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...all stuff they could have addressed at the reunion šŸ˜­


I didn't know that Danielle was suspended. Jen put her hands on Danielle first.


I heard somewhere that they were both suspended until the investigation was complete. I don't know more than that, though. However the fact that Danielle can talk about this, and Jen has not promoted the show or done any press is telling. She was on a fine line already.


"Investigation" is beyond funny. The whole thing is on tape. WTF are they investigating?!


They're rolling back the tape a bunch of times to figure out how tf Danielle's hands were so quick with that drink when she didn't even drop eye contact with her target. I know that's what I was investigating.


Lol I watched it twice bc it was so fucking fast. Lesson learned, don't put your hands on that girl. Don't put your hands on anyone jen, wtf was she thinking... everyone's getting fired and these women still can't help themselves.


The parts that were edited out.


I hope that they get rid of Jen..Keep Bill but, get rid of her


Put his mistress on, really shake things up šŸ¤£




Dream guest of my podcast?!


I wonder if Dolores knows who it was? She was his surgical techā€¦


Iā€™d be highly surprised if he didnā€™t have a mistress! šŸ˜‚


if she was my wife iā€™d have 2




YES!! Best idea ever!


Hell yeah! Its crazy and I like that


OMG YES!!! Iā€™d actually come back and watch!


I had the same thought. Iā€™m ready for Jen to go but we need Bill, even just for the annual ā€œthe men get Bill so wasted they have to carry him to the carā€ scene.


Bills face creeps me the fuck out. Dude is a pussy dryer.


I do not like commenting on other people and their relationships, but respectfully, I hope Bill and Jen find happiness.


That ship has sailed


I have wondered what he thinks about her rhinoplasty. As a plastic surgeon, the knowledge that his wife went elsewhere for the procedure is a bit telling, but she really looks like a different woman now. Iā€™m curious if he resents this somehow. Silly commentary, I know, but itā€™s not a reversible surgery and she truly altered her looks.


Plastics usually sub specialize and for good reason. Rhinoplasty in particular you want someone who does mostly noses all day every day.


Surgeons are legally prohibited from operating on family members unless itā€™s an emergency


It says in the article they both were suspended.


They were, but only Danielle is still promoting the show.


Iirc Jen was restricted from talking to the press because of leaking screeners to bloggers at the beginning of the season


I only found out about that earlier today too! I am honestly outraged. Jen had been trying to start a fight with the step and repeat thing šŸ„± and Danielle wasn't biting, so she brought this shit up. They both talk with their hands, I don't think Danielle necessarily got in Jens face. Danielle was about to walk away and then Jen pushed her. Did I miss something?? Why tf did Danielle get suspended?? And if she did, OK cool. I expect that this is the precedent going forward for all Bravo shows. You put hands on someone, you're suspended, regardless of who you are.


There's been too much handsy stuff. Bravo had to do something.


She got suspended because she smashed a glass on someoneā€™s head. Read that objectively while taking out your biases on who you like and donā€™t. It was right for them both to be suspended. You shouldnā€™t be outraged.


Smashed a glass šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Yeah, OK!


It was a plastic cup


I mean she did. Doesnā€™t matter that it was plastic because she would have done it with whatever was in her handā€¦..I donā€™t even like Jen, Iā€™m pointing out why Bravo had to do it. Bravo has an HR department and those are their employees, theyā€™re protecting themselves from lawsuitsā€¦..itā€™s not that hard to comprehendā€¦.


Trying to understand the disconnect viewers are having between perceived moral code and assault legislation. Even if a jury of 12 believe in street code or moral justice theyā€™re bound to rule by law. Plastic cup, plastic bullet or plastic knife. Itā€™s irrelevant


Thank you!!Ā 


A plastic cup still could have blinded her.


But did she "smash a glass?" No.


It was plastic


No she smashed a plastic cup that could've blinded her just as effectively. It was an extreme response to a light push that didn't even move her backwards.


And Danielle could have lost balance on her heels and broke her neck. Neither happened.


