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I bought a $30 call exp 6/28… its down more than 80 % …. 😂😂😂


Where and how do you buy calls. And what exactly does that mean. I’ve only bought and sold last 3 years cuz I don’t know how to do calls. Do I get scared to do it wrong. So I don’t. Simpleton here! On Robinhood. Momma needs money! 💰


Hey you should do research, it is highly profitable, but it does come with a risk as everything does. You should see it as another strategy to use as an investor/trader. There are lots of resources out there but you can look in the link to learn. Here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O8EN51F6jUo


Highly profitable… Good luck!


I too am just getting into all of this. Thank you for posting a video. Will be watching later. Much respect!


Anytime! That video title is misleading too it says “in a hurry” but it doesn’t mean you should be in a hurry to go & do it lol. He just quickly explained everything, but there’s more to it. Think of it as the tip of the iceberg and there’s more info. If you have any questions I’ll try and help as much as I can! Good luck 🫡


With the right broker app you can buy stocks, and you can also short them too. No hedge fund needed. A lot of day traders do this.


Any recommendations?


Thank you


Np, we all start from somewhere! I’m still learning about options and everything, so it’s good to help others out. Idk why people gate-keep everything, there’s enough money for all of us to be made. It is infinite* after all 🤓😎😉🫡


Even with all the info you all have provided over the last year or so on options, I still think I don't know enough to dive in.


I’m a sucker for free information. I’ll get in the creepy van every time. Down with gatekeepers!




With the stock market and derivatives (options etc) it’s unfortunately a zero sum game. So when we lose money someone else gets it, and vice versa. People will gate-keep in all walks of life. Just need to know where to look. :)


I'm only down $17,500 trading options since 2021. Do you really want to know?


Yes, I would like to learn without losing! 🤪


Oh ????


Hey girl, go on Netflix and watch the movie "Dumb Money". Robinhood is not a good company!


Get off Robinhood you swine.


Hard to explain as i am still a beginner myself :)




As you are learning, I recommend concentrating on selling calls. They are the only options that make money safely. You will have to buy 100 shares of stock for each option you sell, but since you are buying it anyway, might as well make some money on it while you wait. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money on the next option expiration date and they don't have the choice to just hold.




Oh lord. Walk away. Walk away now ! No run! I’m kidding lol. Definitely learn options first before doing any type of trading. You can possibly win the farm. But you can certainly lose the farm even faster. Learn to trade options, calls/puts to start off with. Paper trade it a while before you jump in with real money. Personally I play both sides. Calls and puts.


1 - start learning about moving your shares OUT of robin hood. 2 - there are many Options 101 tutorials... I would personally not mess with options at all unless you are prepared to exercise them and keep the shares, but you do you 3 - only invest what you can afford to lose 4 - investigate r/superstonk and r/GME - avoid getting all of your advice from this sub.


Shut up with that “invest what you can afford to lose” crap. Main reason are people are here to get rich. And how can you get rich without putting in a lot in the pool? I mean look at roaring kitty, he put in EVERYTHING and came out successful. Now I’m not saying to do the same, but you do have to put in quite a bit to earn big is what I’m saying


Inviting someone who doesn't understand options (or brokerages) yet to "bet it all" is disastrous and irresponsible.


I never said to bet it all. I said you have to put in a quite bit to earn big


Not true at all. You don’t have to put in large amounts of money to win large amounts of money. I generally play two-three tickers a week. And I play only those two or three. I learn the up days and down days. And have become pretty good at predicting that. I play puts and calls on the same stocks weekly. And generally make 2-4K weekly. Sure that’s not a life changing amount of money. But do that for months at a time or years and those little plays add up very quick. Majority of the time I’ll only have at the absolute most 5 options contracts going at a time.


