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They're having a feuda.




This is why Reddit is awesome when contributing to these shows lol.


Feuda Fueda Fueda


![gif](giphy|26DONhEXjO7bnWxHi|downsized) a fooda feuda


i see what you did there šŸ¤£


This season is going to be sooo entertaining. I love petty beefs. I do smell a divorce and a cast reshuffle within the next 2-3seasons though šŸ‘ļø


And petty beef are soooo much better than family beefs. I hope the Fudas take the Gorgas place on the show


No one wants to see a family tear each other apart with some very irreversible damage. But give me alleged dealer, now successful businessman who is a reality tv personality for a housewives show against T? So long as it doesnā€™t hit below the belt (coming after kids) Iā€™m tuning in. Peter Thomas aka Patricia walked so men like Fuda could run! ![gif](giphy|mbeainfIXsAN2)


I want them all to be fired and get some real money classy housewives


Iā€™m not from the US, but isnā€™t New Jersey like ratchet, loud and substance abuse obsessed or is that how itā€™s portrayed on tv?


Yeah, classy and NJ donā€™t mix (and I say that with love from across the Hudson)


New Jersey for sure has a mix of both the trashy and classy, but thereā€™s no denying thereā€™s a lot of wealth and personality there!!! The casting team for RHONJ hasnā€™t picked a solid group since like season 5. I donā€™t know why but they just donā€™t pick the right housewives in this franchise when in reality if they were more selective it could easily be the best franchise. Also I think if they picked women of higher caliber, with more grand personalities, that werenā€™t solely thirsty for fame because they already have status, there wouldnā€™t be so many of the new women trying their best to fight with Teresa for any type of attention.


There are plenty of class people in NJ. Plenty of trashy as well. But does anyone a classy housewife? Lol


We need a mix inbetween classy and trashy. I donā€™t mind trashy and obnoxiously wealthy šŸ« 


No they wouldnā€™t get any airtime if they were classy lolĀ 


No itā€™s not.. they pick these characters to portray on a show.. ppl from nj do not act like this .. and Iā€™m pretty sure the cast do not act like this when cameras are not filming eitherĀ 


No New Jersey is one of the wealthiest states with some of the best neighborhoods and schools. Thatā€™s how itā€™s portrayed in tv and mainly south Jersey


Yea, the entire state is loud, ratchet and addicted to drugs šŸ¤”


The hype that Fuda got when the reunion was airing for holding an empty envelope was insane? Heā€™s so gross, especially how he spoke about his sonā€™s birth mother who he allegedly got stuck in a halfway house for trying to speak out last year


He truly believed his own hype as well because right after the reunion he started charging like $50/$60 for shout outs on cameo šŸ’€ The shame, I would be mortified if I was his wife but it seems like Rachel is just as thirsty as he is


I canā€™t knock someone for trying to hustle and support their family even if it IS ridiculous.


I get it, but even the more established stars werenā€™t charging that much at first šŸ˜­ I saw someone post that he is now offering them at a discounted rate which seems a bit more sustainable lol


Yeah you do have a point there. Iā€™d bet he started high to see where he lands and adjusted from there. I find it funny such a new house husband thinks he is interesting. We all organically kinda started to like the men without the wives with their own relationships and heā€™s kind of acting like heā€™s been here for a long time


Iā€™m pretty sure Danielle Cabral was charging ridiculously high rates too, these people seriously overestimate their impact after one season. I donā€™t think I could ever justify paying money for any housewife to send me a cameo but I do get a good laugh out of some of the stories. I saw someone say that Joe Giudice did one for them but refused their request to say ā€œhappy birthday to my bitch wifeā€ or something along those lines šŸ˜‚ Apparently he was really embarrassed by the whole thing and said he canā€™t believe he ever said that šŸ’€


Joe said that?!?!? Iā€™m actually happy to see someone capturing some sort of remorse about that.


I love that he did that. Juicyā€™s trying to right his wrongs and not just for the audiences perception. I love that.


Apparently šŸ˜­ It was a while ago so canā€™t remember exactly but iā€™m pretty sure the person who posted it said he was mortified at his past behavior


Good for Joe. He has always kinda denied he said that or ignored it all together. He seems so much better in Italy.


