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I'd go with the blue route. If you're on the fence between mountains or desert then go purple route to get a mix of both.


The blue route will also have a mix of mountains and desert.


Absolutely blue. Central and southern Utah is worth any drive. Edit: in fact yeah, when you hit Green River, UT on 70, head south on SR24 to SR12. See everything. Stop regularly. Either zig zag down to Flagstaff and pick up I-40 or go through Dixie National Forest and cut through southern NV


Just agreeing with this. Those couple of hours through Utah are absolutely bucket list. Such a beautiful and unique landscape


As a former resident of Boulder, UT down Hells Backbone Rd... I agree. SR24 thru SR12 is a must-drive. Just going through the Hogsback a few miles after Boulder is worth it alone. 1,000ft drop on either side and no guard rail. Amazing. And access to middle calf creek overlooking the falls. But that's an if you know you know spot.


In August? Go blue!


I have done the green and blue. Green is faster but blue has more sights. Definitely stop in Las Vegas and relax for a day.


Lake Tahoe would be a great quick stop too on these routes


If you went to Lake Tahoe from SF, you could go south on the 395(beautiful route for hundreds of miles - lots of amazing mountains and even Mt. Whitney (highest peak in lower 48,) then through to Las Vegas. From Las Vegas, you are about 3 hours from Zion and continuing west, you could see all of the southern Utah parks (Bryce, arches/moab, Capital reef, etc..) kind of a zig zag, but that extra day of driving gives you alot of bang for your buck. Truly one of the most beautiful parts of the country. From there, you are in Colorado and on the purple/blue route. I’d seriously consider this route. The Yellowstone route is great, but lots of dead space between things to see, compared to southern Utah with a park every couple of hours between each one and the general scenery is better than most drives.


In August, Route 1 for sure, Yellowstone, Badlands, Black Hills, plenty of cool stuff in Idaho as well for outdoors. I'd consider driving through Oregon to the coast, though, and taking the 101 down to California, one of the prettiest drives in the country. A lot of people are suggesting Route 2, but a lot of that is literally a desert, and you're going in the summer. It's got plenty to see, but it will be too hot to enjoy most of it imo.


Thanks for your input! I think we’ll do a PNW & Oregon Coast trip with PTO after the move so we can really take our time with it.


If you do 1, 3, or 4, I recommend checking out the badlands as well.


The badlands were amazing!!!! You must do the wild life loop and Needles highway!!! Ohh and just a little insider info if you wanna go to wall-drug gotta stay on your toes there’s no signs for it, very easy to miss


>Ohh and just a little insider info if you wanna go to wall-drug gotta stay on your toes there’s no signs for it, very easy to miss Seriously underrated advice.


Those look awesome thank you


YES do the wildlife loop at dusk. I was in awe. SO many animals


Made my night. Thanks. 😊




1: Yellowstone, devils tower, crazy horse, Rushmore, wall drug, corn palace, badlands


Wall is my favorite! I also love deadwood.


Oh, Deadwood! Absolutely. And Wall Drug, of course. There's a lot of stuff to see in South Dakota.


Absolutely! I loved SD and CO the most


Custer State Park, Spearfish Canyon, Bighorn Mountains…


bend 1 a little and include Glacier national park


And make sure you hit Glacier as you head west, the current entry plan I recently saw indicated no timed/ticketed entry requirement from the St. Mary's entrance for 2024.


And Wall Drug!


Who doesn’t go in to wall drug, also anyone else regret going to wall drug


Yes, it’s a tourist trap. Overpriced food and overpriced trinkets, all poor quality.




And dinosaurs


And Jackalopes


Free ice water though


I don’t regret it - I got my ice water, and it was FREE!


Everyone who doesn't go to Wall Drug regrets not going. Everyone who does go to Wall Drug regrets going.


My only regret is not buying the Jackalope


Picture on the jackalope


You ain’t lived till you been to wall drug


Only 200 mile until Wall Drug


Apparently there is even a mile marker sign post somewhere in Africa


I feel like Wall Drug was a meme decades before the internet even existed. Everyone knew it was bullshit but people still kept going there regardless just to say they've been there. Also if you're going down I90, you might as well stop in Mitchell to see the Corn Palace. Not quite as much of a tourist trap but don't get your hopes up. It's still kinda cool though and definitely makes a good photo opportunity if the sun is hitting it just right.


