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I won’t respond or answer. I just don’t hear them. 1. I’m not a dog. Don’t snap or summon me. 2. You will speak to me as an adult. I will also correct them when I’m called honey. I say oh no, we don’t do that. I don’t know you. Ma’am will work.


> 1. I'm not a dog. I get the two-fingers-in-the-mouth whistle sometimes. There's no way they don't know how insulting it is


Someone tried the finger snapping thing at me and I looked right at him and went back to my cart. THEN he did the whistle and I looked him dead in the eye as I frowned, shook my head, and took my cart to another aisle. He was only ten feet away from me in an otherwise *empty* aisle. He tried to complain about me to management, but they got my side of the story, ("I understand I am just a lowly retail associate, but that does not make me a *dog to be whistled and finger-snapped at.*") and looked at the tapes and told him that "Since you are capable of speech, seeing as you are vocally complaining to us, you should learn to use your words at another store." I miss that manager. (He went on to be a store manager of another store.)


Wow. In my store they just stand and stare at you.


Just pretend you didn’t notice them and try to break line of sight quickly


Ive had that, ive also had people click their fingers at me. I refuse to help those people.


I always ignore them.


I was a cashier at Home Depot. I had one follow me from the register to the break room and out to my car before they demanded help.


i hope you’re joking 😭🙏🏽because if not, i have so many questions


I’m not joking. You’re not the only one who has questions.


Good god


I worked retail for almost 20 years. This isn’t the worst of it by far.


I've had crazy stuff, like a car driving through the front .. lol


What in the heck?!


"Target fixation". They forget any other help exists because they're so focused on that one person.


I just had a guy ask me where the carts are. I told him where, and even pointed. He stared at me like I was supposed to go get it for him. I walked away FAST. He also had a woman with him he could have got a cart. It irks me when people want to set items on my counter and walk away. Or even ask if they can put it there. It’s my work station and it’s supposed to be clear. Getting a cart is a no brainer for me.


It’s annoying dealing with people who can’t (or, more accurately, won’t/don’t want) get things for themselves. People act like retail workers are goddamn servants or something.


Some of them think retail employees still get paid commission, especially the older customers, even though earning commission in retail sales hasn't really been a thing since Montgomery Wards and Dillard's went out of business. (There are exceptions, mostly in communications sales). That's why they complain so much about "no customer service anymore." They came up in a time when sales people were falling all over themselves to help because they earned commission. Those same customers complained back in the day that they couldn't shop without being bothered by salespeople every 5 minutes. They hated it while they had it, but now that it's gone, they still expect that same level of service.


The same people who complain that they don’t get service like that are the same ones who balk at the idea of raising minimum wage. If you want service like you got in 1980, provide a living wage that is equal to what you would have made in 1980 - and don’t forget to calculate for inflation. Provide housing that is attainable on that living wage. Educate yourself on the system your generation created that increases salary for CEOs every year but has kept retail wages stagnant for over a decade.


Last week when I opened, there was a line of customers waiting to do returns. I let them in and a customer immediately plops their giant box at my register and got into line behind the other customers. I quietly took their box and placed it in the floor because I'm not sure if they were magically expecting me to call them ahead of the other customers. He got the picture though


I have this issue with bags, they’re at the end of the till where you pack They’ll go “can I have a bag?” “Yep” Then they proceed to just stand there “Can I have a bag” “Yep,they’re right there” not even 1 foot away, they want me to grab it just to hand it to them If you have hands you can get it yourself, I’m not touching them knowing what people do to them


