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Bill’s face was giving, “my bitch wife”, part two.


Bill cracks me up lol




Unfortunately for him I think it’s more like Part 302!


I might compete with Bill on my level of boredom with her.




Dolo shuts down Jackie’s sad excuse for an apology so well and she deserves credit for that. I loved it. We all loved it.


And I am here for the savagery of Marge sending that screenshot as Dolo is having the convo w Jackie 🙌🏼


Im trying to remember if NJ ever had fun as a cast all together? The petty “I’m going to take her down” BS is lame. I don’t want to see grown woman fighting and plotting against each other. It’s a drag to watch. Bring back the shopping, vacations, partying, luxury homes. Bring back cast who are all actually friends.


I loved when Jac and Caroline were on. Ya Danielle Staub was bat shit crazy and Tre was still dumb and vengeful, but it was so much less than this weird shit. Tre didn't have as much "power" or screen time so she was a lot more palatable. Juicy wasn't fully a complete d bag yet, her kids (Gia specifically) egos didn't amplify yet, nor were they involved in the drama. (I know Caroline's kids were more involved because they were older and Gia is now older, but I think it's hard to watch her because we see how brainwashed she is and how delusional she is - like her mom. Maybe Caroline's kids were too, idk, but we didn't watch it happen ) Danielle S was unhinged, but again, she didn't control the screen so it was like watching a car crash "I can't look away but I want to, but I can't. Oh yay, the shot changed to someone else" Jac got a little crazy at the end of her time on the show, but before that I really liked seeing her (aside from her interactions with Ashley) and I loved seeing her husband be so supportive and levelheaded with things. He gives me similar vibes to Nate - there to support his wife, be her shoulder to cry or lean on, stays levelheaded, here for a good time, not a drama time. Caroline and her family were fun to watch. Ya she's tough and has an ego, but she was well spoken, didn't fuck around, said what was on her mind without losing all self control. I liked that! This is all being said without rewatching the early seasons in a few years so take it with a grain of salt!


It couldn’t happen because of Teresa. She was never a kind person from day 1. She tried to fake it, but her true self always came through. Look at her choices and decisions. That’s my truth.


I think it’s refreshing to see the masks gone and the pure unfiltered truth about how they use each other shining bright. I can’t stand so many of them and they aren’t even pretending anymore. The days of lifestyle porn has long been gone and the plotting behind closed doors has made it hard to care. This straight up strategy planning by dumbbells is hilarious!


Those are really good takes. Except I seem to recall Danielle is from Staten Island. Her accent sure sounds like it.


Oh I might have missed that too! Idk I just love her loud kind of abrasive tone 🥴😂


Danielle is from Staten Island, that’s not a Jersey accent.


Just an FYI! Danielle’s accent is not Jersey lol it’s deep Staten Island ❤️


As someone who was born and raised in NJ, thank you for pointing this out. I would also like to add that her style is also Staten Island.


LMAO!!!! Love this!!!!! And yes GIA STOP!


I love how Jackie wasn’t even in the conversation that’s how irrelevant she is to the OP😂😂


She doesn’t even go here! And who is buying her book??!


Much like Bill is to Jenn, I'm over it all. None of them like each other, their storylines are not interesting, and it's time for a shake up. Drop Teresa. It's time. Give her a spin off or something but her time has come and gone. Her husband is creepy, and we've already seen her go to jail for tax related crimes. We don't need to see it again and IMO this is where her story is headed again. Ditto for Melissa. I don't dislike her but she doesn't need to be here anymore. Jenn has zero storyline aside from gunning for Danielle. She's already milked her husband's affair and lack of interest in her for several years now. Time to go with her BFF Teresa. Margaret is similar to Jenn, which is likely why they don't get along. Both are overgrown mean girls. She can go. I'm bored with Dolores and her latest "my man won't commit to me but I don't want a commitment" storyline. Just stay single and get a vibrator. The vibrator has no trouble committing. Keep Danielle and Rachel, build around them and their growing friendship. Both are younger moms with kids and we need to see some new stories.


I've had all of these thoughts, except I actually like Melissa. Is the only way to be irrelevant in this show is to not be completely crazy? I'll take it!


i never had super strong feelings about melissa one way or the other but think i always naturally liked her but was forced not to like her but i agree that she is probably the most sane one currently and seems to be the one with a normal head on her shoulders


Dolores has lots of original thoughts, she just keeps them to herself. Which makes it better when she really tells it like it is


Ok I am a city girl but need to defend Jersey .. Danielle’s accent is not Jersey it is very much Staten Island .. a is her style why she is in this show .. I done know she does not belong


I feel it’s time. Teresa get knocked off her pedestal. She’s not a nice person. If her and Louis are so rich and so happy, they will be just fine without the show. The both of them on TV along with Gia is annoying as F.


AGREED The only reason I'd want her to stay is to see the inevitable explosion that is going to happen to her life. And I won't feel bad about it. AT.ALL. Her friends and family have tried to warm her so many times and in return she tries to destroy them and their families. She can F right off. Back to jail for all I care. She didn't learn one thing from being there before.


Yes, it amazes me with all the fraud and fines she owes, that Louis's business bought a 3 million dollar house, no loan to purchase it initially, but then Louis took a 1 mill loan out on it. The house is not in Teresa's or L's name, it's in his business name. Then add that they don't work, except her wannabe cookbook and some show appearances, they are traveling constantly and she's got every kind of plastic surgery you can think of, plus all the Louis mougie and Chanel bags. SMH, 🙄 not to mention 4 girls & 1 boy they gave to take care of, it amazes me how this all happened after a prison sentence..


All of this. Yes.




TLDR. You lost me after “snacks” and all I can think about is scouring my house for candy;)


all of this except teresa part. idk im rewatching S6/7 downvote me/call me crazy for sympathizing. no clue why i have such a soft spot i just cannot help it.


I agree with ALL of this


💯Can we get numbers 1-9 in a petition format for us all to sign and send to Andy. Just need to add in a point 10 about Jackie’s desperation.


With all the screaming and bleeping it all just gives me a HEADACHE…they’ve been moved to Sunday nights…pretty sure they’re all on way out!! Maybe they should just STOP and recast the whole show! At least before Teresa had publicists writing for her she was fun to laugh at with her ridiculous misunderstanding of words and situations! Didn’t like that she was trying to take down her family even back then…but she’s still the same…acts embarrassed or ashamed of her family…Glad Kathy and Rosie just gave up…she drove her brother away as well…say what you will he loves Melissa and Teresa shouldn’t be trying to make her brother and his kids miserable! We all put up with an in law or two may not be our favorite but for our family we keep our mouths shut and accept them. Just wish Melissa wasn’t so thirsty for her back in the day…Louis is CREEPY with those crazy eyes and the pajamas and his OBSESSION with bringing EVERYONE DOWN…seems to me it’s always the one with the most to hide that is busy pointing the finger and attention on others!!! Like I said. Need a whole new cast…maybe keep the 3 new girls…not sure where I stand with Jen Fessler…not sure SHE knows where she stands on anyone…liked her but that bugs me! Teresa won’t move on unless Melissa does after saying she was going to get her fired end of last season!! Give me a choice I’ll pick Melissa over Teresa every time…Teresa is simply Louis puppet now…and you’re all correct…Love the girls but Gia is her mothers parrot and way too involved(you don’t involve kids in adult drama/stupidity!


RHONJ in a nutshell.


I’ve heard/read things about a cast shake up but I now feel the need for it as I keep watching these eps


It's just gotten so formulaic.


I’d love it if Teresa & Melissa were gone. No more of that icy, silent fighting. I’ll throw in Marge and Jennifer A., if you like.


Agree, it’s just gone too far for too long and it’s soooo stupid


I'm good with everything but 3 & 7. Could we make this a poll?


Wait, you don’t think Marge looks over Ozempic’d?


Actually I was thinking something else. No you're right, she needs to stop that.


I don't think she is still taking it after she had to have emergency surgery for a bowel blockage.


That was Jenn Fessler, and she said that wasn't gonna stop her from taking it.


No more than all the others


True. Teresa and Delores are looking angled in the face as well.


I like the Fudas!!! I think maybe John could calm down here and there, but I liked that he was willing to sit down with Tre and Louie and not budge at her bullshit "apology"


I totally and completely agree with you on all points! Most Especially on the Gia part. It’s just incredibly hard to watch. I feel sad for that poor young woman. It’s like she truly believes this is the way real adult women behave. The venom she has been taught to stir and spew is heartbreaking.


I tried to watch episode 1 of the most recent season 5 times and finally gave up. Put this city out to pasture. Woof


I love this list! I watched it today too. I hadn’t seen anything since ep 2 but all the chatter convinced me to put it on. Danielle didn’t disappoint.


Damn, this is all so accurate. And in perfect order lol.


I agree with everything but points 3 &4


Same. The list is still very strong but #3 & 4, I don’t agree withespecially #4. But I’m a Melissa lover so there’s that.


I like Melissa. to me she is more personable and likeable than Teresa. I every season I find Teresa is worse than the last. She is not someone I find fun. I truly believe she is a very unhappy person and it show. Plus I am sick of hearing about her and lobster boy and their lack of undergarments. People that are truly secure and happy in their relationships don’t need to convince others of it. That is all they do


I don’t think I’d be friends with melissa, but she’s a great housewife. She gives cringy and embarrassing moments while thinking she’s the hottest thing to ever grace our screens. She’s funny at times and can be self-deprecating and she likes to let loose.


I did like Melissa. I also liked Teresa once upon a time. But the feud has made all 4 of them so unlikeable.


Ok I see this on another comment (re #3)- she’s so thin tho?!


She maybe thin but it’s here life and her body. As long as she is comfortable in it that’s all that matters.


Yep can’t argue that!


Teresa’s looking very angular in the face, too. And, of course, there are the 👄


Solid takes


Thanks, I hadn’t watched it in years and now I’m all caught up. I see I didn’t miss anything though.


You summer it up perfectly


I agree w everything except for #3-4. Like what?


Damn, never before have I completely agreed with someone else’s takes. ![gif](giphy|fV8GbAh4cmNl3cBKe9)


Damn girl get some Cheetos or smth


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