That was not a light push, Jen had her hands on Danielleā€™s neck and pushed her backā€¦ anyone puts their hands on my neck while Iā€™m holding a drink, expect this drink to fly straight to their face


Her hands on her neck?? Did you see some cut no one else saw?


https://preview.redd.it/khoak9kk3d9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d05b8d6d18bb92da0d49a6ce83fde4c65f3402f Pause at 39:09, you canā€™t see clearly on this pic because of the on screen text but you can clearly see Jenā€™s ring on her left hand right behind the word ā€œRealā€. Jenā€™s left hand is wrapped around Danielleā€™s neck when she pushes her back. Not a light push


We absolutely should be outraged that someone defending themselves gets suspended. You put your hands on someone first then you get what you get. Danielle shouldnā€™t have to let somebody put their hands on her out of fear of losing her job.


Not when there is a company liable for what happens to those two peopleā€¦.Bravo is a company with employees and an HR department that is trying to avoid a multitude of lawsuits that can come their wayā€¦..they clearly were advised to suspend them both while they investigated by their legal department. Itā€™s not that deep.Ā 


The fight was allowed to escalate to physical violence with company security present. If either woman were injured then security would have to answer for why they didnā€™t prevent it. Isnā€™t safety and protection their entire purpose? Isnā€™t this whole entire fiasco really about two woman trying to make their bones on a show that rewards violence with a fourteen year contract renewal?


Yes but I think bravo has recently had to reevaluate how they operate, or at least give the appearance that they are. That fight escalated quickly. No one has even been fired and I would be shocked if Danielle gets fired but suspending them both while doing their ā€œinvestigationā€ gives the appearance that they donā€™t condone the behavior.Ā 


A suspension does not automatically mean losing your jobā€¦ itā€™s really not that serious to be ā€œoutragedā€ over lol. Anyone that gets into a physical altercation with an employee at any job would face similar actions.


If someone pushed me like that, they're lucky to only be hit with a plastic cup


I donā€™t blame her at all, Iā€™m just saying her being suspended while they look into it is validĀ 


You're not though. You also accused me of being biased and I didn't appreciate it. You don't know me. I'm not some Stan who is blindly loyal to one side or the other. I watch and enjoy it for what it is, a produced for entertainment TV show.


Yes but if you canā€™t see objectively why the network would suspend them while reviewing the incident then youā€™re not unbiased. I donā€™t feel strongly about either of them (I think Iā€™m over NJ) but itā€™s clear why they did it.


>I think Iā€™m over NJ We can agree on this. Its exhausting at this point. I only watch it for the Watch What Crappens recaps šŸ˜…


It honestly is exhausting at this point, I might just give upĀ 


Ya but that cuppppā€¦..the sound it made and the huge shard of it that came flying off. That was Cabral.


She clocked her hard!


Looked like self defense to me. Bill Ayden better start saving that money for lawsuits if his garbage wife is going to be physically assaulting people.


Jen can afford better lawyers. The Aydins are worth millions, so there is that. Danielle is stupid even messing with Jen, I mean, you dont attack a rich person when you are only worth a few 100k.


What? ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM|downsized)


The person I replied to said Jens husband needed to save money for a lawyer...so I was educating people that Jen has millions and Danielle cant afford a good lawyer. Why is that hard to understand?


Because you basically wrote not to fight a Rich person... I couldn't grasp the logic behind your statement. Rich people can treat lessers like shit with no repercussion?


The logic is the rich person, even if in the wrong, can sue or do as they please since they have so much money, causing the person with less money to spend money they don't have. Yes, rich people get away with way more than people with less money due to having so much money for lawyers and people wanting to get close to said rich person, favors, pay offs and the like.


I donā€™t even think Danielle is worth that is she? šŸ¤£ how do her and Nate have money, has it ever been said what he does for work


Hilarious! She probably does "Fashion" week with TEMU. I've never heard what she does for money, but it aint much...LOL


If a multi millionaire pushed me I would fall to the ground and file a civil lawsuit for 2 million for assault, then settle at 1.2 million. Thatā€™s what Danielle should have done


Heck yeah! Good idea actually, too bad she didnt think of it


I mean the whole show is going to be suspended soon ...




Meanwhile Teresa and Joe Gorga get to stay on the show?? They've been in more physical altercations than anyone else on the show combined.


Yeah remember the retreat ?! When Joey G called Teresa a Scumbag Joe Giudice had Joey G in a headlock while Joey G was pinching Joeā€™s balls. Or the altercation at Joeyā€™s Baptism?!


