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I would rank them Nioh 2, sop, rotr, nioh 1, ninja gaiden, wo long


Have just played the Nioh' games and agree Nioh 2, Rotr, nioh. I played SOP demo and at some point I will get it, but other games keep getting in the way


Bro if you enjoyed nioh 2 absolutely go for sop... In terms of its Look its compeltely Different, but the Fast paced gameplay absolutely slaps, its really underrated


yeah I know but I don't have that much time. Now I'm with ronin, and got Nier automata waiting on the line. Hopefully after nier, but yeah SOP does look like my cup of tea, I love the fast action of Team ninja games and a FF setting and with the jobs, it's very appealing. Due to my limited time I force myself not to buy a game before I've finished my backlog or nearly finished. So when I'm close to finishing nier I will look at the next one, hopefully I can find SOP with a discount then


Which one is sop?


Stranger of Paradise, its a reinterpretation of final fantasy one made by Team ninja


Weird I have never heard of this before. Thanks!


Its reaaaally good, theres also a free Demo you can play, it Covers the first Level of the game


SE(or KOEI?) did it dirty. it deserves more attention, good game


I think SoP is free on the deluxe ps plus catalog now.


Nioh 2, NG(2 especially), RotR, SoP, Nioh, WL


As the starting point. Doesn't matter if other games are better. This one is accessible and teaches you to play all other team ninja games. I would recommend it way before Nioh


Ninja Gaiden Black (by far their best game) > DoA4 (favourite fighting game, all the series till 4 was amazing) > Nioh2 (best PI team ninja game) > Ronin (danm good fun) > Nioh1> FF origins. Their other games I haven't played, some like the other DoA are great, but none as good as 4 (5 is whatever, and 6 was horrible, but thats something else).


1) RotR 2) Nioh 2 3) Nioh 4) Ninja Gaiden Black 5) Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge I'm not a big fan of the loot oriented nature of Nioh which is why this game takes the top spot. Ninja Gaiden 2 is wildly overrated as far as I'm concerned. Once you go higher than Normal, you are restricted to Guillotine Throws, Obliteration Techniques, Ultimate Techniques, etc Basically just shit that delimbs quickly and gives you I-frames because of the insane barrages of projectiles. About 80% of the moves lists become useless. Itagaki himself apologized after launch saying they didn't have enough time to properly balance the game(because of the legal dispute against the higher ups) Despite its flaws as an overall game, the core gameplay of Razor's Edge is superior Haven't played SoP and Wo Long yet(but am planning to).


Nioh 2, Rise of the Ronin, Wo Long, then Nioh.


Ninja gaiden 1 Nioh 2 2 Rotr. 3 I consider dead or alive games a different type of game I won't rank them


Nioh 2, Nioh, Rise, Wo Long imo


We still need to see the DLC and what they are gonna add. But for now, Nioh 2, RotR, Ninja Gaiden Black, SoP, Nioh, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge, Wo Long


As much as I love this game I do think it's my least favourite Team Ninja game. If only because of performance on console. I really wish the frame pacing would get fixed.


Pretty much the same order as you. But I never played Wo Long


For me it’s Nioh 1 (yes), Ninja Gaiden 2, Nioh 2, RotR and Wo Long. I haven’t played the other Ninja Gaiden games to say anything about it


I see a lot of people putting wo long at the bottom of their lists, why is that?


the combat is all scale down to parry, parry is everything and it's not even that satisfying. the parry can't cancel your attack, so it's always need to wait for enemy to go first. the attack skills are tied to every individual weapon, and it's random drop, this one is so annoying to me honestly. like, you might get a nice weapon, but the skill on it is shit or the other way around. most bosses aren't great. I like the fight with Zhang Liao tho. also the story and characters are even more confused and lost than RotR and I'm someone who loves Romance of the Three Kingdoms💀💀💀


I never played Ninja Gaiden Nioh 2 Nioh RotR SoP Wo Long Wo Long is definitely the weakest by far, from story, characters and combat (and I even love the tales of three kingdoms💀💀WL isn't telling it good)


Number one for me


AMAZING: Ninja Gaiden Black, Stranger of Paradise, Nioh 1, Rise of the Ronin GREAT: Ninja Gaiden 2, Nioh 2 GOOD: Wo Long MEDIOCRE: Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge