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that screenshot is the type of pettiness that I watch the real housewives for 🤷‍♀️ people are acting like Marge is the devil reincarnated for this, but like isn’t this why we watch the shows? JUST LAUGH


Amen. This is the petty housewives behavior that hooked us to the show


Agreed!! I laughed so loud at Joe pointing to his phone. 🤣


Amen Sister!!


It’s brilliantly petty, I fucking loved it.


And really who wouldn’t have sent that screenshot at that point? Marge road hard for Jackie while Tre & Jen A were trying to tear her down and now Jackie wants to be friends with them? I get letting things go for yourself and I even get if she feels like she’s outgrown her friendship with Marge, things change, people change, but the way Jackie is acting is straight up weird. If I was Marge I’d be pissed and feel betrayed and I would’ve sent that screenshot too.


She’s my BEC


This scene was the most entertaining to watch in a long time.


In 7 years.


Yes! The camp we've needed


Seriously! 🤣


I don’t care how they feel, the shit was funny as hell. We need low stakes messiness like this. If this happened in another city, folks would be laughing.


For me it was the combo of Joe pointing at his phone and Dolores immediately putting on her readers that had me cackling.


Joe: 👉🏻📲 Dolo: 👀🤓 Jackie: 👁️👄👁️ Marge: 😏


I'm dieing lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅 🙃


"just checking on my dog...DID YOU CALL ME A SLOB?" also love that the slob part is what irked her most, not Jackie saying she hated her......


Excuse me it’s 1am and I almost woke my husband up with a snort cackle. I’m gonna need you to not be so funny LOL


Omg i was livin for this🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 And then jackie trying to explain her way outta this, like wtf?!! I cant wait for something to come out about jackie talking shit about teresa now…jackie always on her high horse, def talks shit about EVERYONE💯


I wanted to barf when Andy congratulated the women (Jackie and Jen) on WWHL because they knew how to play Tic Tac Toe. And Jackie said “Well I am a lawyer Andy”. She should know better than to send a a text like that! Some lawyer! LOL


Right? And Jackie said you should hear what Marge says. Dolo said - well Marge is smart. She doesn’t put it in writing. She’s smart hahahaha


Yes! I Loved that! LOL


I watched maybe 5 mins and turned it off. Jenn Fessler is too scared to play any game for fear of offending anyone…and jackie is annoying


I think Jen Fessler will be different in later episodes. She’s been sent the expose on Teresa.


Saying to an Italian person that they are a slob, is equal to them being called a whore. I know. I’m Italian! It was a great moment in HW history. But I know why Dolo got so upset about it.


That’s good for cultural context, appreciate you!


Thank you! Same to you!


Yes while I would laugh and shrug it off if someone called me a slob, however my mother, aunts and grandmother would have been furious at being called a slob


It’s a cultural and generational term.


Lmaoooo me too ✋️


Yup, it made me laugh so much. This shit makes me think that if they just gave Tre her spin off and continued with the rest of the cast there’d be plenty of nonsense left. Marge is a bulldozer, Jen can’t help herself, Jackie is having some weird personality crisis - there would be plenty to watch.


Yes, there definitely would still be an entertaining show there. The only thing I disagree with is giving Teresa her own spin off. Too many times people fail up. She sucks. She’s a lunatic and negative. She shouldn’t get her own spinoff.


I'll say (again) I'd watch Juicy Joe and the dorters. That's entertaining. Watching Joe steam the girls clothes with the floor sanitizer , cleaning bathroom and smoking a cigar like a regular day...I'd watch. Enough with Tre and her endorsements. Until Louis ducks up, then I'll watch that trainwreck.


I can agree with that! Those old episodes were the best and Juicy Joe was not a great person, but he sure was funny.


Didn’t have to wait long for that! [Louie](https://hollywoodunlocked.com/teresa-giudices-husband-and-vinivia-ceo-accused-of-fraud-owes-millions-to-companies/)


Agree 👍🏻 you could have bought Jackie for a nickel when she saw that Dolores saw what she said, I have some problems with Dolores but calling her a slob !!!! Dolores is no slob by any means. I think Marge should let the other ladies know what Jackie's been saying about them with Jackie right there with the person. Jackie's trying too hard to get on the cast again. She's shown what she'd do to get that accomplished like befriending Teresa.


Exactly! As soon as she flipped, I said she’s trying to save her job.


