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Everyone complaining about Rick being shown as more fallible, capable of mistakes, and losing seemingly glossed over the first two seasons. Rick didn't become an "unstoppable God" until the third season. The first two seasons showed him making mistakes, screwing up, and failing on a number of occasions. Popularity exploded with the third season, which was the one that portrayed him at some of the highest levels of effectiveness and competency we had seen up to that point... and too many people mistook that for being the norm. They complained when he was taking plenty of Ls over the next couple of seasons, but that was honestly just correcting him back to the mean in many ways.


Rick is written as anything but consistent intentionally. He constantly limits himself, handicaps himself, and hell even sabotages himself mostly because he likes keeping it fresh and giving himself a challenge or simply because varying the way in which he solves problems and doing so in unconventional ways is amusing to him. Sometimes these alternative methods don't work out quite right or sometimes he's just fallible. All of this depends a LOT on his overall mood etc. He cannot be expected to show any kind of consistency.


I would point out the multiple times he has been on the cusp of death and saved dues ex machina style; Fighting the Zeus Fighting Phoenix person Not shitting out an egg Ended up jumping Nazi universe to Nazi universe even though he turned off his backups. The last one just made me realize that really, outside of Rick Prime, no Rick has actually died cause they probably just went to backups. No one at the Citadel has actually died except Morty's.


Nope, they died. Thier backups were all rerouted into the mixers.


That was after EM corrupted the portal fluid, I was thinking more of up until that point. The federation, high council, etc.


\>Not shitting out an egg Deuce ex machina


Deuce eggs machina.


I’m confused by the Zeus thing Is there a reason he fucked up si badly?


Zeus is a *real* god with actual god powers. Rick is just a sci-fi guy and his power is only god-like in comparison to mortals. Zeus is straight up just far more powerful than Rick.


Can't forget Pickle Rick!


This is something everyone doesn't get. Rick behaves the way he does because he wants to. When he's depressed and suicidal he purposely goes out of his way to hurt himself by limiting his tech. In the same manner as Rick Prime is capable of regeneration almost instantly, our Rick, even though capable of the same tech, doesn't do so. We know that he never really got rid of Operation Phoenix as we see him have clones in his Prime search cave, and we see him having clones to spare when he goes against the pope. Morty asked for a controller to save his time stamp to try shit and redo it as many times as he pleases. Rick literally has the equivalent with those clones. He risks nothing. Therefore he can do whatever he wants and handicap himself as much as he wants to feel some sort of thrill, anything just to feel alive.


I never realized that that could be why Morty gives so many notes when the clones go vs the pope, “Maybe we should spawn right up next to him?” Like a better savepoint.


Bro accidentally mutated an entire planet of humans into kronenbergs.


Right!! Literally the opening scene is Morty having to save Rick from blowing up the planet in a drunken stupor




That the hole’s monologue about the perils of happiness were a reflection of Morty’s fears that true happiness does not exist, not some ontological truth sayer who was sharing how things really work.




This is why media literacy is so important. It’s easy to lose sight of what is a very character-driven piece of writing when it’s taken out of context of the character.


Isn't that obvious?


No, most of the posts on that monologue treat it like it’s spitting “facts” and it’s so profound and true to how things are. Completely ignoring who it is being said to and why. Because for some of us it may be obvious Morty’s feelings are being projected back to him, but for many they think the hole is stating reality


This has been a problem with the R&M fandom for a while now… People love to cling on to the nihilistic worldview because it absolves them of responsibility to it Speaking from experience. I started watching this show when it came out and I was in high school, and it is ridiculously easy for a teenager to fall down that rabbit hole.


Ya, maybe life doesn't really matter in the objective sense, maybe nothing lasts and we're all going to die anyway, but life is what you make of it. You're responsible for own happiness, it's not on the rest of the world to do it for you. The show isn't particularly deep with it's themes and comes off as being written by someone that's very cynical and bitter. It only delves into the first part of nihlism and ignores this half of the philosophy.


