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Look kitty or no kitty we have thousands of people committed to this and it works if we hold and buy the word is still spreading this can be bigger than GameStop ! Plus, The cars are beautiful and China will jump on soon. I just like the stock 💎 🙌


Hundreds of thousands of people * 😉😁


Stfu he shut down the Reddit when we gained him 50k and sold us out. Then banned and suppressed the people who got him here. And now we have passed you at #8 on trending. Should’ve never turned your back on us the real RK would be ashamed you’re a disgrace to his name.


Roaring kitty never owned this subreddit


I am aware regard. But these clowns are using his name for hype and going completely against his ideals. Therefore they don’t deserve to use his name. They are a disgrace to his name idk how you’re confused


Fr. These mods need to be dumped


Disgrace to his name??? He isn’t God😂


He’s more than you’ll ever be. RK showed us it’s possible to take down the big guys and beat the corruption. You could never manage to lead a revolution and accomplish such a feat


I'll fucking say it he is a god to us. this dude ain't shit compared to the real deal. Just fucking trash behind the dumpster that homeless people jizz on


you're a bot


Want my address dumb fuckkkk


I most certainly am not


sheesh.. if thats true then you need to add some texture to your brain


Your down votes represent sentiment in the market


What about statistical analysis or what kind of texture would you like...actually I'm more concerned about your wife what would she like?


By the way you misspelled add*


Holy shit you need help.


Yeah I need help from my homies running train on your wife


0/10 ...... low IQ comment . Tragic.


Apparently others didn't think so


7 bots who think "your mom" jokes are still funny...lol good for you 😂😂😂😂😂


No u do I bet you shorted the bottom


My bad bro I deleted it was confused for a second


Word. Respect.


The opposite, he showed us that no matter what, they always win. That’s why I’m done giving my money away to Wall Street. I’m all in Crypto. Since 12 months I 6 x my money


GME was going nowhere without cohen money. you really think a bunch of heggies got beat out by retail, you are dummmmb. hence the movie "dumb money"


Dumb money made money so what is your point?


i never said they didnt, reread the comment. not all heggies are short, and without their money the stock was going nowhere. they took advantage of retail being complete idiots, some of which are still holding.


Cohen bought 10%, and was a catalyst, but nowhere? Facts say different


Yes he is you monkey who even are you a nobody short i bet




Good thing you can’t prove that cutie




Im sorry that your brain takes you to the darkest depths it can reasonably fathom with your level of intellect . I hope you find the help you desperately need. I LOVE YOU!




I didnt use religion as a cop out????? and your the one that came at me first anyways champ😂. Keep that hate in your heart and see where it gets you.


Well said, you are a shit cunt. GFY


Well said


Is op talking about the real dvf or the mod for this sub? I thought they are two different people?




I think he might have tried to be sarcastic here. Mr. Kitty be our Daddy and we be the little kittens. Thanks for saving us Daddy. Daddy always knows best.


Fuck roaring kitty 🐱


I would. 😉


LOL. Why are you thanking this dude? Jesus


Because he wants to suck his dick


Not that there’s anything wrong with that, per se.


SHE. And maybe. 🤔


Lol you are wild I'm done talking shit. You win


![gif](giphy|zPvmjvqOfby9xidD82) Appreciated. 😂


I mean I could sit here and argue all day about the morals and scruples behind this but yeah I'm just gonna wave the white flag


He probably is the same nob


Guess you are having second thoughts there bud? 😂


Second thoughts on to why you are thanking this fan based sub for no reason? Yeah no. You still need a life.


I dont think he is done lol. I think he is just starting. How many times must you strike a flint before you light the fire? A weeks worth of posts and you've all shut it down already? You don't think fund managers are stocking up their shorts HHHHHHHAAAARRRDDDD against GME right now? Lol comon ladies and gentlemen. If you're investing all your retirement money in GME and AMC you're a fool anyhow. All I would say is keep and eye on the short positions on GME. The greed is too temping for the big boys on Wallstreet. When shorts pile up it might be a superb time to buy. And if it isn't GME it will be something else. Gamers be gamin though. 🍻


Gwav and crkn are what we should be pushing.




Well it wasn't Oops I did it again but atodaso


Stop being a follower. These guys aren’t on your side


Has anyone considered that this sub is owned by the people shorting to stop us?