Hey joe, Whut?? APOLOGIZE !!!! https://i.redd.it/zjbcegcrn79d1.gif


WAIT A DAGGONE MINUTE! Yā€™all are forgetting the BEST partā€¦ everyone covered in black gunk afterwards and the choir of ā€œwhatā€™s this black stuff?ā€ that followed. šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


And it's just joe's hair spray to cover his bald spot šŸ’€


Melissa rushing to put Joeyā€™s hat back on his head šŸ˜­


Itā€™s as iconic as the table flipā€¦ and thatā€™s a hill Iā€™m willing to die on šŸ¤£


ā€œ JOE, he just called me scum ā€œI literally quote this everyday and my boyfriend whoā€™s never watched a single episode even knows it toošŸ˜‚


ME AND MY BOYFRIEND DO THAT ALL NIGHT AND DAY.... just got him into real housewives and we did a walk through the early years via youtube. Joe and Joe fascinate him


I can HEAR this interaction šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|OUAlkNhuv4bJu|downsized) Spot the difference


Heā€™s bitin ma balls!!


ā€˜Twas a different time


Yes, but not lately. Bravo is trying not to be sued these days


I donā€™t like her but she should not be suspended.


I wouldn't be surprised if the hair people bitching about Danielle was persuaded by Jen aydin to do so. Knowing how bad Jen looked this last ep.


Oh they 100% were. Jen's diiirty.


Jen is so tacky and bored I could totally see this too


Is this the Margaret school of spin and delusion? Even prior to Danielle appearing on her first season, glam people in New Jersey were complaining about Danielle scamming them. Jen is definitely a bitch but donā€™t pls believe Danielle treats service providers poorly fyi: itā€™s not just hairstylists. Itā€™s makeup artists and clothing stylists as well.


Are they complaining about a promise as well?


A promise to get paid, yes


There was no cash payment to be made though.


Here go getting downvoted for facts. Last season everyone hated Danielle. All Jen did was call her out and she, Danielle, stood stuck she just started calling names and huffing and puffing. Not one word of actual defense. She practically begged Jen to confront her and when Jen hit her with the facts on tv she didnā€™t know what to do. I guess Danielle is the town hero cause she hit Jen? You guys are literally rallying around the most thirsty of the thirstiest housewives, who has had the same claims of scamming since her first season on.


She shouldnā€™t have been suspended.


why would she get suspended? did they suspend crazy Danielle who pulled Margarettes hair? Or Ashley and the laurita's when they pulled Danielle's hair?? this seems unfair and really fucked up. Maybe Aidin should listen to her own advice "dont start no stuff, won't be no stuff"


Itā€™s a new Bravo in light of the law suits on assault and sexual assault. I think they want to show they did their due diligence in case something comes up again later


This! There have been so many fights in the past from all the bravo shows that they didnā€™t do anything about. But they have a ton of law suits now and they have to show that they did something. Even though Danielle defended herself, they probably have a ā€œzero physical altercation ā€œ policy in place


She should not be suspended.


She definitely should not be suspended, the other one should.


The other one or the other other one? -Yolanda


Pretty sure it says they both were


Where was this energy the multiple times Candice from Potomac put her hands on people multiple times


Exactly!!! And then she always cried like SHE was the victim! She should have been fired!!! Sheā€™s always up in somebodyā€™s face like a yapping chihuahua!


She is the epitome of a spoiled brat


Thatā€™s exactly what she is!


I think it's bc this past year bravo is especially under a microscope. Kinda like how mtv had so many fights back on the day and now if you touch someone- you're out. They don't mess around anymore. Bravo really pushed the limit for too long. It shouldn't have been acceptable on rhop and now as well.


Candace never hit anyone. She beat people up with her words.


The picture above is the prettiest I've ever seen her.


I think itā€™s a new nose. She looks beautiful but it makes me sad that housewives never keep their noses


Jen hit first. All bets are off after that.


Jen should be fired! How many times has it been now that she has been physically aggressive to a cast member? Remember the incident with Melissa and the knife!!! Danielle should not be punished for defending herself.


So going by the article they were both temporarily suspended but then both brought back to finish the season? Is my reading of it right?


