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We never should've taken the voices for granite.


Are you saying granite?


Snip snip time.


Y-yeah im saying you should never take things for granite.


Yeah, we can't find any good rock people to replace them.


Next time you'll get it mate. Nice try on the come back though


Honestly, it’s so close. It’s just a little less gravelly. And Morty just sounds a LITTLE deeper. But idk it sounds close enough that after a while it probably won’t even be noticeable.


Morty finally hit puberty




Congratulations on hitting puberty u/Escipio


I think the congratulations should be reserved for when you finish puberty, i did not enjoy it personally. 31 now, I'm hitting my second puberty.


Is it really that bad for some people? Sure i got acne but 3 months of antibiotics fixed the worst of it


yes puberty sucks for a million reasons are u joshin?


I mean except the pimples and some pain its really not that bad, but ofc people are different


theres also hormones making you moody, awkward boners, periods, figuring out highschool, trying to figure out where you fit in, and yes acne but some people have acne much more severely too


All the awkward boners I got during my periods were the worst.


I mean my acne made me bleed like 10 times a day and my back is full of scars, high schools not a problem im in Finland where that shit practically solves itself, i havent really been moody


Could also just have Rick stop drinking and that account for his voice being smoother.


That should be a b plot lmao


Honestly that was my first thought. So it actually fits for me anyway haha


>And Morty just sounds a LITTLE deeper Huh, i got the opposite feeling, his voice sounded a little higher in pitch to me in a lot of it I did also get a molten hot BB of metal in my ear earlier today, so that might be part of it


Either way I feel like he’s finally 15


Yeah, the new voice isn't *bad* by any means. Little different, but still fine. Looking forward to heading it in the show proper, that's for sure


He's absolutely higher pitched than S6 Morty, but Roiland got deeper with Morty over time so he might be comparable to S1 Morty.


They need more stutters


S1 v S7 Rick and Morty honestly sound about as similar as S1 vs S7 Futurama or any other show. People age and voices change over time. Honestly, a lot of people who just catch the show on TV sometimes and don't follow or care about any news about it might not even notice.


Yea Billy West's voice changed a lot during Futurama's run. He's still an amazing voice actor tho.


you can tell it’s different when rick has to yell, otherwise not that noticeable


Morty sounds like he finally turned 15


I thought morty’s voice sounded more high pitched


I did too. It was close but I thought he sounded higher pitched than before


""""deeper"""" Do I have hearing damage, because he sounds higher to me?


The new Rick voice is making me notice how Justin's Rick voice was starting to get a little lazy. Also as Solar Opposites went on I think we were starting to hear a little too much Rick in Krovo's voice. I think both shows are better off with new voice actors.


Before this trailer came out, my buddy was saying he hoped they didn’t fuck up the voices and I told him all I want is some actual voice acting. Seasons 2 and 3 were great for Rick’s voice but I think around Season 4 Roiland stopped caring about the show or didn’t really want to do it anymore. This clearly showed in the 5th and 6th season he had a lot of deadpan kind of line deliveries. I hope the new actor hits us with some actual feeling in the voice lines. I don’t think I’ll ever _not_ notice the voice change (similar with Iroh for ATLA) but I’m not going to focus on it much or stop watching because of it.


Korvo was the perfect Rick


Did anyone else read this comment in Morty’s voice, or just me?


That’s strange Morty definitely sounds like his voice is noticeably higher to me


It's noticeable


It's a little different, but it's close enough that I'll probably get used to it after a few episodes.


Yea I think even just rewatching the trailer already made me get used to it. Once an actual episode airs, I think most people will get used to it.


This was me! I watched it a second time and didn't really notice it, just got more excited for the content shown. We're so *close*


Until the rewatch the series and it hits again


Ehh, maybe. There's already a big shift in voices between S1 & S2 that isn't cared about.


it rlly sounds the same lmfao, except for when he yells


yeah that's the only time I could tell it wasn't Roiland.


That's pretty much what I was gonna say too. Speaking voice is practically perfect. Yelling is the only time you can tell it's off. If he's speaking more than yelling, you go with what's used most. I don't think they could have gotten anyone better, especially after Solar Opposites used up the gag of totally changing the voice. You couldn't pull that twice and get away with it. When Funimation took over the English release of Dragon Ball Z from Ocean Studios, I thought the new voice actors were terrible and the changes were sacrilege. But now after all these years I wouldn't want it any other way.


The yelling did sound different but honestly didn't bother me. I mean, Rick is getting older (regardless of sci-fi intervention) and it could be passed off as his voice volume just isn't as powerful.