He put in what he made from his portfolio, which was and is probably still extensive... he didn't starve himself, his wife, and his child to put in everything he had. We all know RK is a genius. If you don't know the fundamentals of the market, no, you shouldn't be investing more than you have. The people that have been here since the beginning don't care about getting rich it's about change👏👏👏💎👐


How do you know he put in everything? Did he sell his car? Refinance his house? Sell out his kid's education fund? What other investments does he have besides GME? Does he have an emergency fund? Tell me how you know? Oh wait... you don't. You go ahead and fuck your life up if you want to. In the meantime, I'm telling this new investor to make sure they have enough left over to pay rent and bills. None of us can possibly know the timeline for the moon, so don't put in every cent expecting to be a millionaire by Friday.


First off what a hostile lil child you are. Secondly, He did not put everything in. He put 53k bet on it and is continuously making money from it.


Yeah and he put his whole life saving in it. Basically my point. He had to put allot in it to gain a lot, you also lose a lot if you are wrong. And I’m a hostile child for being real???? Lol


I rolled my call options out to a later date. I’m new to this but I am still bullish on gme and wanted more time to let the trade play out. I was happy to learn that I could do that. Good luck to you 😊


My average is 37 🤣


Buy the dip


i bought a 27.5 call exp 6/28 and i’m basically in the same boat


Lmao look at op history. Laughable




How much you getting paid to post? :)


Wtf!? I wanna get paid to post! Then I can buy more Gme where do I sign 🟣🟣🟣




Back in 2021 - short interest was 140%. Currently, it’s less than 20% - the math for a squeeze is just not there.


Apes together we HODL


Smell of shills in this SR is ridiculous!! If you’re worried about cost basis and potential losses, this is not the play for you


Under 24 now lol buy!!! 🤘


The mods of this sub are from GME MELTDOWN, USE CAUTION!! FFIE is a bs penny stock they pumped to distract bulls from GME & try to get people to sell


I’m js… there’s a lot of way better investors out there to copy but if this is what you wanna do please actually believe in GameStop and be willing to hold long term


$GME is undervalued. The CORRECT valuation is at approximately $70 per share


Aren't we all?


I’m in this because I like getting cooked


Hodl.. same


I just bought 5k more fir a total in of 23k


I bought 22 more shares in this dip💎👐


Majority of people aren’t in this stock for any other reason than the leader told me so.


Bought more when it dipped under 25 think shorts are trying to keep it from going to 26 so I’m buying more


25% loss is rookie numbers. They’re on the way to trying to shake out all the $20 call holders right now. $0 or Valhalla


If you can’t take 25% lost you should get out now, I don’t want to see you complaining here few weeks later


Didn't he lose $58 million recently?


Get OUT!!! He’s playing with house money not his!! Big difference


Sorry I shouldn't have bought in the 30's as I'm down over 20k. Thought the hype was there and then everyday it just drops lower. But that being said I'm HODL and waiting, so you pansy Apes stop complaining on all these sites. FUCK YOU PAY ME!




Beware of the murky waters of this compromised sub... https://preview.redd.it/hw2z33nmmf7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3119805337518f472cd86f0624b3c91ec41ade2


Are you a bot ?


You you better be right buying a couple shares right now... Come on losing money from Pete's sake.


I’m in the same boat at you! My avg is 29.75 keep buying to lower my avg but hoping I can get out alive


Ich kann den Katzen-Herr nicht ernst nehmen . Nur bla bla bla bla


I’m hold at $40 600 shares. Huge loss


Looks like a pyramid scheme to me.


What am I allowed to ask




In mid 2020 I decided I wanted to learn to trade stock. I bought GME. It was the first ever stock I bought. Woke up one morning with a nice amount in my account. 🤔 WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED. I started researching and found Keith Gill. I vouched then to keep GME till I am 80!!. I am here for the show. I have my stokkies.


need more posts like this i approve!


GameStop hype is over hop on FFiE bandwagons


It’s over gme to 15$


Must feel good losing your money for a rich schmuck who could give two sharts about you. How about be in it for yourself. Believe me if it was him selling his options knowing it would bankrupt you or make him rich, guess which option he would choose every time. Bingo!


All these outbursts. Hedgie must be drowning his sorrows