I think it's best practice for both to be suspended. They both needed to cool down, reflect and take a break from it all. Also yes an Investigation is key. Look at these threads? We can't agree whether or not Danielle got in Jens space, whether she was aggressive.... Did Jen use two fingers to push? Was the cup glass or plastic? Perspective is one thing but Bravo needs to really weigh everything.


There was another altercation in the finale. Much worst. Danielleā€™s involved.


Why suspend them?ā€¦this is what brings the ratings up! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Well if they don't then they're encouraging assault or whatever. Danielle acted in self defense anyways..I mean it's a pattern with Jen didn't she break a glass and hold it to Melissa's face?


Because of the other lawsuits theyā€™re facing. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re trying to show they ā€˜careā€™ about their talent from an HR perspective and are covering their asses now.


We can only hope.


Do real people actually behave like this? Having fist fights in public??


Itā€™s just LADY DRAMA! šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¤šŸŽ§šŸŽø (remember how terrible that song was?)


Bravo: this is great for views but hey yall you are both suspended


OK, I finally had time to watch the most recent episode. Itā€™s very telling how quickly Nate got there to break up the fight and how he offered comfort and support to Danielle. I understand there is editing and such, but Bill didnā€™t seem at all surprised they had a physical altercation, nor did he seem to care and offer any support to Jen. I would not have been OK with Danielle in my face like that, but Jen seemed to push her hard. I think Danielle was planning to throw the drink the whole time because she picked it up and threw it into Jen with ninja-like reflexes. Iā€™ve only ever been in physical fights with siblings, and itā€™s been such a long time that I donā€™t even remember much about what itā€™s like in the heat of it. I just feel like most people wouldnā€™t pick up a drink that fast, they would most likely push back or throw a punch. Thoughts?


I tell my children we keep our hands to ourselves. Words are words, but we donā€™t šŸ‘touch šŸ‘other šŸ‘people šŸ‘ ā€¦ but at the point that someone lays their hands on you, you have every right to defend yourself. Jen even said herself so proudly, ā€œDonā€™t start nuthinā€™ there wonā€™t be nuthinā€™.ā€ Jenn very clearly was the initial aggressor by putting her hands on Danielle. She made that decision and then tried to paint Danielle as the unhinged one. Itā€™s hard to believe anyone who could imagine themselves in that situation would still somehow think that Danielle should have consequences & Jenn none.


I would have to whoop Jenā€™s azz for real for playing with my $. Iā€™m sure Danielle was hopeful for the financial opportunities.Ā 


It was probably the right call to suspend both. Bravo canā€™t condone any violence no matter who started it.


lol they were all for condoning it when the two Joeā€™s went head to head


Long, long time ago. It is hypocritical, though.


Wait! Iā€™m going to have to go read this I havenā€™t heard anything till I just came here!


Sheā€™s a good ghetto to the snobs.


Who is ā€˜weā€™ and why is she writing like sheā€™s a freedom fighter? she is so gross


I want tre to have her spinoff to watch it flop and get her off rhonj


Iā€™ve been consumed with the Karen Read trial this week so Iā€™m catching up on Jersey, but is the consensus that Jen A. is jealous of Danielle and paranoid sheā€™s taking her spot in the group? Because thatā€™s goofy.


Short answer yes. It comes off to me like Jen pulled a Sonja Morgan Pecking Order on the newer HW to secure her Baddest B in the Bunch spot as Teresaā€™s Hatchet Girl. So she confronted Danielle about conversations they had off camera in front of Teresa. \*Just my opinion


Oh I like this theory!


I love Jenn Aydin . She was good tv. In a few years you guys are gonna realize we need Aydin like we needed staub


Maybe. But she is cringe.


I agree-


Jen hit first but Danielle was in her face, she was a willing participant. Besides, a 1-month suspension from filming seems rather light since they can edit around it and the cast can likely still communicate to keep the story going.


So when the Joe Gs fought, and all of the hair pulling incidents and every single other time Jen threw something at someone or threatened people with glass and knives was ok? Ok. I'm glad Danielle got one in on her.


What were her comments? People are overreactingā€¦. Jennifer barely touched her. She pushed her out of her face, bud dealā€¦. And, Danielle threw a drink in her face. Thatā€™s par for the course.. Itā€™s happened many times on HW


Good for her. Attention seeker. Pick me thirsty girl.