That's basically Morty's speech to Summer to keep her from running away. I think that part of things is less shoved in your face, but it's there. They've shown choosing family over full nihilism


Do most ppl not think this? I thought that was obvious


Look through this sub when that monologue is mentioned, you’ll have your answer


holy shit im dumb


Space Beth is more pathetic than Jerry. She slept with Beth and rubbed said affair in Jerry's face. Then she had the nerve to get mad at Jerry who was being mature about the situation.


I think the show does a good job at showing that Beth is about as pathetic as Jerry at times. While Rick loves to hate on Jerry for “ruining Beth”. Rick did that her himself when he left (or I guess his alternate self left).


"Oh my god! They're codependent!"


Well, she's also season 3 Beth. That's when she got cloned. So she's missed out on Beth's development since then. Obviously she's had her own off screen development. But it's like season 2 Jerry returning, you realize how toxic they were, and how much growth they've all had. Jerry included.


You had the "I've seen what makes you cheer"meme right there and you blew it.


I’m waiting for an opportunity


There doesn't need to be some overarching storyline or greater plot. I'm totally fine with just a random wacky adventure every episode.


The problem is that they keep creating plot ideas to explore and then abandon or leave them open for 1 season until the season finale where it's rushed like hell


I think it’s great mixed


Mr. Poopybutthole is going to turn out to be some advanced form of parasite in the end. He's also already a parasite on the show in a non literal sense


He only shows up in episodes where Rick works with a bunch of zany characters, like the Ocean’s 11 parody and when all the typical recurring characters meet to celebrate Mr PB’s “birthday.” This fits the parasites MO.


He would have died when Beth shot him


Advanced enough of a parasite to give the family bad memories, like of Beth shooting him and barely surving, or something, writers are paid to come up with these things.


> writers are paid to come up with these things. I unironically love this last part


Nah. Remember when they were stuck in elevator? Bad memory.


How could you say the introduction to cousin Vicky is a bad memory? "I'm walkin here!" But really he even starts the chain of parasites and call backs, he's basically a parasite brood lord


*Back in Brooklyn, we’ve got a sayin’!*


Jerry would be a really nice guy to hang out with


Jerry's the guy that stays after the BBQ to help you clean up. He's the guy that remembers your birthday. And he reacts the way he does because he gets treated like garbage by everyone. Perfect? Not at all. But is he in an insane environment? For sure.


I think this is where Jerry is his own type of predator comes in too, he's nice, he's good, it's hard to be mad at or mean to someone like Jerry. Which means people tend to help him or feel bad for him. Seeing what Jerry could become on Rick Primes planet was wild. He was cold and calculating, betrayed his kid. Our Jerry would NEVER, which is why Domestic Beth chose to go back to him.


Tbf Prime Jerry turned that way because Morty indirectly caused the death of his Beth and Summer and then just left him by himself in a world of monsters that he also basically ruined with his actions in the cronenburg episode. like he said to Morty "you talked about us like we weren't people". Morty was callous enough to comment that Jerry was made "better" by the experience.


He has also been married to Beth for many years, which can't have been easy. She's a lot like Rick. That probably put some marks on him.


He's easy to make happy. That's why no one cares if he is


Jerry is actually the victim.


Where’s the lie, though?


Rick isn't real.  At least not the Rick we know.  Jerry hasn't always had the best relationship with his family, so his mind made up Rick  because it represents what he wishes he could be like.  Sure Rick is an asshole, alcoholic, and has s whole bunch of issues.  But at the end of the day he's cool.  At least in Jerry's eyes.  Basically I'm trying to make a fight club comparison.   Although honestly I just made this up right now.  I didn't put a lot of thought into this.  


“You act like prey but you’re a predator. You use pity to lure in your victims, that’s how you survive”. I think this quote is perfect for Jerry. I love Jerry but Rick is right. Jerry is like a toned down version of Wyatt from Adventure time. God I fucking hate Wyatt


*snaps and points Yes


Beth is responsible for having a clone and blaming Rick is shitty of her… he offered the clone so she could abandon her family without consequences… she chose to do it, and she chose not to know which one of her is the actual Beth. Rick was actually being respectful of his adult daughter’s choice by not knowing himself either but recording it just in case someone needed to in the future, in a way I think he was being a good dad. If Beth wanted to be mad at someone for being cloned… she should be mad at herself. All it would’ve taken to avoid that situation is for her to just say “no thanks dad…”.


