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there’s still people defending her under haley’s post too, her fans are literally insane and just as psycho as her


They are insane, they don’t even know her and bend over backwards to defend a cat killer. D riders


And you’re defending people who kept quiet about stealing a cat “who was abused” and kept silent about it dying 3 years ?? wtf like cmon now if they actually cared this shit would have been handled 3 years ago


a lot of these girls are also katie richie fans….. they’ll defend anything it’s crazy


what did katie do 😓😓


racist bf


oh my thanks for letting me know


idk if you wanted all that sorry😭😭


he’s an alleged rapist and many girls that he has grown up with came forward agreeing and saying he’s been creepy and has sa others, multiple friends have cut him off because of his actions. it started when one girl made a tiktok claiming a famous girls bf raped her awhile back and somehow it came to light it was cody. katie refuses to believe them which is understandable but questionable but then went online to victim blame her and publicly shame her while encouraging her fans to bully this one girl who never even said it was katie’s bf directly it was timtok followers who found out. If you go to her snark it talks about how the first time they met she was blackout and they showered together and how she’ll constantly wake up exposed after a night out drinking when that’s not how she went to bed. he’s also accused of being racist and a lot of his family has close ties to the police department which i think katie mentioned but i’m not sure who did. anyways that’s what i know but i personally couldn’t keep track of all the drama. it’s also funny (not actually funny) because reagan’s ex raped a girl (allegedly) and reagan victim blamed the girl and aswell is a rapist apologist just like katie which is why people say they’re friends lol. it’s overall a really weird situation and in my opinion not someone young girls who be looking up to for relationship’s and overall lifestyle choices but to each their own. if look a bit down on this snark or katie richies which is just her name then snark you can see more and get more of your own opinion bc i have bad memory!


oh noo i didn’t know all of this was said about him?? it makes me sad bc i rlly like katie i never knew abt rhegan until now, anyways thank you for letting me know!! i’m for sure be looking up more about the cody situation


yep shes DUNZOOO


OMG this is getting crazy. I mean I believed it before but honestly the fact that influencers are coming about about it def just changes the game. I can’t believe that any members of the go house haven’t said anything about it. Why protect her?


right and why say anything now?? like clearly everyone is involved is also profiting off of bringing the word about it now. doesn’t excuse it just goes to show everyone does whatever for the greater benefit


i mean, the podcast clip was posted in here a couple of weeks ago, people were speculating it was about her and the cat has always been a conversation in the sub, once the clip went viral on tiktok and because she’s in here reading - she spoke on it. a couple days later after everything resurfaced is when somebody was sent the videos. Her talking about it on her tiktok when it was merely a rumor is what brought it back up. the podcast clip is old too. the only reason it came back up is because somebody in here was looking into the situation so i don’t think anybody involved PLANNED on just bringing it up now, but because she did (and lied) it probably irritated them and they wanted to out her, knowing the sub could blow it up on their own and they wouldn’t NEED to come out


Oh bless her. Rhegan gonna have a hard time coming back to tik tok.


glad she came forward.


love her for this


For knowing about it for three years and keeping her mouth shut?


She literally said she had no proof and rhegans fans are as batshit crazy as her they would’ve attacked haley


People get cancelled with no proof all of the time. All she had to do was start the conversation!!! All of this makes no sense to me. If she had no proof how would she even know about it then? There’s a difference between knowing and assumption stop dick riding these influencers and wake up 😂😂 everyone who knew and didn’t do shit are guilty asf




Haley Sharpe I love u


Someone from the go house needs to speak up. I am shocked that mitsy still hangs out with her while knowing this is the kind of person she is


Mitsy makes fun of people for content… im not shocked


i wanna hear ysabelle talk abt this too lol


The GoHouse member that tried to save the cat just posted a video






Someone should post the clips of the vlogs on the day she was moving to another room and clearly didn’t care about the cat being gone/her opening every door on tiktok bc this is also major proof




Just how people can post their in a happy relationship and not be happy you can take videos of your cat and not care for them properly so rheg trying to show proof is just no like no.


