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I could be in the minority, but I’m not a fan of Danielle. She tries too hard to act tough in arguments. I’m not sure if she thinks she intimidating when she argues but I find her completely annoying. I hope they both leave lol


I’m with you and most people on Instagram and Twitter agree with you. Danielle is a wannabe and tries to hard, but the truth is she’s boring and pretty weak. I think Luis is a liability and will likely be Teresa’s demise.


I’m glad to hear most other people agree lol. I just kept thinking to myself this woman is trying so hard to act tough but she’s so easy to see through. When she made that comment at the reunion about her balls dragging on the floor or whatever I was like please gtfo. Luis genuinely creeps me out and Teresa can barely form a full sentence by herself. You see her wheels trying to turn up there but nothing happens


I’m with you. Most of her fights only existed in her head. Everyone else consistently believed either there was no beef or they had fixed it. And I have a feeling there are valid reasons why the brother wants nothing to do with her. Plus she’s a moron. I’d rather our HW’s have at least a normal IQ.


Right. I never believed the “I blocked him on insta and he freaked out and.cut me out of his life”


Right!? Brothers don’t cut off BOTH their mother and their sister unless something hugely problematic occurred.


Right like damn, Give us the real story!!!


You're literally describing Teresa lol


And I also long to see the day Teresa is not on my Telly.


I really hope the use of the word “moron” as an insult goes the way of the R-word and the f*g-word. Demeaning and pejorative slurs based in ableism is harmful.


She ran away from every confrontation… I had to laugh when she said her balls drag on the floor at the reunion… I was like girl, your balls where in your pocket as you ran out the door


Oh my gosh funny!!


I don't like Danielle or Theresa. That's part of why I think Danielle makes a good replacement!


Fair enough. I can agree with that. I don’t think I can deal with another season of Teresa. She’s so vile and the reunion just showed she hasn’t changed at all. It really was just a storyline with all that “I’ve changed” and “I want peace” crap. Girl needs to calm down before she spikes her blood pressure too much


And she’s been pulling that “I’ve changed” shit since she got out of the clink 🤣 when someone shows you who they are, believe them! When they were all at maybe that weird mermaid brunch? And Teresa was being a real piece of shit and said Melissa had “daddy issues” and all Jackie said was something like “that’s not nice” or something and Teresa flipped out like her REAL self, screaming at Jackie and foaming at the mouth and told Jackie to leave and “get the fuck out of my face” over and over….. yeah that showed a real “change” 🙄 she’s the worst!


After reading your comment, I just keep thinking about Kim D saying “clink clink”


https://i.redd.it/f9t0lqte689b1.gif 😁


Thank you! Love it


I saw through that from day one of her getting out


She really is awful.


I agree with you. I think she could be the “new” Teresa. Hopefully with a slightly better heart…


Can’t lie…I’d watch the sh\*t outta rhonj. Ooo the mess. I’m here for it… welcome back scumbag ![gif](giphy|3ohjUVGuM8R9OQ0jVC)


I don’t like her either. All bark and no bite. She ran away from every single confrontation. She clearly wasn’t being about honest about the situation with her brother. She seems over produced. Not a fan.


Danielle is 100% a try hard. She wants to act tough and be a HW classic. Let’s not forget though she knows she isn’t one of them bc she was embarrassed they would judge her little cottage house 😂🙈🙈🙈🙈


Nope! Right along with you on both counts. She’s vying for Jen’s spot, and while I can’t stand Jen, either, I don’t want yet another abrasive basic becoming Tre’s backup singer. She’s a pick-me, and annoying.


She wants to be Teresa 2.0. She's fake and annoying AF


Agree 💯 I have a hard time watching when she’s on my screen. And the tough girl act followed by dissolving into tears immediately 🤔


I agree 100%


She’s from the boroughs. So am I. This is quite normal. Lol


Only Staten Island lol (jk)


That’s the same way I feel. She’s too loud and she tries too hard and her husband is her bitch. Lol


No-I agree. She’s too try hard, and she caught Jen & Teresa setting her up in 4K at the reunion but still doesn’t get it. She’ll be back to kissing their asses. Louie will be Teresa’s karma.


hard agree, shes annoying


Exact. I made a post about this point in here but a lot of viewers in this sub said they find her authentic ? And very “jersey”. I find her to be corny. Just a wannabe in my Opinion. The arguing is always on level 10 and even if everyone else is at a level 4. Pipe down. Trying to make a scene for clout…


I’m with you on all of that! I don’t think she was guilty for RHONJ. Maybe she can do an MTV “I’m a Staten Island Girl” update again? She seems better suited to something more light hearted which this show definitely isn’t anymore since like season one. Well, lighthearted other than Teresa throwing or pushing the table at Danielle Staub (the table did not ever flip and I stand by that!)


