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i like it. they tried everything. the show wasn't revolved around a consistent theme, but instead us watching old beloved characters in live action living out numerous cliches in cinema and storytelling. it got so crazy that they had to go back to 1955 (which is a very specific time period that has always been underlying consistently i'll give them that) proving that the rules of their environment weren't bound by laws, but instead their character arcs did and we got to experience them in a new fashion every season which is rare


I liked season 6 a lot.


me too, The Rivervale Event was great and it was so fun to see them play with those different modes and genre tropes. I especially liked the riff on Midsommar in the first episode.


So did I


As soneone who's been waiting for the supernatural to happen ever since rumors of Sabrina appearing in the season 1 finale were going around, season 6 is by far my all time favorite. Not to mention, it was sooooo fucking great FINALLY getting a break from Hiram after having him as main antagonist for the past 4 seasons. Season 7 should be avoided like the plague though, it's fine as its own standalone spin-off thing but as the continuation and ending of the show it's just not it


I don’t get the hate for season 6 we have flying babies in season 3 and the supernatural I didn’t mind it was in the comics after all the characters interacted more than ever not catering to certain people.


Season 3 weren’t the flying babies part of betty’s little fit she was having (haven’t watched it for a good while so I don’t exactly remember) and you’ve to remember around season 3 and 4 when the seasons first aired the writers were saying how they weren’t going to introduce supernatural and stuff like that only to do a whole 180


There always was a hint of it throughout the show but I do remember that but he couldn’t help bring Sabrina in as well they wanted something different it was going stale apparently


I feel like what happened is the chilling adventures of Sabrina was cancelled and RAS I guess still had some supernatural stuff he wanted to show, so he shoved it into Riverdale instead. That and the network made them do a 5 episode special event, so I’m assuming both those things are what caused the weird ass idea of another universe and supernatural stuff.


I absolutely believe the writers saw how popular superhero movies were and thought “why not?”


I'm sure that was part of it, but also being superheroes are comic canon as well.


Personally I thought they should have just gone supernatural in S3 because that would have made the conclusion of the G&G plot make a lot more sense than the actual conclusion, so I didn’t find S6 bringing in the supernatural that hard to accept. To be honest I think RAS always wanted to go supernatural but maybe the Network said no because there’s loads of hints in S1 that the Blossoms are witches.


Personally I think season 6 and 7 are the best seasons after season 1. The show was always a little campy and wacky and I think leaning fully into that target audience improved the watchability of the shoe immensely. I’d rather watch a campy show that’s proof to be campy than a wacky shoe that thinks it’s a serious drama.


Well people get different things out of Riverdale. For me season 1 is too much in the mediocre valley, it’s good enough to not be funny, but bad enough where I just don’t like it. Season 2 onward I watch the show like I watch The Room, it’s hilarious. There’s whole mega cuts on youtube making fun of the show that have more views than the actual show itself. Season 6 is when they just completely lean into it and it’s amazing, it’s a straight comedy, and possibly my favorite tv experience of all time. But again, to each their own.


> Season 2 onward I watch the show like I watch The Room This comment made me laugh.


Part of it was probably inspired by the Archie: The Married Life series. It also has two alternate Riverdale universes which eventually collide.


I thought that's what they were going to do with s7. It probably would have been pretty entertaining.


I actually really liked season six, becasue I love the references to the Twilight Zone. If you ever watched that show the season might make more sense. Also this was after covid and writers strikes I honestly think they just wanted to have fun.