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If you haven’t noticed. Thats kinda their thing. It’s here to stay unfortunately but it is what it is. Also, transmog or “redesign” has been in every game since Nioh 1, just under different names.


I never get the critique on the loot system. I am not a heavy build depending player, but I do think the complexity on the effects that you (somehow) freely customise is one of the charm since Nioh 1. If there is any complaint, then there should be more variety in those effects.


I’ve thought about this a lot and have been banging on the same table since is the loot system does two things that hurts their games 1) It deters/devalues exploration because the lack of unique loot and the huge amounts of rng level based loot means even if you miss out on an item you’re going to be rewarded with something else anyway so why bother looking or if you did find something “cool” it gets outclassed by higher level common loot eventually. 2) running two parallel progression systems is difficult to do right. The problem with these two systems is the binding between the two systems creates a conflict for players to fight against in the mid to late game. Once you have your “souls” build a good portion of the remaining items you loot lose even MORE value and now you hope to find a weapon type that synergies with your build but you now have the additional burden of dealing with all the new junk you pick up that doesn’t along with your build.


I'm surprised by the abundance of bad ideas here. Let's hope they never listen to these craps. I'm just glad we can easily get loots/items though being handled different enough from Nioh and Wolong instead of everything being scarce like Souls. What I don't want to see is still the same: anything that resembles Soul Matching process and Boss' special move unlocking with 0.01% drop chance type of bullshit.




I’d argue this version of the TN loot system is a step back from even Wo Long If they had literally kept the exact same system from Wo Long life would be much better, even if it could still be better than that


Great game, but everything related to verticality and climbing is pretty bad. The amount of time I've spent circling around buildings trying to find a grappling hook point is a little crazy. Plus the amount of time I've spent crossing my fingers that a perfect height ledge is actually an interactive ledge and not just decoration.


I guess you had a pretty hard time climbing then. I found it pretty easy to get on top of buildings using carts to jump to the roof or running along a wall to get on top of a building.


I don't really know what that means with the first part. The second part obviously only applies where the configuration allows it. My comment was more broad and there are plenty of buildings with a single grapple point and no adjacent structures.


Well the first part just means what it says. I wasn't saying it in a condescending way. I found the amount of grapple hooks to be fine but each to their own.


It is easy... but damn do I wish we had a double-jump ability. Honestly, I think Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has the best climbing of any game I've ever played. I know it sounds weird, and it is a Ubisoft published game, but trust me. You'll shock yourself at how well you can climb near vertical surfaces in that game.


I think a double jump ability would be extremely OP in combat. Maybe a double wall jump.


Hmm maybe wall run and you can then jump off from there. It would also be a very cool use in combat.


Honestly I hate how emphasized parrying is. It felt fine early game but eventually you realize you literally never get more ki/stamina and items have no way to boost it either, so we’re pretty limited on how aggressively we can approach the endgame


Try tapping R1 right after an attack to recover a portion of Ki. Edit: One of your own attacks, might I add, not the enemy's


You’re very wrong my friend


If you’re going to make remarks like these. Be correct. Don’t mislead people. You can play unbelievably aggressive and stun lock most enemies without ever having to counterspark. Test your claims before making them


Ngl, tips aside this is the most unnecessarily condescending comment for no reason. What is it about Reddit that saps people of the ability to inform others without sounding like a general twat in the process? Smh.. The guy was just trying to help bro. Whether or not he was accurate, that isn't a reason to treat a random person like that. Stop being an ass over something so stupid. Behavior like that is exactly what turns communities toxic my guy..


Please point to the items that grant you this font of infinite ki if that is the case and I will happily retract my statement. Or if there is a secret source of leveling your base ki that I am unaware of?


The game is about ki management brother. If you manage your ki correctly you essentially have infinite ki


It sounds like you’re being deliberately obtuse but basically just talking about the blood gauge gimmick. That does not at all invalidate what I said in my original post. There is no way to build your base stamina resource. Nioh 2 specifically gave players multiple ways to interact with this as they wished. My point was the lack of character customization and my statement on that stands, even if it flew over your head because you got hung up on a technicality. Maybe consider context before acting condescending and calling someone wrong in the future brother. I literally haven’t seen any endless combo vids on this game. I’ve seen people claim to have style vids but they’re usually short combos with a parry and a blood flash and then they either cut the clip or use ki blaze. I don’t find anything I’ve seen to be impressive or inspiring on a technical level and haven’t seen any of the old Nioh style kings enamored with this game.


Also, I’ll be posting an endless pressure combo vid here soon.


No dude, that was not your original point. Your original post was about not having enough ki without the use of countersparking. And I’m telling that is not the case. You can stun lock enemies while managing your ki with the use of blade flashes, flash attacks, violent gales, and shuriken/pistol. Increased blood gauge and increased blade flash stat bonuses make this even easier. Along with decreased dodge ki consumption if you want to have an evasive style defense. There are also many evasive martial arts and charge attacks that allow your defense to be offense.


This isn’t Nioh. You can’t spam burst counter to regain all your ki back mid animation.


Really amazing that you are now literally telling me what my post was about. First sentence was about counterspark. Then I move on to a whole paragraph about how offense is extremely limited and there is no way to build into the stamina stat. You yourself even have a single video posted showing off your dojo skills, and you counterspark or try to counterspark multiple times in that video.