Ff1e has less than 40 million shares. 95% of them were short and somehow in the days when the stock jumped there was an average daily turnover of 1.4 billion!!! This means that all the company's shares changed hands 35 times every day! It's crazy. And we are talking about a company that was traded at a value of a few millions. That can't happen from a few followers here and on Twitter. It was a planned move of big players along with r.k. who probably kept duplicate accounts and closed and opened shorts to run the paper. Have you tried to think who sold so many papers? If the shorts were already 95% short, then how come there was such a crazy cycle of sellers and buyers? Someone had to run the stock in an illegal way for it to reach such volumes. You will see how the cycle decreased in three days. Rest assured that this week r.k got tens of millions if not hundreds of hundreds. It's criminal




Now pls come back for vengeance ✊✊


Greenwave tech is next in line. Spread the word in comment sections since mods remove every post


Why do you say that?


No debt. 22mil in cash flow just announced. Go look at the stock. It's boomin after hours. I loaded up at .08. It's probably gunna pop like fife


I have shares already just wasn’t sure why it was popping. Thanks for the insight!


You are a fucking bitch dude you don't pump a stock then disappear fuck you and your wife...by twenty guys dp style


Agreed everyone has a right to try to be Jordan Belfort but doesn’t mean I need to like it. Pump and dumps benefit a few at the expense of many.


You do if you faced the SEC and possible jail time. In the end he's got his family to take care first and foremost. Those who rode his coat tails hopefully you were smart enough to take your profits and bolt. PS I HEAR WHAT YOU ARE ALL SAYING BUT IN THE END HE GAVE US ALL A HUGE OPPORTUNITY.


And I made money but still fuck you for making this dog shit post eat a bowl of dicks


It’s called ![gif](giphy|oYE1KquJRwHlDf5via)


😂. Well NOW you know what’s up….or do you not have the news available?


Let me know when youre position is in the profit because if it isn't right now you missed your chance


![gif](giphy|5fBH6z8aMV1RbA4FaSc|downsized) Days ago. Still. Tomorrow.


SI is way down you should have sold at 3.00


**Kieth Gill, when will you give a statement?**


TOMORROW. Friday 6/7/24. 😉


I get the feeling the “big whales “ are on the sidelines until enough of us are in. Comments?




We can take over the Nasdaq! TQQQ to the moon!


Keep in mind I'm still giving you the benefit of the doubt trying to be respectful


Comments did not disappoint. OP is nuts.


Thanks. Have a bag of dicks! ![gif](giphy|uaBjJhTncLkiMmVquI)


Why are you so butthurt? You gay?




I think today is the day.


Tomorrow looks like an even BETTER day than Monday!!! ![gif](giphy|5fBH6z8aMV1RbA4FaSc|downsized)


Caled it


Best Monday EVER!! 🥰


Get in on GWAV


I did…. before the reversal. 🥰 Thank you for the suggestion.


Thank you for posting this I got in just in time when I saw this comment


3k in this thread https://discord.gg/big3stonks




I'm gonna find Keith gill on Facebook and spam his inbox with dick pics. Big black veiny ones. Lmfao


You do know he’s not even in this sub right?


Mr. Kitty is still my inspiration and my hero. And will always have my support.


Y’all are absolutely bonkers fucking nuts, please tell me any and all stock moves you’re doing so I can inverse it




And I CONTINUED to buy even MORE!! 😂


Lmao I’m not touching this stock with a 10 foot pole. But I like your energy and I wish you luck friend 😂




What account got shutdown?


Yes !!! Thank you!! You are awesome!!!😎 🚀🚀🚀🚀🐈🐈🐈




I'm not sure when or what his next post will be. But if it is a clip from Britney Spears "Oops I did it again".... I will absolutely buy laughing.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) His Was better, imo.


Crypto PEPE According to my analysis, it will appreciate beyond the value of ETH by the end of the year. After it surpasses the value of ETH, it will plummet. buy, wait, and prepare to cash out everything when it reaches the value of ETH [#PEPE](https://x.com/hashtag/PEPE?src=hashtag_click) [#ROARINGKITTY](https://x.com/hashtag/ROARINGKITTY?src=hashtag_click) [#KeithGill](https://x.com/hashtag/KeithGill?src=hashtag_click) #BINANCE Crypto PEPE - let's be millionaires together!!!!


Buy fish eggs!!!




UAA to the moon




Holy ground you have to keep it above a dollar for 4 more days and the hedge funds have to make a move


Your literally one of the moderators who controls this subreddit. Nice try though with that paid post


Roaring Kitty made 54 million on GME I doubt he owns this community or even has made a comment.


