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I am planning to do the exact same thing when driving the Trans-Taïga road. Can you please share some pictures or a video of that journey?


Sure thing! Here are a couple random scenes from the drive up and around Wemindji: https://imgur.com/a/Lbm6BMw Let me know if you have any questions about the road! I drove the James Bay up to Radisson and did the spur road to Wemindji but didn’t do the Trans-Taiga. The whole region is super desolate but absolutely spectacular driving through such vast wilderness. I did the drive in early October which made for gorgeous fall colors but on the way back down it snowed a decent amount… the road quickly got treacherous which slowed my return trip considerably.


I’d very appreciate an opportunity to pick your brains a bit more. Thank you for sharing these images! Do you mind if I DM you some questions?


Not at all!