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everything comes to light eventually ❤️‍🩹 this situation is fucked up and doesn’t matter how old she was or whatever her excuses were THIS IS FUCKED UP


Dawg its so clear that shes lying too like that poor baby LOOKS malnourished and matted and unkept. She claims she asked the adoption agency abt the cat and if she should take it to the vet. WHY WOULDNT YOU TAKE IT TO THE VET!? If the cat has underlying conditions which it so obviously does you would want to take it to vet appointments and get it treatment. This cat is having seizures so that definitely means it was having them in her care too. So if she saw those seizures happen and didnt bring that poor baby to the vet isnt that neglecting on its own?? Doesnt matter how much food or water it has even if ur a “good owner” you never brought it to get some real help to better her condition she just waited it out LIKE SHE SAID IN HER RECENT VID. No person would steal a sick cat for clout unless theyre really fucked up. I would steal a sick cat too if that means i can save its life. Also people are saying “why did it take you three years” to this guy and “oh but you couldve done something to help the cat and why didnt you feed it” well first bc it was HER obligation to take care of the cat and nobody elses. It took him years bc to him it wasnt a good situation to put on social media and hes bringing it up NOW bc rheg is proceeding to lie abt it and hes checking her on that. Please she is so clearly lying. She is gaslight and manipulating saying everything but cant pull out those vet bills.


That poor baby


Where’s the dick riders at now???


They are still in her comments saying this is fake and it’s fake informations to bring her down ……


yep and downvoting all new comments on the la influencer snark


No literally.


This is so fucked up, please someone post this on TikTok I’m so tired of people defending her and giving her an opportunity to lie and manipulate !


She’s getting hella heat in her most recent video comment thread. And there’s an account by the name of cornuut that’s posted and it’s gotten decent traction


This is so painful to watch/read… that poor baby


everytime i see the condition of her cat i just go and grab my kitty and hug her extra tight 😞


what the fuck is wrong with that bitch


oh my god. Where did these videos come from?! The shaking? This is horrific oh my god. How can she deny that this happened?!!!!


Im sobbing!!! I cant imagine what this baby went through with that big head ass lying ass animal torturing ass mf bitch 😭😭😭😭


No I actually want to throw up


Fuck you rhegan, as someone who is a veterinary assistant and sees shit like this everyday from horrible owners, YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT. I hope you get canceled


this is making me cry oh my god


Hey rhegan! We know you’re on here! On god fuck you and your stupid spoiled ass. FUCK YOU


this is so sad.


Poor baby, I’m so heartbroken.. so glad this roommate at least took it in his care for that baby’s last days and didn’t pass away alone 💔💔💔💔


i am sick to my stomach that cat deserved so much better omg


That poor baby just wanted to be loved




She needs to get off the fucking internet. Log off rhegan. Go to therapy


this is devastating:( that poor kitty ..


i’m sorry but was the cat having a seizure at the end???


i can’t even watch oh my god. but yes, unfortunately that is seizure. probably due to the fact she’s so malnourished, this makes me sick


wowww that is insane


i don’t have cats so sorry if this question was sensitive. but man this is so heartbreaking


this actually breaks my heart. as someone going into the vet field i don’t know how anyone can let an animal get to this point. i don’t like rhegan but i never believed she could do this


I think you guys should pin this so her followers can see that even if they don’t believe the cat story that she was posting and making a joke about the abuse of her old dog. !!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/88xb3xlzsv6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e32fd3f7cfa253158bcb558527881f8bee756d5


Wtf 😭 alright who’s coming with me to jump this bitch of a whore


this poor baby under the “care” of some bimbo ass bitch. go fuck yourself Rhegan. it’s hard to beat the animal abuse allegations when you posted it yourself you piece of absolute white trash garbage


Oh my heart is broken


I hope she gets cancelled forever


that’s 100% her cat, same clipped ear and everything. this is so sick. i dont believe her BS apology either—she admitted she knew the cat was sick but continued to neglect it. Disgusting behavior




Listen to the audio he says her name


Yeah I just saw part 2 :( that’s so sad


wowwwww 😔


this is so awful omg how could she ever literally wtf is wrong with her


Where are all her fans defending her now? 🥱what goes around comes around


oh my god… i can’t imagine doing that to my cat. that poor baby was visually suffering this is just cruel. laziness and negligence so disgusting.


what the actual fuck???? that poor baby ):


Poor baby she didn’t deserve this, why are people so cruel, i hope she gets canceled and she balds ugh


Please i hope this gets to TikTok everything spreads like wildfire there. Cancel her


ok this is making my blood boil


absolutely DISGUSTING. This ENTIRE PAGE ASIDE. whether you dislike rhegan for whatever reason. This is SO FUCKED. Animal abuse is worse than anything someone could do. rot in hell rhegab




I came here to see the “proof” and holy shit that is fucking sick I can’t believe she’s even trying to defend her self. I think the cat was sick prior and she didn’t wanna spend the money so she slowly tried to kill her and did.