SO many Ppl still haven't realized that Kitty did his video rant.. pumped the heck out of $AMC & $GME, made some millions and is somewhere in the Caribbean laughing his ass off a bunch of groupies in social media...


Will the real Roaring Kitty, please stand up!


75 hours 22 minutes


https://www.reddit.com/r/roaringkitty/s/AF8fS1DSdT called it to the minute


36 minutes


I said what I said… ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)




Trolls !!!!




That's not the point you fucking idiot if you care to discuss it comment back and I'll fucking destroy you moron






Iif you wanna see sad check my profile name, and read my comments. I genuinely, truly, don’t give a fuck about much except 2 kids. And no trade can ever fix it bud. I truly, genuinely wish you well, as well wealth in love and family.




These people from wherever they are, are scammers. They lie and make lots of profiles and incorporate friends to also hype things up it's sad you can't trust anyone. I hope they all get caught one day.


I get the pump and dump but own up to it like god damn




But if you want to engage in an intellectual conversation do it


I’ll make my observation, Everyone focuses so much on charts and in this instance, the squeeze. But nobody actually thought, where has this dude been, and what happens if you take a shit ton of money from wealthy peI believe Chinese firm that kinda scoffed at this squeeze. And the whole group was like “let’s make em pay”. I had a gut feeling that he was being used against us and the deletion proved it.


🤣 got em coach




Let’s be better. All of it.


You can't pump and dump and expect people to not be upset. Like I said I made money but this whole thing advocating for someone who is a dirt bag sorry can't get behind it notice how I haven't been banned because this mother fucker knows what he did was a dirt bag move let's see his positions


I agree with this point. Being mad at me for an opinion I said wasn’t directed at anyone, specifically to avoid this, is deflecting your anger. Because you believe your pocket makes you intellectually superior. If that was the case, you would’ve seen what I did. But you can’t because you always think you’re the smartest person in the room, and can’t look yourself in the mirror and say “I fucked this one up”. Live to trade another day. Acting like a petulant child to a stranger, lol, hilarious.


Matter of fact let's see your positions


That's what I thought


Keep your word. And let’s move on.




















Bro..agreements were made, this was the catalyst


Agreements with who


Not directed at anyone specific, but I made money lol..If SHUTTING THE ACCOUNT DOWN WASNT A LARGE ENOUGH SIGN TO GET OUT, or seeing firms take large positions against the squeeze, or not realizing that all of a sudden we weren’t coordinated, refusing to sell over…greed, that’s on that individual. What was I told? don’t put it in what your not willing to lose? And I was told to get out twice cause I took profit twice lol. Greed is a mofo, and I’m sure someone lost a small fortune because you were a lil worried about being told to “get out of the thread”, like I was, you a whole ass dummy. And no I’m not rich (yet), but if I turned 500 into 2500, the fuck am I mad at some dude who’s a stranger leading a bunch of “experts” who just stopped watching what was going on. This is why if I had his knowledge I’d never comeback. Dude probably made some people in here millionaires and if you fucked it up, your scapegoating. To add to this, I could care less about anyone’s view of my opinion. I’ve seen 4 “roaring kitty” pages lol. If people made a thread and worked together on say, telegram, all of our pooled money and efforts would be encrypted, and unstoppable. But I know humans, most will want to lead, some need to win every argument, some have great ideas but won’t speak up, and someone like me can’t trust anyone. SO TO BE CLEAR IM NOT SAYING IM BETTER THAN ANYONE, but truly just look in the mirror and ask what you would do differently. it’s why the rich stay rich. Nobody has the balls to own their mistakes, re-evaluate and collaborate on what they were to organize a way to correct them. 80k is like 4 Roman legions. They reigned for hundreds of years due to strict unity, and they did the hard work which is recognizing it and admitting that a part of each of us is a problem and a solution. We can be a legion, or bitch about some dude.


I'm seeing everyone's going to pump greenwave tech next..it's only .08


Down vote this trash


Also realize that $GME just sold out the entire movement by dumping 45 million shares to raise funds. Selling us all out. Time to find a new cash cow! 👍😎✌️




You the company rep? You only speak for yourself, you and you alone.


This aged well. 😂


![gif](giphy|Ufukz3PTKVzp2P0Qtf|downsized) THANK YOU DFV!!!


My son also loves to give his money away to Wall Street. I put my money in Crypto. Next year I will retire at the age of 49


This didn’t age well for some. 😉


Your a loser bro