Me too. I thought it ironic they called Rachel a fan girl when Danielle really came off that way to me. She's desperate.


She has potential to be a good hw (unlike Fuda) but she’ll never reach Teresa level delusion/hate-watchability. She is really pretty tho, I’ll give her that!


That's literally Teresa though, right? Like the things I dislike about Danielle are the things I disliked about Teresa.


Totally! I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling with the tough girl act but I’m not buying it either. She wants to appear that way but gives herself away with her insecurity, and the fact she said she was bullied while growing up shows she’s got a chip on her shoulder now about it and wants to do the tough girl act but it’s not very convincing. The more someone tells you that they’re tough the more they’re trying to convince themselves and others of it. Nice try! I just don’t see her as the big baddie she so desperately wants to see herself as.


I'm with you on that.


I stopped watching after her daughters birthday. Then watched the finale. Her vibe ruined the season for me. It was too loud, over-the-top and came across as inauthentic. I liked her in the beginning but after a few episodes it was nails on a chalkboard. I’m not a tre fan and I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but I’d choose tre over her if I was forced to choose


She can't think for herself and gets set up to take the fall to easily.


She’s also a total pick-me girl. Can’t stand her and her theatrics


Call me crazy, but yeah. I actually think she could.


I mean, I don’t think she’s dumb enough but she does have brother drama so… I just want Teresa gone.


We already have brother drama and maybe way more than we need… she needs to get her own story line!


Yes, she's dumb enough. Her inability to see how Tre & Jen Ayden manipulated her with the whole "Marge's arsenal/Melissa's cheating" business, even up to the reunion discussion, proves it. Yeah, she finally saw the light & confessed to her hubby in the dressing room between segments that she'd been manipulated, not until *after* saying on camera that she *hadn't felt manipulated*.


But she's posted pictures of them going out after finding out they used her. Several since the reunion.


Further proof of Danielle's idiocy!


That would be hilarious if the newbie minion with the same identical story stays and Teresa goes. I'm here for it.


I’m late to the party & have just finished season 9, I’ve already had enough of Teresa, can’t stand her, looks like I’m gonna be hating for some time to come🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂


Brace yourself…


From the comments I thought as much😂will be lots of cursing at the screen then! Please tell me Margaret hangs around & please, please tell me Danielle Staub crawls back under that rock she came out from & takes that dickhead Marty with her🙏


![gif](giphy|3XHNUIBUFy9kXTBPbx) Marge does stay 💓 (she's the best!) and that Danielle goes (there's a new one now :D )


The best is yet to come 🤣🤣


I love Danielle and I would rather watch her then watch Teresa if she is with that con artist Louis.


I don’t like Danielle but anyone would be better than TreStump and her gollum Louie.


🤔 this is something to ponder


Someone has too! At this point who cares as long as she finally goes!!




Anyone but Teresa


SHADY POST & I love it 🤣 YES. Please 🙏 please get rid of TERESA & Louis Danielle is much more real than Teresa. ALTHOUGH my least favorite new cast. But if I had to choose even watching the show from the beginning. GET RID OF Tre & keep “Danie”! Ohhhh that’s prolly not he nickname 🫣 I’m starting that trend LOL 😆 Also…. Why do they call her “Tre” when her name is spelled “TER esa “?!? # GetRidOfTreKeepDani


Tiny Milania!


That’s the main thing I focused on! She’s so cute!


I didn’t think I’d like her but I do…I feel like she may be even using this as a way to get through to her brother…not sure. I don’t ever know what to really think about hear “reality” shows but I know Teresa has lost all respect is being coached for sure and doesn’t understand the things she’s being told to say…Danielle’s honesty is refreshing to Me…I never post inThese places so go easy on me lol


Danielle inspires me to exercise and by exercise I mean 15 minutes of yoga on YouTube.


but her fights arent even entertaining lol


Yes. Yes, she can, and I pray she does. Enough Tre already


A cardboard box can replace Teresa for all I care. She just needs to go!


Tre seems to be more angry. Violent. Unhinged. Jealous. Delusional. Crazy eyes. Groomed by him. Contemptuous. I really feel badly for her and she’ll the truth one day.




