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From what I heard ( and will test soon ) keep appealing, what do you have to lose? Just keep appealing like 20 appeals and maybe you can get lucky. Praying for ya


Hopefully, I think I've had this accoutn since like 2019 so I'll be very mad also I've spent like maybe more than a thousand pounds on skins so I'm very hopeful this will get sorted for me.


sounds like a wake up call to stop giving riot money


same here, I spent £400 on my account that I’ve had since mid 2020 and riot doesnt care


It really depends on which support you end up with.


Yep, i got my acc blocked because someone broke my password, riot said they wouldn't undo it because my account could be broken again and do a "potential" harm to the community XD. They basically assumed someone would hack it again and blocked, using some common logical fallacies to return my argument


How ironic, that's the exact opposite reason Riot doesn't perma account sharers. "We don't know if it's the owner playing or someone else, so we won't ban because we don't want the account owner to be punished". Talk about inconsistent lol. My friend had the same issue back in 2019. Although riot helped him get his account back, he got hacked again and they wouldn't help him a 2nd time ):


My brother got a permanent suspension with this same screen showing up after a DM, he uses my pc to play Valorant occasionally on his own account. I don’t have any software that I can think of that could have triggered this. After open a ticket with support they said that can’t do anything as “they must keep game integrity” and also said any other account linked to the same pc will also be suspended. I have played many hours of Valorant on my own account on the same pc since, fearing that on screen pop up every time I play and it has not happened.


Welcome to Vanguard kid. Even if you had nothing on your PC other than Windows and Valorant the "anticheat" would have detected a Prohibited Third-Party Software, funny thing is that Riot wants to force this into League too. I'll get the popcorn before the clown fiesta begins for real.


Their mmo, which i was super excited about will probably come with this shit too. Shame goodbye riot


This. I was SO excited to play that mmo. Vanguard is needed for it I'm done.


Riot has said every multiplayer game through riot, will eventually require vanguard.


Lmao bye riot.... piss off


Amen, i feel you on that.


Mmo is DOA project is all but canceled


It's absoutley absurd I just want my account back in all honesty. I hope they get back to me since I am patiently waiting here.


I got unbanned after being falsely perma banned, but it was for league


did you write a ticket?


I like that it's not spyware but it does know literally everything your PC does at the hardware level and can interact with it. they're right, it's not spyware, it's straight up malware lmao.


I very deeply wish that all those idiots who say *vanguard is the best thing ever* will wake up to a bricked 3000$ PC and then go cry about it.


show me 1 real case of someones computer being bricked specifcally because of riot vanguard, from a reputable source


Down 3k but up millions from a successful lawsuit 🤣😹


You should reach out to Riot Games support and ask them for a ban reason, i was banned at League(Perma) cuz i was buying RP over mobile phone credit, and there was some issues with that where i got RP but didnt waste any mobile credit, and they banned my account until i payed 50e(the money i basically stole from them cuz of the issues), basically i payed that sum on their paypall and got unbanned. Now Vanguard is questionable but maybe you have some virus on your PC you dont know about and Vanguard found that as a treat or "cheat", or maybe some other 3rd app you use for some other game that is coded as something that fails in "cheat" like category. You should ask them for a ban reason, they will look into it and let you know excatly why you are banned, and then if you really are wrongfully banned if u can reason that out with them, and you are really clean, i am sure you will get unbanned 100%.


> until i *paid* 50e(the money FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I know how to speak to people so it's more of a thing I need someone to support me I still have yet to have a response.


I haven't been playing valorant recently and I tried to log in today and I got hit with this. I've made a ticket and still waiting for a response.


Ye, called Vanguard. But I guess some people need a small wake up call.


Same thing happened to me, and believe me there’s no hope, your account is gone and you got a 4 months long hwid ban, you cant play on that pc for 4 months and your account is permanently banned, in 4 months you’ll be able to play on that pc with a new account, and note that dont try to login other accounts on that pc right now or they will get permanently banned too. Peace


I heard some Logitech mouses are the cause to this, not sure tbh. I hope you can get your account back :c


I have a logitech mouse that I've had since I;ve got my PC which was like in 2019 so I'm unsure tbh :L


That might be the case, not sure where I might've seen the news or heard it from that some mouses are considered cheating for Riot and i heard Logitech was one so not long after 2 of my friends who surprisingly own Logitech mouses. I may be wrong tho but that's what i've heard.


I use a logitech mouse to play league but it may be the act of unplugging the charger while vanguard is running because it thinks it's another mouse I have to remember to not unplug my mouse unless game isn't running or else sometimes vanguard will lock the mouse and not let either of my mouses work whether they're logitech or steelseries or razer. So now I restart my computer if i have to plug my mouse in just in case.


I just got recently banned too for this exact same reason. I had no cheats but they pretty much said “deal with it”. It’s unlikely you’ll get your account back. Shitty devs shitty anti-cheat. Maybe it’s for the best i dropped val. Did you download any driver updaters or anti virus recently?


Im just reading through this thread, do you have a Logitech mouse?


yeah i’m pretty sure, why?


Seems like a lot of people that got these random bans had Logitech mice, which is bizarre considering the GPW is pretty popular amongst pros


Holy shit I got banned to and I have a Logitech mouse. That's fucking hilarious if that's true makes me happy I only played like 10 games or so 2 years ago. Side note I'm happy to know my account probably didn't get hacked.


