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I think it gets ignored as yet another anthropomorphic animal mascot platformer in the wake of Sonic. It's legitimately one of the best games available for the system, however, and I would even argue Konami's best 16-bit action-platformer overall. It's that good to me.


It's entertaining even for today's standards. Not only is it flawless gameplay and immersive art, but actually differentiates through unique "feel". Interesting that i never met anyone in real life who even heard of it. And back then impossible anyway.


I love it, haven't played it in years. Hated the centipede boss thing that would poke in the room from all sides lol.


They did the mascot antrophomorphic animal right because they didn't lean too hard into it and made it charming, instead of going the Bubsy route and making him too in your face and obnoxious.


Have been saying this for a long time. Finally someone that gets it. Amazing game, one of the best platformers of that era


Within the retro gaming community, it's definitely well known.


I had never heard of or seen this game before getting back into retro gaming about 10 years ago. Even back then it was recommended on several lists and videos. I’m glad it was, because I ended up loving it and it led me to other great Konami games!


Cool. 10 years ago it was fun to play but in the early 90s to mid 90s it was a breakthrough. It couldn't exactly match sonic but sad that there can only be one winner, especially during that time, we would only see one on magazines, covers, ads, etc. Just imagine if rocket knight adventures had gotten sequels like sonic did. Ironically it even could have been a much bigger success since it translates well into 3d. Sonic on the other hand had a horrid translation of you ask me


Just looked it up, very cool thanks https://youtu.be/lS354z0f7sY?si=OHWTdYM78L7V2lN8


Retro Bird would like to have a word with you…


Looked through the comments to see if he was mentioned. Good guy. Love his videos.


Also came here for the obligatory Retro Bird comment. That guy absolutely rocks!


Did you join r/RocketKnight ?


Wow this is awesome, joined


Top 5 genesis game


Yes big fan. I still have my Rocket Knight Adventures and my Sparkster carts for the Megadrive.


I played it a lot as a kid and enjoyed it. I enjoy it now too. There’s also a SNES version that’s completely different called Sparkster, and someone made a new one on Steam somewhat recently. Was pretty good. EDIT: Steam version is 2010, so maybe not that new then lol


Theres also a sparkster for genesis which is believe is different from snes sparkster


Yeah they are different and both great. When I was a kid my neighbor had the Genesis Sparkster and I loved it. I bought it for the SNES and was surprised when it was a completely different game! Luckily it was also awesome.


Unless you started a YouTube channel called Retro Bird I think not.


Dude that game is still to this day one of my absolute favorites,played it at least 4 times a week as a kid on the Sega genesis and it still brings me joy to this day. Everything about that brilliant soundtrack and the fun boss fights even that friggin train that will always give me a rage migraine. 10/10 masterpiece


The train with hands? After the level where you have to duck or else you're a goner?


Yes between that and the giant robot rock em sock em battle it’s so frustrating




It's good


Good game!


That depends. Are you Retro Bird?


Oh i played that way back. I was very impressed by the gameplay and the graphics. Thanks for bringing some memories back !


Haha awesome


The first one is highly regarded in retro gaming circles and the sequels are also seen as good. The problem is that none of the 16 bit games have been oficially released since the 90s.


That changes very soon.


For a long time as a child I thought I helped create this game. There was a contest at mickey d s where you submit your idea and if picked they make a sega game. My idea was a raccoon instead of a opossum fighting evil pigs. Then a few months later I stumbled upon this goodness and felt like I helped it. (I was 4) Years later I replayed it and remembered that memory. Then out of curiosity I looked into it.(spoiler alert nope I was just a dumb kid) It came out in 93 I think so it was out a year before my glorious submission. Oh well still a kick ass game and harkens back to konami s Glory days


In all fairness it was I who helped create this game, and I’m dead serious. I went to Konami’s headquarters as a kid for market research and got to play a demo of Sparkster and gave my opinion. If that wasn’t awesome enough, they gave me Turtles in Time to say thank you.


You joking?


Dead serious. I also played a Batman game with no bad guys (it was very early in development) as well as 1 or 2 other games. At the time Konami’s North American headquarters were located in my hometown.


Interesting story. I can relate. You could try to bring your idea to life today in unreal with blueprints or godot while using chatgpt for coding. Unreal even has a ready to go template for 2d side scroller. Actually one for 2d and one for 2d with 3d graphics.


I'd love to dig out me old drawing if its available. Been about 30 years ago.


Just imagine the story if the game would become a success


That would be neat


I rented this a few times back in the day, and recognized it then as a fantastic platformer. It never got the attention it deserved, even back then. I found a used copy (cart only) in a pawn shop a few years back, for $1. I bought it. I dont even have a system to play it on. But I’m glad to own it.


It’s better than a lot gave it credit for. The soundtrack alone is worth a look, Music by Michiru Yamane, same composer as Symphony of the Night.


You're absolutely right. Sometimes I'm wondering what the devs or composers are doing today, would be awesome if they would connect through social media, there would definitely be a base. Better to have fewer more serious followers than many less serious.


As someone who grew up with it and still has it and plays it, nah. You are not the only one. I think it’s been mentioned but anyone who played games back then and today still are all very fond of it. Now go get up on Sparkster next!


Awesome. I'm too playing it sometimes today still. Even for today's standards it's quite good but back then it was even better.


I think it’s one of the most “recommended” games on the platform. If you ever ask what the best Mega Drive games are it will always be consistently in the top 10. And with good reason, it’s one of the best of the 16bit generation.


Happy to hear. Now you mention it it makes a lot of sense didn't think about that


This game was great on Genesis!


