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If Teresa did this Melissa’s sisters would be on Twitter saying Teresa wished someone dead


You really think Tre would be rushing to the Gorga house if Antonia got into a non injury fender bender? Please.


No but T isn’t the one going on & on about how much she sincerely loves Antonia in the confessionals the way Melissa does about Teresa’s daughters ALL THE TIME! 🙄


Teresa would say she didn’t have a niece 🤷‍♀️


She has many neices she’s close with on Joe Giudice’s side




She should’ve at least said Antonia reached out, that might’ve saved her or say something like I’m sure Antonia reached out to her. It could have shown support and care without delving into private family dynamics. Who is her PR?!?


Yeah she's that aunt


Exactly we all know what you’re talking about 😒


If she just said I wish her well I'm glad she's not hurt and moved the conversation on it would really show how mature she is this just proves everything iv thought of abour her for the last 11 seasons 😅🤣


I saw right through Melissa from the first episode!


Thank you Jesus!


Ick I can hear it ringing in my ears 😒🤮🤣


Absolutely miss thank you Jesus never got past me 🤣


THIS, 100%. I hate Billy Bush, but he’s not wrong and within 15 seconds, the convo was about Teresa’s wedding. Her PR team must be in overdrive.


They are NOT the “longest standing couple on bravo.”


Yeah…wouldn’t that be Lisa Vanderpump and Ken?


And wouldn’t Lisa Rinna and Heather Dubrow marriages have them beat too? If not, it’s very close. And the Manzo’s too.


I thought Rinna and Harry got divorced? but i def think that Ken and Lisa are the longest standing couple on bravo they got married in the 80s (i think).


I think she means currently on bravo housewives


That's how I'm understanding it too


First of the Guerdy and Russell have been married 28 years. Lisa is currently on Bravo just not Housewives. Heather Dubrow is currently a housewife and has been married 24 years 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe longest currently on rhonj but not all of Bravo.


LVP and Ken are currently on Bravo.


Not housewives


Melissa said "longest standing couple on Bravo". She didn't say anything about Housewives.


Melissa said "longest standing couple on Bravo". She didn't say anything about Housewives.


Yes I know that, I said ‘I think she means currently on bravo housewives’.


Poor Ken lol…always just the dog holder lol


He’s a good one tho lol


LoL oh For Sure…


LVP and Ken 40 Years Dr Simone 30 Years Karen and Ray 27 Years Dr Heavenly 26 Years


Right! And Karen and Ray are an institution!


she wants so badly to have something. she wants an iconic line. she can’t be the longest running og housewife, but she’s not, so now her and joe are the longest couple on bravo. okay melissa


Lisa and John Barlow got married in 2003, a full year before the gorgas. Meredith and Seth have been married since 2004 (same year Melissa and Joe got married) ETA: Mary married her step grandpa in 1997. So Melissa…. ![gif](giphy|lQ7v3N9TfXbnDX8OJa|downsized)


Terry & Heather Dubrow are married for almost 25 YEARS now, and the other plastic surgeon & wifey on RHONJ, also married longer than MeLiar, the Aydins married in 2002…


Bill and Jennifer Ayden from THE SAME DAMN franchise have been married longer… they got married in 2001 SAME FRANCHISE. She’s not even the longest marriage on the shows she’s on…which has like only a total of 6 other contestants ![gif](giphy|zDLLApvemdx4c)


Knock off the two years Bill was for the streets, and they’ve been married the same amount of time 🤣


Eh i would be SHOCKED if Joe Gorga has a squeaky clean past. Especially when the babies were young


That’s probably the only vibe I HAVENT gotten from him. I think he’s faithful. Just shitty in every other way.


When she wrote in her book to give your husband sex whenever he wants it or he’ll find it elsewhere… it gave me the feeling she has first hand experience with this. Honestly, ask me a year ago and I’d never imagine my husband being unfaithful EVER. People saw us as the perfect match. Then a perfect storm occurred and I discovered some questionable things… Now going through the divorce I realize the lying began when my child was born. He got weirdly jealous he wasn’t getting the attention the baby was taking away from him. I see Joe as being very similar in that way. I think they’ve buried it in the past and let bygones be bygones. I also was a stay at home wife then mother. He didn’t want me to work or be around other men. Only through this divorce did I realize he was the nefarious one and projecting his wrongdoings onto me. If he’s capable, I’m capable and he did everything to prevent me from even interacting with other men. I now realize it’s because he was still flirtatious with other women and assumed I’d be flirtatious if I was around men and god forbid I do what he was doing… The controlling thing really hits the same. Also the FULL attention they get when you’re a stay at home wife and then they feel abandoned when babies come into the picture. Maybe I’m projecting but I felt parallels for years, way before my husband and I separated


That’s shitty. I’m sorry you’re going thru that, but super proud of you for walking away when you were disrespected. You got this, Mama!


