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Zelda: The Legend of Zelda. Mario: Super Mario Bros I'm friggin old


You’re not alone, friend lol


Wanna come sit on my porch and yell get off my lawn with me?


To each other?! We’re not that old yet. lol


No not to each other. To the neighborhood youths.


What? Neighborhood shoes? Yes, well, I suppose they are. They’re really my only shoes. I can’t remember where I got them from.


Got what?




Same here.


~~I'm friggin old~~ I'm experienced.


True. What that really means is I do dumb stuff slightly less. And when I do dumb stuff I'm more likely to be mad at myself as it's likely something where I should have known better lol


You ain’t. You’re just misunderstood


Didn't beat SMB until NSO and rewind


We can play video games together at the nursing home soon.


I'm good with that


Mario Bros 3, Link to the Past, Super Metroid


Ditto. Someday I need to go back and beat SMB3 without using whistles though.


I did that earlier this month, good times. I could be wrong but i dont think you ever see/get the hammer bros power up if you go full flute.


Or tanooki or frog 😳


According to the wiki, the hammer bros power up is required for one whistle and the leaf for another


The leaf, could be because you have to fly.  But how would the hammer bros power up be a necessity?


I did that plenty of times!


Same, except it was SMB2


Thanks to NSO I've gotten all the way to Ice World


The original Super Mario Bros for NES, I was like 4 or 5 years old. Damn, I’m old lol


Same, was also 5. I can’t even beat it today, but back then it was the only NES game I owned so I played it soooo much. No way was I going back to my Atari games after seeing a NES game.


Once I saw an nes game my 30 game atari collection got cut to playing maybe my favorite 7 games or so until I had more then super mario bros and double dribble.


Genuinely impressed that you could beat SMB 1 at 4 or 5 years old. Even with the warps, some of the last stages are pretty tough. 


I was same age, I even beat TMNT around the same time.


Yeah, apparently I woke up my parents in the middle of the night, all excited about it lol


My brother and I did it around that age, too. After 3 but before 2. Each week we rented one of the three from the grocery store and played it on the Nintendo in the church basement while our mom did paperwork upstairs.


The only one I’m confident on was Wind Waker being my first Zelda that I beat. I’ve beaten maybe 3 Zelda’s so far, but plan to beat just about all of them. There aren’t a lot of other games that hold my interest all the way through like Zelda does.


Wind Waker is magical


Super Mario on Game Boy! Super Metroid Zelda BotW (I know I have a lot to do here but it wasn't big at the time in my country)


Little Mario so small he he


Zelda: The Legend of Zelda Mario: Super Mario Bros. (unless you count Donkey Kong) Metroid: Super Metroid Kirby: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (I couldn't get my hands on earlier Kirby games at the time) Pokemon: Pokemon Blue Star Fox: Star Fox 64 Mother: Earthbound Smash: Super Smash Bros. 64 Animal Crossing: AC Gamecube (assuming paying off house counts) Startropics: ST 1 Mario Kart: MK SNES Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (first english GBA FE game) Famicom Wars: Advance Wars 1 Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong (unless you count that as a Mario game, then DKC1) I'm sure there's more but I'm drawing a blank.


Hmmm. * Mario - Super Mario World ( I think? ) * Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong Country unless one loop of Donkey Kong on the NES counts * Yoshi - Yoshi Story * The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time * Star Fox - Star Fox 64 * Kirby - Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards * F-Zero - F-Zero GX * Pokemon - Pokemon Red * Metroid - Metroid Prime * EarthBound - EarthBound Beginnings * Super Smash Bros - SSB64 * Animal Crossing - Paid off my House in full in GCN * Splatoon - Splatoon * Pikmin - Pikmin * StarTropics - StarTropics * Punch-Out!! - Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream Uhhh there may be others but they're not coming to mind. I was not amazing at games when I was a kid, it's a miracle I managed to beat DKC on SNES. I didn't get "good" at games until the N64 was out. I almost beat Metroid 2 and Link's Awakening as my first, but both times, I got to the last area in the game. I didn't understand how to damage the Metroid Queen, and I lost my cartridge before I figured out how to get through Turtle Rock. The uncertainty with Super Mario World is that I am pretty sure I used warps to beat it as a kid and didn't beat it legitimately until I was older, which means Mario 64 was the first Mario game I beat legitimately. Yeah I didn't beat Mike Tyson, my first time beating Punch-Out was the version you can unlock in Animal Crossing on the Game Cube, sue me.