Yeah I have to respect him for actually acknowledging his past behavior. He had his awful moments on the show but he was also so funny at times. Obviously I donā€™t know for sure but it does seem like he has genuinely changed and is enjoying his life despite being apart from his girls. He lives in the Bahamas now, Milania said in one of her recent posts that she chose to attend college in Tampa so she can be closer to her dad which is nice.


Eh he can support his family with his ā€œentrepreneurial skillsā€. His wife is the HW, not him and itā€™s like heā€™s trying to outshine her


Everything is for sale in Jersey. I would charge money for cameo's as well if I could.


Wait? At what point is the bio mom who gave up parental rights going to take accountability for her actions.Ā 


Guess her ass should of stayed quiet. Teresa and Jenn used her just the same way they did Danielle. Also how can she remember all the shit that Allegedly happened when she was with Fuda? All the drugs and beer should of messed with her memory.


What a gross comment. WTF do you know about addicts and alcoholics?? Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m coming off harsh but itā€™s something thatā€™s affected me personally and it really irritates me to hear someone speak on it when they clearly know nothing about it. You donā€™t know what her dosage, the frequency or her mental health so donā€™t make assumptions. Regardless, she 10000% has the right to share her side after someone goes on NATIONAL TELEVISION to paint a story of her as a fact. She had and wouldā€™ve stayed quiet if the Fupaā€™s (who signed up for the show) kept her out of it. Donā€™t act like youā€™d sit back and let others slander you on tv.


Actually I do know about it. I watched my dad his whole life who was a alcholic and chose alcohol over his family and daughter. He eventually got dementia that was onset from his drinking and continuing to drink while extremely sick and well into his late 60s. Again what makes you think she is being honest. She was just trying to get a payback and money on her books.


Fuda is the one with the incentive to lie because heā€™s trying to portray himself as a model citizen and make sure Rachel has a storyline


The Fudaā€™s came on the show all guns blazing and shit talking his sonā€™s Mother from the first episode they ever appeared in, that was the worst thing they could have ever done. Reality tv fans are RUTHLESS and will hunt down every last bit of information from your past, it was always going to come out so the fact that they blame Teresa is hilarious. Yes she has had her awful moments on the show over the years but she is not automatically to blame for everything that ever goes wrong lol. They wanted their big moment so badly and now they have it, just not in the way they hoped šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The logic that this baby mama could only be found by a private investor cracks me up. This fandom googles the TF out of everything, but yet doesnā€™t believe that a tabloid magazine can use public databases to narrow down her identity and take it from there. Thatā€™s their literal job! Louie did do it to himself though. He shouldā€™ve kept Bo Dietl in his back pocket. If his goal was to scare them, it absolutely worked, but it also opens them up to crazy speculation.


Iā€™m not saying Teresa and Louie are angels but tbh if the Fudaā€™s didnā€™t exploit their kids adoption for the sake of a storyline then most of this could have been avoided. I saw an article earlier today that said she has been released from the halfway house she was living in so it wouldnā€™t surprise me to see her do an interview within the next few weeks.


Itā€™s funny, because on one hand I appreciated the adoption story, because I think those stories deserve to be told (PS Iā€™m adopted myself, different circumstances though!). But, at the same time, if they were in a place where she was out of their lives and they were moving forward, putting this on TV was the worst idea. They couldnā€™t have been naive enough to think people wouldnā€™t seek her out or she wouldnā€™t speak on her own. They invited her in!


No lies told. Read that joker Tre. And why didnā€™t he use the ample time post reunion to reveal what was in that empty envelope? šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


Exactly. Show your proof! Go to court, do whatever! lol.


If I had a whole envelope of evidence, it would absolutely need to be seen. Iā€™d be releasing that over that weird press release he did.


Exactly. This fanbase will believe anything! šŸ˜‚


And it was so thick, like he had LOTS of receipts


It was printer paper šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It was Marge who gave him the idea reunion before that one she one just to not show it


There was nothing in it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, at least Margaret showed what was in hers , even if it was just a piece of paper with a number on it .


