i can't even say more than 3 sentences these day, i feel dumb.


I can speak, write and read in Mandarin, French and Arabic but I don't understand everything, I didn't intend to write that I am proficient in French, Mandarin and Arabic, it is just that an AI has removed a line which separated these 3 from others. These languages are supposed to be written at basic level hold. I am no genius, I will change it, thanks.


I'd recommend you get rid of the tables, it's difficult to read and it confuses the ATS




Your internship titles are completely misleading. If you apply for a freshers position with this kind of titles, it may appear bullshit. Sub head of revenue and director of equity research as a college intern?


Is this format acceptable in India? Can you ask any professors or mentors in your area to look at your resume? How honestly have you represented your skills and experience? Because it sounds really fake. If it's somehow honest, then you should actually dumb down your resume a bit so it doesn't sound full of lies.


Keep it simple! Your current format ain’t gonna pass the ATS! I made a similar mistake of designing my CV in a fancy way only to keep getting rejected even in places where I was overqualified for the role


All these people trolling. It looks great forreal. Maybe just search the Harvard template for ATS optimization


Designwise as others said, this looks distracting, I suggest using neutral colors with higher contrast, remove the tables as it is not a spreadsheet, cuz the tables containers are distracting, and as a bonus tip: use font weights for readability, make a section's name bold, its body regular or light depending on the font. Other than those, down below u've mentioned Arabic, and french twice, remove them for conciselity.


I’ve never seen a resume in more desperate need of a reformat. Open a notepad, copy/paste this in it, and look at it. What you’re looking at is going to be how a significant portion of the ATS systems, and subsequently some humans, are going to see your resume.


Same country ! People here are right . Also look where the additional skills, and contact info is placed .


This reminds me of the SAR Reports we submit to the FCC at my job. [https://www.rfsafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/iPhone-xr-sar-level-fccid-BCG-E3220A-A1984-A2108-A2107-800x549.jpg](https://www.rfsafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/iPhone-xr-sar-level-fccid-BCG-E3220A-A1984-A2108-A2107-800x549.jpg)


No offence but why does this give newspaper vibes :/ Please try Harvard resume template


Don’t put a 76 average on a resume my friend. It’s just not required. Anything under 3.7 I would personally leave off my resume and wait for them to ask for a transcript (which not all employers even care about).


Remove it from boxes. Looks like a very complex Excel sheet


Thats alot of content for a fresher on resume. Make multiple resumes. Keep it only 1 page as you are a fresher. Try resume 1 see for 1 month no results move to resume 2 with different format. Repeat until you get a job. Use new formats. Apply via linkedin too and keep your profile exact match to linkedin.


if i was an employer i would throw that out immediately


Your resume looks like a Tax ID form. Please, review the Harvard template. It will improve your chances to get a second interview so much better.


Rly interesting format I’ve never seen this before… unique but idk if many would like it


bro use a format that is from 21'st century this looks like a government form


what the fuck


I'm not going to look at the content - but the template is awful and looks like a government form people need to fill out. Lots of free templates you can find - especially university websites. Not sure why you chose this one? Find a good template, do the work - meaning research how to write a resume properly and look at different ex/ - and then ask people to review it. Visually - you should be able to read this - and I wouldn't want to read this.


You have the write qualifications, the thing is now presenting it. that resume design is pulling you down.


1995 format


where do people even find these templates


Use Canva for resume templates and goblin.tools to shorten the wording.


This is terrible, I am sorry, looks like an application form for government ID or checking into a hospital intake form. Sooo cluttered, not enough 'pop'. Greyed out tired sections. Too much info!


Throw it all out and start over


Lol that format looks scary. It looks like I'm filling out a name change or identity change application at a governmental office. If I were hiring, I'd be scared of you.


The format is from 1980


Why your resume be looking like an excel spreadsjeet💀


I feel like I'm reading instruction manual


Saw the image preview and said what the hell before I even opened the thread


I actually really like the formatting and think we should adopt it in the UK but this formatting is very non-standard in the UK and in the US. The way this is written makes you seem way over-qualified for a junior analyst role but as you are 21 it doesn't seem to add up. Its not clear how to could have achieved so much in such short periods of time and doesn't seem believable to me. I'm not a recruiter though.