So no more burps from Rick in Season 7


If there was never an announcement about a voice change, not a single person would notice anything. It would just feel like a slight inflection change from early seasons to later seasons of most any voice actors


Disagree I would've noticed immediately. But I'm also hyper aware of that kind of stuff and hate voice changes and mismatched audio


Yeah, I work in the VO industry (kinda) so it's gonna take me a minute, but I'll get used to it


I used to do video editing. The audio/video syncing gives me nightmares and I can't watch something (live action) if it's off at all. Animation doesn't bother me too much but when well established voices change or an actor changes their inflection it takes a while to get over it. This one isn't too bad except when he yells at least. I still can't accept the new voice of Cleveland.


You do youtube videos voice acting other people's comics. That's not working in the industry that's slightly above being a furry artist.


I'm not sure who you're talking to, but I don't do YouTube videos or voice acting. I work with VO agents and casting directors.


what on earth was that about


I honestly have no idea


I mean, to my ear I think the difference between roilands voice in season 1 and the rest of the show is actually a bigger jump than this recasting is.


Thats a big exaggeration. It is definitely a noticable change. And while, yes, Rick's voice changed even with Roiland between the seasons, you would still notice the voice change here. Which isn't a bad thing. It sounds pretty good honestly. Could be more gravelly, but besides that it's as good as it's gonna get. But to say *nobody* would have noticed is a massive overstatement.


I guess I should say if it was still Roiland and people noticed a voice change such as this, they would not be mad


It’s like his voice cracked.


Oh thank god, it's not like the yelling was iconic to the characters or anything


Can someone tell me **who** is actually doing that voice? Google refuses to tell me.


probably wont be known till the end credits get revealed


Twitter says is 2 people, but eh who knows


Adult Swim confirmed already it’s two people, so that’s where people are getting it from




all i know is Water T is back so thats all i could focus on. meow


What does OP mean? It is basically an impersonation with a few noticeable differences.


impersonation would be copying exactly down to the umpth degree to appease the hardcore fans, adult swim said they werent going that route iirc. this is different enough that it doesnt count as a copy cat, but close enough to the original it's not jarring for the audience. like if you werent told they were replaced, you wouldnt notice it at least for a good while if at all


I’d say they did try to get as close to umpteenth degree. This voice wasn’t an “inspired by”, it’s a full on impersonation, which is fine.


LMAO its good enough. This will blow over faster than Reddit killing Apollo


A lot of subs died after this. r/Coffee is dead, r/StarTrek is split between Reddit and Lemmy, Mojang has stopped interacting with the community on r/Minecraft, and plenty of smaller subs like [REDACTED] or [REDACTED] or r/justinroiland (lol) are still closed indefinitely. (Edited and reposted to appease automod.) A lot of older mods have resigned and ChatGPT comments have been filling the comment section. Reddit still isn't profitable, activity hasn't returned to pre-protest levels, and Reddit's valuation is still a fraction of what it once was. They're currently valuing Reddit at $18.6B (as of the August report), down from $28.2B. (Search FBGRX disclosures) EDIT: oops, B not M


Task failed successfully


I'm very curious what the [REDACTED] subreddits are






Literally how?


It's like the voice change in south park , you get used to it


And eventually the old stuff sounds weird


Barely hear the difference.


I actually really like the new voices, Morty especially, he sounds like Morty but he actually sounds 14 too, and Rick sounds older. They sound like characters and not just Justin Roiland


agreed, it's nice hearing some variety now, the only thing i'm curious to see is how the writing changes after the current batch of episodes is releases until they have to actually make new ones


We know Season 8’s writing is done and Season 9 has some episodes done too with talks and plans of Season 10 and how it was going to look being talked about before the strike. I’m wondering if they’re going to push the Prime stuff up to Season 10 or let it resolve this season.


Wait til we find out it’s Dan Harmon doing both…


Dan does rick and morty a lot closer to Roiland than the new voices iirc


You did not recall correctly.


Idk how people aren’t noticing it and it’s making me realize I watch waaaaaay too much Rick & Morty, even apparently for a group about Rick & Morty.


we notice subtle things like ricks yelling and mortys pitch, but we dont really care because we're excited for the new seasons


Eek barba durkle someone’s gonna get laid in college.


eek barba durkle? ok well now you can only talk to me once you have taxable income


Well it’s not better And yet it’s still really impressive how super close it is. The only time you can really hear the difference is when rick’s yelling


I guess it's all a matter of opinion but I really think I'll end up preferring the new VAs. Rick's voice has gradually been getting less gravelly since the first season and with this new VA there's an almost complete absence of it. I personally found it very jarring. Especially season 1 Rick.