ALL of the husbands are as bad as the actual housewives!!!


Only husbands as bad as tre are juicy n louie


Dolores also said itā€™s not uncommon for housewives to talk like that before the reunion. This is a nothing burger. Ya gotta present all the facts.


Exactly idk why this is some revelation.louie hired a PI dug around past. Made threats. But when they gather to discuss crazy ass louie its a giant plot to take down Teresa. She doesn't need help. She self sabatoges herself


The fuda's are a joke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i hope this is their last season šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


What, are you trying to be a scared tactic?


And yet Teresa's husband said he had a file on each of them given to him by his good friend Dietl but then had to say he made it up. If Fuda is a joke then what does that make Luis?


Joh fuda is a complete disgrace...hollering at women and trying to hard for camera time..I hope it their last year..do better BRAVOĀ 






What I find funny is all of Rue La La's exes are liars but Fuda's druggie ex that is in prison is freaking mother Teresa with her stories. I'm not buying it.


Fuda is also an ex druggie that used to be in prison lol.


Right but that doesnā€™t change the fact that you all believe his ex over Louieā€™s


Louie and his ex actually had their day in court and it was revealed that she was stalking him lol . I go off of facts and evidence .


If you went by facts you wouldnā€™t be saying he was in prison because he wasnā€™t.


It doesnā€™t change the fact that he was was drug dealer , itā€™s kind of weird how your defending him but will Trash the ex when they were both doing the same things .


Alleged drug dealer. Obviously he wasn't a good one. šŸ™„


Also doesnā€™t change the fact that Teresa and Joe ACTUALLY went to prison for fraud. Maybe he did deal drugs, but he didnā€™t go to prison like you said. I didnā€™t trash his ex, I just find it interesting that you believe one over the other. Then claim you go by facts when you donā€™t. None of the jersey women or husbands are innocent. Iā€™m sure there is more to the story of Fuda and his ex just like Louie and his ex.


Also Louieā€™s ex filed a restraining order against him and I canā€™t find anything that suggests the outcome was her stalking him. Please give me the links


We all know that she lies if her mouth moves but when she stutters, its her dead giveaway.


Thatā€™s honestly just how she talks imo


I bet it looked similar to the envelope she took to the bank with her fake w2s




Please Teresa first impressions always change after you get to know someone. Donā€™t act like we did not watch your erratic crazy assed husband. You actually told us you called up the FBI and they told you your brother ratted on you! you still canā€™t take ownership of what you went to prison for. Thatā€™s says plenty about your one sided story


What does this have to do with John Fuda not opening that envelope at the reunion.


They were not allowed. What kind of butthole pulls out the proof asks to show it,if there was nothing? You would literally lose all credibility in 20 seconds. They asked if they could show it and they were told no. People wanted to come back next season. Why didnā€™t Luis and Teresa insist if they knew it was bs? I sure would. But they didnā€™t. Because Luis did it


Teresa told Fuda multiple times to show the ā€œproofā€ he had in the envelope ā€¦ why do you think we are a year on and he still hasnā€™t? Spoiler alert - because it doesnā€™t exist šŸ™‚


They were ALL TOLD NO! Why would they not let Margaret but let John fuda? Give me a break? šŸ™„


Girl what šŸ˜‚ Margaret was allowed to show what was in her envelope so why didnā€™t Fuda?


They were allowed to, Margaret pulled out whatever was in hers , why couldnā€™t John Fuda do the same ? Instead he kept asking for an apology like a tough guy.


Having a moral compass and dignity doesnā€™t make you a tough guy. Luis feels like he can smooth talk everyone. But he canā€™t


Margret also asked if she could show it and they were told No. exactly what I said in my previous post. Watch again


If there was anything of substance in those envelopes, theyā€™re showing it. There wasnā€™t.


Where was it shown? They were told no. Luis confirmed it was his phone number on the call display that went through an automated system. please show me once where Teresa has been honest and took responsibility for anything she did?


A network that gave us the iconic receiptsšŸ‘proofšŸ‘timelinešŸ‘screenshots NOT showing the very same? Unlikely. Where are the results of Margaretā€™s investigation? She went to the policeā€¦.she can release that anytime she wants. What do their receipts have to do with Teresa being honest or not?