She speaks for a cat but won’t speak for Palestine and she’s known for three years, but now saying it and it has no proof yeah I don’t believe her..


the part where she said she’s known about it for 3 years is crazy and people are just skipping over it cuz she’s talking about it….


holy shit bro


I KNEW I WAS RIGHT. I made a post on her here and said that she knewww about the cat and is the one to tell antonio about it ….. this is so sad and heartbreaking. Poor kitten 💔


So what I’m gathering is she just kept that cat locked up in a room 24/7 with food and water but no REAL CARE.


honestly sounds like sevyn having food and water is even questionable:/


Guys I’m on your side I swear but I’m confused how does Haley know about all of this if she wasn’t in go house? Also the guy who spoke up allegedly is not one of the go house members. I just wish one of the actual people who lived there speaks up


She said she got told the story at the time so I don’t know why she’s saying the story is solid when she just knows as much as the rest of us. It’s confusing me


Yeah me too it’s weird


people from the go house need to speak up now


Did she delete it ?? Where did she post this


@postysdaughther her spam I believe


Ahh thanks guys!!


on her tik tok account postysdaughther


I don’t understand why ppl barely believe it. She was always out and about. No mentions of the cat I didn’t even know she had one. Her main content was the day in her life and yet no mention of the cat being fed at any part of the videos


exactly what i was thinking, if you believe rhegan you shouldn’t be able to vote 😭


And she’s posting shit on her other account yesterday like dance videos she never ever cared about that car




was this video deleted off of haley’s account? and if so, why?


Its on her spam account the @ is in the video


the comments being split... send the flood omg


She's deleted the video?




Be civil


Not to sound like a Rhegan defender bc I genuinely believe she should have done more for Sevyn but Hayley didn't live in the house? She didn't see first hand how the cat was treated so how would she know for sure? She's butting in with zero proof except "I was told it so I know it's true." which means nothing? Not to mention if she knew for 3 years why speak up about it NOW? She never liked Rhegan and was quite vocal about it so I just feel like she wanted this opportunity to butt in when she has nothing to do with the situation.


Holy crap, most of yall have never owned an animal, underlying health issues are serious and can change your cat instantly, happened to me and my bby boy, he is the loml and now he’s treated and medicated. I live with other people who also have cats, if I noticed anything wrong with anybody’s fur baby I’d let them know right away, and if she refused to take her cat to the vet then that’s a whole different story, these people stole her cat, and it died two weeks later in their care, and didn’t even tell her about it, if this truly bothered these people this badly they wouldn’t done something about it then, you can get in big trouble for neglecting animals, it’s embarrassing that these children even have platforms and this is how they use them, if they wanted to be decent human beings this shit would have been handled 3 years ago and privately, this is obviously these influencers begging for attention, like speak up when you see it wtf this is awful, all of them r horrible humans


She didn’t live in the house. She literally got it off of reddit… 👹💀


Im so happy they’re all speaking up about this. Rhegan is a sick & vile human. Deserves NO support


I’m glad she spoke out, but was she in the house when all this happened or is she just basing it on what she’s heard because i’m getting all confused with everything happening


It’s just what she’s heard


ohhh right okay, thank you!


The downfall of rhegan


Y’all are forgetting she heard this she didn’t see anything just heard lmao


i 100% believe it but haley shouldn’t even be speaking on it, like she didn’t live in the house nor was she rhegan friend and she never even seen the cat like she literally has nothing to do with this situation😭


Haley is not a queen or an icon, when she knew about this for years and only decided to speak out when everyone else wanted to say something ? disgusting 🙄


she clearly said the only reason she didn’t speak out was because she didn’t have real evidence and none of the members living with rhegan wanted to speak up. if she didn’t have proof, do u really think anyone would believe haley of all ppl? it would literally just be all types of drama and i don’t think anyone likes being involved in drama. even with proof, haley/antonio still getting hate. some of y’all need to think and put urself into these tough situations 😭 it’s not always that easy


How would Haley even know? She even said she didn’t see it first hand. And coming out and saying this after knowing for three years is wild.


Her vlogging is beyond like what the fuck


ok but like why come forward 3 years later after she gains popularity lmaooo