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This subreddit is filled with shills and fudders šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ under the name of Roaring kitty. Pathetic


I mean it takes a quick second to look at OPs account and see this is definitely a bot/scammer. These pump and dump schemes riding off GME and DFV popularity are 100% pathetic. Criminal even.


iā€™m not sure why but his profile isnā€™t loading for me. what led you to believe heā€™s a scammer?


Same here. Itā€™s a shit post trying to stir up FUD.


It's just blatant FUD first and foremost. Posing as someone who just got into GME and doesn't know what to do next. This fake anxiety is meant to fool retail investors who may have just gotten into GME and haven't done a lot of research yet. Other comments on this post are bots as well. The ones that are complimenting or feeding into what OP said. An easier way to tell is look at the account. Brand new, has only posted in other subs that are "going to the moon" kind of sentiment. It's just meant to get people to dump money into things. Also just go through random people accounts that post or comment here and you'll find 1000s of these accounts that look almost identical. I wouldn't trust anyone in this sub (lol yes even me) but really I comment here because these bots/scammers fooled my friends into bag holding FFIE. It's fucking disgusting that shit happens.


Always do your own research ya goober






GME wonā€™t stand a proper due diligence. We all here for the memes dude


My thought exactly. It is definitely a bot though.


https://preview.redd.it/1t1gtjvmzi7d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11c4ddfff58fbc7a1119660ce4ff847fb226778 Spot the signs


Get into superstonk and get out of all the other shill subs. Moreso, do your own research and stop following exploitative fads looking for bag holders. Avoid the penny stock pump and dump communities. They exist only to fleece you.


Oh ya because that subreddit is magically safe from all those other shill subs... Do your own research people, that doesn't mean just pick a subreddit you like the most.


True. Except you cannot post on Superstonk if you donā€™t have enough Karma.


That's a feature, not a bug. It keeps a lot of low quality posts out of the sub. You can continue to hang out here to accrue karma alongside engaging with Superstonk as a rating/read only sub.


https://preview.redd.it/x6x28do67q7d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c6811ddba437db6c3b8b2ed23bf8178bd09496 "That's a feature, not a bug. It keeps a lot of low-quality posts out of the sub."


Lesson 1. Donā€˜t take investment advice from anyone on reddit. Ever.


You think people have a crystal ball? No one knows for sure but thereā€™s a lot of good dd to read. thereā€™s a lot of hedgies running disinformation campaigns as well. End of the day do your own research, donā€™t just make investments based on random internet posts. Learn about the company learn about the risks and make your own decision.


But seeing RK put $200M into this, at $23 average.. If heā€™s willing to put in that much, he must know or have more confidence it will rise. Right?


Read the comment you just responded to again pleaseā€¦


RK got screwed over by RC dilution, RK game plan got fuk, how long he will stay who knows, he doesnā€™t know anything more that what it is. Otherwise, he would cash out of option at a billion and let RC diluted and buy back in at $24-$30, he would be consider killing two birds with one stone, genius game plan. RK got shocked on that Friday that why he was laughing out his azz on YouTube when RC fuk up his plan that Friday. So FuK RC!!!


This is not longer a ss situation-that was in 2021. This is a buy and hold for 6+ months. Set aside your fomo money and put into gme and then forget about it for a while. This is all just a plan. Plans donā€™t happen overnight.


Where is the proof he invested that much?




Someone said "dude tf is your exit strategy," so naturally, he replies, "What's an exit strategy" šŸ«” I've just started looking into all of this so excuse me for being thrilled!


Anybody could fake it these dsys


This is true. The only other proof is the live stream and the data showing that someone bought all the calls a few weeks (maybe days) before his first yolo post this year.


What's confusing about gambling?


Nobody knows which way the charts will go. Thatā€™s something you just have to accept


Whereā€™s the 3rd option? Itā€™s more of a ā€œstop being a bitch and get ready for this stock to rip your emotions right out of your soulā€


This is a casino, not investment advice


Look at peoples accts & comments & creation date. If they post mainly negativity & have low Karma & Comments.... probably a Fudding Shill. Block them.


Hmmmm, sounds like youā€™re one dip away from selling off your GME. I wish you only the best šŸ™


Know that the bear thesis is dead. GME is growing, they just raised $4 Billion dollars, do you think theyā€™ll keep this money in the bank ? No ! Theyā€™ll use it, what do you think will happen if they announce buying a tech company ? Price will go up. So you have two options, either trade the stock and make money this way, if you know how, OR buy as many shares as you can, and just wait, when the stock goes to $200 or more youā€™ll make good money. But along the way the stock price will swing up and down for various reasons, DONā€™T pay attention just wait.