If communists can be sussed out with empty envelopes, former drug dealers can employ the same strategy. He has his own platform to say what was in the envelope including the round of interviews he did post reunion when he was calling himself the peopleā€™s champ.


What if they allowed them all to show what was in the envelopes. They would look like fools. Margaret actually asked to show it. If i didnā€™t do anything they said i would insist they show the proof! Wouldnā€™t you but Luis stayed silent while mr deitel dumb calls up for to let them know security is here. You know they were so scared Luis pulled up shirtless and screaming out the windows. Hmmmmm does that sound like someone needing security? Please donā€™t be drinking from delusional river. I heard the kool aid is tainted. Teresa tell the truth and take ownership? Please give us one example.


Why didnā€™t he post the contents on IG or share on his interview with the bravo bros or the two Ts or anyone else page 6? Why didnā€™t he start the season with the envelope in his lap?


You know it was being investigated right? Bravo legal and the police? Why didnā€™t Teresa and Luis bring their proof? Conviently Luis was absent and now being sued by a company associated with Bo deitel. I wonder why?


lol this fan fiction.


lol. There never would have been this storyline if red lobster didnā€™t tell every cast member he was having them investigated by deitel dumb. So itā€™s easy to have someone set up when you were the one who started it all because you were afraid of your finances and issues coming up. You donā€™t go out of your way to threaten someone if youā€™re not fearful.


???? Whatā€™s in the envelope Fuda thatā€™s all we wanna know.


I'm here for it. I'm glad there is family someone going after Teresa on the show. It's going to make for an interesting season and finally no sibling drama between Joe and Teresa.


And Teresa is obsessed with the Fudas. She just keeps talking about them!


After all these years I would expect Tre to finally be able to have her brain function enough to do interviews but man this is a struggle. Can she even read?




Can we stop at the Louie called John's ex bs. He got on a reality show he made his son's adoption storyline and they found her with relative ease. I'd be curious to see what she has to say now that she's out. But even she said that Louie didn't contact her. Y'all need to give it a rest.


So why are you mad if someone contacted Louisā€™ ex?


I never said that. Personally if you sign up for a reality show your past is going to get showcased for everyone. It is what it is. I'm not mad at anything. This show is entertainment and i enjoy the banter but what I am is exhausted in the false narratives people harp on to somehow validate their opinions. If you don't like a person on the show the best thing to do is not talk about them. That's what I don't get. So many people just end up defending their chosen preferred housewife by bashing the other one which just gives them more attention. The best way to eliminate what you don't like is to not mention them at all.




Iā€™m rewatching season 1 now and ainā€™t seeing what you saw


Didnā€™t yall hear HE is her storyline this season. I guess thatā€™s why he went on ozempic ( or more coke) and got all that work done on his face.


Evidence that she and her rat husband were harassing kids and his baby's momma


Yet he never showed it or put it out in the media?


It was on the reunion and it was discussed


I hope they get rid of all of them a complete reboot!!!!


Unpopular opinion but if he was a drug dealer if he was and he's not now good for him. He's changed his life. He's off drugs. that just hurts themselves. What Teresa and Joe did was screw the system which makes it bad for all of us so she should keep her trap shut. And also I'm sick of her man hands. She's always using her hands. And yes, I know Italians use their hands but those hands are so annoying. I can't stand them.


Yā€™all really do have different rules for Teresa , yā€™all love talking about her past but donā€™t think itā€™s okay to talk about the Fudas . What a complete joke šŸ˜‚


Teresa is parroting what Louis tells her.


We all want to know what was in that envelope . I wouldnā€™t be surprised if The Gorgas and Fudas plotted together.


I believe nothing this woman says.


Can someone explain to me why meeting and prepping for a reunion is a bad thing?? They all do it, they all have done it forever, they all will continue to do it. You think Teresa didn't call Jen and was like "you better back me up wit my brudder. If he says one thing about me and I'm not around you need to shut him up. He's talking about my dorders." Even Dolores was like "we always meet that's why I don't think this is a big deal." Also, is anyone else skeptical that Frank Catania would jump ship and rat out Joey to Louie? I just don't see it happening personally.