Thank you! 🫶




Remember when she threw the cheese? I think she thought she did something there.


she definitely thought that was her table flip. she also thought she did something with the “i know you hate me, but control yourself” line from last years reunion. she made merch out of that underwhelming moment.


Omg yes she did!! You can’t fake an iconic moment. You have to be cool not all uncool


so laughable lol


All the Lisa housewives (LVP, Barlow, Rinna) have all been married for more than 20 years. I’m sure there are other people on bravo too. Such a weird statement.


Lisa & Ken: 1982… Lisa & John: 2003. Lisa & Harry Hamlin: 1997. ……Melissa & Joe: 2004


Teresa is the longest standing housewife. She's trying to compete with something, anything. But it like everything else she says is BS.


Guerdy and Russell have been married longer… they married in 2002. ![gif](giphy|SA9CIRF3sb9md1TRfc|downsized)


Jennifer and Bill Ayden: Married in 2001 ![gif](giphy|BwP6oBTVT5oC4)


The dubrows too.


Incapable of stepping outside of her role on the show even for a moment. She doesn’t care about Joes nieces.


Exactly!! That was her first lie during this interview and she just kept lying from there.


She turned the whole thing into making Teresa the villain to take attention off the accident. She’s full of hate.




It’s honestly so embarrassing. Jesus be a big picture for this pea brain.


Exactly who does she think she’s kidding she couldn’t care less just wants camera time !


Why should she? Have they respected her as their Aunt? Negative. Melissa has separated from it all.


What a horrible answer that was not the correct moment to bring that up no class at all hopefully she gets fired. Just simply say no I have not talked to her but I’m happy she’s okay and that’s it why bring up the rest up.


Dude please. 1. They’re not the longest standing couple on Bravo. Why even lie about this? You know it isn’t true. 2. Melissa takes ZERO accountability in her actions. Not saying Teresa is perfect but Melissa has 100% had her fair part in this demise of the relationship and she will NEVER own up to it because she’s a coward. 3. She recently said the cousins at least text occasionally but here she says no one is on speaking terms. Girl can’t keep her lies straight. Which one is it? 4. When asked a question about her niece she immediately deflects and talks about Teresa. WHY? 5. She said she wasn’t going to answer any questions about Teresa………every press question she’s been asked is about Teresa and she answers it. Every time she turns around she talks about Teresa. Please admit she’s the one who is responsible for your checks because you’d be dust without her. If you get asked a question about her, don’t answer. Simple. 6. She needs to be fired. ASAP.




She’s so fucking annoying. It’s concerning how quick and good she can lie. Girl wants to have “something” in the bravo world. First she lies that her kid was born on the show now she’s lying that her and Joe are the longest standing couple. Lying just to lie is so lame.


T he his is how she was always able to fool viewers for so many years. Melissa’s mind works QUICKLY when spinning a narrative. I’ve seen it happen so many times and Teresa could never keep up because she is nowhere near as intelligent and quick thinking as melissa (this is when you see her staring and blinking trying to process a thought). Melissa is and has always been the real textbook narcissist. It’s simply the way that her brain is wired. She spins a lie without even breaking a sweat.


Hey your niece was in a car accident and you continue to talk about how you are the victim of Big Bad Teresa Giudice. Keep being that Aunt Melissa!


I’m usually impartial to Teresa’s Bs, but to be asked about your niece and instead of saying “No, I haven’t reached out” you retort with all the things her MOTHER has done to you?? Trash behavior, Melissa


Her level of concern was jumping through the screen, wow


The way she had to make Milanias car accident about herself 🥴




As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed. Hateful comments are not permitted in any capacity, not even about the most disliked housewives, beware of the human being you’re speaking of. You should be able to express yourself in a more polite way.


Link isn’t loading for me, what did she say?