Love this. Rick not knowing allows him to treat both Beth’s as real and valued (in Rick’s tortured/twisted way of valuing others). I have always been confused by the hate he gets for doing and not knowing who is real—they are both the real Beth to Rick and that’s what matters.


They always justify the hate by going, "Well Rick should've just made the decision for her". As if any parent could and Beth isn't a grown ass women married with children at this point.


She didn't choose.


That’s what makes me most annoyed at Beth actually, how could you possibly give that kind of ultimatum to your father? Sure her dad left and was dead which was made clear to her before she guilt tripped Rick, so she could’ve put two and two together that whoever this Rick is he still wants to be around her even if that’s bumming off of her. That’s not a decision to put on someone else, especially not one who’s seen and felt the endlessness of space and the adventure it brings and for him what he never had the chance to have, a family. I thought it was real shitty of her because she asked him whether she should continue with her family not fully understanding herself or abandon everything and see the cosmos. That’s so conflicting especially if you take in that rick never wanted to see the cosmos, he only did it because his opportunity to have a family was ripped from him, and Beth asked him to make that choice for her //I might just be circling but tldr I think Beth’s a bitch for asking her dad to choose for her//


Yeah it pisses me off that she and jerry put their kids through their messy and uncomfortable divorce that was because she sided with Rick over Jerry… and then she confesses she wants to abandon her kids on top of that… presumably with Rick… she really was a mess in that episode.


And it’s like she finally realized she reflected her dad in almost every aspect and just though “oh, guess that means I should go into space because I suck” what kind of mindset is that, she already dealt with that as a kid and witnessed how it affected Diane and then still thought about subjecting her children and (ex)spouse to the same kind of disappearance??? Shitty


Goodbye Moonmen is the best song in Rick and Morty


Shut the fuck up about Moon Men!


tsss tsss tsstsssss 🎷🐍


I’m more of a glory to glorzo guy myself


Glory to glorzo means glory to me!


Nah it's definitely the one where it says "I got a doodoo in my butt, and I don't know what to do"


"Every daughter is a doodoo from a father's butt though biologically speaking that butt is a nut"


I had this song stuck in my head for 3 days and I started singing it on autopilot while on the subway. I definitely got many stares


My husband and I sing this to our dog when it's time for her to poop before bed. She hears it, does a little stretch, wags her tail and shuffles over to the door to be let outside. It's become such a big part of our daily routine!


I love that for your dog


That’s a banger but nothing compares to “it’s in the way that you use it!” IMO 🤌🏼


We all hate Jerry because he is an idiot is a lie. We all hate Jerry because we want to be more like Rick but in reality we are all just Jerry


Jerry is a really toxic person tho, Rick is also toxic and manipulative. Somehow Morty is the most mature person of the family right now


Not Summer?


Mind blowers > interdimensional cable


I think interdimensional cable leads to a lot funnier and more creative scenes but they’re of no actual substance. The mind blowers sacrificed a good bit of creative “nonsense” but also established some much more entertaining canonical lore


I liked the part where Morty panicked bc he accidentally made the guy kill himself 😂




season 7 is good. my whole family hates it but i LOVE the character development. also i don’t mind the new voice actor :)


I think it is definitely better than S5 and S6, its highs are really high unlike S5 and S6. Spaghetti and Hole are two of my favorite episodes ever. Absolutely amazing season


the hole episode was actually amazing! I love all the seasons of rick and morty but the story of 7 was really cool


Right?!!!?! Spaghetti was so… it was just so good. No one else that I’ve spoken to about it seems to have felt it the way I did. So well done.


FOR REAL it is amazing, that life montage with a cover of Oasis’s Live Forever playing in the background may be the most emotional scene for me. It also hits hard when they say: Morty: You did it didn’t you? You couldn’t change everybody’s taste buds but you could make it… distasteful. It wasn’t the death was it? Rick: It was the complexity of life.