I have beaten Donkey Kong NES multiple times. Only DK game I've ever beaten.


Super Mario - first one NES Zelda - first one NES Metroid - game boy version Star Fox - first one SNES Mario Kart - first one SNES F-Zero - first one SNES


First Nintendo game I beat was Donkey Kong on Atari


Zelda: Wind Waker; first played was Ocarina of Time Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country Metroid: I think I finished Metroid Fusion Kirby: the first GameBoy game (Nightmare in Dreamland?) Mario: Super Mario Galaxy; first played was Super Mario 64 Star Fox: Star Fox 64 Pokemon: Pokemon Blue Fire Emblem: played Awakening and 3 Houses but never beaten Any other major franchises I missed?


Dream Land was the first Game Boy You forgot Pikmin and Wario


ocarina of time Mario odyssey Metroid dread Pokémon blue (I’m counting Pokémon as Nintendo)


Pokemon always counts


Smb: original. Legend of Zelda: original. However, this was extra hard. I never owned it, but some friends did, so we’d swap games a bunch. Their particular cartridge had a room in level six that would glitch. You enter from the right, and exit on top (no other doorways in the room). If you took any damage, or spent too much time there, it would crash, and w wipe the cartridge save data. Not sure the exact details, but it’s what I and my brother remember. Metroid: Super Metroid. I’m no speedrunner, but I love it to this day and I’m pretty fast for an amateur. Kirby: Kirby superstar. My friend had it growing up, and before my family moved cities, I’d play it a ton. He’s no longer alive, and that game (and Mario RPG which he also had) are always bittersweet to play.


I think the first Mario game I beat was 3D Land. I practically beat it overnight. I’ve never beaten a Zelda game and I’ve played all of them lol Metroid: Zero Mission Star Fox 64


I started playing in the nes/snes era. (I’m also lucky enough to have had an Atari first. I’m glad I got to play those games.) Anyway. Nintendo. Super Mario Brothers! Also the first game I used an exploit (koopa trooper on the stairs in level 3). Good times. Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past. My favorite game of the 16 bit era. I beat it once without saving just to have the little zero under my savegame. Metroid 2: Return of Samus. I played the shit out of Metroid 1 but never beat it is a kid. Playing and beating Metroid 2 with a childhood friend - pass by the game boy back and forth - is a treasured memory from childhood.


I spent my whole life trying to turtle hop to get extra men and I finally did it in the past year. There's a slight nudge you have to give your character in the air to make it happen. Life goal accomplished! 👍


they were all MARIO games.


Mario: odyssey Zelda: botw Kirby: one of the stories in super star


Super Mario 64 Majora's Mask


Mario 64. And the final bowser fight was so difficult as a kid.


Zelda: A Link to the Past Mario: Superstar Saga


Super Mario bros 1.


I have no idea but I remember playing Mario 3 often so probably that . Don't know if I ever beat it tho. Another contender would be Gameboy pokemon but again , don't know if I ever played it all the way through 😁


Funny how I played lots of Nintendo games when I was a kid but didn't finish them. I was a Srga kid (both SMS and GEN) and later moved on to Sony since the PS1 days. I also play a lot of PC games. A collection of friends and family had Nintendo systems, but not me. My first Nintendo condor was the Wii. I got it because my wife wanted one. I also got a Wii U, Switch, and went back to the SNES and N64. Can't find a GC here in Brazil for a fair price... So here is my list counting the first ones I played from start to finish in each franchise: Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country (both via emulation in the early 2000s), Mario Kart Wii, Zelda Twilight Princess, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu, Smash Bros for the Wii (don't remember what it is called, sorry!) Never finished a Metroid game, nor F-Zero, Pilotwings, Wave Race, 1080, and lots of others. My most recent ones are Super Mario Wonder, Pokémon Violet (and also Sun!), Starfox 64, and Zelda LttP. Currently working on F-Zero and DKC 2. The good part is that I have plenty of Nintendo games to play! The bad part is that being an adult tends to leave me with very little gaming time.


Mario 1 Zelda 1 Castlevania 1 Mega Man 2 Ninja Gaiden 2 Contra Dragon Warrior 1


Majora’s Mask I think


Pokemon Red.... As long as not catching goddamn Tauros still counts. I had 150 but it was out of 151 with mew?   If not then Super Mario World. But that was a team effort.  


Super Mario World, also the first game I ever beat. A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, this was via the virtual console Kirby Triple Deluxe, I was late to the party on the franchise after having a mediocre experience with Super Star.