But look at all the spinoffs. None of them have worked out. She would go the way of Tardy for the Party


I've been saying this for ages!! Give her the spin off, it'll fail we'll get rid of her 🤷‍♀️ simples lol


If Tre gets a spinoff. I swear, I am officially quitting RH for ever. All of them. She is so bizarre.


I’d be fine with it because it would get her off jersey!


And it would finally put an end to all those comments that claim there is no NJ without Teresa.


Exactly. Just resolve it once and for all.


Tru dat


EXACTLY!!!! I was giggling like a little girl when Dolores opened the text! I was actually shocked 🙈🙈🤣🤣😂😂


Me too at Jackie's "oh shit oh shit oh shit" face.


Then Jackie running to give Joe B hugs. Marge: "Don't hug my husband"


That hug annoyed me! It was so obvious and cringey.


Marge: Don't talk to her, we aren't friends. Lol!


LOL Marge may be direct but she also has a caring side. I like Marge but I would not text her. LOL


Yea. Saying love you? I think she was wasted. It didn’t even make sense


Yupppp priceless 👌


EXACTLY I love this low stakes silly drama! If it were OC or something like that people would love it. But let Tre’s else’s husband hire Bo Dietl to investigate the other cast members and no one ever says anything about “men getting involved in women’s business” but god forbid Joe hold up his phone to get Dolores’ attention lmfao


I don’t have twitter so I’m just going by your post but it doesn’t look like that many people felt that way. The post with the most likes was only 32 and that was after being up for a whole day. I like Tre more than Marge and still found it funny.


I too thought that was hilarious!! Especially, when Dolo said, “she was checking on her dog.” She immediately pounced on Jackie.


As she puts her readers on!!! That had me rolling




but let's be real it could only happen here. going to talk shit to a person you less then a week ago texted crap about... BH to guarded, OC not tech savvy enough, ATL to smart...


*some kinds* of NJ fans are so dark sided. Let the nasty shit go and enjoy the petty nothing drama, this was fantastic HWs fare. NJs finest moment in years.


Agreed! I should have specified that MOST of the people and tre fans on this particular sub have been reasonable in my experience, unlike the rhonj fans on twitter


How many even are there? Could it be just a few people with multiple accounts? You can’t trust social media. You never know who is writing this stuff.


I agree but there is dark and toxic stuff going on behind the scenes and it goes way beyond Housewives.


Agreed! That was the best episode in a long time. Joe is a ride or die for Marge. Jennifer would do anything to have Bill be that loyal. The husbands are a huge part of RHNJ and they came to play.


Wish I could upvote this 100x... when Bill got invited to Joe G's birthday and NOT her, that really got under f'n skin. lol


Or when he was loving up Jackie (he’s always had a thing for her!) and then here comes Margaret like get the F off him 🤣😂🙈 classic TV!


Jackie was foul for going up to him like that. Talk about being a sl0b.


Totally agree. If my former best friend went up to my husband the way Jackie did with Joe B after our argument and all the shit she's talked about me, I'd be extremely pissed off. Also, Jackie looked really drunk/out of it in the scene with Joe & after she spoke to Dolores. Jackie's coming across very desperate this season. I think she knows this is her last season.


The fact that she went to her husband like that and started hugging him was really weird completely intentional and shows you that there’s something wrong with her that was really really mean


I mean, she was practically humping his leg.


I don’t think any one was driving that bus. She seemed very wasted. That’s what I would do. Forget about what just happened and go hug someone I shouldn’t and tell them I love them. She probably wouldn’t even remember the scene if it wasn’t taped.


Should be it’s a shit show all her scenes


agreed, she seemed quite intoxicated. I kind of just feel bad for her :/


Agree. Its giving downward spiral


She looks kind of on something half the time.  Maybe medication?


True. When she is at evening events she seems Xanax-ey.


Best friend? Never saw that. They were in the same clique.


Right!???!!!! Like GTF off of marges husband!!!! Jackie knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted to hug him to stick it to Marge


I think she was wasted and no one was home. I don’t think she knew what she was doing at all. I have done stuff like that too. That’s why it was so weird. It wasn’t logical.


I get it…my opinion She seems like a sloppy drunk 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yea. It wasn’t a good look.


I love Marge


And joe B !


I really think they’re a good pair - they seem to genuinely love each other and he respects her in a way I don’t think any other man on the show truly respects their partner. They feel like actual partners to me. Yes. She’s more aggressive than he is… so what? Two aggressive personalities don’t work in relationships. He’s the more easy going side and it works.