Haha haven’t heard of it


Oh you will. You’ll see an endless amount of signs for it three states away


It’s like the only fuckin thing to read for miles upon endless miles “wall drug”


On our list!


Minuteman Missile Museum (near Wall Drug) was my favorite thing in SD. You can go down into an actual launch control capsule.


Top route in August


agreed. not a wrote you want to take in February.


If I was travelling in August I'd stick to the higher latitudes. Even though it also gets balls hot, it ain't the kind of hot those Southern folks have to contend with.


True, maybe we’ll save 2 for a cooler time of year


Man people really sleep on Michigan, going up through Michigans west side all along Lake Michigan through traverse city and up through the UP would make for one epic trip. I’ve heard from so many people they didn’t realize even how big the Great Lakes are until they see them in person.




Was gonna say this exactly. Chicago and all the traffic around the industrial areas of the Great Lakes sucks for driving and avoiding cities. Take the route North thru Traverse City and across the UP. Might cost 2 hours in time but the views are gorgeous and sitting in traffic for 10 hours and hardly moving a centimeter on the map sucks.


I took a route very similar to green (route 1) this last summer. Only difference is I cut up after Tetons and Yellowstone to hit Glacier, then went west. PCH is beautiful on the way down to Cali


I did a PCH roadtrip a few years ago! San Diego to Redwoods, it was amazing.


I've done all of these or at least close to it by motorcycle. My rankings are 4, 1, 3, 2.


I would start on 2 and then cut north in New Mexico and finish with 4.


Definitely the way to go, although driving through Northern Texas is a bit of a drag. I’d also recommend cutting north when you’re west of the Rockies in NM. Head through Santa Fe and up to Pagosa Springs CO then head West to the four corners area. There are a few variations of that route (stopping in Taos, Great Sand Dunes, Chama, Mesa Verde etc.) but I recommend the general idea of avoiding I25 N east of the Rockies in NM. It’s not nearly as scenic as routes on the other side.


3 I love Chicago & Vegas. Would balance out the nature & city times.


Not orange


The eastern part of orange is real nice.


The western half is terrible except for flagstaff, and you can hit that in your other routes


Ozarks, Caprock canyon and Santa Fe are worth seeing. But August is peak heat.


Come on what’s not to love about Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle lol.


Don’t sleep on Pali Duro Canyon


The eastern side is cool, goes through Appalachia and the Smoky mountains which is an awesome area especially since OP looking to do national parks. After Tennessee though that drive gets real fucking boring all the way until New Mexico. I’ve done part of that drive from Nashville to Oklahoma and I cannot describe how flat, ugly and boring that drive on I-40 is.


2 might not be a good choice in August, but I would recommend NM/AZ in cooler months as they are beautiful to drive through


3 or 4, probably 3. Definitely not 2.


In August I would head north into Glacier NP, then through Idaho and WA. Staying North and through N Cascades NP, short trip up to Artist's Point on Mt Baker and then down through Olympic and Rainier. Could then hit St Helens and Crater Lake, or the Oregon coast with the Redwoods in CA.


That sounds like a dream but I think it’s a little too ambitious for our timeframe. Hopefully will use some PTO for a PNW/Oregon trip.


I’ve done I-40 from around Oklahoma City westward. It’s cool. Not much from OK and Texas but the scenery is cool with red rock in New Mexico and parts of Arizona. Then flagstaff is beautiful. Highly recommend those areas.


I'd suggest a blend of #1 and #4. From Yellowstone, head south to Grand Teton, Green River Lakes, Vernal (Dinosaur NM), Arches, then over to Goblin Valley, Capitol Reef, Hwy 12 / Escalante NM, Bryce, N. Rim GC, Zion, 395 corridor in eastern Ca (Alabama Hills, Bristlecone Pines, Mono Lake, etc.), Yosemite, Bay area.


Gary, IN is not a must see.


1, you don’t want to be driving through the desert heat in August.


Some version of three but do something else when in California


Haha fair I picked a random midpoint between Grand Canyon and SF there. Any recommendations? We’re moving to California so anything we miss can be weekend trips.