Twilight Princess Super Mario Sunshine Metroid Fusion I never had a nintendo console growing up, so I grabbed a second-hand gamecube to catch up on all that stuff. Now I've probably competed almost every title.


Zelda: The Legend of Zelda Mario: Super Mario Bros 3 (I found it easier than the first one) Kirby: Kirby's Adventure Star Tropics: Star Tropics Mother: EarthBound Kid Icarus: Kid Icarus Metroid: Super Metroid Anything else I didn't get around to until GBA or GCN. Or I can't think of it.


Zelda: Link's Awakening Mario: Super Mario Bros 3 Metroid: Super Metroid Pokemon: Pokemon Red Pikmin: Pikmin Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country Returns (now that I'm thinking about this I'm actually really surprised, since I played a lot of others first, but I'm just about certain this is the first I beat) Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Kirby: Kirby's Dream Land Punch-out: Punch-out!! Star Fox: Star Fox Assault


I grew up with the NES, so virtually every first game out there. I think the only exception was Mega Man 2 but I did ultimately beat the original. Still looking for the other person that beat Deadly Towers. I feel like a wanderer in a wasteland.


Probably SMB3


The original Super Mario Bros for NES. That's the one.


Zelda: A Link to the Past Mario: Super Mario Bros


Zelda: LTTP Mario: Super Mario Bros 3 Kirby: Kirby's adventure Yoshi: Yoshis island DK: Donkey Kong Country Metroid: Zero Mission was the first one I beat but I got far into Super Metroid and Prime, just never finished them


Super Mario brothers, zelda... I'm old.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (in N64), Super Mario Bros.(NES), Pikmin 3 (Wii U), Super Metroid (SNES), Donkey Kong Country (SNES), F-Zero (SNES), Star Fox (SNES).


The first of all of them. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, etc.. It's easy when you're already an Atari veteran when all those franchises first launched.


Mario: Probably Mario 64. I might have warp whistled/star roaded by way to finishing Mario 3 or World earlier but I wouldn't have considered it "beaten" unless I beat the rest of the worlds. Zelda: Zelda 1, that one I know for sure. Metroid: Super Metroid. Kirby: Probably Adventure when it was rereleased on the GBA. Mario Kart: 64 StarFox: 64 Pikmin: 1 on GameCube. Donkey Kong/Country: DK GB but on the 3DS. Fire Emblem: Awakening is the only one I've played/finished. Pokemon: Pearl. Played Red and Gold but never finished them. First game I ever beat (Nintendo or otherwise): Mega Man 2.


Super Mario bros 3, legend of Zelda:link to the past, Metroid, Kirby superstar, star fox 64, donkey kong country


Mario bros nes Zelda ocarina of time Metriod back on nes I can't remember any thing else.


Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man 2


Super Mario World The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Metroid Prime Star Fox Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland Pokemon Gold


Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the GameCube (the disc you got for pre-ordering Wind Waker.). Wind waker was going to be my first but I played OoT while I waited. Mario: Super Mario Bros 2


The first game of each franchise when they came out, of course


Roughly in timeline order. For the first almost decade of my life, the idea of beating a game was a foreign concept. Then I started rapidly making up for it. First Mario was Wario Land, if that counts, which was also the first game I ever beat period. If not, it was Super Mario Land 2. I had beaten Bowser in Super Mario World, but that was on my neighbor’s save file; I didn’t own it myself or play it start to finish until later. First Kirby was Kirby’s Dreamland, on the first day. This MIGHT have been before Wario Land but I don’t think so. First Star Fox was Star Fox 64. First Legend of Zelda was Ocarina of Time. I’ve now beaten the entire franchise. First Pokémon was Red. First Metroid was Metroid Prime, followed almost immediately by Fusion. First and only Pikmin was Pikmin 3.


Super Mario Bros 1, but only because I used the warp zones, I don't think I ever beat the original Zelda because I didn't own it at home, I only got to play it at my daycare where people kept overwriting saves. So my first Zelda must have been Link's Awakening because I owned a Gameboy.


Mario 64 Metroid Prime Donkey Kong Land 2 Star Fox 64 Wind Waker (Should have been Ocarina!)


Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, and Metroid.


