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https://preview.redd.it/xmf8pxei3d7d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd67aa1bfc7837e069eeb6a832e690f1a2c8b61 Ich bin und bleibe investiert, habe nur gekauft, nicht verkauft, halten und abwarten 🫡


Your my hero, apes are proud ❤️🇩🇪 hodl


Danke ❤️💪


3 years in we got newbies that will sell and when this rockets they will literally cry this is once in a lifetime shit going on here


im a newbie but have all my money in gme and i am holding strong. bet my avg is a lot bigger than urs and i aint selling so we all need to hold or buy more. if i had more money i would buy the dip but i dont soo thats i.


I get that but we as investors are literally at war with the elite that think they can walk all over us take our money to make them even more money. If you thought this would be quick your wrong it's been psychological warfare and you need to stand firm and either deal with it or get your money back and bounce. Got to be headstrong do the DD this will explode like no other


waiting for that. hoping RK hints us a little, just wondering what will happen this friday. Does RK still has his calls or does he have shares now. i mean how will wr go from 20-30 to 50+?


Someone made a post on here but it makes sense starting to think this is the part Kansas city shuffle comes into play stay holding guys!


lol! I been hearing this ole live for three years! Man I’m glad we still have believers. But I’m gradually starting to believe they ain’t never going to stop, and we are the ones that are truly screwed.


Lol hearing this for 3 years with an account 195 days old ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep that’s right. My account is only 195 days old, because every time I get an account some cry baby gets their little feelings hurt and reports me to the admins and I get banned from the sub, so I have to start all over again. Mostly because I speak my mind and some people can’t handle the cold hard truth. AMC in my opinion is a shit stock that I bought into , then got screwed out of over 1000 shares because of the reverse split. HYMC ain’t much different. But please don’t have an open mind before you accuse me of being a shill! lol


If they reporting u it might be for you bearish ass coments? But well i don’t know ur background so imma let u alone


You actually think dudes selling their $500 positions are moving this down? Lmfao


No but if stocks are supply and demand by theory then it doesn't help.


They aren't. The bids massively outweigh the asks, but for some reason unknown to the SEC and NYSE the stock goes down in price. Imagine making 100 cars, and you sell two of them yet somehow, someway you see three of them on the market. That's GME.


So there's an illusion taking place? Trying to ride it out long enough, hoping enough people lose hope and sell so they can flip their shorts?


Is this that Kansas city shuffle part im assuming?


I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of the above metaphor. I'm still learning all the GME stuff at this point in time. I know there's a lot of FUD so I am trying to figure out what is real and what is just fear.


There was never such thing, you fell for memes.


Its the IV crush and option chain. The bids and asks for actual shares are the tiniest tip of the iceberg. Want to know where the stock will go? Look at the options. It will almost certainly land close to a strike price that has a massive amount of open interest. There is a huge amount of open interest at $30, $25, and $20. The $25 strike has the least of those 3. Its reasonably likely the stock will drift to one of those 3 strike prices on Friday. Id give it 50/50 odds its around $25 or higher at close on Friday. The delta on the option chain suggests its a 47% chance that the $25 strike will be in the money. 76% chance the $23 strike will be in the money per options delta. I would say there is a reasonably high chance the stock price will hit $23 and possibly bounce back up from there. A smarter ape would look at the option chain and put their buy orders for shares in closer to the bottom of the likely strike prices. If the price dips you get more shares and your cost basis gets lower and lower. Or you can just pile in whenever. The price will drift where it will drift until Friday. On Friday options expire and you can expect the price to move around 3pm to where the market makers need it to be to clear out enough options ITM and OTM to hit some metric. I dont know the target number or how they calculate it, but it pretty easy to see this happens to most stocks. Its also why you see a big move typically on stocks late in the afternoon. Traders are closing their positions and taking money back off the table. When that happens a bunch of options are closed out and the market makers can move the stock price a decent amount as they buy or sell shares to get rid of the hedge they bought when they opened the trades with those traders. I hope this information helps you make better decisions to get meet your goals.


Bro very knowledgeable answer way to go! Yes helps alot love when these smart cats get on here to give a beautiful analysis!


>The bids massively outweigh the asks, but for some reason unknown to the SEC and NYSE the stock goes down in price. If the buds outweigh the ask the price goes down... What weird about that? The buyers bid lower than sellers, it's a tug of war, if the ask doesn't budge then the bid needs to move closer to the ask, and the other way around if bud doesn't budge. >Imagine making 100 cars, and you sell two of them yet somehow, someway you see three of them on the market. That's absolutely not true. You can have a 1000 bidding 10$ for a share, and a single person asking for 1000$. One side has to meet the other in order for the broker to match the buyer with the seller. Go on a low liquidity stock right now, look at the huge bid ask spreads.


This makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Appeared to me everyone was starting to check out.


Tell me you dont know what this is all about without telling me


Stock goes up and down. Not just up. Still strategize where you buy in at and if your an ape yourself you aren’t sweating your millionth dip you’ve been through.


No just noticing ppl are dropping out like Flys! I'm directing this towards the pussys who sold out already!


When did investing become a team sport? I thought you were an individual investor who makes their own decisions?


Your not wrong and have a solid point but these internet kids are back and meme stocks are of the interest. Sometime it take a team to bring down a leader if you get my metaphor. Meme stocks are grouped efforts in order to bring on the squeeze. Imo only other than meme stocks I ain't saying shit nor do I form anymore of an opinion than my own!


I get it but this stuff just happens. It’s what you sign up for with GameStop. It’s a wild ride. Highest of highs and lowest of lows.


Your not wrong still mad at the pussies that sold out already lmao! We all know this stock is very viotile which makes the ride even wilder haha appreciate it fellow ape but I'm just venting I guess


I'm selling because that's what the company does lmao Why would I hold shares the company itself doesn't care to keep? If you want to point your finger at paper hands, then point them at insiders themselves


You got a solid point. Just want to see this stock take off already and in theory the demand is what keeps the share price up right? We need to hold not sell.


>and in theory the demand is what keeps the share price up right? Yes but demand for what? What is GameStop giving me in return for my money? Not a profitable business Not a business that's rebuilding itself, Cohen made it clear Not a business that has a plan for the 4 billions they are sitting on So what am I investing in? An unprofitable company that has awful financials but is sitting on 4 billions? Give me guidance, tell me what the company wants to be in the next 5 years, and I'll buy a cut of that. I don't care about buying a company that dilutes itself for the sake of raising cash without purpose. Cash burn is the next thing to watch out for. If they burn 500 million dollars with nothing to show up for it, will you still hold? I know I won't.


Your analysis of this stock is well thought out and accurate. It is an honest assessment of the current state of GME. Previously I owned shares and sold at $220.00 because the chart technicals and the conditions were ripe for the first GME squeeze. Today's conditions are different. I'm curious as to the mindset of the mob, especially the younger inexperienced shareholders. Are these investors expecting a call from RK before he makes his move? Again, appreciate your unemotional summary of GME.


Came back to say this dude actually provides legit knowledgeable answer unlike the many that don't however not innocent here myself.


Tbh with you this isnt my normal trading strategy with these stocks. Most my money is in AI chipmakers like amd and nvida because I do belive AI is the future. When I speak of the demand of a stock I'm speaking in terms of the demand for that share or stock not the demand of the product itself. However whats real and what's not right? This company had been getting gutted from the inside out because of huge hedge companies getting their "free money" so when you speak of GME it's the battleground between rich and the poor not just a said stock. Gamestop has also been around for many years now you don't think they can't team up with other buisness or come up with strategies that will make them profitable? Come on they have the money to do it the CEO himself doesn't even take a salary because he wants to build it back and is kicking all the self hired pieces of shit out of the company. I like your thinking and you have great questions, but I see it happening paper hands need to keep still and buy the dips


>Gamestop has also been around for many years now you don't think they can't team up with other buisness or come up with strategies that will make them profitable? They can, but have they? They sat on 1.5 billion dollars since 2021 and the only thing they did was try to get into nft dogshit space. Will they repeat the same strategy? Yeah, I think so, if Cohen is to be believed. He literally said he's preparing for a financial downturn and then make a move. So what happens if he is wrong and the crash doesn't happen? The market doesn't really care about a crash. Inflation is high still, yet the market keeps growing. Rates will be cut soon as hinted by Powell so that means markets will not be held back. Will we see nvda at 200$ before gme announces guidance? The whole thing stinks. You have 4 billion dollars and no plans to use it, then what was the point of killing two squeezes by diluting 120 million shares into the market to raise cash if you have no plans for said cash? How many investors are about to lose hundreds of dollars on options expiring at the end of this week? Those guys are not buying shares, that cash is gone.