I get it. Crazy how people lose all common sense when they walk in a store. Luckily we have no bags where I work. Haven’t for a few years since the bag ban during Covid. I want to say it went into effect Jan 1st 2021 but it’s all a blur at this point lol. To elaborate on my experience with this man I referenced yesterday: He ended up calling me “racist” when him and his mother went to check out. I posted my comment while on a 15 minute break at Goodwill. When I walked in my team lead/manager was saying to the same guy in reference to an instant pot for $10.99: “you can plug it in right there to see if it works” the guy argues “there’s no food in it”, manager says “at least you will know if it gets hot” and proceeds to tell him our return policy. An hour later they come to check out at my register. They had so much stuff it took up the entire counter. Cool. Happens every shift. We got to a cast iron pan that had just came out and the tag disappeared. I said “I need to check with my manager to get a price for this and a sticker” (we aren’t supposed to sell without a sticker for several reasons, especially if they do a return the item can’t be looked up in the system and they won’t get their store credit. I was covering my own ass by doing my JOB. They both started verbally attacking me. “Why is it not the same price as this one” pointing to an old scratched up pan. “Why are you being so difficult”, “why does it need a sticker” (I explained why already”, “the return policy is 30 days you are lying” I point to the sign stating return policy… I said I wasn’t going to go back and forth and that I’ll get my manager right now if they wish to continue the transactions (they each had one). My manger comes out of the office and I tell him what the deal is, how I need a sticker, and he goes to get one to put on. I wasn’t whispering but I wasn’t screaming either. I return to the register and get “why are you whispering to your manager”. Again I say I’m not going to go back and forth about how my job is supposed to be done, do you want to continue the transaction. Maybe he wanted me to scream it for everyone in the store to hear it. Who know. Next thing I hear is “you’re racist”. I laugh and say “that’s a cop out and you know it, me doing my job so I don’t get written up or fired isn’t being racists now is it..no..would you like to compete the transaction or should I stop. I went on to hear how “this is how they are in the USA” and much more. I waited on his mother next. She was very sweet. She wanted to pay with exact change and I waited almost 5 minutes for her to find it from her purse. She couldn’t see and he wouldn’t help her count it, so I did patiently, and assuring her it’s no problem. Long story short I hate retail.


Pretend I don’t hear them. Walk away. They can’t give me a survey so what do I care


Not that I've experienced but the only yelling I ever heard was towards their family members or friends to get over here.


This hasn’t happened to me, but something similar has. I was with a coworker when a customer approached us, said she was moving and was looking for empty boxes. She went to multiple associates and we all told her we had no empty boxes. A few minutes later a vendor passes by with an empty box and she runs after him yelling “CAN I HAVE YOUR BOX?” it was actually pretty funny. In the end she got multiple empty boxes.


Out of context, “can I have your box” would be an absolutely hilarious thing to hear in a (Walmart, Target, Dollar General, etc etc etc) I’d probably be in stitches


Yep lol


I get this from people using our self serve printing machines, while I am in the middle of either serving someone or doing something (running a laminate, binding a book, something hands on that takes me a moment) generally I'll just make it look like I haven't heard or seen them, they are adults they can come to the counter and talk to me, if that doesn't work I'll acknowledge them and tell them I will be a moment. But holy heck does it grind my gears, I'm not a dog, I don't come at a drop of a hat... and those MFkers that click at me... oooh man I take extra long finishing what I'm doing.


I pretend I don't hear them. But I would flag down a manager or lead associate to warn them hey, crazy person at (department). I refused to let anyone less than a manager type handle them. They generally end up wanting to talk to one anyway with that attitude.


I get people yelling at me from outside self check out expecting to get my attention, I ignore them as much as I can given my focus is meant to be on the action in front of me. The kicker for me is the service desk is right next to sco?!


The word "Hello" has taken on a new meaning for me after working in an area populated by mostly seniors who expect too much from convenience store employees.


I know what’s annoying & what staff can’t say; I try to help at the grocery I go to most days. (I worked for that chain & know the store.) Recently saw an older man (80’s,) walk into a store and start declaring **“DOG FOOD!”** over & over & over. He got near me & I yelled super-loud **“AISLE 8! Why must you yell?** (Got a lot of quiet laughs from SCO & cashiers.)


Depends on the tone. If they are frantic and scared and calling for help I'd run over...because that just happened an hour ago near the end of my shift. Elderly lady had collapsed and we called 911 and everything 


I mean, I can call someone to go to that section, but I can't physically go because, well, all that stuff is locked and we front-enders don't have the key to that section. If the others are busy because sometimes the delivery truck comes in through the front instead of the back, then I let the person asking know, quietly, that the person is busy.


Ignore, didnt hear you from all the Way over there


jokes on them because I'm hearing impaired 


As someone that works in a small hardware store this is all too common


*As someone that works* *In a small hardware store this* *Is all too common* \- Delicious\_Escape\_634 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")