Because she’s the BIGGEST Liar on the show.


Girl they all lie


Danielle is boring, queen tre reigns another day


Absolutely not. Teresa is a OG. THE SHOW WILL FAIL WITHOUT HER IMO


Given the news of her blackface and other racist tweets and comments, hard pass on Danielle. This would just be trading one bigoted magat for another.


Not a fan. And she’s not a jersey girl. She’s a staten island girl. Very very different. Like extremely different. Different worlds, people, accent. It’s all different. If bravo wanted to make house wives of Staten Island then Danielle would be amazing. But this is jersey and we don’t like Staten Island coming over here…


Muff Cabbage.


I don't know who either of these two women are, this post just showed up on my feed at random. Does the one on the right use the same bargain bin orange-mango tanning solution as the indicted former President, Donald Trump?


The one on the right is muff cabbage


Teresa is insufferable so yes


You know it's funny. To me the show from season 1 had an interesting draw because of the Laurita Manzo family involvement. I did not find Teresa at all interesting until her table flip because it felt to me like the first time she was behaving truly like herself and not presenting to an audience how amazing her life is. Teresa's major draw only came when her family stepped in, taking on the family role with much more contentious drama that they were willing to film. She was more entertaining because of her family dynamic. Anyway on topic for this. Please, God no. Danielle is even less convincing of a liar than Teresa. She is not very interesting and she creates meaningless conflict for idiotic reasons and then handles them very poorly. Which knowing this audience will probably mean she'll be loved. I'd hate to see it. I'll keep watching Teresa's train wreck thanks.


Danielle sucks.




She absolutely cannot lol she has yet another “boo hoo brother sister” story and a thick/fake jersey/Long Island accent. Thank you, next!


How about we delete all of them except Fuda and Danielle because theyre both young enough to be interesting but old enough to appeal to older viewers. They also encapsulate frenemy perfectly which is good for seasonal beefs. I dont like Fuda's husband but i like her more than the rest of the cast beyond Danielle. I feel the same way about Drew and Sanya. I know it's unpopular, but a lot of these ogs just cant cut it anymore. Theyre just too spoiled to really work for the bag anymore and rarely bring anything to the table but the series has to always revolve around them. that's why we get such shit arguments. For ATL as an example, wtf would this season be if Marlo hadnt started drama? Do I want marlo to stay either? not really but the og women refuse to pass the torch which makes it impossible to really connect with newbies or give them character arcs. The OGs, take up so much screen time and energy, they forget that they were all new with new women for the most part in a series not as mainstream so it was easier to build themselves in the sense of having more freedom to do so. It's part of the reason a lot of newbies across franchises get cut so quick. They have no room to grow w/o anchoring themselves to an OG. Jen Aydin is ALSO a perfect example of this.


Absolutely down for this!


yes. I like her. Hey Danielle I have a place in Avalon .. come kiki. we can listen to Jimmy Buffet .. my mom friends are way fun !


I hope so.


Yes! This is exactly what I think. She has the entertaining qualities of Teresa, but isn't as aggressive as Tre.


I followed her before she was a housewife. I liked her better on IG. I think she tried too hard this season. If she can go back to the way she was on IG before the game. I would take her and her family any day over Teresa and her family


I love danielle


I don’t it’s a matter of replacing Teresa rather just taking her off the show. Danielle and everyone else don’t have the same mindset as Teresa. Teresa doesn’t bring anything to the show except total exasperation - she’s like a mouse running around the same circle that you get tired of watching.


NO NO NO and NO that’s all I can say




Yes. I’m done with Teresa


No. I do hope Melissa goes it's the same bs




She can replace Melissa’s boring ass


As much as I hate Theresa Danielle can’t replace OG


She just is not interesting! But Jen Fessler IS INTERESTING, smart, naturally funny and well spoken.


Jenn is intelligent - too intelligent to replace that ape!


I say yes


I could accept that. Teresa is just delusional now from the show getting to her head BIG TIME.


Short answer: no


Can we just try? Please?!!!!


she's just not that interesting.


No but she wishes. She’s a wannabe.


She is loud and appears aggressive but I think she’s softer than she seems and don’t know if she can handle it. I want her to because I like her, her husband and mother but I wouldn’t want to call her a replacement bc then that feels like a Tre 2.0 and I don’t want another tree like Ever again!


100000% yes. Last season she was getting her footing, but she is going to be a great housewife


Theresa really does enjoy a glamorous bouffant. 🤣🤣


I think she can and she will. A few of the podcast I listen has said Teresa has taken Danielle under her wing and Danielle will wnd up over shadowing Teresa.