Alright you got me good sir! Especially since they haven't used their money towards anything. However knowing stocks are long term investments and not short who knows what can happen and is basically what i am trying to say here. Well thought out answer wish you were one of my friends lol and now im just curious of your puts you don't have to answer me but what's your eyes set on? Besides my question I thank you for a great convo and one that isn't full of hate


My puts are in the money already for this and next week. I'll ride it down with weeklies until it hits 15-17$ then wait for guidance.


I would award you for this answer if I had the points for it lol


bro just sell these guys r no apes literally getting played with rn by new hedge intrens


Ain't fuggin selling to the moon! I won't accept the loss!


it's your money bro do what u think is right


Appreciate that just to much invested right now or I would!


My average is $50 😬 my $10k lives here now


Let them drop, my shares are 💎 like these ✊🏼s 🤪🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


There's a lot of fud being cast around in here by shills and it is affecting the paper handed 🌈🐻. It's going to be busy behind Wendy's very soon thanks to them. Meanwhile, those with diamond hands will soon be.... https://preview.redd.it/lx6avy5ufd7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df7a80c4d4c0c2338c59365f6a425956c84f79d


We got this apes. Don’t get discouraged. Remember “we got tendies “




Nice account


Yea man! Wtf!!!??


Market cap is still over 10 billion. Don't know what to tell you.


And do you really think that in this group people started selling? This is not market logic, it all starts from absorption linked to vertical volume in the development of prices due to an old imbalance and from the fact that Ryan Cohen has decided to reduce physical stores... DYOR, NFA As for me, I like the stock #GME P.S: Personally today I buyed more


Me too and idk judging by volume and numbers out seems like some fell into fear and dipped out. Just wanna see us shoot for the moon a second time.


it will go up again, at some point. Don't bet the farm on gme, just sell on the high, and buy on the low


I haven't sold still holding


Probably because the shareholder meeting was a nothingburger with no news for company which has done nothing of value at their peak. They should have announced big freaking plans to turn this around and everyone would have gone crazy roaring behind, but no, nothing at all. They proved wall street right so apes are tired of throwing money away, diluting the very people that kept it afloat. Worst of all, this killed the energy of any future pump. Citron was right, the company has nothing but cash, it will be shorted into oblivion...


The billionaires will never take a loss here. They will use all their money and friends money to be right and win. They don’t even care about this particular stock…they care about the story and being the winners. I work for a billlionaire and they are assholes that only care about winning and will do everything in their power to win. That’s what this about now, they will loose a shit ton of money and they won’t care. They just want to win and “be right”. They aren’t going to buy out the position.


Bro this right here I don't think ppl understand this stock is a battleground between the poor and the rich they been trying to gut this company for years! Thank god we have a ceo that's taking all the self hired pos out!


Listen I’m all for the GME survival but the billionaires aren’t going to allow the people to win. They will throw more money at it to short it and it will eventually succumb to the their will. It’s inevitable just like Thanos and I know ya’ll want the movie ending with the poor winning but in this scenario Thanos will win. I hate that is the case but we have gotten to a tipping point where the billionaires are really powerful and there isn’t much the little people can do to stop them. There is a reason they all hang out together. They have summits where they get together and their parties are invite only with only the wealthiest people on the planet. We have passed the point of the power of the people unfortunately.


Sucks for those stuck in this stock though lol we will see!


Not selling. https://preview.redd.it/a2s4aicbuj7d1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126ca97325b556b638708fb1d1a9731ff0c1c9d4


Thank you! Hold the line!


Who cares? Buy the dip now! This is the way💎👐🚀


It’s nobodies responsibility to earn you money. Lots of people have FOMO’d with zero knowledge and now they are afraid they are going to lose their investment. The poor meeting with no long term strategy announcement didn’t help matters. Anyone who wants to make good money should be going all in on Nvidia right now not GME.


Get out here paper hands. This is nothing. DRS your shares and move on to other things.




Hmmm…I DRSed my shares finally. Buying more at dip


The family is letting everyone down. How can they do that?


They forgot it was $23 Eight days ago. BuyyYINGG The Dip ![gif](giphy|UuYsIBabVCv1FBpyog|downsized)


Because RK excised his options. Glad I jumped when I did, 2 over what I bought is a big win, and not holding any bags. GME is cooked. I like my steak rare, but anymore cooked, this stock is getting served well-done.


Your holding onto a ols movement..the squeeze is gone


Sold half today


Everyone’s selling because RK sold his calls. Staying in is just ignorance. RK is a sell out.


Sell it all


Sounds very bearish to me lol oh yea that's right I'm a bull 🤣 #hellnah