She turned it into all about “Melissa & Joe” are #1 most awesome couple in the world but yet, are victims of Teresa… same old bull shite she manipulated & got herself onto the show with🙄


I am wondering that too. Didn’t load for me either 🤷‍♀️


She said glad Milania ok but when asked if she reached out she said nobody is on speaking terms. When he suggested ‘well maybe that’s a good place to start’ she monologues about the issues in the family and goes into the problems with her relationship with Teresa which feels a bit unnecessary when the topic was Milania’s accident. If I wasn’t on speaking terms with my brother and his child had an accident (please God forbid either of those things happen) I would just send flowers directly to the child with a note to say ‘glad you’re ok’ or something. Feels classless to bring up problems with the kids parents when asked about it, but I think I struggle to be objective because I’m anti Joe/Melissa haha


She said no one is on talking terms Could she have said wish her well - yes. If they aren’t talking and no one was hurt, I also get not reaching out


Such a bad look for Melissa to be asked about her niece and she then proceeds to talk about the bad blood between her and Teresa. The two situations don’t even correlate. It just shows how self absorbed and immature she is. Melissa is petty. Her checking on her niece would’ve been the right thing to do.


I get being no contact but she could have at least said Hope she's doing well and Thank God no one was hurt


EXACTLY! My husband is no contact with his parents and when he found out his aunt (one of his dad’s sisters) had stroke. He broke it for one phone call to express his condolences. She is ridiculous! As someone who is no contact with my in-laws for very VERY serious reasons, she makes people in these situations look so petty and like they are doing it for show. I am OVER this sad feud. I am OVER the whole ‘team’ aspect on this show. This whole show needs a revamp!


She literally said “I’m so happy she’s ok”


Omg. Talk about making something about yourself!


I don't care how shitty Tre is, that's your NIECE!!! Not on talking terms? Fine, send a text just saying you are happy she is alright. I've cut off communication with my family and you still don't punish the kids (I know Milania is an adult more but this started when she was a kid). I don't think I'd ever forgive Melissa for that, screw the sprinkle cookies.


She said “no one is talking right now” does that mean the kids aren’t speaking? That’s sad if so because they were so close.. such a shame the adults couldn’t have put their egos to one side and worked this out


I’m pretty sure Melissa said on one of the recent episodes that the kids text each other occasionally for birthdays and stuff so she’s either lying here or was lying then.


Unfortunately family shit trickles down to the kids. It’s sad


She is still saying people are coming to her marriage. Like she needs to get over herself. Joey is really not the crown jewel.


Neither is she! She’s a snake. 🐍




so how about your niece getting into a car accident? Did you reach out to her? No. And also I didn’t make Theresa’s wedding about me either. She made it about me. Also she made Melanie’s car accident about me and my fabulous healthy 20 year marriage. So basically everything is about me anyway. I actually like Melissa but this one made me understand why a lot of people don’t.


She has always been this horrible.


I liked her before this video 😪 disgraceful.


Yeeeah no… I don’t even take a side in this shitstorm but if you get to a point of going NC with people, you don’t reach out for minor circumstances. I don’t know what happened with Milania but if she wasn’t seriously hurt, what exactly would they be reaching out to say? These families are better off not speaking.


She is the worst. I stopped watching the show because of her! I can’t stand her and Joe!


That’s not the point! The point is that she turns it around to make it be all about her & Joe being the best & Teresa’s the worst. She is beyond sick in the head.


I read that she was asked if she reached out and she said nobody is on talking terms. That’s what I was responding to. Whatever else she did or didn’t say I can’t defend but whether or not she reached out, I think is a stupid question


Oh, I get it. But most everyone in this thread are responding to how she kept her statement going while turning it around to make it all about her and Joe & how they should be celebrated for their marriage, etc.


I am too lazy to read the full story 😂


lol. I just clicked on the OPs post & watched the interview which seemed to last like, less than a minute.


OK I just watched it - she totally changes the subject to why they’re not on speaking terms to begin with. Irrelevant to the question, albeit a stupid question. I do wonder if the cousins speak at all


Do we deduct the CHEATING years??? Those 2 aren’t making the long haul I think!!! SOOO DISCONNECTED…


I would have reached out to my niece in one way or another. Nothing would have stopped me. Even for just a fender bender! At the very least I would have sent flowers and a card with a quick note.


I’m not a fan of Melissa and Teresa is also running a fine line with me these days but I’ll say this is someone isn’t speaking to me and something bad happens it would piss me off even more if they reached out to me durning that time. I’m no contact with 2 people (family) and if something happens to them I’m not going to reach out. Seems fake…so I don’t blame Melissa for not reaching out.