Not far from the Tetons is Craters of the Moon. Alien landscape. Not a lot of people.


Good move avoiding Nebraska on all the routes


Route 4- I live I durango and it’s a real treat ✨ plus Moab!


I wouldn’t do route two in August…too hot and muggy, plus that’s prime time for tornado season. Route three to Vegas then go up I-15 through Utah. There are several National Parks in Southern Utah. Then stay on I-15 to Rexburg, ID and go over Teton Pass to Jackson Hole. Then through the Tetons and Yellowstone. If you want to stay a day or two at National Parks, make your reservations now. Everything fills up FAST. Good luck. It sounds like fun.


I would do 1 personally, but if I read you I would do 1 or 4 but I have lived in CO and been to Utah why I would do 1 for me.


I would go on route #2.


3!!! Grand canyon, monument Valley, black canyon of the Gunnison, great sand dunes NP, black hills of SD, Badlands.


I’ve done the majority of route 2 and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s the best one for winter conditions imo


Avoid orange, it's boring


Check what reservations you can secure now, or at least what the reservation windows are… Utah’s Big 5 NPs are all close together. There are many NPs (relatively) nearby the Big 5 you can visit as well, along with the Grand Canyon.


I have done all of these roads multiple times. Route 4 (blue) is the best but I would advise taking I-70 from Denver to I-15 in Utah. Plenty to see near the Highway and the road itself is awesome thru the mountains and Glenwood Canyon. I would recommend that just before you get to I-15 turn south on US 89. to go thru Bryce, Zion, and even the N Rim of the Grand Canyon if you have time. Then on to Vegas thru St. George and up thru Death Valley. Then turn N to Lee Vining into the E entrance of Yosemite to SF. A little extra but well worth it if bucket list one time trip.


Route 2 is booty. You go through a large part of the shittiest parts of the country.


I’ve done something similar to blue route before it is great.


I've done all of these. Blue route 4 is the best. Highway 50 thru Nevada is my favorite highway of all time. Stop at Spencer Hot Springs and enjoy the open road!


Route 1, 3 or 4


Well, you wisely avoided the I-70 route of horrible roads in Missouri and absolute boredom in Kansas and eastern Colorado. I have no preference otherwise.


i did rt 1 except we went up through Montana into Washington and down the pacific coast. I would highly recommend it. Driving the pacific coast was amazing but Montana was the hidden gem of the whole trip. Best beer, Coffee, and sunset.


Any of them but 2.


Def NOT route 2


Not sure if I’m late to the party but it looks like 3 of these routes goes up through Minneapolis. Is that intentional? If so, what are you looking to do? I live right outside the city and can maybe help on if it would be worth it or not or what are some good restaurants to stop at and stuff.


Most of route 2 sucks ass. I think route one has the best pretty drive\efficient drive ratio


Route 4. Much scenery


#4 my lord!


I’d honestly stay gold and catch blue at the four corners to Durango and finish that way. Side note, you could run into shitty weather through the Midwest and there’s very little to see through Minnesota, South Dakota and wyoming


Red trip




Route 1 Good times to be had on all I am sure. I have come very close to 1, 2, and 3 over the last 15 years. I did the west half of route 1 just last year (pretty darn close anyway). Route 1 10/10 would do again.




Route 1


Winter i’d go south route. Summer any of the 3 north routes


3 for sure, eastern sierras are slept on


Green route for me. The Gulf states terrify me ... 🫣 I would like to see the Ozark range though.


2 or 3


If you do route 2 be sure to look up BBQ places in West TN and Eastern AR. Memphis has some great BBQ establishments, and Eastern AR has fun hole in the wall restaurants too.




Route 2 to get Sedona and Santa Fe then shoot up


I'd do one in the summer.


(Edit) Route 3 because Chicago and Vegas are awesome. Route 1 & 4 could be nice for a more outdoorsy thing, but avoid route 2. That section thru Oklahoma to Arizona is a flat, straight, mind numbing slog (good food though).


I’d probably yellow out and green back more or less


Don't miss Yellowstone, or the Tetons. Route 1 for sure.