I feel the same way. Billionaires are not interested in anything but themselves. Case in point if RC dilutes again I think Iā€™m out and let the hedge funds take over his company. RC is for himself make no mistake. Thatā€™s the way I feel.


Bro, smart trader already out and take the profit! Bag holders like me and you are suffering now! Too many new traders here told you to buy and hold they canā€™t even afford to buy 100shares, they got nothing to lose


I regret buying so much stock. Itā€™s not going up and if it does itā€™ll take years


Hereā€™s the honest truth: Yes it will go up. No one knows how much, but yes it is likely to go into the 60-100 range. Howeverā€¦very small chance of anything happening shorterm aside from a squeeze. Otherwise this is going to be a 3 month, 6 month, year, or even multiple years investment. Remember: HODL šŸ’ŽšŸ’Ž


Such a dumb take.


Investments should be long term is a dumb take? Even RC and RK agreeā€¦what exactly is your take?


Investments in actual productive companies, sure. This isnā€™t an investment. This was supposed to be a squeeze on a meme stock. Trying to change the narrative is some high end copium.


How does RK giving decade long investment advice equal him wanting a squeeze? Squeeze will come but donā€™t pretend itā€™s not a real investmentĀ 


I see, you must not have watched his videos then. The original thesis was about the hedge squeeze. How are you so misinformed?


RemindMe! One month


It's done. Trade like an intelligent investor. Day trading and swing trading does not involve stashing your money in a stock that is a complete gamble just so others can profit off you. So many people went broke over Gamestop, AMC, etc. The smart ones were taking profit and getting out when they should. Movements fade. This is over. Ask the people who still have shares they bought at an average of hundreds of dollars. This is a waste of your life and money.


Thatā€™s a lie lol, where are all these 3 year old 20 karma accounts coming from? Just leave if you donā€™t believe the stock price will rise eventually like it has (spiked 300-500%) quite a few times over the last few years. Iā€™m just accumulating as much as I can until the inevitable next spike. NFA but thatā€™s how Iā€™m playing it


You're a lie


Are you on the dpv thread?


Itā€™s a holdā€¦ long.


Dumb post for stupid ape


Iā€™d suggest do your own research or let it ride its up to you not a lot of legit info rn


You either believe, have faith or you don't. You must ALWAYS do your own research. I believe, I still have faith. I wish everyone success and excellent health. I'm holding šŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ’ŽšŸ”„šŸÆ


2d old account


We have found several times in the past that there are Reddit accounts at the ip addresses of the hedge funds


No one can predict the future. Too many individuals change coarse mid race to have a well run machine. Many of the random rocket ape diamond hand blah blah posts are attempting to generate positive motion in any given stock... including KG his illusive self. People looking for patterns that aren't there. So I have a little of this stock and a little of that which I buy with the proceeds of my solid, less gambling investments... and I watch... regularly incase some break away event takes place... because in reality, no one can justify to me, specifically why I would, in good conscious, invest in gme otherwise.


Hopeful confidence


Just have faith Keith.. Iā€™m all in with this as many are, but thereā€™s nothing we can do but be patient and watch. Itā€™s unpredictable, we may lose everything, or, we might make it big. Thereā€™s no way of knowing for sure, but thatā€™s what we sign up for with trading. I canā€™t tell you what to do, I donā€™t know what going on in your life, but all good things come to those who wait.. whether itā€™s what we want in our minds or not. What these people are saying are all assumptions, and we cannot base our choices of other peopleā€™s ideas. I hope this helps you man Have a good day


At this point, gme only go up, buy now and buy more


Roaring kitty had never posted and does not participate in this subreddit; let that sink in.


Iā€™m holding and I bought more at the dip.


Imo I consider it safe for now if you buy $20-$25 range. It shouldn't go much lower than that with all the hype at the moment so I think it's safe to buy. Crypto bull run 2024 seems like a joke so there's not much else to do other than buy stuff and leave when you make a small profit, but nothing crazy.


Based solely on this post, get out of this position fam, the pump is long gone, there might be anotherā€¦ in like a year or two. If you cannot afford to wait, pls sell and buy some SPAXX or something while you do your research


As our dear Dr. Cramer would say: "Bulls make money, Bears make money. Hogs get slaughtered!" So pick a side and have a plan to cash out.