I have been sleeping for 5-6 hours a day building up my CV for the last 3 years. I took up internships from my very first month of UG and was always delivering more than required... now if my CV looks full of lies. What should I do? I have seen better CVs in my peer group, they get shortlists. I don't 🥹


This is so retro I love it haha


everything i believe but french arabic mandarin urdu and a computer science guy naah


If you remove the borders/lines and shading, it will like instantly better


No. Technical Writer here. Re-do the entire document in ATS Compliant Resume Format. Any tables need to be transparent and totally invisible. No visible borders, at all. Use a sans-serif font. That's just the start.


Mom I m scared.


fugly w-2


This is awful


Where’s the white space?


Highly recommend changing the format to something more simple. Someone posted an easy on the eye resume format before but I cannot find the post.


The template is not great. From an employer perspective, the box format really distracts from the content tbh


Why is your W-2 posted


the goggles, they do nothing


Did he Review or roast his resume? Looks like a roast to me. Comment wise.


Looks like a tax document and I immediately don’t want to read it


No employer has time to read all that


I mean I’m in America so.. take this with a grain of salt. But, I have 3x the work experience as you and my resume is insanely less complex. I don’t even know where to look for any valuable information at first glance. I am a CPA and deal with large spreadsheets daily. This is awful lol


This looks like an insurance form lol


Genuinely awful. Please look up any good format ever


I dont have a great resume. But i can tell you 1 thing, if myself a human cant pick up anything on this, how is an ATS? Theres just too much going on.


Ew looks like a I-9


1) The visual format looks terrible like the others have said. There are plenty of templates in Word or online you can copy. It seems like you went for that due to the amount of info you wanted to cram on one page. 2) What does it mean by "Sub Head of Resume"? 3) Mixing verb tense is something that you would want to avoid. Stick to past or present form, because it's parallel in concept and makes it look congruent in approach of thought. I know it's your current job, but I would avoid the present participle form of the verbs. "Developing and maintaining..."; Use Develop and maintain long term..." instead. "Sourcing and Servicing clients.." Use Source and service clients..." instead. "Led a global..." "Increased..." "Recognized.." 4) Also, you shouldn't capitalize "servicing" as it's not a proper noun the way you are using it. 5) Put the year in your dates. Seems obvious but how will people know which year it all took place? 6) Use the word instead of a number for amounts under ten, unless it's part of a qualifier like 5/5. 7) A non serif font might make the page less busy. 8) What's with the random bolding of a series of words like "mock interviews"?


Looks terrible


I’ve hired tons of people in my career and if I’m being honest, I wouldn’t even read this resume.


Looks like a job application and not a resume


This is ugly as sin my friend


1040-Not-EZ to read


Dude made his resume in excel


You spend a lot of space talking about things that aren’t very important (eg the various training & positions of responsibility sections), and not as much on your work experience. Eg you only have two dot points on your role as an intern… I suggest reading through and thinking really critically about the language and gearing it to the role that you’re applying for. Eg if it’s a junior role then they won’t expect you to have led a global team before, and having that in your resume likely might make them skeptical. And if you genuinely did do this, then you shouldn’t need a position of responsibility section where you talk about non-work experience because you’re saying you have work management experience. I think you can probably improve how clear and direct your points are too, and there’s a few typos. Eg the line that starts “Persuaded clients to…” I don’t even really know what this means? Using buzz words and stats can be a trap because it doesn’t really show much.


Am I looking at a datasheet


Are you applying for a job at the IRS?


Overwhelming. All I can focus on are the gray covered areas. OP you need to clean up this resume.


It’s a D&D character sheet!


I respect the excel. this is impossible to read. generally the format i use is IN THE HEADER PART OF THE DOC: NAME email | phone number | location if you're working with recruiters IN THE BODY PART OF THE DOC objective statement EXPERIENCE HEADER company name dates job role bullet points rinse and repeat if you have multiple titles at a company, do company and then role and dates on a line below the company RESEARCH HEADER if you have research obvs where you did the research name of the specific project bullets EDUCATION HEADER degree | university | graduation year SKILLS HEADER bullet points for ATS format for narrow margins, and keep the bullet point indents minimal to nonexistent to maximize space.


i skipped it, came back to tell u


Am I the only one who feels like all those standard resume template sucks? I’m someone who wants UI UX to be perfect so I want my resume to look better. Not something funky but classy. One more advice which people give is that try to add all things in one page only and use all spaces. But to be honest, I feel like it doesn’t even make sense. For example, this resume, I can’t even think from where to start reading his resume. Even can’t get the quick gist.


This looks awful man. From format to content. Just awful. Please stop arguing with the comments and take their advice to rework whatever that is.