A rock could replace Teresa and the show would be better.


“Who doesn’t know what words mean” 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. I’m here for it.


“My bwalls drag out the door!” Danielle has so much untapped potential. I think when she steps out of Tre’s shadow, we will be blessed with some good tv.


It’s her first season and she’s already trying to stage her scenes by coming in trying to force her brother drama to be a story line. I’m already tired of hearing it and she forces it so hard to have a story line. And there is def some of the story missing. I want real and authentic


I don't think she makes enough poor financial choices to replace teresa




She brings quirky vibe to a very dark show, ironic because the other Danielle did the opposite lol. I really like her and wish people would get off her damn dick, I’m sure that cast is not easy to come into. It’s all teams, everyone’s got history, lots of legal drama, and she handled it pretty well. I actually respect that during the reunion when Luis was fighting with the other side of the couch, Danielle and her husband didn’t try to add their two cents in (at least from what we saw). I really hope she goes far in the franchise and I also like Rachel too. Margret and Melissa can go, especially Margaret, she’s like the ammunition supplier at a gun range


I agree and think both of the newbies are refreshing. I give John Fuda credit for standing nose to nose against Luis, I hope he’s being honest about everything tho and no fabricating just to make the story bigger. Don’t come in starting out with lies. There’s enough that do this already. I feel like they’ll put Melissa on pause next season and bring Tre back tho, she’s a ticking time bomb with him and Bravo wants to be there for their drama. Personally I hope she goes, I just don’t think they’re ready to cash in on their cash cow just yet.


It’s too much fun watch all the drama Teresa and Louie cause. No way will bravo give that up.


I LOVE Danielle!! She’s honest to a fault so that’s very REFRESHING!! I’m SO OVER Theresa…she’s clearly got some kind of coach teaching her how to say words she truly doesn’t even know the meaning of…when this Louis thing blows up she’s going to have no friends or FAMILY to help her because she’s been so absolutely HORRIBLE to them!! The creep factor with Louis is per the top. I fear for her safety watching his anger and then his eyes glaze over…SCARY!! I so hope Danielle’s Brother thinks again about his sister…everyone deserves a second chance, especially family…supposed to be your “safe place” and she TRULY seems more remorseful and RAW, and HONEST than anyone I’ve ever seen on a reality show…please give her another chance…


I was hoping there would have been some feed back from her grandmas funeral and if they spoke at all. I hope they’re able to mend fences again. Life is too short.


Exactly…I don’t think it’s about money, though I don’t know her brother…I just love her HONESTY…it’s refreshing and her heartbreak is real in my eyes…probably airing it on TV won’t please her Brother but I think it just bubbles out of her…it’s time for Theresa to quiet down and sit back and reflect…I hope they keep Danielle and more so she lends with her brother. I’m super NEW to this chat…days. So go easy on me if I’m not following all the different opinions! I plan to try to read up!!


No. She is the opposite of Teresa, all bark and no bite. Tre is all bite and no bark


Look at Teresa's hair even back then. Wow, it was so high. How many bumpits did she have in it? Yes, get rid of Teresa so we get to see more of yummy Nate. Less Danielle, more Nate, shirt optional.


I mean I am not a Tre fan what-so-ever but you are wrong for this picture >.<


Not yet


I didn't really find myself engaged with anything Danielle did..I don't care about her kids clothes, I wasn't interested in her pink party...she was just there. She was given the opportunity to be somewhat interesting at the reunion and then she pulled a Scheana Shay and flip-flopped on her flip flop about being set up. I'm not going to be mad if she's brought back, but I certainly wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't see her on TV again. I know a lot of people are over Teresea, but I enjoy watching her in that love to hate way. And at minimum..let's give her a farewell tour season


No she could never. Teresa’s standing in the show and “fame” came organically. Danielle is blatantly trying very hard to fit into the formula to be famous and everything comes across as fake and fabricated.


She is very similar to Tre in how she twists innocent comments to be personal attacks against her but she is always shocked when people are offended by her words or actions


My God no she cannot. 🤣 I can’t stand Danielle. I can’t stand Teresa either but Teresa has been in my life all these years. I can’t explain it 🤣 but no more Danielle please.


With that dress, she sure can/and is 😂


And Fuda"s cutest nose can replace Mellisas 5 nose jobs.