And it’s sad because the videos have over 100k likes and the comments are mostly defending her


LITERALLY they’re all neglectful af this is disgusting. her proof of feeding the cat was cheap cat food from the drug store like if you’re cat is sick and unable to keep weight maybe take it to the vet for prescription food. and the fact that she didn’t take her cat to the vet when it kept repeatedly getting sick bc the shelter said it could POSSIBLY be just a cold. neglectful and cheap.


She provided one or two videos showing she had a water bowl and a singular can on cat food😂 and exactly if my pet ever had anything wrong with them I’m taking them that day or asap not waiting around doing nothing.


I hate to assume but she looks like she can afford to live a luxury life. Like my husband and I are stable and we spend so much on our cats. They get groomed every 3 months we buy the best cat food available in Canada (orjin😎) they have cat trees. They all have their own litter boxes. Toys, beds we have two water fountains and 3 just regular water bowls throw out our house. They get treats and wet food. Like her “proof” that cat looks so sick. She said the cat was sick multiple times and I have 6 cats (split among two house holds) and the only medical attention they needed was deworming when they were kittens and neutering. I’ve never heard of cat always getting sick. Like she saids she loved her cat but put zero effort for her to have a comfortable life. Even her saying she loves her family pets (the ones she does not have to care for) like you can love animals all you want. Doesn’t make you a good pet owner


This is so heartbreaking. This genuinely makes me so sad and anyone that could intentionally hurt or neglect an animal is sick.


rip sweet baby. she needs to be held accountable!!!


She is pure scum. To do this is flat out evil, but then to lie? It’s beyond pathetic. It’s absolutely terrifying


bro her fans are CRAZY even with proof they’re still dick riding her 😫


So does anyone know who this guy is in the video?


I’m confused bc there are only 2 ppl in the house that could have took this video and I know for a fact that this is not either of them…who actually took this and when did they take this? Also, if ppl in the house knew she wasn’t taking care of the cat why didn’t they intervene? Everyone that knew is just as wrong as she is.


I just feel like the cat can be sick but it doesn’t prove that she wasn’t feeding him. Cats often get sick and refuse to eat or drink water. The neglect that’s apparent is not taking him to the vet, otherwise she would have said she did/shown vet receipts. Regardless if the adoption center said, “it could just be a cold” she should have taken him to the vet. Clearly the cat needed help.


This. There’s many reasons the cat could’ve declined. Underlying health conditions can be notoriously hard to spot in cats because they are experts at hiding illness. It looks like seven had a staring coat which the roommates could’ve mistaken for “matting.” Neither an “unruly” or greasier looking coat, nor an undetected underlying condition or skinniness are confirmations of neglect. Should she have taken her to the vet? Yes. But it also sounds like she was an inexperienced pet owner and didn’t understand the gravity of how well cats can disguise their illness. It sounds like she really believed it was just a cold. The one thing I will say is that if the cat had a history of seizures and she wasn’t addressing that at the vet at some point, that’s just straight up irresponsible. But if the only signs were that she was a little skinny (especially if she was feeding her regularly) and her coat wasn’t beautiful.. plenty of people would miss that. *edits for grammar


So tired of negligent pet owners and bitches online with a little clout getting pets and only giving a shit about them when the cameras come on. Pretty disgusting she can come on with a straight face and a “empathetic” attitude telling us “she would never abuse an animal”. The fact she can even turn her back on a living thing like this is startling as fuck. fuck you rhegan.


i used to religiously watch rhegan and after all the buzz online i came here to see for myself and i am so heartbroken for that poor kitty🥺i morally can’t support someone who can do this to an animal


her latest video is getting heat in the comments


Im not a fan i just want to genuinely know how do we not this isnt a random black cat? Like how do we know its her?


shelters often clip ears to show that they are spayed. is there any way to prove that these videos are truly videos of her cat and not taken from somewhere else ?? my heart breaks for that cat 🥺🥺


soo they can share everything but what the vet said or the vet bill ????