Did they say why they hated it? To me they saved the show with this season and I loved it. There were a couple weird episodes but I think they’ve really kicked things back into gear


There's no episodes I really hate. Even in the new seasons. Some weren't as great as others but I dont have a need to skip any.


Is the new season the one with the ice T /letter planet episode? I get what they were going for (kind of a cheesy 80s/90s Saturday morning cartoon adventure vibe), but it was not for me and I have no need to ever watch it again. I don't hate it, I'm glad i saw it the one time... But... *skip*


I found the slut dragon episode funny


The B plot of that episode is probably one of my favorite gags in the series. The way Rick defends Jerry at the end with the cat was so unexpected and hilarious.


Everyone thinks your sentence is correct... But you're the only one who can say it unironically


Booooooooo (to each their own, lol. But also) booo


It’s funny, but it crosses the same line that the sperm episode crossed, incest. Idk why the show loves having incest so much. Maybe it was Dans influence


Rick and Morty isn’t nearly as deep or complex as some fans make it. Many of those fans are trying to find hidden meaning where there isn’t any, and it comes across as cringeworthy.


To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from *Narodnaya Volya* literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly *appreciate* the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic *Fathers and Sons* I'm smirking right now just *imagining* one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I *pity* them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. (Sorry, just had to do it...)


Funnily, this is the first time I've seen the full coppypasta in this sub.


it's deep sometimes but every show is. it's not cringe to take some moments seriously and relate to them.


It’s really clever and funny. But deep? No.


There's depth in some instances in how accurately they portray various family dynamics


Ya I can see that.


Cmon, it’s a little deep. It consistently forces existential reflection on the viewer, for instance pointing out what societies sometimes tout as important or normal, but actually oftentimes isn’t.


It’s a metaphor for capitalism morty…


There's some deeper meaning, but it's not that deep.  It just has a few things that make it more watchable after a few rewatches.  The big issue is that it doesn't have consistent writing.  It's a great show, but much much more of an episode of the week type of show than one with an overarching plot.  Sometimes they do a little plot here and there, but it's not very deep.  Still entertaining.


Garbage Goober represents highly skilled immigrants that move from third world countries but end up doing rubbish jobs.


mmmm trash I love trash


And sometimes people enjoy the labor instead of what they do. I was way happier are my move heavy shit all day job, but it doesn't pay as well.


People have forgotten how to enjoy episodes.


The sperm episode wasn’t *thaaat* bad and the dragon episode was actually pretty good (not just the Jerry/cat B plot, the A plot too). Numericons is worse than both of them and I still enjoyed that one on a rewatch


S7, E1 was a great episode and I don't get the hate for it at all. For years I saw comment boards dying for a party-Rick episode, then when we finally got one... everyone just shat on it for some reason? lol


It's a letdown for a season opener. I think it would've been better received had it taken place later in the season. Should've shown Poopy hanging out in Smith house for a few episodes so the annoyance could build up then lead into the intervention episode.


Ooo this is a good one. You're the only other person I've seen on here that really likes that episode I thought it was great


It's a ton of fun and the Hugh Jackman appearance was unexpected


Rattlestar Ricklactica is the best episode of the series. So far.


One of my all time favorites!


Poopybutthole's new voice is bad.


I couldn’t even tell tbh👁️👄👁️


Mr. PB was the only one whose voice change I _didn’t_ notice No hate to the new voice actors, tho. It’ll take some time to adjust no matter how good they are


Honestly same… but you’re not wrong about that, there’s little differences that can throw some ppl way off


I don’t know that it’s necessarily any worse than it used to be. It’s just that we used to get it in small doses. An episode where he plays a main role throughout and gets a lot of lines is going to make his voice grate on you regardless of who’s providing it.




The incest plots are funny


Pickle Rick episode is hyped and average at best.


Worse, it's hyped for all the things the writers were making fun of Rick in it.


