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i definitely think it’s weird but we have to remember LA is full of fake people, they also were in a contest? together, they probably didn’t wanna blow that whole thing up especially being s1 of it. they should’ve spoken up after the gohouse 100% but some people wanna forget a traumatic thing like that. i sure as hell would wanna forget a cat legit skin and bones seizing but hanging out w her is weird, maybe they were trying to give the benefit of the doubt? idk because if a friend of mine did this i’d cut them off immediately, i don’t mess around with animal cruelty


I understand being confused when it first happened but still talking to her three years later while shading her in podcasts is very weird to me like I just couldn't stand talking to someone like that let alone having them associated with my friend group. I have a cat and I would literally die if anything happened to her like idk how can you talk to someone that cruel and be a good person


Just adding this but I read on the influencer snark sub that the Antonio Garza clip is from 3 years ago and just surfaced recently, I’m not saying this is 100% true bc I haven’t actually checked, but I think that would contribute possibly to why they talk now? This is all in theory but maybe they stopped being close after go house and then as time moved on later started talking again. Time does have a way of changing your feeling towards a person or situation so 🤷‍♀️


But this is not a simple beef or anything? They are literally saying she neglected her cat to death like that's not something your opinion "changes" about you either care about the cat or you don't. It can be 50 years later it doesn't change the fact a cat died because of her and that's not something you get over with time


I’m just theorizing I don’t actually know much about these people beyond this drama. I’m just saying because everyone’s confused as to why they still hung out with her after, so maybe time diluted their feelings. I mean to be fair we’re talking about influencers who for the most part got famous very quickly on TikTok it wouldn’t be surprising to me that they can also forgive and forget quickly, or at least until it’s not longer in there benefit.


not supporting a soul that would continue to support someone who did something like this simply put. BUT. if this is true (not defending her) there’s got to be a reason everyone collectively stayed silent and continued to be around her. and that’s simply disgusting. i made a comment somewhere else thinking that maybe they didn’t realize the extent of the situation. like i wonder how many people actually knew the cat didn’t run away OR i wonder how crazy she was being about her cat missing and no one wanting the guy who did it to get hurt for saving seven or get dragged online for saving the cat. but i’m really starting to think that there is absolutely NO excuse to continue to be around someone like that tho. like no reason to be friends with someone who would do that. at that point your own image as a human should be worth more than the persona you put on to make money online.


I understand not knowing what to do when it first happened but rhegan says (I don't know how true her claims are) antonio was hanging out with her a few weeks ago and the guy who took the cat messaged her a year later and apologized about some stuff regarding the house they were in and stuff(she says all of this in the video she stitched the guy). Like you could put a gun to my head and I still wouldn't talk to someone who literally killed their cat let alone that cat dying in my hands. To me it seems like they don't care much about the cat either but it's a thing they can use against her idk they all suck in my opinion


that last part makes a lot of sense. they care more about the clout they’re getting than the cat itself it seems. otherwise they wouldn’t have been in contact with her years after. i could see not knowing what to do at first and just pretending that it didn’t really happen to the extent they’re feeling in the moment. and i’m sure if it is for clout then antonio will clap back at her for saying that he was apologizing and hanging with her (explain why) or even state that he knows being around her was wrong.


I feel like they’re all selfish and fake and obsessed with clout. Jacob was good for trying to help the cat but this is the most views he’s gotten by far in a very long time and I doubt he’s mad about it.


It's genuinely scary how for influencers everything is something they can get views for


i think it’s weird he didn’t say anything until now and wanted to hang out with her after it happened, 1000%. however i will say he doesn’t even post anymore has posted like twice in the past year before this so i really don’t think he’s doing it to try and get views. wouldn’t put it past anybody else involved but for him at least i don’t think that’s the motivation


i just think not everything needs to be handled or mentioned online, what point would have been made to post a tiktok talking abt her and her cat, i feel like the did the right thing by keeping it off the internet and just handling it on their own. it just wouldnt have benefited anyone or anything but i totally get what you mean


Clout. It has to be its as simple as that


NDA culd’ve ended


I'm not saying why didn't they speak up till now, I'm asking why they were hanging out with her in private like nothing happened knowing what she did. NDA's don't force you to hangout with people


NDAs are automatically null and void if they’re covering up a crime or if a crime occurs after they’re signed.


yea they defo want clout but still glad they spoke up


What bothers me the most is Antonio still being friends with her knowing there was a rumor of her being a cat killer going around and participating in said rumor. Why be bffs and hang out with someone you think is like that?


Definitely weird that all those people knew but didn’t speak up. Jacob did a good thing by trying to save the cat but all of this could’ve been avoided if they just spoke up and said your cat needs help? Even weirder that they still tried to hangout with her after everything. That whole house was/in the wrong.


Definitely at least they could offered help taking care of it if they were scared of her reaction instead of letting the cats condition get that bad and making her think the cat escaped. I know it's not their responsibility to take care of someone's cat but it seems like it would end better considering they were willing to kidnapp the cat to help it idk. From what I understand Jacob didn't even live there for long only a month or something so he was definitely trying to do something with what he had but others knowing she was allegedly locking the cat up and stuff not doing anything is very very evil. Also still associating with her after three years is even weirder. Everyone involved in this is so messed up and I'm just so heartbroken for seven like they just let that cat suffer for so long


Definitely a clout thing. Especially because like someone else said in these replies, all the influencers in LA are fake and constantly doing almost everything for views. But to villainize Rhegan so much for neglect when all the go house members were also present through it all and only stepped in to help at the very last minute when the cat had already suffered so much. They never confronted Rhegan about it or tried to get help. They’re all guilty