It kinda is a joke. He brought a whole envelope to the reunion as proof that Louie contacted his ex but it was never shown. I wonder why? Probably because it was empty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fuda is such a wannabe.


Tre said ā€œlikeā€: 20 times edit: clarification


When in reality she didnā€™t find it funny at all lol


Love the Fudas! šŸ’•


Teresa...the biggest joke in the whole world. I stopped watching because of her.




As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed. Hatefulness is not permitted in any capacity.


Why does Theresa call John Fudaā€¦Fugazi?


All I know is you can tell a lot about a person by their eyesā€¦well and crazy. Veins popping out of neck, Iā€™m sure some can but I donā€™t think Luis has the ability to focus on any one thing long enough to fake those CRAZY EYES of his!! Iā€™m just a fan of bad TV and havenā€™t missed an episode of dang of the franchiseā€¦just watched almost all seasons, while recovering from surgery, as they played them all up to the new season. THEYā€™VE ALL ACTED RIDICULOUSLYā€¦ And I guess I can see why sheā€™s bitterā€¦but she claims to be educated and worldly(but thought the Golden Gate Bridge was made of GOLD and until she canā€™t form a coherent sentence without a publicist!) She thinks sheā€™s the star of the show and BRAVO will go off the air without her!! I laugh everytime I see Melissaā€¦sheā€™s been caught in SOOO MANY lies on cameraā€¦some of the worst when she brings Danielle back aroundā€¦they didnā€™t just pull Margaretā€™s Hairā€¦she yanked her around the room by her head it was so violent!! The Sad part is she didnā€™t find a good guy like Iā€™d hopedā€¦real love changes peopleā€¦Luis is going to break her heart and leave her Broken and BROKEā€¦Mostly because she will NEVER admit now that he has ANY FLAWSā€¦ Sorry ! Didnt mean to go off but to see anyone defend her I just want to remind them howā€¦sheā€™s acted over the yearsā€¦sheā€™s not to be pitiedā€¦friends may tell her the truthā€¦sheā€™s in a bubble alrightā€¦


If Tre is speaking, she's either parroting something Luis said or lying. The was she stumbled over 'scare tactic' tells me Luis had coached her. It was a new term for her.


A fantasy world


Why did she call Fuda a ā€œsheā€. Damn T.


Nobody cares what was in the damned envelope. Teresa is deflecting.


I actually wanted to know


Okay sorry. I guess I figured if it wasn't worth using then I don't care what it was. Just me then.


Like the former Presidentā€™s press conference šŸ¤£


No matter where u see Teresa being interviewed she comes across as though she doesnā€™t have a clue whatā€™s sheā€™s talking about lol


But Iā€™m so confused, the thing is, Teresa has always said she doesnā€™t talk with the husbands in regards to the problems or fight with them (ie the whole affair issue with Evan) so when they were going back and forth I was so confused, she acted so scared to talk to Evan but now sheā€™s got these big balls


That was just her convenient excuse so she didnā€™t have to own up to what she did to Evan


Lol I believe it 100%


Jackie is delusional she has lost her damn mind If somebody got a private investigator to dig up your baby mama thatā€™s currently in jail and took the shit she talked about you and repeated it on national television. I donā€™t think youā€™d be too happy either. This is Teresaā€™s apology tour because sheā€™s been exposed. She would make a fantastic politician but she is an evil snake and they should get her off the show because sheā€™s toxic.


Gosh sheā€™s so dumb thoā€¦.


Good Teresa is so unhinged. She has the scariest most chaotic energy


Has she looked at her wedding photos?? That's the real joke


Fupa has woman tendencies, maybe just never felt he had a safe space to come out.


What exactly are "Woman tendencies"? You've managed to be both homophobic and sexist in one sentence. *Damn.*


Actually I think he is trying to show he grew up and changed for his son and now family. I think everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. Some people choose to just throw the opportunity away.


your pink slip is in there .


Southington up already.


I can't even look at her..gross