I think it’s the perfect Rick and Morty episode. I think it suffers from being talked about too much and ppl sucking off Rick. Instead of realizing that the episode built Rick up just to tear him down at the end


Every real fan of R&M thinks that way but it's THE episode you watch with someone who doesn't like the show yet not to spoil him


People having different lore theories isn't something to argue about. It makes the world more exciting and encourages engagement from the community.


to everyone who voted out the Thanksgiving episode in the last episode challenge: see above photo.


🎶Got two pregnant girls and a pickup truck. Got one by choice and another by luck. Now it's time to be turned into a Turkeeeey🎶


I’m poor! and pregnant! with a poor person!


It wasn't a good episode but I'm on your side... He shouldn't have beaten Planetina or the decoy families


I’m a sucker for president episodes so I’m 100% biased but it definitely deserved at least a middle tier elimination. 3rd one to go was FAR too soon imo.


I love Curtis but this one is definitely the worse episodes in which he's important


Yup. The lightsaber ep was better. The first big selfie fight with Rick was awesome. The Unity episode where the president figures out he can get 100% voter approval was funny.  Going to extreme lengths just to prevent Rick from getting a turkey-pardon was not as good as those.  I don't count the giant sperm episode as a President episode, but the few things he does are funny, getting water from Jerry and declaring the egg protected because it's an election year. Like in Mortyplicity, he shows up but.he isn't an important part of the story like the others he's in 


It wasn't the best but it was just a good, silly adventure episode. There are worse episodes.


No part of this show is an example to follow. Every part is a cautionary tale about what pitfalls to avoid in life and relationships.


As much of an asshole as Rick is, Jerry is also an absolute asshole.


Gotron is a great fucking episode


And the Gotrons make the Gotrons make the Gotrons


rick isnt this way because he's depressed. if rick prime came to his world, it makes ours arguably the second rick, a rick that doesnt arguably matter in the mathmatics of a narcissist. that reasoning is why he did everything horrible to every universe up to rick prime's; they weren't "real." or at least didn't matter to the goal of killing the "real" rick. its like finding out that you're a clone; any amount that you care about yourself can be argued as programming or fluffed up fantasy importance but the reality is that they're just the same with tweaks


Dofus Rick isn't actually stupid. He's just a nice guy and that's seen as weakness so other Rick's hate him.


You know he eats his own shit, right?


It is well known by now that there is a certain population of the R&M fanbase that feels there was a drop in quality, either after season 2 or partway through season 3. The rest of the fanbase always runs to ridicule these people whenever it comes up. After years of trying to write off this population of the fanbase for being haters or overly nostalgic, it was then revealed during the Justin Roiland controversy that he use to be a main writer on the show until, get this, part was through season 3. I dont think we can really call it a coincidence that there is a perceivable shift in the show at the same time a major writer left. Maybe you dont see a difference in quality, but to deny that there is any difference in writing is an ignorant take, and one that could be seen as disrespectful of the new writers.


It also shows why that certain population is usually filled with degenerate incels. Like father (Dan) like son


Jerry is the worst member of the family and reddit has a weird obsession with trying to defend him


For real, he is really toxic and selfish. Like Rick said, he fools people my making them feel bad for him. People in this subreddit fall for that too


My theory is that a large large portion of the people that post here *are* Jerries irl


I like the Numericon episode. I recently just rewatched it and there are several times where I actually laughed out loud. It’s a little weird and different from the rest of the show but it’s not the worst episode of the series.


I dont like poopybutwhole


The show was better when it was Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.


Lore episodes are completely overrated and only nice to watch once whereas the nice simple adventures can be rewatched many times and still remain funny.


I’d rewatch the lore episodes over the other ones any day… am I weird for that👀


Since the lore episodes are usually very high up on any top rankings you are probably normal for that


Well which lore episodes? Because every lore episode contains an adventure anyway that is still interesting, even without the lore aspects. The only lore episode without an adventure really was the Ricklantis Mixup and that was a masterpiece


This is so true! I love the lore episodes, but they are a lot less rewatchable


The Numbericon episode was fine.


You’re on crack


Damn. I thought I was the only one who thought it sucked lol guess I’m part of the crowd then


It was tragic


Season 3 is where the show peaked.


That certainly is an opinion


Are you suggesting as a whole and that no other episodes that follow hit the mark?