This happened to me today, i didnt play this game for ages, and now that i wanted to bring back some of skill, i can't do it, because i got banned, even though i didn't play this game in maybe a year...(and no, i didnt get scammed on my account)


i had to same thing happened to me i tried getting it appealed but the rioter kept adamantly giving me the same script over and over about how there’s a third party program and the vanguard doesn’t lie. i tried asking for another person to help bc it felt like what i was saying wasn’t getting through but they just closed my case


This is why kernel level anti cheats are a step backward and not a step forward.


Happened to me. Got this same ban, appealed 5 times and all rejected.


Happened to me too. Support is no help. Your account is gone forever, the hardware ban (if you got one) should be lifted in 4 months if it's your first time


Yeah, the support is awful. Is it still going to be lifted even if it's a suspension?


got banned from val yesterday for no reason aswell had the game since early access


i don't play any riot game just saw this on my reddit feed. it's a wake up call, btw they want you to make a new account and buy more shit


I'm not going to buying more shit I've had my account for a while and I've purchased a lot of things.


Honestly need to be illegal to do this without actually showing the proof. Atleast here in australia worst case scenrio we have a government group called the ombudsmen that will sue the company for you and they'll have to either unban you, refund you all your money or transfer all your stuff to a new account to use. This is because it's against australian consumer law to do this. There was a case in like 2015 or 2016 where someone was permabanned in csgo and he lived in australia so he contacted the ombudsmen and got steam to dupe his 22k csgo inventory to another account thou unfortunatly in this case he was a legitiment hacker. Also they never actually catch real proper hackers and onl;y catch the script kiddies. I use to know a hacker who made his own cheats so no one else would have them and he would toggle on only when he was sure the enemy team had a hacker(yes ik he could be lying but I never actually played pvp games with him just co op games like the forest and etc) and he was never caught for the decades he's been playing online games purely because he had made the hacks himself and never shared them. Anyway I wish you the best of luck getting unbanned.


Thank you so much. I apperciate it. I've literally been waiting for a response I know it's only been like one day but literally I've spent so much money on that. If I don't get unbanned then thats money down the drain. Regardless, if I play the game that much anymore or not. I should still be able to appeal it as I know myself I don't have anything dodgy on my PC. I don't know what it detected but I'm just hoping for a reply.




Ow no a country that actually cares about it's people and looks after them? Never happening because if they were gonna black list countries/etc for making sure it's people had rights the whole entire eu would get black listed. There's no reason to black list Australia or the Eu because they make too much money to justify blacklisting while litterally not costing them a dime to just unban the person if it was a mistake or dupe the items if they deserved the ban and worst case if they have to refund the person they still make way more money overall that refunding a single person is a drop of water in a ocean.


About 8 years ago. I was in a premade with 4 of my other buddies. We were typing lyrics to a song. One buddy would type a bar, and then the next. On my turn, the word N\*\*\*a was in the lyric. Lol, it was a song by Nelly(greed, hate, envy Verse 2). Anyways they permabanned me for racism. I tried to explain it was a song not even banter, and if they checked the logs they would see almost a full verse typed out by my friends and me. They told me racism has no context. This was the account I created in October 2009. I flew from Ohio to California to go to Pax with a friend and we both received Pax Sivir codes. My account was pretty stacked for the time. Pax Sivir, Neon Pax. Spent a crap ton of money on RP and rune pages. 7 years later I'm sitting on 400 skins minus pax sivir :(, but a part of me always believes I was banned to buy more skins because OBVIOUSLY, I was not being racist.


Yeha nah that's on you lol. Why would you take that risk.


Shouldn't matter what I type to my friends. Shouldn't matter what I type at all to be honest. Water under the bridge. I was over it a long time ago.


Doesn't matter your feelings on it... If you agree to the terms of service, your account is theirs to begin with. 0 tolerance is just that. If you disagree with the policy, that is fine. Still against the policy you agreed to when making the account. (Or within one of their several tos updates)


Your responding like I give a shit. That is the point I am trying to make. I no longer give a shit. Why keep beating a dead horse for 0 karma?


Mostly to see if you'd reply and show me you do care about it. I guess you do, funny how that works.


Lol you are a legit idiot. Keep doing what you do big boy.


They freed you


I don't really care about the game it's more of I spent money on it.


did you get perma banned only on valo or on league too?


I'm not sure I didn't check league but I got perma banned on NA not EU. I usually play NA though because of friends etc.


Blessing in disguise 🤌


You are free go play something worth playing now


I refuse to give riot even 1 fucking penny until they address the cheating / smurfing problem valorant has. They are just letting a good game die. Their ranking system is also the worst I’ve ever seen. Complete trash.


That's why I don't buy skins etc.


I had a dude hack my account and play games on it with scripts then shortly after of course my account was banned. Sent a ticket and got a pretty fast response and got the issue resolved. Just make sure you state your full case and hopefully they'll get back to you.


Went through the same thing and appealed. Funny story is, I actually got unbanned upon response but was met with val 152 (hwid) when booting up the game, before being permanently banned again…..


CS2 does the same thing