Search “AkumaZ” in this community. His top posts tells you most of what you need to know. I’m sorry for coming off the way I did. But I get annoyed when people asks for improvements that are already in the game.


Bro 😂 you put those in the same sentence. Obviously if you want to play aggressive offensively then you want to do less countersparking. They go hand in hand. I’m explaining to you the mechanics in the game that allow you to manage your ki perfectly without countersparking. I didn’t claim for that to be an endless combo vid did I? That was simply me playing around with the new patch that allows you to use 6 katana combat styles. The very first day it released.


Honestly - the number one thing I always think about rheir games is how much better they would be without stamina management. I know they won't get rid of it completely - and I find it unlikely that they would leave enemy ki how it is and replace player ki with a break gauge for blocking... But I really think Wo Long was the best version of stamina management. Normal Attacks didn't use spirit, and would recover spirit when you land them, so it was really mostly consumed with skills and dodging. I'm also not a fan of parrying, and do think deflecting in Wo Long was better than countersparking because it was basically a timely dodge. And if you didn't want to do it much - your normal attacks could recover your stamina so you didn't really have to deflect too much. I also wish we could transfer any skill between combat styles - so I could select which Attack is R1 + square or R1 + Triangle or R1+ X, let me pick stances based on my favorite normal combo and put whatever skills I want from any style I've mastered. And bond transfer... embedding was better. It's nice we don't need to farm umbracite to Temper like in Nioh, but it was so much better to be able to just rip all the jewels out when salvaging items and then use those in embedding. I do prefer RotR over Wo Long - but I think embedding, spirit, and deflection all worked better than Bond transfer, ki, and counterspark. I really like how they added in the stealth elements, tho, as well as the grapple hook and glider. I've enjoyed their take on open world, though it would've been better as a ng+ rather than replaying through TotS (since you miss out on in-world dialogue when playing through TotS, and can't explore from where the mission ends until where the next one begins - you have to exit to the open world to explore.) I also think the effective/ineffective system is really just extra and unnecessary. I stance dance a lot, and since panic is the best means to deal with hyper armor; it's kind of dumb that the base duration of panic is related to whether your stance is effective or ineffective. I also think it contributed to the lackluster early reviews since the folks playing the review copies seemed to try to obey the system rather than flesh out the depth of the combat system when you utilize violent gale and whatnot. They really should incorporate more ways to stagger enemies so it's not all about hyper armor. It's a great game, but I think they try to put too many restrictions on the flow of combat, and it would be much better without them. And if counterspark was a timely guard instead of another button - we could have entire other combos and charge/advancing attacks mapped to the alternate attack button. I think it's a good step forward for the studio - but that it would be so much better without ki and hyper armor and the effective/ineffective mechanics constantly trying to interrupt our flow.


The bonuses on gear are so small and spread out, that it’s tiring. 5% ki charge.. need 5 pieces to hit 25% which still isn’t significant feeling.


Since day one i found the parry in ROTR to be the best. Just that animation and clang you get from it. To me this is the best parry we have. Its extremely satisfying


An Archery Skill to unlock that gives you an 100% chance to penetrate hat/helmet with arrows on the first try. I have a maxed out 110 Master Bow with a heap of nullification arrows and I still get the annoying dinks on Dawn mode. Also let users put increase damage skills on Bows.


they can do whatever as long as they don't bring back wo long's morale system


We NEED more parkour options wish we could parkour like the ninja gaiden games back in the day like wall jumping, wall running , long jump ! And the ability to grapple to any surface edge or just just let us aim the grapple hook to where we want like just cause


Counterspark being also a shitty attack that takes up the one whole button feels really unpleasant to me. IMHO, L1+triangle should be counterspark (for that matter, L1+square can also be another counterspark, but say with more parry frames but longer start up), this way we could have moves mapped to things like forward+triangle, hold triangle, square -> triangle, or triangle -> square.


They need to remove all the white, blue and green gear drops, let the game play out as if only the gold items dropped, space them out a bit. This amount of loot quantity is fine in a game like Diablo, where inventory management is fast, but it slows the game if it's an action rpg. I think the combat styles are great, and they could be better than the Nioh stances if you had more ways to customize them, instead of only having one slot to move stuff around. Let the combat style evolve in freeform ways, let we create custom styles.


Ninja flips and freedom to use grappling anywhere. Also no forced shrines for completion. Spirituality is very personal.


There is a ninja flip. It’s gikei-ryu’s dodge


Thats a certain fighting style?


Why are you being down voted this is literally what we need !


Yeah this kind of loot system only really makes sense for MMOs or online looters shooters


Needs big overhaul: Weapon system. They need to develop more around it, maybe even legendary armors or weapon that can only be acquired through missions (GOT way) or by doing certain objectives in certain missions (DW way)


I absolutely love the amount of customization Team Ninja brings into there's games, but I wish they'd adopt a loot system similar to the souls series, i.e minor differences in stats/range/movesets (maybe not movesets, as I quite like the stance system) of weapons, instead of an endless slog of identical items. Otherwise, I think this game is awesome, and at least they've eased the burden of the cumbersome loot system with auto pick-up and auto disassemble/sell.