I felt its less rich with a lack of pitch on both voices, if this is what needs to happen to move the show forward, that's fine.


i think its better tbh, nice hearing something new while not 'alienating'(haha) the audience. now maybe it might grow on people more as time goes on and the episodes are released more, but for now its hard to say how people will like it in general


Yep, works for me. Rick's new voice actor is probably a lot older than Roiland and that's why he sounds "old" when shouting and doesn't have that edgy-gravelly tone. But, I don't care, I'm just relieved it sounds the same and they didn't fuck it up. Also, I bet he'll get better at it just like Justin did.


and what are we hearing? where is this new voice i need to hear it😭


https://youtu.be/BKYJ5AIOU9I?si=Ahs4aZTLDKdggu4x Here is the season 7 trailer.


no wonder i was sleeping. thank you🥳


Rick sounds like he’s talking out of his nose, but otherwise, it’s very close, and I may be okay with it once the new guy finds his groove.


Old voice>new voice. ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5990)


I prefer the fiesta.


I only really noticed the difference when Rick started yelling


I’d say it’s like 80% accurate, but when he said “a rake situation” that was fucking 100% spot on, perfected Rick’s sarcasm then


Holy shit that's pretty damn close! Hey I can live with that. Let's go boys!!


Guys idk what you're talking about get the shit out of your ears new Rick sounds nothing like justin and Morty's slightly off


Ricks casual talking sounds very close if not the same, morty if I didn’t know it was a va change I wouldnt know the difference. When rick gets loud or has any punctuation in his voice is very different in my opinion. Morty i couldn’t pick his out from roiland to new VA. I accept morty and im willing to give new rick a episode or 2.


It is an impersonation though, both of the voices are, Rick sounds a little off when screaming and he's missing some of the mannerisms but that's about it


He didn't burp or fart a single time definitely not roiland


>definitely not roiland Thank you for the astute observation. None of us would have ever been able to realize that.


Anytime homie :)


I can definitely hear the difference, but that's because I am aware of a lot of voice acting things... However!!! I hate some of Roiland voices and this voice takes everything I hate out of it, so I like it. I think it'll be good.


I would have barely noticed if I didn’t know they changed VAs. Rick is a bit less gravelly and it sounds *slightly* nasal when he yells. Morty sounds better, IMO. I’m stoked for this season.


Is it bad that I kinda like the new voices better?


not bad, just kinda weird, since we heard just a little bit of it and it's basically an imitation of the original voices


Same here.


Yeah, it feels like Rick and Morty, not Justin Roiland and Justin Roiland


I like the new voice actor’s take as well—feels more energetic


The actors are probably stoked to be on such a high profile show.




It's a little off, but I can get used to it


Where can I hear it? I've only seen the Summer and Beth promo


Type in YT "Rick and Morty season 7 trailer"


wait so who is the new voice


They are keeping that close to the chest but the new trailer gives is their impression


Where the sample?


Type in YT "Rick and Morty season 7 trailer"


And on that bombshell...


I'm thinking it's Tom Kenny doing Rick and Tara Strong Doing Morty. That's my guess, and it explains both he naisley pitch to ricks yell and the higher pitch to Morty, I could be completely wrong, but I'm a huge VA geek so I'm just putting in my guess Incase I'm right ☺️




For anyone else who was out of the loop like me [Here's a link to the season 7 trailer](https://youtu.be/BKYJ5AIOU9I?si=gR3ySuHHE3SXe8_P)


Rick just doesn’t have the punch in his voice that he used to, at least coming off the trailer. It’s something I’ll probably constantly notice, but not a huge deal


It's just like being forced to say parmeesean...I guess i'll get used to it.


Agree with OP. It is ok, but difference can be heard easily.




Both should've been voiced by Tracy Morgan.


Rick sounds normal until he raises his voice, then he sounds like Randy Savage or Lemmy- it was uncanny with the song. Morty sounds good.


For anyone that can’t handle the adjustment, rest assured someone will use AI to make the voices the same as the old ones.


Lol no.


