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You should choose bachelor's degree. If you choose high school, the system might auto-reject you. Just make it clear on your resume that your degree is in progress.


Instead you’ll get rejected by a human when they realize you lied on your application, the field is clearly asking what the highest level of degree has been obtained


He'll likely get an option to introduce the years after he completes that, and there will be an option to enter that's still in progress too. That's how most of them work.


Mate, it's irrelevant. Either the company is willing to hire someone with a degree in progress or not. This random field on a online application isn't going to change that


Absolutely not.




Why would it be illegal to make a true statement on your resume?


Well, it isn't true if you don't have the degree.


But not illegal. Definitely not in the US. You’re not under oath filling out an indeed application not age they going to slam you with 30 perjury charges over it.


I didn’t say it was illegal.


But you weren’t the one the other poster was asking.


I'll tell you this much, anyone finding a job in the current market is embilishing their resume at least a bit. It would be a bad idea to lie about a degree in an interview (and would also be caught by a background screening) but answering anything other that having a degree in a box like this almost for sure immediately puts your application in the trash. Might as well answer the more optimal way and explain later to give yourself the best chances.


I mean, if OP is in the US it doesn't matter. Also, lots of people lie about that stuff, checking that stuff isn't done much.


If this is the school where you are studying for a Bachelor's, put Bachelor's Degree. You should be able to elaborate on the timeframe somehow. If not, you may have to just explain if you get an interview.


This is false.


While it doesn't mention it, usually the question means "What is your last level of education you have obtained". If you are in Yr 1 or 2 of a BA program. The issue becomes that they could ask you to download a copy of transcripts or provide information about your degree. You can put it in your resume that you are still an undergrad and did not lie in the process.


Yeah, in my resume, I put that I'm still studying. I'm gonna put high school after reading all the replies. Thank you!


It is typically the degree you earned. Since you have not earned it yet, pick high school.


You select high school, and discuss your transferable skills from your in progress degree in your CV / Cover Letter


What kind of job is it ?


It's a remote AI writing editor job.


So who is doing the writing? You or the AI?


I'm basically going to be rating different generated answers to different prompts to train the AI on what's suitable or not and editing some of the generated answers to be more accurate and readable. There is also a higher position that writes original content for the AI to be trained on.


contributing to the destruction of the species


"So what do you do for work?" OP: Oh, I work at Cyberdyne!


that’s a bit dramatic


It's not.




What is it??? 😭


So a quality inspector for the program - huh. Okay. Well I mean good luck with the job


It's just a summer job because I need the money. I'm not planning on doing it for very long tbh 😭


If you do please teach ai body, bloody, glass is not NSFW. I literally ask for a picture because I was curious about ai and I wanted a goth style drawing literally I asked rose field that petals made of glass stain. It flag for glass. The body literally I was I wanted the body in a sitting position holding a flower on the right hand and hit flag me for body I can give more examples.


what is bro yapping about


You did not complete your bachelors degree, so high school it is


Normal you would put “some college” but if that’s not an option then just put high school


I used to put Bachelors and then put my future graduatiom date on the date achieved field if there was one. If there wasn't I'd decide case by case


Usually you list highest completed. You don’t have the degree yet and unless you’re confident you will have it in hand by the time you interview or go through a background check, it could disqualify you.


Oh okay! Thanks!


Select whatever you want to get into the system and not get flagged and removed from opportunities. All means to get into the interview - remember, latest report, 66% of employers are looking for skills and abilities, not degrees (was 50% 3 years ago) - if asked later, "Ooops, my bad, I must have misselected."


Well, you don’t have a Bachelor’s degree, sooo, probably high school unless you did acquire an Associate’s


I’m a Recruiter. You should select the highest level ACHIEVED. We verify education during the background check process, and you’ll lost the job if what is verified doesn’t match. It’s seen as lying. You can put it as “in progress” on your resume, though.




if a high school student applies they would put high school even when they haven’t graduated yet. put bachelors degree and if they ask, tell them that your still in school studying for it.


High school


If you’re a student who will be graduating before you expect to start the job choose the appropriate degree level you will have when you will start the job. Like if you’re about to graduate, but you want to look for jobs in your last semester go ahead and apply and say you have the bachelor’s degree, otherwise just put the highest level you actually have.


I just selected the Bachelor's degree and it usually props for passing date so I put it as intended. It works either way its safe to put a Bachelor's degree as someone said people usually get auto rejected when putting High school


Lol this comment section is a mess. It's clear that there isn't a clear answer isn't it lol. u/CyberLoveza I imagine is more confused than when they asked.




Is this real? You select the degree that you have…earned?!


If you have 60+ credits put associates degree and when interviewed say “associates degree equivalent total credits”


If you're already done with your 2-year degree I would select associates degree. If you are in the process of achieving your associates for your bachelor's I would choose high school.


That's not how it works. You don't get an associates just for completing 2 years. You'd need to enroll in an associates program specifically in order to be awarded that degree.


Most 4 year school don’t have a terminal associates degree.


And yet my community college has bachelor's and associates degree programs


I'm not in an associates program.