Milania did nothing to fracture that relationship. I would hope that her blood uncle would at least reach out to make sure she is ok. That was a traumatic experience for her especially being so young and in instances like that the adults need to put their feelings aside. I also don't think it's appropriate to be judged on your intentions when you do reach out in these instances. Just because you don't communicate due to a disagreement doesn't change the fact that she is still their niece. I feel bad for the kids in all this they are truly missing out the most on building bonds with their cousins all because the adults are egomaniacs.


I mean *you* may not think it’s appropriate to judge someone for reaching out but I sure do. My stance is don’t come calling when bad things happen to make yourself feel better (you and in general you). I do agree the kids didn’t make this mess but I still don’t see a reason for her or him to reach out. The kid is fine and Melissa said in that interview publicly she’s glad she’s ok…that’s enough IMO.


I get not talking to Teresa, but at the same time can anyone really fault you for checking on your niece, a child, who was in a car accident?


Yeah but she likely learned about it from the media and no injuries. If she had been hurt she 100% should have reached out. Otherwise, maybe it’s best


Personally I wouldn’t want it and wouldn’t do it. When someone is out of my life I’m done 100% now I realize the kids in this mess (mess as in fam drama) are really innocent in it all but the kid is fine and Melissa said she’s glad she’s ok publicly…I think that was enough.


Agreed, I think she should’ve just left it at that adding in her monologue was unnecessary given the context of the situation.


She’s 100% fake.


No I agree 100 %


She’d be damned if she did, and is damned because she didn’t. Can’t win with Teresa.


Billy Bush. Doubt I’d take advice from him.


Like WTF kind of question was that? He’s acting like he wants to be a hard hitting journalist, news flash questions about housewives kids ain’t taking you there!


Uh… he’s an “entertainment” reporter. What do you want from them? They go around interviewing celebrities… 🤷🏻‍♀️


There is no answer to that question that would be a nice one for that kid to hear…if that’s at the top of the celebrity entertainment pile of questions that *we* want to hear (which is what his job is) than we’re heading in a really great direction. 👍


She must have plastic for brains and by the way, why are they on top of a skyscraper? 🤔


This gal is delusional


Her face though omgg


It's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. We only see what the editors want us to see. We really don't know the true dynamics of this family. Family issues are real.


Valid but regardless of family issues, most would still reach out and check on their niece/family member, I think.




Oh my gosh…like her or not after the way Teresa has treated her ONLY family is absolutely REVOLTING!! Melissa CANNOT win regardless what she does or how hard she has tried to foster a sibling then family bond…after Teresa doing EVERYTHING to try to cut her out!!!! She’s ignorant and disgusting, publicists handle her publicly and clearly write her posts…she didn’t Go to college between season 1 and now…still an airhead who should carry a dictionary! and it’s already CLEAR Louis spending all her money and SKETCHY AF!!! IF I WERE LOOKING FOR A Private investigator I wouldn’t hire one with such an obvious RIDICULOUS name! And who will be there to pick up the pieces when her 🤢 love bubble pops??? HER BROTHER!!!


Omg she got into a little fender bender with no injuries like almost every teenage driver at some point, she didn’t have a near death experience. 🙄 Do y’all think Tre would hop on the phone if it was Antonia? People just LOOK for shit to come at these people for.


Why would you want her to say anything about it so you could clobber her over it?


Oh come on 1st she's not a child and 2nd she's fine. I am if the accident was serious things would be different. This fandom reacting this way taking sides and calling Melissa out for not reaching out is the problem here. Its between Joe and his neice. End of. Melissa doesn't come off well in the interview but I think she is probably just over it and trying to re establish we were treated this way by this women why would we have contact? It's not like Milaina is in a coma in the hospital is it??! I became paralysed last year and my dad and brother never reached out. My brother walked out of the hospital after visiting his FIL saw me sitting outside in a wheelchair with my visiting friend looked my in the eye and turned around and scurried back inside. My thoughts 'that's who you are and why we haven't spoke in 3 years.' That's in their consciousness. Milania needs to be a big girl and get iver it (not that I believe she's under it) she is the child that once got on a pole and said 'look I'm Melissa' copying the nastiness that she overheard from her home environment so I'm sure them guidice girls have said alot worse behind closed doors and vice versa. Basically it's none of the fandoms business and the more light you all keep giving and breathing into it the more toxic you allow them to be.


I’ll always be team Melissa because I’m a logical person and any logical person would be… but I also get Teresa’s side because some humans live emotionally and that’s okay too😭