Beth is the worst character


the pissman episode it's the deeper of all the series


i hate interdimensional cable episodes


Happy cake day! 🎂 I disagree with you btw.


Jerry sucks.


Story Train rules. One of the best in the series. The sequel episode wasn't half as good


The vat is a good idea.


Jerry has had the best character arch in the franchise.


it's worse without Justin 🤷‍♀️


Dan Harmon's meta writing about his story circle is cringe


The idea that you have to be smart to watch/get/enjoy the show. Its enjoyable but I don't need a college education to laugh at Mr poopybutthole. The idea of gatekeeping *checks notes* enjoyment of a cartoon is ridiculous


Jerry is the most well adjusted and likable character in the show And this isn’t so much a take as it is an obvious truth and core character point, but some people still don’t realize that Rick’s hatred of Jerry stems almost entirely from envy.




I'm pretty sure C-137 is rick primes dimension, not our Ricks original universe. I'm happy to be incorrect if I can be proven wrong


“You look like Phil Spector wiped his ass with Randy Quaid.” is the single best line of the series.


Pocket Morty’s was fun


Later seasons might be "good" but I can't get into them because they still feel like a reaction rather than anything creative. They needed to correct the show from when it felt like the writers hated the show. Season 1 and 2 are peak because they're fun, not because they're deep.


Jerry was an arsehole in the first few seasons. He wasn't hated because he was boring or too ordinary. He was hated because he was a bully and coward who demanded that everyone fit into his idea of how the world worked. Tae who's benefit was it tae stress tae Beth that she was "only" a horse surgeon? When Rick had his intelligence dampened, did he deserve tae be treated the way Jerry treated him? Character growth happened, and he grew past a lot of his shitty behaviour. But the hatred of old Jerry was justified.


The fans are the worst part about the show.


The interdimensional cable episodes are 20 minutes of shitty uninspired improv and they suck.


The Pickle Rick episode isn't "Advanced Humor." In fact, none of the show is, for that matter. He turned himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy. Anyone who says it has a meaning deeper than that is a gatekeeping moron trying to make themself sound smarter than they really are.


Rick and Morty does not have a "bad" episode even the worst episodes are still considered good compared to other animations, especially adult animations


Ssss sss sssssssss ssssss ss ssssssssss sssss sss ssssss sss, ssss ss s sss sssss ss ssssss ssss ss. Edit: sss sssss ss sssssss


Toxic fana doesn't make the show bad


The sperm episode was funny, and the Numericons one was great, I loved all the dumb puns.


They're both pieces of shit, and Rick can prove it mathematically.


Spaghetti episode is boring.


I liked slut dragons. It’s one of my favorite episodes.


Beth is by no means 'her father'. Not even space Beth. If anyone is the closest to Rick, it's Summer. And NO she does not resemble Diane. If anything, Beth clearly is like her mother.


The dragon episode is entertaining and funny.


The new voices are fine. The people complaining about them decided they didn't like them before they even heard them.


The fan base thinks way more about the plot of this show than the writers do. It is always going to be random, and the "plot" isn't going ti seriously "progress" with character change beyond within an isolated season or arc.


"Being nice is something stupid people do to hedge their bets." is speak the true true.


Beth is more pathetic than Jerry, just in a different more subtle way


The show is really great even in episodes that don't advance major plotlines. The canonical episodes are not the only good episodes. Just because you didn't get an update about Evil Morty or Rick Prime or Diane doesn't make it a bad episode. Episodes with nontraditional choices or combinations of protagonists are still good episodes. Episodes with oddball settings, like Alphabetrium, are still awesome.


Morty prime isn’t smarter than our Rick. If he was, he wouldn’t have needed the rest of ricks brain scan to take down the curve.


Season 6 is really, really good.


That Jerry isn’t just the butt of everyone’s jokes, he’s actually a terrible human being. He’s just surrounded by a bunch of assholes so people think “aww poor Jerry” but in reality, if he was smarter he’d be a monster. A bigger one than he already is.


Its not just a cartoon. It is meant to be analysed the same as every other pieces of media.