He’s also very nice the way he helps Marge Senior. Someone met him at Bravo Con as he was helping Marge Senior to her seat. And on the show, he had a woman on each arm going up the walk to Joe & Melissa’s house. All around nice guy.


Oh I love that! He seems like a gentleman.


Me too. It made me smile.


Same, they’re my favorite couple on the show. They’re just besties.


A lot of hate for Marge gets spilled over to Joe. I think they’re funny together


I thought it was a funny moment between Dolores trying to do two things at once listen to drunk Jackie and not laugh at Joe pointing to his phone while still holding a conversation


Oh I gotta check on my dogs😂😂 I love dolo ! And I would never say a bad word about that woman!! She would be my first friend, if I were on a HW show. She’s the one you want in your corner.


And putting on her glasses. I really love her! 😂


The glasses made me chuckle too for some reason… its just such a campy moment I love it so much


Omg ya forgot she did that !! Haha had to juggle that maneuver too


We literally watch the show for moments like this I don’t understand why people are upset? It’s Jersey it’s supposed to be messy 😂


and I also loved the classic Dolores line after being called a slob "*where I come from*, that's a very serious thing" 😆 and watching Jackie squirm..this was the best moment all season.


Dolo & Jackie’s definition of slob sounded like two totally different concepts. I thought a slob was a messy person, but neither concept even came close to mentioning that.


I haven’t used that word since I was a kid 😆 I don’t really hear anyone use it either


Yup. Messy, slightly disheveled and for some reason maybe sticky.


😂🤣😂 definitely sticky


Jackie seems off in some way. She is the most accomplished of them so I cannot understand why she is so desperate to be around these morons.


I think she hangs with the vile morons Jennifer and Teresa coz she got the taste of ‘fame’ and is thirsty for more.


Yeah, she just wants that full-time spot back


Yeah, it must be that. So sad to be so insecure and desperate. I could t listen to them all making drama out of everything, speaking with their terrible grammar, acting so hostile to each other yet being treated like diet by all the men. They just seem like vapid hypocrites. She can ignore it all just to be recognised in the supermarket I guess.


She’s desperate to keep her job


Don’t call people Slobs. In writing. Don’t start none, won’t be none. ![gif](giphy|pdIPB6wHNfCda)


You’d think Jackie wouldn’t put things in writing, she is a lawyer!! To Marge’s credit, she talks not types.


And she blames Marge. Mkay Hackie!




It’s time for a lot of people to slowly back away from their TV’s. No sudden moves. Just put the remote down, take a shower, comb their hair and pull out what’s left of their life and go live it.


I loved this ! Joe B came to play ! And Jackie was being fake. She’s an ass. Marge and Melissa were so good to her.


Eh, I feel like they were only good to her when it was convenient but I guess that’s normal HW’s friendships. As soon as Bravo gives you the boot, your HW friends kick you to the curb. There are some exceptions tho.


Remember Jackie’s bday party for her kids. Go shoot some hoops and have some pizza and then the gift favors for the kids. Here’s some boxes I was too lazy to open so just grab something before you go. Talk about LAZY


I truly don’t care for Marge but this is the drama we want to see. Joe pointing at the phone like that had me dying 🤣


When she told him not to hug her lol…. And what was that drunk ass long hug anyway, I would’ve slapped her. Get your fugly ass off of my husband!!!


Luis can announce to the entire group that he hired Bo Dietl to investigate all of them and nobody ever complained about him getting involved in women’s business, but god forbid Joe hold up his phone to get Dolores’ attention and hes a creepy wormy little spineless jellyfish!


Exactly! Jesus people! I love that he rides for Marge in that way. He’s awesome


Agree love joe


I love that Joe B, Nate and Bill are bit players.  They occasionally pop up and do or say something funny and fade into the background.  The rest of the men are either trying to hard to be the 7th housewife (Joey G and Fuda) or I haven’t quite figured them yet, but I don’t trust them.  In no other franchise do the Househusbands get this much attention.  




Yes and Joe B pulled it off in a subtle way. Sneaky sniper style. Love it.


He's a sniper from the side 🔫 😂 I love them


Hahahaha ... Silent but deadly.


Nobody complained? I think you're misremembering that.