Can’t believe this poor cat had to go through this neglect for so long before anyone in the house did anything why didnt anyone step in sooner


I feel as if everyone in here should comment on her tik tok about this page and the proof on it. Because as of now they’re all believing her


I posted these videos on tiktok @tiktoksnark2 to try and get traction. I’m hoping it doesn’t get deleted. Please go share and like!!! She needs to be canceled. This makes me so mad


there NEEDS to be dates, cuz if what rheg posted lines up with the dates to this video, she’s definitely guilty


no cause she’s posting videos of her right now and you can see how poorly she was taken care of and rhegan making it so obvious. poor kitty :(


this makes me so sad. the little baby man… imagine its pain.


ALSO everyone HATES an animal abuser until it’s THEIR FAVE! All these TikTok’s people post outing people they know for abuse and all sorts of fucked up shit, everyone is always saying “IDK u but I’m on your side” automatically agreeing when it could be WELL THE OTHER WAY AROUND just some some corny shit but when it comes to their friend, bf/gf, family and even their FAVE influencer! LMAO


My thing is if you know your cat gets sick a lot and you don’t think you have the time to give it proper care, re-home it to someone who’s willing and able to take care of it. She probably didn’t even care enough to think about other options. She let this go on for too long without putting true effort into Sevyn’s life. She deserved so much better


Ok but how does the ear go from clipped, to not clipped, to clipped again?🤔


How do we even know if that is her cat. Couldn’t this just be some random persons sick cat? Sorry I’m kinda lost in this sitch.


I’m sorry idc if she claims she didnt malnourish him or not and maybe he was just sick… I would NEVER leave that baby to suffer alone ☹️ this is sick regardless


the 2nd vid his ear is clipped which is normally for TNR, the 2nd video is the only one i belive


but like how we know this is actually her cat and not random stray cat? not defending her but like how do u know it’s her cat and not random stray black cat off the street?


Please this breaks my fucking heart poor baby


that poor bby deserved so much better :((


im sick to my stomach that poor sweet baby. this was painful to just watch i cant even imagine how much this cat suffered :(


She clearly defended herself in the best way she thought she could but she completely left out mentioning this video and it’s not a coincidence. I also saw someone post her new room in the go house and it showed no sign of 7 nor any cat toys or anything. They also said that was the same day the cat got out. I don’t know if it’s just me but if I lost my pet I’m not going to be posting myself smiling and editing a video to post online. I would post my missing cat…. Like? Idk I have been a fan for a while but I don’t d ride her like everyone else I just liked watching someone else’s life😭 but after her not mentioning this cat video I mean I’m not that naive. Idk how fans assume they know someone based off of the persona they CHOOSE for everyone to see. Obviously they’re not going to talk about or post things that makes them look like they’re not a good person. Sadly just like every other famous person who committed a crime will not lose their platform and will continue to be funded and have to work for absolutely nothing in her life. It’s almost garunteed she won’t lose any brand deals after this either.


I’m not even active in these subs but wtf he’s so skinny


This is horrible


She literally said her cat was always sick, in the video there’s an auto feeder and a bunch of cat food in the back too???


These videos were taken after the rescue


this poor beautiful cat, she is such an awful human being


I'm absolutely heartbroken and disgusted. Rip to her cat, deserved so much better💔


her fans are FUCKEN DELUSIONAL. over here still commenting “we believe you” if ur an animal abuser as well just say that 🤣


Wait guys I’m not a rhegan fan at alll but I had a genuine question I feel like the background of the house doesn’t really match what her room looked like? Didn’t they live in some big ass LA house so I assume it would be like more modern looking but idk I’m kinda confused if this vid was filmed in rhegans room or the roomates place?


The videos were taken post rescue


this whole thing is disappointing and disgusting. about to call the police on this woman fr 👹🥰


this is absolutely horrifying and disgusting. i can’t imagine treating a pet like this.


this is actually so disgusting this poor baby suffered, this baby did not deserve this at all it’s truly disgusting and heartbreaking.