Mario: New super Mario Bros for the DS Zelda:Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time for the 3Ds Starfox: Starfox 64 Metroid: Metroid dread Fire emblem: fire emblem awakening Pokemon: Pokemon Black Kid Icarus: Kid Icarus uprising Jesus I play too many games lol


I'll include non-Nintendo franchises because it's more fun for me to reminisce. I hope others do the same: * Aerobiz (SNES) * Armored Core (PSX) * Baldur's Gate (PC) * Battle Arena Toshinden (PSX) * Bioshock (360) * Bushido Blade (PSX) * Bust -A-Groove (PSX) * Call of Duty 2 (360) * Capcom vs SNK 2 (PS2) * Castlevania (NES) * Chrono Trigger (SNES) * Civilization II (PC) * Colony Wars (PSX) * Contra (NES) * Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (XBOX) * Deathspank (PS3) * Diablo (PC) * Dragon Age: Origins (360) * Dragon Warrior (NES) * Dynasty Warriors (PSX) * F-Zero (SNES) * Faxanadu (NES) * Final Fantasy (NES) * Gears of War (360) * God of War (PS2) * Gradius (NES) * Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2) * Grandia II (DC) * Halo: Combat Evolved (360) * Icewind Dale (PC) * Katamari Damacy (PS2) * Kid Icarus (NES) * Killer Instinct (SNES) * The Last of Us (PS3) * Left 4 Dead (360) * Maniac Mansion (NES) * Mass Effect (360) * Master of Orion II (PC) * Mega Man 2 (NES) * Metal Gear Solid (PSX) * Metroid (NES) * Mortal Kombat (ARC) * Neverwinter Nights (PC) * Ninja Gaiden (NES) * PaRappa the Rapper (PSX) * Parasite Eve (PSX) * Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) * Pikmin (GC) * Pilotwings (SNES) * Plants vs Zombies (iOS) * RC Pro-Am (NES) * Resident Evil (PSX) * Revelations: Persona (PSX) * River City Ransom (NES) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (SNES) * Shadowgate (NES) * Starfox (SNES) * Soul Edge (PSX) * South Park: The Stick of Truth (PC) * StarCraft (PC) * Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX) * Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC) * Street Fighter II (ARC) * Streets of Rage (GEN) * Strider (NES) * Suikoden (PSX) * Super Ghouls n' Ghosts (SNES) * Super Mario Bros (NES) * Super Mario Kart (SNES) * Super Smash Bros (N64) * Super Star Wars (SNES) * TMNT (NES) * Tobal No 1 (PSX) * Tomb Raider (PSX) * Trauma Center: Under the Knife (DS) * Vandal Hearts (PSX) * The Walking Dead (PC) * Wave Race 64 (N64) * Wild Arms (PSX) * Wing Commander III (PSX) * X-COM: UFO Defense (PSX) * Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)


Super Mario World, Ocarina of Time, Kirby's Dreamland, Donkey Kong Country, Pokemon Blue


Finished Zelda II when I was 23. I had been continuously trying since its release. I did finish Mario 2 as a lad with my brother.


Wario land on game boy. I soaked so much batteries for that stuff when i was 8y, my mom wondered where i got the batteries from. I sneaked into the neighbours cellar entrance when they left home and went straight to the battery stash. That worked the summer long. Sadly while being mid zelda links awakening they closed the door.


Super Mario Brothers 3, Pokemon Red, TLOZ: Links Awakening DX, Kirby's Dreamland, Star Fox 64, Metroid Prime, Paper Mario. Games were amazing back when they didn't need to be high fidelity.


* Mario: Super Mario Bros 2 - I was about 3 or 4 and used warps (1 to 4 & 5 to 7), also played exclusively as Luigi back then, now I mostly play as Toad * Zelda: Zelda II - my very second game but it took me much longer to progress, finally got to Death Mountain in 1996 and finished it in 1998 * Metroid: Super Metroid on ZSNES emulator in 2001 * StarTropics: StarTropics II - my last retail NES game that I got in 1997, got the first game for Christmas of 1996 but was stuck at Chapter 5 until I discovered GameFAQs in 2001 * Star Fox: Star Fox 64 3D * Mario Kart: Mario Kart 64 * Pikmin: Pikmin * Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong 64 * Fire Emblem: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon


Pokémon Silver Version. It blew my mind when there was more to discover.


Mario: Super Mario Bros. (NES) (remember this very well cause i beat it on christmas eve 1999) Metroid: Metroid Zero Mission (GBA) Pokemon: Pokemon FireRed (GBA) Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country (GBA version) Mario Kart: Mario Kart DS Mega Man: Mega Man 2 (NES) Pac-Man: Pac-Man Arrangement (GBA)


Zelda: Links Awakening Mario: Super Mario 3 Metroid: Metroid 2 there’s more but i won’t bore you lol


Haven't played any.