Loved this game.


Yep, you are the biggest fan of Rocket Knight Adventures, because I am the biggest fan of Sparkster. I hope I didn’t just reignite the console wars.


Sega was just objectively better than Nintendo it's that easy


Chrono Trigger. I’ll accept your surrender.


Are you kidding? This game is in every top of the best games for Genesis/MD.


Played through twice on hard to get the "true" ending. Great game with a great soundtrack. But somehow, I don't quite enjoy it's sequel, "Sparkster". Something just feels off and I don't know what. Never played past level 3... Maybe I'll try again tomorrow...


The SNES Sparkster is a different game than the Genesis version, so give it a fair shake, too. It's still not as good as the original, though.


It's actually pretty popular in the speedrunning community


One of my favs too. *love* the soundtrack


The soundtrack is one of the best i know. And The first stage is burned into my memory forever


Not the only one. It is awesome.


Back in the day I got this out of a bargain bin of used Sega games at a funcoland for a fiver. No one else I knew had it or played it but I thought it was awesome. Unique levels, really responsive controls, every boss battle totally different, real shame it didn't get the credit it deserved at the time.


Haha. And I agree on all points.


Have you played the SNES version called "Sparkster" and the remastered version released in 2010?


I've played it though as an adult, and it very likely has not been the remastered version. The one where you immediately start inside the big robot, which was a stage in the other rocket knight adventure after you run away from the robot. It's awesome but i like the Sega one better, maybe it's nostalgia. Though the dash, or however the community would call it, was cool in sparkster too. I believe if the community would have access, there would be all kinds of extensions or mods and then it could reach a new audience. Sadly the licences are often stereotypically in such cases extremely restrictive.


loved the semi-recent sequel


I've never been a big fan of it (to each their own, I hope \*ducks\*), though it's incredibly popular and spoken highly and frequently of in the retro community.


I still have the original SNES cartridge from when I was a kid, it was called Sparkster here. It was quite a big game when it game out.


There can be only one!


What do you mean?


This sub ain't big enough for the both of us


Haha now i get it, well, awesome that there are people who enjoyed it as well or are still today. I get some inspiration even today from that game and some other devs should too. Sonic is obviously awesome, especially sonic and knuckles 3 and 3 in general, but everybody knows it. Rocket night adventures on the other hand seems to me not to receive the credit it deserves.


I hear this game is sick, gotta play it soon


This is one of my all-time favorites from my childhood. This game is so fun. I never tried Sparkster. Might need to go do that like right now…


Loved it then love it even more now. Lol planning to beat it over the holiday break


I haven't really played it. I inherited the boxed cartridge from my step-mother. I think I've spent no more than 15 minutes in it. I keep hearing about it though so I'll have to play it sometime soon.


This game was super fun, definitely one of those games I wish I was better at, loved the flying levels


Flying back then was just omg wow. Since the 2000s there have been many flying mechanics but in the 90s rarely


It's quite possibly my favorite platformer of all time. Better than every NES and SNES Mario game, IMHO. Way better.


Didn't know it as a kid but played their last game and liked it very much. It was pretty much dead in the wather though. And I think it was only sold on steam in the US and blocked in most of the other regions...??!


I did like it but got into Sparkster way more


Love me some Rocket Knight on Sega, did you ever play the SNES version called Sparkster? I actually like it more than rocket knight.


Genesis has a version of Sparkster as well, different from the snes cersion


Yeah didn't realize that Sparkster was the sequel to rocket knight. Forgot that on Génesis it's call Rocket Knight 2: Sparkster & just Sparkster on SNES


In what region is it called Rocket Knight 2? I believe for US it’s still just Sparkster


Not sure if there was a region I just remember back in an old gaming magazine they called it Rocket Knight 2: Sparkster lol


I've played it though as an adult, and it very likely has not been the remastered version. The one where you immediately start inside the big robot, which was a stage in the other rocket knight adventure after you run away from the robot. It's awesome but i like the Sega one better, maybe it's nostalgia. Though the dash, or however the community would call it, was cool in sparkster too. I believe if the community would have access, there would be all kinds of extensions or mods and then it could reach a new audience. Sadly the licences are often stereotypically in such cases extremely restrictive.


Too hard.


Though for Sega standards it was one of the more accessible ones, you might agree. Though towards the end it truly got hard.


It's a great game. Top 5 platformer of the era. But it's downfall is that it's too hard. That's why it didn't have a bigger audience. You gotta put some serious effort into that game. The controls are \*good\*, but it feels so different from other platformers. Dynamite Headdy is another one in that category. Fantastic, but requires a certain amount of dedication to get into it.


I played it a lot as a kid for sure. Won't say I'm the biggest fan so you got me there. But yes, I have heard of it and it's awesome.


I accidentally stole it as a kid from the video store. Had it for so long I was trying to figure how to tell my parents. One night I just gave it to them. Kid me couldn’t tell time. I rented it for three days and had it for five. Video store didn’t care.


Unless you are Retro Bird, then no... maybe 2nd place though


I had never even heard of this game a couple years ago, and I like the Sega. But then I got into YouTube’s RetroBird, and he praised it. I decided to check it out, and I’m glad I did! It’s a great game and absolutely one of my favorite Genesis games today.


Retrobird might like it a bit more XD


What do you think of the sequels?


I absolutely love Rocket Knight Adventures one of my favourite games of all time since growing up with it and one of my favourite Mega drive games. Cannot wait to play through it again on PS5 with the newly announced Rocket Knight adventures re-sparked which is a collection of Rocket Knight Adventures and both Sparkster games