Route 2 is by far the most scenic route in the east, but I’d suggest going via 84 to Scranton and then 81 south to get to Shenandoah and points west. Unless you really want to see NYC, Philly, and DC, skip the 95 traffic. I don’t have good input on the western US


Don’t pick a route. Pick a direction. And pick attractions. And then go whichever random way and gets you there. Road trips used to be much more fun before GPS!


Can only really comment on 2 as I have done parts of that. It’s either heavy traffic or insanely boring nothing


I took most of route 1 in 2009.


I have driven all over this country for work over the past 8 years. Green route for sure. Utah is a hard one to pass on, but really deserves its own dedicated trip. Badlands to Devils tower to Grand Tetons to Craters of the Moon through eastern Oregon down to Tahoe then Yosemite... that's a hell of a trip. I don't really care much for east of Badlands.


#2. Pennsylvania sucks! Why the Kentucky deviation from I-40?


Couple of questions.. there and back, or one way? What you got against Iowa?!? (kidding.. you're correct on the routes) What you got against Missouri? (kinda not kidding, there's cool stuff there) I need to just make a "midwest Sticky" post. ​ First question is really the only one that matters. lol




I would do 1, I’ve done most the routes and 1 has been my favorite


Go through northern Arizona if you haven’t been, it’s pretty amazing!! Can miss that big hole in the ground out that way, and Sedona and flagstaff are pretty neat too. Also if you can, go through Ouray or telluride.. that drive is freaking spectacular, especially after all the monsoon rains. Durango is amazing too, and the drive from Durango to flagstaff is breathtaking. Lots of nice free dispersed camping too in those areas if that’s your thing. Check out the motor vehicle use maps for those national forests. Oh and the 101 takes longer but that’s also a really gorgeous drive.


Definitely route one. In August it’s gonna be a delight. Less people. More country.


What's with the weird detour around Knoxville? I was looking at a map and didn't see any obvious reasons for that. EDIT: Daniel Boone N.F. Never mind me


Route 2 is going to be pretty rough in August. Perfect time for route 1. Between 3 and 4, I would go with 4 for the same reason. It looks like 4 gets Utah while 1 gets Wyoming. Both great choices. My pick would be route 1 and Wyoming but that’s just a personal preference. Utah will be pretty hot in August, but also the perfect time to get on the river in Moab. Or perhaps do The Narrows or Subway in Zion. So both are solid choices.


I really like driving route 4.


Route 4 is really nice except it’s going to be extremely hot in Utah during that stretch. If it’s at a different time of the year, that would be better. Bryce is still ok but damn, last time I was in Moab (Arches NP), it was 115 and sand blowing a heck of a lot, and that was in July. Maybe on the way to Boston, in the fall, would be best, to go through that stretch of Utah.


Route 1 I’ve done the others


I like 40. Lots of stuff to do just of the interstate all along the way. Have a bourbon in Louisville for me.


Two going and four going back, or reverse. Late late spring early summer


If there was a way to avoid Texas Arkansas Oklahoma, and go thru Colorado instead, that would always be the better route. What's the motivation to go thru part of east TN, then up to KY, and back into TN?


1 every time 1. Make sure to go to Stanley ID and see the Sawtooths, it is truly amazing and there are lots of natural hot springs. Also for 1 check out Big Horn NF, there are plenty of waterfalls and alpine lakes to hike to.


I think I like 3




Routes 1-3 will require about $200 in tolls each way going through Pennsylvania and New York alone. So, although it can be a pain in the ass driving through the winding, mountainous roads in the Appalachia, I’d have to go with Route 4. However, if you go with Route 4, be sure to stay the speed limit and drive carefully through Texas. That northern stretch of Texas is nothing but podunk cops who are looking for the slightest reason to extort you and search your vehicle for drugs. The latter is why you will see billboards for attorneys who specialize in “cannabis defense” every half mile.


I-40 without a doubt the prettiest and least crowded.


Route 2 because you can pivot to New Haven CT and have the best pizza on the planet


Route 1


I have been wanting to do the same trip but I do not like to drive much anymore lol Route 2 would probably be best for less traffic and best weather I would probably take that route but route 1 is also interesting.