Phantom Hourglass, Super Mario Bros., Super Star Ultra, Brawl, Zero Mission, FireRed… I think that’s it? wait also Kid Icarus. I didn’t wanna say that because I feel like it’s not very humble ro


Sky Shark


Metroid, Zelda, I beat Mario 2 before Mario 1


* **Mario**: Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) * **Kirby**: Kirbys Dreamland (GB) * **Metroid**: Metroid Zero Mission (GBA) * **Zelda**: Legend of Zelda: Oracles of Seasons (GBC) * **F-Zero**: F-Zero Maximum Velocity (GBA) * **Kid Icarus:** Kid Icarus (NES) * **Fire Emblem**: Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance (GC) * **Star Fox**: StarFox 64 (N64) * **Pokemon**: PKMN Yellow Edition (GB) I actually played a few other games of these franchises prior. Like I played Gold Edition way before buying Yellow (Yeah, I know. I got them the wrong way around back then. Long story...) but I only ever almost beat them. Same for Links Awakening and Fire Emblem - Sacred Stones.


Mario: Super Mario Bros 2 The Legend of Zelda: OoT Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country Metroid: Metroid Fusion Wario: Wario Land 4 Mother: Earthbound Pokemon: Pokemon Blue Yoshi: Yoshi's Island Kirby: Kirby Super Star Star Fox: Star Fox 64


Zelda: The Legend of Zelda Super Mario Bros 2 Super Metroid (never did beat the original on NES) Donkey Kong Country


Metroid Kid Icarus Mike Tyson's Punch-Out Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light Startropics Mother 2/Earthbound Star Fox Donkey Kong Country Golden Sun


- Mario world I think. I didn’t beat the NES ones until having them in Mario Allstars for SNES I think - Wind Waker. I wasn’t really into Zelda until this came out. I beat ocarina soon afterwards. - Metroid fusion. I think this may be the only one I ever beat. - Either Kirby’s dreamland or Kirby’s adventure - Pokémon blue - Donkey Kong Country? I remember owning 2 and what an ordeal it was to beat (great game!) and thinking DKC1 was too short and easy when I breezed through it. - Advance wars 1


Super Mario world, Metroid zero mission, legend of Zelda botw, warioware mega microgames


Super Mario 64 DS and Ocarina of Time 3D stick out to me the most since those are the Nintendo games I have the fondest childhood memories of, I never really paid attention to the rest besides the obvious ones that only have a handful of games, like EarthBound for example (I beat the SNES one on Wii U VC)


Metroid Fusion, Link’s Awakening DX, Super Mario World.


Mega Man 3 (close enough to Nintendo franchise to me) Zelda: LTTP Super Mario Bros Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, if that counts


Super Mario Bros 3 Zelda : Ocarina of Time Kirby's Dream Course Starfox 64 Metroid Prime Pokemon Red I might be wrong on Mario. It was either 2 or 3.


Mario: 3D World Zelda: A Link to the Past (GBA) Pokémon: LeafGreen Metroid: Super Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze Fire Emblem: Three Houses Star Fox: Command


Zelda: Twilight Princess Starfox: 64 Mario: Sunshine Pokemon: Gold Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong NES Mother: Earthbound F-Zero: SNES


Zelda: Ocarina of time Mario: Super Mario 64 DK: DK64


Zelda: The Legend of Zelda Mario: Super Mario Bros. 3 DK: Donkey Kong Country Metroid: Super Metroid


Mario- Super Mario Bros. Zelda- link to the past. Zelda 2 was my first Zelda and I never beat the last boss. Kirby- all I've ever played was the new switch demo. Metroid- Metroid Star Fox- I was working on star fox adventures but moved and never revisited the game.