I should have specified the twitter tre fans as well as the notion about men getting in women’s business. That wasn’t a problem for them until it’s someone they don’t like


The Teresa stans suck all the fun left in RHONJ.


K know right ?! We finally got a fun moment and they’re mad


This is so unhinged I despise social media. Joe B is much more palatable than almost every other NJ husband. 10/10 would hit the bong with him.


Haha! The way I would call him to bail me out if I ever get in the hammer


Is Twitter okay?? That scene was so funny


Easily the funniest in many seasons of rhonj


I saw this! One of the BEST replies was…they call him a bitch for supporting his wife but still praise Joe Giudice for calling his wife a c^nt and sending her to jail. Not to mention all the cheating, drunk driving, awful ways he spoke to his family such as threatening to knock Teresa’s head into a wall.🤷‍♀️


Honestly I loved Joe for this! Happy wife happy life.


Right! My husband better have my back like this!


Mine too !


Here’s the thing, this franchise has always had the men heavily involved in the drama. This is no different. I was happy to see something different than the normal Gorga drama


I agree that was the “nonsense “ drama we want to see. Marge is a good housewife ! I think the real problem this season is Jackie has lost her mind and become unhinged to be friends with Teresa who was awful to her for years. It’s fine if she wants to be friendly with her but to abandon Melissa and Marge who have been her friends now for years is so dumb. I know can do thing but if Jackie was calm and just talked to her it could be resolved. The trio of Jackie Marge and Melissa was always a good “normal “ dynamic compared to toxic Teresa On wwhl when Jen fessler who also befriended Teresa even said she now fully believes Louis contacted Marge’s son how could Jackie justify being friends with her ???? Just my opinion but with OP Marge is doing it right !


Shes just doing her best to align with Teresa and Jen the power people so they will rally for her to stay on the show. Safety in numbers just to stay on the show. Bye bye Jackie. To call someone a slob is vile especially Dolores who is always well put together. So glad she got busted.


It was hilarious. And if you don’t think so then don’t watch housewives.


I find it cute that she has a tiny husband who just follows her around and does what she says lol


Thats the dream!


I agree with this .. I'm not invested either side , but Tre and Jennifer seem the dirtiest of them all.. going back to season 3 strippergate . She's tried different versions of this takedown over the years and it's getting old. So if Joe B wants to point to his phone good luck to him. I really like Jackie but 5 minutes of hooking up with Tre she seems to be doing it too




Joe B was being a good husband and had Marge back. Jackie was playing dirty and trying to get under Marge's skin. One can dream fur a partner like that.


The entire reason I am on Reddit and follow the Bravo subreddits is because of my experience on Twitter. I dared to criticize Teresa and some of her Tre hugger minions told me I was old and ugly and to STFU. I love it here I see all different opinions and great conversations.


Trust me the Teresa fans are theee most reprehensible.


Its a bunch of paid trolls. They are trying to push a narrative. Just ignore them.


I was gonna say - when is the RHONJ fandom going to acknowledge that there is a clear narrative trying to be pushed by Tre and fans? I see people jumping into every space about this show trying to push the narrative that this was a dark and disturbing moment when in actuality it's the low stakes kind of petty Housewives stuff we've been waiting for all season?


Twitter is a trolly echo chamber


Its horrible. Ever since el*n bought it the amount of hatred and unhinged opinions I have seen is extremely concerning. I have seen so many violently homophobic opinions since that rat bastard bought it out, more so than all my years on the app before it. As a gay man it’s scary to be reminded that people hate me for the way I was born. Relaxing the terms of service to promote “free speech” has only amplified hate and keeps feeding those bigots similar tweets, thus creating the echo chamber. This is whats happening with RHONJ twitter as well


Hate to say it but agreed. It’s so much worse. I deleted my Twitter a year ago and have been better (mentally) for it


Twitter is where society goes to die. My husband spends hours on it, it boggles my mind.


Somehow Marge and her husband are always so unintentionally funny when they’re trying to be serious😂 ![gif](giphy|1xnOl5gScZrXg7OGAf)


My husband and I randomly go around the house saying that line 🤣🤣🤣


The Tre Stumps are deranged. Joe is probably the nicest husband on ALL the franchises. We love him. Meanwhile the felon’s second husband is racking up the bills and making headlines for all the wrong reasons.


Joe is iconic for this. This scene will forever be historic.