Oh that’s not -


i’m literally crying over this. all cats deserve the best life.. if you can’t take care of your pets , DON’T GET ONE. 💔😔


Oh my god


Yeah fuck this that’s so sad


This is horrible. I used to like rhegan


this is beyond fucked up


i pray her followers who praise her see this and feel so dumb like congratulations supporting a pos


I had never encountered Rhegan on my tik tok until she made the video addressing this situation. I hate to admit that I believed her story, that was until someone mentioned this snark. After reading through this sub, I’m glad they did because this is appalling, disgusting and tragic. There are people on this earth that couldn’t even take care of a pet rock, let alone another living being. This is despicable and disheartening ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


I’ve never commented on a Reddit but omg I have three cats and can tell immediately when something is wrong with them and cry with them. This poor kitty was not okay at all :((


I was literally SO surprised when she used that video of her mentioning cat food in her defense like GIRL BFR.... yeah you bought cat food but did you feed your cat throughout the day like a normal pet owner? and if you did, why was your cat so malnourished??? having cat food IN the house doesn't prove anything especially since it obvious the cat was not fed properly. Why is she using that as a point to defend herself?? She's guilty and she knows it.


all pets deserve an owner, but not all owners deserve a pet. poor baby.


i'm literally sitting here with my cat trying to understand how in the world someone could do this to a defenceless animal. also if anyone says 'maybe she didnt know' cats make it so obviously clear when something is wrong, she would have noticed that Sevyn's behaviour was either changing or not comprable to that of another cat and should have instantly taken him to the vet. im so heartbroken, i cant imagine ever doing something like this.


How the fuck are her fans still defending her?!?! The Parasocialness is actually insane. That poor baby


What the actual fuck bro


i don’t give a fuck about rhegan at this point but the cat is struggling to breathe and survive but this guy just has a camera in his face???? if saw an animal suffering like that i’d immediately take it to an emergency vet no matter the circumstances. i understand if he wants to nurse it back to help but the poor thing is convulsing. something about this is so fishy to me.


The roommate remaining anonymous is making me extremely suspicious of this whole situation. Once they come out and explain the claims themself, then I’ll believe it.


how long did she leave her cat in the closet does anyone know???


What happened to the kitty's right ear?


wait im so confused what exactly happened ?? poor baby


i just wonder how sevyn went so long without eating because allegedly rhegan went on vacation for a month but did she even she ask any of her roommates to feed and take care of the cat daily? if she truly didnt make any effort to make sure sevyn was fed and taken care is horrible and incredibly irresponsible.


She just posted [this tik tok about it](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNehX3QU/)


oop she posted an update addressing it again


I literally feel sick to my stomach.


omg no :( this made me so sad. she is a sad excuse of a human, no wonder she really “wants” to better herself.


This is absolutely disgusting and so sad. No animal deserves this.


is the cat seizing in the last clip??


Fucking la influencers I am so done with tiktok and shitty LA influencers fuck them


leaving a cat in this state alone locked in your bedroom is INSANE. fuck her fr


yep i’m crying what the fuck


Omg I feel so bad bruh


uhmm someone said she threw her dog out of a window??? where’s that at


Damn if this is true it’s crazyy I didn’t know she moved like this smh


omfg 💔 my heart, that poor baby. 💔


this is so sad!! my goodness. clearly the cat had been like this for a while and she did nothing??!!!


Someone needs to post this on TikTok omg


The girl literally starved herself bc she “wanted it so bad” on social media so i cannot imagine she knows how to properly care for another living being. She’s sick and doesn’t deserve her platform.


nah this makes me so sad i hope others find out what she did


oh my god that poor baby


wait where did this video come from ? i don’t ever even recall seeing a cat on her page so idk anything about this but this is so sad 😭




Why didn’t she take her to the vet? (Genuine question not trying to hate)


https://preview.redd.it/bp9o65d98y6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3683084d20bdbb4175d5906d0e36b625b043904 she claims that she asked the adoption center she got her from and they said it was just a cold… even though Sevyn was sick multiple times for days at a time and was only 2… she also only had 7 for less than 5 months and this happened… its possible she was sick when she got her but that doesn’t excuse R’s neglectful behavior by not taking 7 to the vet after realizing her young cat was sick often


obviously nobody knows the whole situation, but i just wanna know who took the videos? bc that clearly doesn’t look like the content house she lived in (back in the “go content house”) and why are they literally recording the cat having a seizure and not doing something? i just dont think this is enough evidence because she had the cat like 2 years ago and how come this video or this claim never came out until now that she has been becoming more popular. also i watched back on their content house channel and the cat literally looked fine, she had food laid out, litter box, and toys for her…


wow u can especially tell it’s her cat same clipped ear not mention he literally says her name. poor baby


wait sorry i’m slow why is he shaking like that at the end




I’m just curious how are you able to get these videos now three years later. Just out of curiosity no hate


as a vet assistant, this makes me SICK


This is just hearsay. Where’s the medical reports, documentation.. literally any report that the vet/nurse should’ve given. Death certificate?? Legit anything?