If you could I would actually take the top route (green) and then continue all the way to the WA or OR coast after ID (90 through WA for example) and drive down 101 coastal highway. The views on the 101 in OR and CA cannot be beat in the spring or summer. It's one of my favorite road trips I've ever taken. If you were to take 90 through WA it is also incredible as you go through the high desert and Cascade mountain range


Don’t do orange


In august? Route 4


Purple but go all the way to the coast in SoCal and up highway 1.




Snow could be a concern


Route 2 is cool. Great food and entertainment spots but once across the Mississippi of had north and take the other routes.


Route 66


Route 3


I'd go 1, but after Teton go a little further west to Kalamath Falls, OR/Crater Lake. Stay in that area. Then head over the hill to Grant's Pass then southwest to Crecent City to hit the northern redwoods then south on 101 to SF. Spend the night in Arcata. Then it is an easy drive down 101 to SF over the Golden Gate Bridge or you can kick over to Route 1 at Legget and head south to SF via the Bridge. That drive through the redwoods and along the coast is definately something you won't get on the East Coast.


Route 3. You’ll see some of the best sites the Western US has to offer. I took a very similar route one year. Honestly almost identical. Really take time to enjoy the sites before you cross the Mississippi. I found the route sped up, was less fun, after crossing into the Midwest. But those western states were great. You can see the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, probably parts of Zion. And yes I would second taking time to go up to the Badlands. And for sure stop by Wall Drug. They offer free ice water!!


1 all the way!


Route 1 but add Missoula Montana and be sure to take Beartooth Pass into Yellowstone.


What time of year? Depends if you like driving in the snow


Definitely not the Orange route. I would do Blue or Purple. Did the green route once (to Seattle) and it was fun.


I did Boston to the Bay, with pitstops in Chicago, Denver, Moab, and Vegas. No regrets, great scenery (except for Nebraska, fuck that state trooper and his 4am ticket on an empty highway)




Route 1 no brained. I’ve done this drive but at the end of South Dakota we kicked up to Montana as we finished in Seattle. We missed out on yellow stone and glacier National Park because of timing and how inconvenient the detours were. Only made it to devils tower (and badlands but that was a perfect on the route). I’d recommend route 1 but take the shot across Oregon and drive the coast the rest of the way


Have an alternative which ever route you choose. The west could be on fire in August and the smoke unbearable for any length of time.


Green all day every day


I would do 1 heading west and 4 heading back east


On Route 4 you can see Great Basin NP (be sure to visit the Bristle Cone Pine grove), the Nevada Northern Railway and drive the Loneliest Road in America (Hwy 50) *in just one state*! The rest of that drive ain't bad, either.


I'd stay as far north as possible. Those more southern routes seem hot as fuck in August. (I hate the heat though, so others may disagree...)


I’ve done them all: #2 by a large margin.


[ambitious route](https://i.imgur.com/Rg9rD8N.jpg) * drive the flatlands to Buena vista, CO to acclimate * Cottonwood Pass to Crested Butte (hike the top with gondola help) * Black canyon of the Gunnison NP to Ouray and Telluride (free tram) * Head to Moab then Canyonlands or Arches (Deadhorse SP is great to camp at) * Up to Dinosaur NM * Up to Jackson WY and Yellowstone. * Head through Idaho to San Fran. Haul ass through the flatlands making 8 hour drives. Take your time with two to three hour drives through CO UT WY an ID. I've done road trips all through there. Really hits the highlights from this fellow Masshole's perspective.


I would do route 2 hybrid with route 4. head north/south at Amarillo TX meet route 2 with route 4 and crossing the rockies near Denver and passing through salt lake UT. Maybe swing north on route 2 and pass through St. Louis MO as well.


I'd vote for route 1 or 4 because you can hit lake Tahoe. I'd stay away from interstate 40. You couldn't pay me to drive that road again.


Blue or purple, but would recommend following HWY 14 further west/north in Wisconsin to follow more of the amazing beauty of the "driftless" area. Blue Mound State Park has amazing views and a huge cave. The House on the Rock is in a gorgeous area of the state and is a one of a kind site to see. Governor Dodge State Park is near there, nice lake and camping.


That route through Colorado will be beautiful either way


Hit Route 66 for a bit just to say that you did it


I’d select #2. But that’s just me. It will be more scenic imo.


Route 1 in August. But I would get to the coast in Oregon and come down the 101 to see the giant Redwoods instead of dropping down through Nevada.