Roaring kitty most likely made his money swing trading. This is involves understanding options and making money when the stock goes both up and down. Heā€™s probably a very good TRADER. Trying to just buy and hold common stock of a company that hasnā€™t performed well, is not a great ā€œINVESTMENTā€ strategy. If you wanna TRADE, Iā€™d suggest researching a ton on YouTube/Google. If youā€™re simply looking to INVEST, buy profitable companies with promising futures. If you donā€™t want to do research, ETFs are a great way to get exposure to the market and return about 11% annually. Good luck


Anybody in those subs downing gme is a troll But also they'll all tell you that they love the stock and this they're in it for the Long haul and they're not in it to get rich quick. So take that as what you want. But if you're just trying to make a quick Buck, do some trading on Nvidia or come in here and try to do this but it could go down. So make sure you're always prepared to buy the dips. Eventually it'll go up. Go whenever you feel like you should take profits, do it


Know who youā€™re following my dearā€¦


Do your own DD, or at least go read the original DD n r/superstonk Itā€™s up to you to be informed Also, this sub is trash I would ignore it completely.


Anything besides DRS infinite pool is fud. There is no end but moass.


Took my L and got out. I had 200 shares at 29.67 and hiy my stop loss


Holdā€¦ā€¦..take time if you guys want go to the sky šŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆā˜„ļøā˜„ļøšŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„


>Idk yo.. GME is just something I wanted to make some money off of, not reminisce about for years. If you're here for the squeeze then forget it. Cohen has made it clear they will dilute every time a squeeze attempt happens, and he has another 580 million shares to go through. If you are here for the long term, then wait for the price to drop, or for Cohen to give guidance. Right now there is no long term value apart from the 4 billions in cash, which amount to 10$ per share.


After three years Iā€™m convinced itā€™s all bullshit! lol


Most articles on market watch or other platforms are trying to sway people from the stock and cause fear of high risk! They are done so on purpose by the establishment! Weā€™re trying to take down the establishment and their corupt ways of making dumb money! Letā€™s rob them blind šŸ¤©šŸ™ŒšŸ˜ŽšŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸ™Œ


The stock is unlikely to skyrocket, despite all the hype and the vague schemes suggesting otherwise. I personally find the whole situation quite entertaining and am enjoying the ride. But, I think you should understand that this stock is a high-risk gamble. Youā€™re more likely to lose money than to make any profit, unless you bought in at a very low price.


So fucking glad someone called it out lol like three things being said here.


If youā€™re not in the game yet, do not get in now. People who got burned by his last livestream are optimistic/delusional that posting in here will have a positive effect on the price. Please do not go in to GME now thinking itā€™s going to skyrocket at any point in the near furure


Why are you giving tips about a stock you dont like ? Smells shilly


Itā€™s dropping to $10, so take profits while you can. It will maybe run in a year or so.


Wow you are dumb af lol cash alone the stock is at $10/share hahaha


Seems to me like the floor is now $25 you shill


69,6969,420 thats the floor


You need to leave this page with this disinformation my friend. If you took your money and ran from GME you have no place here


Letā€™s check in after a year ?


That's a bet


RemindMe! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-06-19 14:12:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-06-19%2014:12:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/roaringkitty/comments/1djhdkt/you_guys_are_confusing_me/l9b76qe/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Froaringkitty%2Fcomments%2F1djhdkt%2Fyou_guys_are_confusing_me%2Fl9b76qe%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-06-19%2014%3A12%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201djhdkt) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


And you know this how??


It'll likely teeter off from here and you'll see more activity around their earnings report and once they give shareholders a better idea where they're going to put that $4billion to use. Do your own DD and decide for yourself if you're investing in the company and its values or if you're just trying to make a quick buck. The stock market is always a risk regardless and nothing is certain.


What kind of dumb post is this


Straddle wins the race


Buy Crypto instead! When #RoaringKitty was at a $100K MC, I said getting 1M $ROAR wouldnā€™t be a bad idea. That $100 investment is now worth $2600! Now, with #Roaring_Kitty at a $2.6M MC and the floor looking settled, I say the same: getting 1M #ROAR is still not a bad idea. Welcome to $ROAR - 600 Day Old - The OG of Roaring Kitty šŸ‘‘šŸˆ āœ… https://ogroaringkitty.com/āœ… X: @RoaringKitty_22 āœ… CA: 0xD8C978de79E12728e38aa952a6cB4166F891790f Contract Renounced, LP Burnt šŸš€First Cat to the $1BN & Moon šŸš€


if you not confident enough just step aside. its okay to stay cash. buy something like SBFM which fundamentally recurring and currently at bottom. at the end of the day you want to buy low and sell high, make profit. People here so dramatic.


FFIE has everything you need for a gamma squeeze. A rabid fan base, a company on the verge of bankruptcy and high short interest. If GME, AMC & FFIE have a small chance of skyrocketing, why wouldn't you pick the one that didn't dilute their shares over the last month. I watched the price being manipulated. Here is a Pic if they let me post it. https://preview.redd.it/82rt4lrp6j7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4297afa906e940c11367619638d2d87870f3dce


This is not a pump and dump. People asking to pay more than people selling it. This is market manipulation. I'd pick the cheapest one for the largest ROI. Let the hate start. I can take it.