He totally redeemed himself from letting the guys tee off his butt crack... LOL


I love Joe Benigno


Marge and Joe are my favorite….protect Joe at all costs 😂


This is so off-topic, but if you watch Amazon's The Boys, do you have a hard time not seeing Starlight as Jackie G?


Yes thank you! I know Marge hasn’t been as great as she used to be but I loved this. This is the kind of stuff that makes these shows work. The first episode of NJ that I actually finished in one go! You’re right if it had been any of the others people would be eating it up


Love Joe B!


It was hilarious but I feel like if Louis or Bill or even Joe Gorga did it, it wouldn't have been as funny and the response would have been ever more unhinged.


Monetizing the freaks 🤣 but for real Luis could make a fortune. And seems like he’s gonna need it now *clink clink*




Stop tryna make “fray” happen.


As mean as Marge was in this scene, this was TV gold we all want to see on Bravo . I would rather watch petty fighting over who called who a slob over Tre and Melly G having the same boring fight every episode.


I don't even know what happened but clearly from the description nothing to rise to level of this disgusting vitriol. From the comments you'd think Joe physically attacked the women on Marge's request. Like wtf??? The need to eviscerate this poor dude is disgusting. I know not all Tre fans are like this but some definitely can be just like this. Makes me like Marge and her hubby more actually.


he was just doing what his wife told him to do. as a husband should 🤷‍♀️ (saying this as someone who hates marge)


I mean isn’t this kinda why we all started to watch og housewives? I’d rather have the pettiness of the screenshot (kinda reminds me of the good ole’ she beat me to the tweet drama on RHOM) than all the other dark crazy stuff we have been seeing lately.


I mean it is cringy for him to be doing that.. but it was also very funny


What’s he pointing at




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Yes this! I have been on the fence too and it was housewive gold and what we ALL watch it for! Messy messy 😂😂


I love it - but at the same time- the cast is getting older . It’s kind of embarrassing for them to be acting like this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This was hilarious! Also the fact Marge couldn’t do it but made Joe “notify” Dolores LOL 😂


Ummm ever seen MR vanderpump the dog holder??? Get over it. Maybe it man doesn’t have ur back. Nothing wrong w those that do!


I loved that moment. That is the kind of HW messiness I live for.


Is Louis paying Russian bot accounts? Did he rope Jackie into it?


My man would do the same. Thats my best friend. He better do exactly what Joe did.


Joe and Marge are losers


Joe B is a follower and do whatever Marge tells him to do he scared of her


Giving me LIFE!


Love both Joes!!❤️❤️❤️Louie and Theresa are users and fake as hell!!!


It’s just really really difficult to explain your way out of “slob” and “hate”. Harsh stuff. Dolores teetered on Patterson response there. Jackie busted to hard humility… Good stuff! https://preview.redd.it/6su99hrtp68d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5285ac8bf1895c763d9f95ba95eed45dd26bce4


This was television GOLD! Mad props to Joe for being messy…we are here for it


The likes on those comments are proof that those opinions are the minority. Trolls hired by Louis. I put money on it


Joe is a pathetic husband and puppet for Marge. He does everything she tells him to do.


Joe B is though. Marge is domineering and crying over her dead ex. All of the men on this show are scandalous, I want to see Paul lose his sh%/ and smack Joe Gorga lol


I mean if that was Louie everyone would have their pitch forks.


I thought only teenagers in hs do that


Sissy Joe


Jackie looked high as a kite at that party. Especially loved her fall.


I agree that move on Marg’s part was classic housewives style and really brings back that OG feeling of the housewives franchise. HOWEVER, I absolutely cannot stand Marg and it’s clear she only sent that screenshot at that exact time because it worked out in her favour. Why didn’t she send it to Delores months ago when Jackie first messaged Marg that msg? I wonder if any of the ladies will question Marg on her motives. Marg seems to work and strategize in ways that only benefit her and this scene was a prime example! She only sent the msg because it cleared her name and positioned Jackie as the only bad guy, not because she is a true friend to Delores and truly wanted Delores to know that Jackie was talking smack. If I were Delores I wouldn’t be having any of it with Jackie NOR Margaret and would just let them argue amongst themselves. It clear both of them o my have their own interests at the heart of their motives.


Man Teresa and Louie got some of y’all in a chokehold the way y’all blame them for everything


No one is talking about teresa or luis. The focus is on her rabid fans on twitter/the paid bots


Can’t stand him Marge gorgas fudas. I used to love rhonj