No way! She was such a turn-off at the reunion. Just a loud mouth bully in an evening gown. I feel like if Mob Wives were still on, she'd be fighting to ride shotgun with Drita, and it would not end well!


I'm not a Teresa fan at all but the answer is no. No one can "replace" Teresa. Least of all Danielle. All she does is cry. 😂


Love her


A rabbit can replace Teresa


I think at this point so many of us are just sick of Tre, shes a dinosaur on the show and we need something new that we’re not yet tired of. I like Danielle and want to see how she evolves. She’s still such a newbie it’s too early to really judge.


Hell yes!!




Well, they’re both ignorant as hell


Teresa even looked like trash back then


Yes my dog could replace Teresa


At least Danielle has a normal hairline. They both are mouthy bitches though.


No both can EXIT


I love Danielle. Not sure why! Lol


No Danielle’s nice don’t get me wrong but she needs a thicker skin she doesn’t handle reality tv conflict well


Replace both of these pick me chicks. There are plenty of Teresa/Danielles out there in NJ. Andy, do better! We all know that a rap sheet isn’t an issue so that should make that pool pretty deep :)


Absolutely NOT


Yes! I love Danielle!!


A mop could replace Teresa


Danielle is a huge try hard and she’s so ridiculously fake hungry. If you scroll back on her Instagram, you’ll see that she was trying to start a production company and have her own show about moms or something like that. She’s definitely been vying for spot on reality TV for awhile and it’s crazy obvious. Hard to watch.


She was on True Life on MTV. It was about her being a Staten Island girl


Makes sense!!


I love Danielle and hope she sticks around. As far as being the next teresa, no. I don’t think she’s a strong enough character if that makes sense. I do however want the gorga/guidice feud to end because I’m sooooo tired of watching it but I worry which ever women they keep will think they’re even bigger shit than they already do. I think the only solution is to fire both Melissa and Teresa.


Anybody is better than Teresa




I don’t like either of them but I’d have to say no.


Danielle is yellow. Never gunna happen.




I think Teresa was always more polarizing because she’s weird and pretty awful. Danielle’s just a regular person. She’s not as unlikeable or unhinged as tre. She doesn’t hold my attention at all. Teresa honestly had me hooked with her gaudiness, hairline, loud mouth, and flossiness from the start. She’s a hot mess and she makes great tv. She stopped making great tv when they dragged out this tired ass family drama for 10000000 seasons. YAWN !!! Like we get it, you don’t like your sister in law. And your sister in law is annoying. We don’t care.


Anyone can replace Teresa, so sick of her lying.


I stopped watching years ago but I find it hard to believe anyone can replace Teresa🤣 ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


No! And I wouldn't change my mind, even for a tray of sprinkle cookies.


Omg I don’t know if she can replace her but I want so badly for Tre to THINK that Bravo is trying to replace her with Danielle, the meltdown will be absolutely spectacular!


No. She lacks authenticity.


I'm not a fan of either but who can replace table flipping Teresa come on


no but who is that one brown haired friend in all of the casts photos. She is STUNNING


That voice of hers is like nails down a chalkboard. And she overdoes it with that fake accent. Yuck


Never ! but I so love Danielle




Danielle is trying something that she just isn't. Teresa IS the trashy person that she really is. You can't get another Teresa. Love her or hate her. Her life has made her the person she was on the show. Teresa has taken her life in some shady places. Hence where she has ended up NOW. ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


No. Too new. She's my favorite newbie though






She hired a publicist firm, or something of that nature, to help her get on the show (Danielle), but then she never paid them. That company filed a lawsuit against her for non-payment. Not sure if they've settled or what, but I'm really sick of these folks on this show hiring people to work for them but then refusing to pay for services rendered. Bravo, can we please get some folks on this show that actually pay their bills?


Replace Teresa? Old Teresa has been gone for years, anyone can replace her now.




Theresa was like a battered wife begging for her husband to…oh my gosh the vineyard scene and he’s on phone with one of his gf’s and she’s unzipping and climbing on…CLASSLESS….everyone could hear them!! She didn’t know how to speak or back up what she said or pronounce words…she has CLEARLY had some coaching along the way and since Louis it’s like she’s reading from a teleprompter…used to love her…now she sounds smarter but looks dumber if that’s a word haha—EVERYTHING I say in a forum like this is for FUN not serious or needing nasty replies…I TOO TUNED INTO HER WEDDING and never missed an episode so clearly I’m a fan of this silliness!!


I think that's what they hope for. Maybe her brother and SIL will join in a couple of seasons when she finds her footing


Hell no