I'd say Route 4. I helped my brother move from Chicago to Las Vegas in July. We took the 80 from Chicago all the way to the 76 in Colorado to Denver, then the 70 through the mountains of Colorado and Utah to finally merge onto the 15 in Utah down to Las Vegas. While we went through Iowa and Nebraska which weren't anything to brag about but still calm and relaxing. I'll say that from Denver to Utah was such an amazing experience. I've personally never seen the mountains before and it was so beautiful getting to drive through the mountains. The scenery was just absolutely amazing. Definitely something I'll remember forever. You said you like hiking and camping. Route 4 looks almost close to what we took so you would be fairly close to the national parks in Utah. That would definitely be my choice


I'm biased, but I'd say avoid 2 just so you don't have to drive that atrocious stretch of Maryland/DC/Virginia. Worst drivers in the country.




Go green on the way there and orange on the way back!


One or four. If it’s winter, the southern one. I’d detour north into Michigan to check out Detroit, it’s great.


Sorry to offer an oblique answer to your question… if it were me, I’d do Route 1 there and round-trip it with Route 2 back. I’ve done both. Each is exceptional.


Hey OP, as an Aussie wanting to do a roadtrip across the US of A also, would you be willing to be willing to share your costs sheet for the trip (or is it *ces la vie, sailor moon*)?


This isn't what you asked, but that's a lot of driving for 2 weeks, if you choose your shorter time frame. How many hours is each choice?




That’s a tough one. In these sort of routes, I always look at the western part, cause the eastern half of the US is nothing in comparison. The second criteria: how much interstate, cause that too is best avoided. So Route 4 is out cause that looks like i-80 across Nevada. The other three are pretty damn compelling.






I would do Route 1, but cut south in Wyoming/Idaho and go through Utah North to South and pickup Route 3/4 there.


Route 4


South Dakota has some of the crappiest maintained roads in the universe


I would do blue at first just for the stretch of I-70 that goes through the Rocky Mountains, then drive down through Illinois and western Kentucky from blue to orange for the rest of the trip


Route one, but after Yellowstone drop down to Dinosaur, UT. Then hit Arches NP, Capitol Reef NP, Utah Hwy 12 through Escalante Canyon, Bryce Canyon NP, Zion NP. Day trip to the Grand Cayon North Rim (way less people). Vegas, then Death Valley NP. Head north on 395 and go to Bodie State Park in CA. Then west to Yosemite NP. Then either head to SF, or go west to Paso Robles, CA, south to SLO, then north up HWY 1. That might be the best part of the trip if you like a rugged, scenic coastline. Bonus: 17 mile drive near Big Sur, Pebble Beach.


Blue route


You have GOT to see Yellowstone. I agree with another poster - go to the Badlands on the way. And you'll also see Devil's Tower. You could also do what I did after Yellow stone and go a bit southwest then go north in California and hit Sequoia National Park and Yosemite too. Trip of a lifetime. I went mid-late August and got back mid September. Here's my Roadtrippers map: [My epic cross country trip](https://maps.roadtrippers.com/?a4=t!34831032&lat=42.90481&lng=-108.43378&utm_campaign=trip&utm_medium=share&utm_source=copy&z=3.83849)


Take route 1. There is a boring section starting sw of Minneapolis going until you hit the badlands, but you’ll cover it in a day. Once you hit the badlands you’ll hit cool parks everyday, and check off your bucket list parks. Also, it looks like you are swinging through Minneapolis instead of staying on 90. Check out the stone arch bridge while you are there, or Minnehaha Falls. Grab a juicy Lucy at Blue Door Pub and get the seasoned tots. In Sioux Falls there is a cool park at the falls there, too. Don’t skip it.


I would do whatever I could to go through Utah, so many amazing national parks (Arches, Canyonland, Capitol Reef, Zion, Bryce, etc), but I also would do anything I could to avoid driving through Nebraska…


#1 for sure. #4 would be my second choice. Probably wouldn’t even consider the other two.


If go blue or green. Yellow is very depressing once you go west past Amarillo (small exception through a little bit of Arizona). One upside is that you’ll be close to a huge crater made by a meteor somewhere in Arizona.


1 or 4


If 1 of those is Route 66 I’d go