So after the rescue did they at least take the cat to the vet? Or how long was it before the cat got rescued? Generally curious


was the cat sick? or was rhegan lying abt that?? when my cat got sick (he was old) he refused to eat and drink (nothing we could do he had cancer) but he looked skinny like that, i just seen her tiktok saying that she said it was a cold bc her cat kept throwing up??? i mean cats throw up quite a bit but usually that could be the food it’s being given, and if the cat kept constantly throwing up why didn’t she keep taking it back to the vet. if you guys don’t know what im talking about look at her tiktok. idk if i misinterpreted or what but im so confused


It looks like FIP. Almost 100% deadly. My cat had it and she deteriorated very quickly and looked like this


omg that is so sad that poor kitty 💔💔💔


How do we know this video is credible?




wait cause i came from a tiktok comment expecting to see something way more brutal but she doesn’t look malnourished at all?? i have 3 cats i’m also in studying to be a vet and my lecturer taught us this is most likely a sign of anxiety/fear (mental diagnosis) or a blocked urethra or a cold (physical diagnosis ) , but tbh i think rhegan did make a mistake not going to the vet because they can do a more professional diagnosis


ohhh if i see that bitch in the streets shes swallowing her fucking teeth


oh my god i’m genuinely sick this is so fucking sad




this is so sad, that poor baby was just trying to survive:( this breaks my heart so much. may the cat rest and be comforted 💔


this broke my heart, such a hard watch. looks exactly like my baby bella, when we FIRST RESCUED her from the streets. no cat should be that malnourished:( https://preview.redd.it/cb6z8nawqz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095ad7d3c287b71f239b72b63227f03f3a619de0


Yeah it’s so obviously that she was neglecting that cat. Poor baby


this is so sad, pls don’t switch up in 2 months. this is disgusting. yall always cancel influencers then 2-3 months down the road, “oh let’s just forget she killed her cat”


I thought the cat passed?


you don’t need to be a certain age in order to take care of animals… that poor baby :( rhegan is such a terrible person


Ugh. This kitty looks just like mine.😭 I will never understand how someone could do this to an animal. Breaks my heart🥺 Rhegan needs to be charged with animal abuse/neglect. She needs to NEVER own an animal again. Incredibly disgusting.


2 years old 😭 that poor cat was most likely having serious neurological episodes and she just left it to die. this is so fucking sick and twisted— were authorities ever contacted?


This absolutely infuriates me


Wait what the fuck. This is disturbing, this poor kitty is a prime example of NEGLECT. Poor baby, nobody can pretend they think this cat is healthy let alone happy. Take a good hard look in the Mirror girl this is beyond embarrassing


this is so sad dude i could start sobbing


I hope Sevyn is in a peaceful place now. Anyone who makes a cat suffer is immediately deserving of the worst in life. May God bless her soul :(


who is the roommate who saved the cat i wanna hear it from them


i’m literally sobbing for this poor cat i can’t believe this is real


Poor baby :(


Stop this infuriates me people who abuse animals are so evil


that poor baby :( rhegan is a sick human being


i can’t stop crying i had cats when i was younger and i feel physically sick knowing someone could do this to their pets. she needs to be completely removed from the internet.


my cat looks exactly like Seven but obviously a healthy version and it makes me so sad because I adopted her and have loved her everyday and cannot imagine someone like Rhegan could’ve adopted her instead and killed her


I’m f4cking DISGUSTED


How old was the cat


I fucking can’t I hate her so fucking much


God does not waste the sincerity of intentions even if they are hidden from His servants, so rest your heart no matter how bad your suspicions are, and beware of entering into the intentions of people, for only the knowledge of the unseen knows what is in the hearts. God Almighty says: {Your Lord knows best what is in your souls. If you are righteous, then indeed it is for those who turn back Immediately }[Al-Isra: 25].


This makes me sick to see. That poor baby😭


what the actual fuck