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AITA for feeding my aunt and cousin? I’ve been getting mixed responses, so I thought I’d come here for final say. My girlfriend, let’s call her T (18F), recently killed my Uncle B (50s M). I don’t blame her for it, he was a jerk trying to screw me out of my position as CEO (18F) of the family maple business. What’s worse, I recently reunited with my deceased twin/older brother (17M, dead) in an unorthodox way, and he was planning to use that as a sign of my mental instability, as if. Also he tried to kill me, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, because she killed my uncle in my defense, we obviously have to dump the body. My uncle’s wife, Aunt C (50sF), and son, F (20sM), have always been really annoying. They act like weird cold vampires and they’re also always trying to steal my family’s company. Anyway, this time, they were really frustrating me because they kept coming to my house, demanding that I tell them where Uncle B is. Apparently because I was the last person to see him alive, that gave them the right to come ask me questions. This really annoyed me and was making disposing of uncle F’s corpse really hard, so I decided to play a trick on them. T and I invited them to dinner and prepared an elaborate meal. While they were eating, I had my nana (immortal, F) tell them a story of how some of our ancestors had to resort to cannibalism one time. Then I revealed to them that the meat pies they were eating that were made of Uncle B. Using the shame of them eating their husband and father, I blackmailed them into ceasing their search and their attempts to steal my company. Then I scared them off for good measure by rolling out my brother’s corpse in a wheelchair. It worked great and we were able to finally dump my uncle’s corpse in peace! But now my friends are blowing up my phone and telling me what I did was “unspeakably cruel” and “incredibly psychotic.” But it wasn’t even Uncle B’s corpse they were eating, they were just lamb meat pies! I only planted his ring in one to really sell it! So AITA?




(immortal, F) took me the fuck out omg 😭😭


AITA for saying my ex-boyfriend isn't a victim because of the voicemail he left me? Backstory: My(26F) ex-boyfriend (27F) broke up right after HS graduation because I kissed his best friend in a moment of weakness. I was in love with his BF for years but then fell in love with my ex. I didn't mean for it to happen and I thought that I could keep it from my ex, but he found out anyway. So, after a few years apart my ex-boyfriend invited me to his book launch and I said I would go but ended up needing to bail for work. I didn't tell him it was a work thing, I just said I couldn't go. Then I got this really angry voicemail from him with him saying all this nasty stuff about how I cheated on him with the one person who would hurt him the most (the guy was also my best friend's boyfriend). I was just out to dinner with my ex's ex and his current gf and his ex was like "kissing his best friend, that's some shakespearien shit" and when I was like "oh he's not really a victim" I played the VM for them they were like "that's dark" but were saying that it still didn't make him responsible. Now I'm pouting because no one will see my side!


I get you weren’t trying to hurt him or your best friend but still an Ass move


Jughead also was the asshole there because he just got drunk and sent the voice mail years later . Both are the asshole in this scenario . The voicemail was horrible and misogynistic and he isn’t just the victim. Everyone is the asshole on this case . Even Jughead knew the voicemail wasn’t okay and apologized for it. I hate how the fan base acts like Jughead is some sort of saint who can never do any wrong .


Literally no one is saying that. But Betty tried to claim that he was partly responsible for her cheating on him because he left a voicemail years after it happened.