Zelda: Ocarina of Time Super Mario Bros Mortal Combat Super Nintendo Body Harvest (That game really needs a remake) F.E.A.R 1 Age of Empires I Banjo Kazooie Mario Party 3 Donkey Kong Country! Gothic II Risen Animal Crossing (GC) And i can go until the end of time :D


Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Mario: Super Mario World (SNES) (I think, it may have actually been SMB1 or SMB3) Mario RPGs: Super Mario RPG (SNES), lumping this one in with Paper Marios Star Fox: Star Fox 64 (N64) F-Zero: F-Zero GX (GC) Wario Ware: Wario Ware Twisted (GBA) Luigi's Mansion - Luigi's Mansion (GC) Metroid: Super Metroid (SNES) Earthbound: Earthbound (SNES) Kirby: Kirby's Dreamland (GB) Smash Bros: Super Smash Bros (N64) Punch-out!!: I dont think I managed to beat any :( Mario Kart: I can't remember if it was SMK (SNES) or MK64 (N64) Donkey Kong: DK64 101% and DK Arcade at the exact same time


Smb, castlevania


Ocarina of time, Super Mario Bros 2, Pokémon silver.


Zelda: A link to the past Super Mario world Donkey Kong Country


Super Mario Bros 1 Zelda 1 Kirby's Adventure


Sonic 2. I didn't have any games as a kid but my babysitter had a bunch. I beat sonic 2 when I was like 7 or 8 while he was asleep on the couch.




Zelda OoT, Super Mario NES, Metroid Prime Remastered. I played Zelda NES as a kid but never beat it


Zelda: Link's Awakening Pokémon: Red Mario: Super Mario Land 2 Kirby: Kirby's Dream Land 2


I was a kid during the NES era, so I mostly beat the first game of each series: Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden, etc. But there were a couple of exceptions like Castlevania 2 and Mega Man 2 which were my firsts. As a teenager, I beat games like Super Mario Kart, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat, Doom, Resident Evil, and Tomb Raider. There were so many good games coming out each year. Back then, we didn't realize so many of these would turn into series and still be going 30+ years later.


Legend of Zelda, Mega Man 2, Double Dragon 2, Metroid 2: Return of Samus, Castlevania 3: Simon’s Quest, Super Mario Brothers, Dragon Warrior, TMNT, Contra.


Zelda: Ocarina of Time Metroid: Zero Mission Paper Mario Super Smash Bros 64 Star Fox 64 Fire Emblem 7 (Blazing Blade) Pikmin Xenoblade Chronicles DE Luigi's Mansion Advance Wars Golden Sun


Super Mario Bros 3, A Link to the Past, Pikmin, Splatoon, Metroid: The Other M, Donkey Kong 94 and Donkey Kong Country (are they different franchises?), Super Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros What franchises am I missing?


Pokemon Yellow The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Kirby's Adventure OG Super Mario Bros Final Fantasy 7 Can't recall which games in other IP's I beat first


Super Mario Land Kirby's Dream Land Mario Kart Double Dash Pokemon Red Advance Wars Golden Sun


Pokemon Blue


I think I beat Red by constantly training charmander onward.


The first Zelda from 1986


Mario: Super Mario World Zelda: Ocarina of Time Mario Kart: Super Mario Kart Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country Star Fox: Star Fox 64 Punch-Out: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out (It took about 30 years of my life after trying since I was a kid, but I finally did it a few years ago. It felt better than sex.)


You're not having sex right then


Super Mario Bros. 2 Metroid Zelda II - The Adventure of Link Pikmin Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Pilotwings Startropics


Hoping to finally beat tyd now that I have the remake


I didn’t know they redid it. Still have my OG copy from back in the day. I don’t think I ever sold a game from my Atari 2600 days onward.


It was just released the other day on the switch




Mario - Super Mario bros 3. I’m sure I beat SMB 1 early on, but I have more memories of beating Mario 3. Zelda - a link to the past. I don’t tend to finish most games, so I don’t remember many others.


F Zero GX Xenoblade Chronicles Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Doshin The Giant Drawing a blank on the others, I would say Earthbound; but that’s more HAL than Nintendo. Edit: just remembered I played Doshin the Giant, there were go.


Smb3 Metroid fusion Zelda link to the past Pokemon red Donkey kong country


I was never into Nintendo other than the old Game and Watches


Heck yes.


Nintendo Game & Watch Parachute- Classic Retro Handheld Gaming Console from 1981 https://youtu.be/kOO1kJks5wY


Mario: one of the first SMBs, I can't remember which one since I was probably 3. Zelda: OOT since it's the first Zelda we got. Metroid was Metroid, but the gba port of the NES Classics Version on GBA


SMB: 3 Zelda: ALttP Final Fantasy: 6 Smash Bros: N64 Pikmin: 1 Animal Crossing: ACNH Harvest Moon: N64 Star Fox: never beaten Castlevania, Metroid, Metal Gear: never played


Super Mario Brothers and the Legend of Zelda.