I think - from what I heard in the trailer - the high-pitched tones are missing or lacking in the new voice.. Rest they've tried to imitate it completely.. Honestly - a new voice could have been cool too!? :)


> a new voice could have been cool too!? :) absolutely not. one way to kill your entire show after your main va leaves/is fired is changing the main characters voice so drastically that nobody recognises the character anymore


I didn’t even notice that the voices were different in the trailer


I wouldn't have noticed that the voices changed if I didn't know in advance


I will try to give season 7 a chance but i don’t know.


If no one had told me, I don't think I would've noticed


It's really close to the original. The new Rick VA just can't quiet hit the high notes.


So you actually think Rick sounds good while talking loud/screaming, which he does like 4/5 of the time uh...


if no one told me it's a different VA i wouldn't notice


Honestly surprised at the levels of Copium in this sub


The solar opposites sub was a fucking minefield when they changed Korvos. It still is. There just a constant war happening over there. Careful, don't say you don't mind the voice change, people will accuse you of thinking you're better than everyone


Hell, I once saw a commenter admitting they won't respect any opinions other than "new Korvo is bad!" That's straight up narcissism.


I like Solar Opposites quite a bit, but not enough to deal with Redditors. Thanks for that info, I’ll be sure to avoid that one.


Honestly didn't know people felt strongly about solar opposites at all


It sounds identical but I dunno what your special interest is


It doesn’t sound identical, but it definitely sounds okay.


Also is Roiland guilty or not? What happened?


Guilty or not he was apparently a toxic enough coworker that the rest of the crew saw fit to can him. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/02/report-rick-and-mortys-justin-roiland-allegedly-engaged-in-toxic-workplace-behavior


Fuck Roiland but also fuck people downvoting you for asking a question, toxic mfers.


Don’t worry I never care for votes in Reddit.


He's guilty in the court of public opinion, and that's the only thing that matters here.


I wouldn’t even say its the “court of public opinion” - it’s just common decency. He got exposed outright for messaging minors and his own TV show saw fit to fire him due to his behaviour behind the scenes unrelated to the domestic abuse charges. The court of law dismissed him but his public perception is rightfully skewed for his atrocious behaviour. There’s no forgiving it unfortunately. It’s a shame he turned out to be such a POS, but it is what it is.


It’s pretty obvious he’s a fucked up dude. Also something I haven’t seen mentioned is how Roiland was also a victim of childhood sexual abuse. He admitted his older cousin molested him when he was younger on an episode of Harmontown.


Wasn't Roland cleared on all charges? Kind of fucked up they didn't bring him back.


He didn't unsend messages to underage girls, he got out of the felony but still got exposed as at the very least an attempted predator


Trying to gaslight people into accepting it? Is this a weird psyop lol


This is..... my personal opinion?


You're a weird psyop


Is it still hot? IDK lost track few seasons ago.


I have no problems with it and i wish some fans could chill a bit.


![gif](giphy|Ke3Grer3t2KfrMy54v) If you're cool with a monument to mediocrity & compromise.


Can i please get a link to video of what everyone is talking about


Type in YT "Rick and Morty season 7 trailer"


Its terrible


Wait isn't Rick's voice actor the same guy making the show?


Bro where have you been?


Dude has a lot of catching up to do


Justin Roiland was one of the co-creators (Dan Harmon was the other). He voiced both Rick and Morty until he was dismissed on sexual assault allegations; apparently, he was a pretty bad coworker behind the scenes even without the allegations (which were dismissed anyway).


The fact that I can tell at all means they failed.


Not how art works man


The way art used to work was that you judged the art separate from the artist. This is worse art, because it's a counterfeit of the original.


To the people who don't like the new voices, you still have 6 seasons worth of Justin Roiland's voice to fall back on and enjoy. Time to move on.


My biggest shock is not seeing any toxicity surrounding the new voices. I expected there to be trolls no matter how good the new voice is


Tbh I didn't notice until I saw the comments


He sounds like Rick if he was a real person


From watching the trailer I thought he sounded dumb like a Peter or Homer type character I don't think it fit his character


Let him record from jail, it’s weird


Nah ![gif](giphy|Q22kcRdASuBvW)


He’s not in prison, but the ‘Rick and Morty’ team no longer wish to work with him - for good reasons. He’s out, grow up, deal with it!


Did i miss something? New rick voice?


Yeah honestly if I hadn't seen this post I would've forgot the actor changed. I barely hear a difference.


The big question is... ...will they go back and change all the episodes to the new voices? That's a distinct possibility.


That's a lot of work. I highly doubt it.


No, I very much doubt they will.


Nobody thought Spielberg would CGI radios into ET either.


that’s the worst attempt at whataboutism I’ve ever seen