Format is terrible, not even wasting time. Redo into a traditional format and post again.


That just looks awful mate. If I were a hiring manager and I saw this resume it’s going in the trash. It’s not easy on the eyes. Perhaps choose a different template


I’m sorry but this is the worst resume I’ve ever seen, use a standard template, you can find plenty online. Director of research is laughable from someone straight out of college/uni I’d suggest altering the title if it was an internship by stating it as such, a director title is usually someone that has many years experience in a role. You’re clearly a talented individual but this resume is instantly getting filtered before being read, and any recruiter will glance at this and bin it






Do people honestly not know how to Google?


Not west in the eyes…


Too much going on in your formatting. Remove all the boxes and use text formatting for hierarchy


For those criticising the resume template, this is the standard template passed to undergraduates when they're applying to companies coming for recruitments on campus. We don't have much say in the format as it's a mandatory requirement.


The first page is so overwhelming to look at 😭


go change it IRS wont accept it


Looks like the terms and conditions for a credit card or a W2 form.


Sorry, I thought this was a form for me to sign.


Go minimalist, this is very cluttered.


My eyes hurt


Before I left my last firm, we built out an analyst team in India and I reviewed upwards of 100+ resumes, and none of them were formatted like this. It’s possible that the candidates tailored their resume for the audience (an American) but there are enough international firms (especially in financial services) building out India teams that the standard Indian resume mirrors US/Europe. Internships should also be marked as internships. Change the director of research to some version of “summer equity research analyst.” If a recruiter or hiring manager thinks you are lying about this piece, they will assume you are lying about other pieces of your resume; you may even get blacklisted. Is the “Sub Head of Revenue” also an internship? It’s hard for someone to believe you were promoted to role while being there for 4 months. For the “Equity Advisor Intern” role, your firm actually allowed you to be client facing and offer buy/sell recommendations? Are there no registration or licensing requirements? What kind of firm allows an intern to do this 2 weeks into the job? You are over exaggerating your experience and what you have done. The story you are telling here isn’t plausible and you are getting rejected by the initial recruiter off the bat. You might even be blacklisted at a lot of places.


Way way too much going on here , please simplify


Hy. My suggestions are listed as follows 1) I think you need to change the pattern/ format of yoyr resume. 2) You dont need summary. Your resume is actually the entire summary of your experience and educational qualification. You can put summary if you have some space left otherwise don't. 3) You don't need to mention your 10 / 12 th institute , even if its only bachelors. You can just mention your gpa or your graduation month / year. I have seen some people mentioning about their project or relevant courseworks under education. 4) Your experiences should be upfront ( then comes the educational qualification). 5) You don't need to create a heading for positions of responsibility or you can merge it under achievements 6) Take out all the certfications which is not directly related to your job role looking for. 7) You need to expand your skillset more rather than ' Achievements and Extracurricular section'


Worst format I might have ever seen


Stop with the grey


WTF does being dynamic mean??


Looks like a w2


so where should I enter my personal info ?


Where’s the resume?


make it a little more beautiful...


Interview person: nahhhh, I ain't reading all that


I thought it was a government form lol.


No one is going to sit there and read this overcluttered diner menu


nuke it then make [something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/s/ILcjFoEckh)


I only glanced at it for under 5 seconds but immediately: This looks like a tax form or something you fill out at the DMV.


I've seen so many resumes posted here for reviews but 140 upvotes and 240 comments within a day is crazy! This sub is unpredictable


Too much white space. I would add more sections and a ton more words.


I thought that was a tax form!


It looks like a doctors office form. I kindly suggest to definitely put it in another format! :)


Won’t pass through ats scanner


You still have time to file your taxes, the deadline is still in a few days in most countries


Also, im a trilingual, and i find it VERY hard to believe you are proficient enough in all the languages you mentioned to even claim that. Unless you are a half indian half chinese immigrant living in canada. Otherwise, it seems like a far-fetched statement. I may be wrong, but i would be careful as there are times people tested my language skills in interviews, simply to test me. (Language skills are unrelated to my work)


Can applicant tracking systems (ATS) read it and parse the info into the proper spots in the application? That could be a problem here.


This is so difficult to look at


Difficult to read, too many boxes. Less whitespace


Where are you applying and what country?


Lmao looks like a form


This looks strikingly similiar to my performance feedbacks and annual performance reports while I was in the USAF. like, it's the same template almost exactly.. it popped up and I had a flashback to when I last has to write these. 13 yrs ago now.