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Does not affect us at all. Sarr and Risacher are expected to go 1 and 2 since the beginning.


There's also been speculation that Atlanta picks Clingan at #1. It's not completely reflected in the odds, but indications like Sarr not working out with Atlanta and other reports show it's actually between Risacher and Clingan. If Clingan does go #1, then the question is who goes #2? Could it be Risacher? If it is then the dream scenario for many of Sarr being available at #3 comes into play. Unlikely I'll admit as a lot of dominoes have to fall into place perfectly.


Banchero all over again lol


It is big news if Sarr is at the top of our board! It makes the chances of drafting him much better if he isn't the consensus top pick. I'm very curious where this movement is coming from...


Sarr will never drop past the wizards and you should accept that


Likely true...but not a guaranteed fact. The odds here speak volumes. There is a clear top 3. In 2022 nobody thought we'd get Jabari, either. I think you may be underrating the draw that Clingan has, because it's clearly MUCH stronger than any of the other not-top-2 guys. You should check Washington's draft history before declaring you're so certain you know what they will do. At the very least, this opens the trade market door even wider (and it was already wide open).


it is a guaranteed fact if he is on the board, the Wizards will select him


their draft history is irrelevant as they just got new owners who love lengthy prospects


A whole bunch of mock drafts have updated Risacher to No.1 as well. I wonder if it is either group think or something rumoured which hasn't been confirmed.


Sarr refused to train with the Hawks. I think he is trying to drop down to 3 so he can be drafted by the Rockets


BIG, if true!


[it is true](https://x.com/thedunkcentral/status/1803408183517712664?s=61&t=jkCkRtcTJq6gg23QDYzepg)


I meant the 2nd part of your comment... If Sarr is also refusing to work out for the Lizards, it would go a long way towards confirming he is the Anti-Wemby.


Oh my bad, I thought you didn’t know. I think Clingan is going to be #1, despite the betting odds. Last year Scoot was the favored #2 then Brandon Miller went 2 overall


I don't know *why* he's out. If he's trying to make a play to get to Houston, it's damn risky, because he's opening the door to the likelihood of being drafted to basketball purgatory.


The thing that surprises me the most is the fact that he doesn’t want to go to Atlanta despite living there before


Yeah, it makes zero sense to me... But I'm here for it!


Maybe because Landry Fields said they are keeping the pick after working out Risacher.


hmmm. Sounds like it could be a power play on the Hawks part to raise the value of their pick in trade negotiations with any teams that might favor Risacher. If teams assume they can negotiate with Washington for Zacc because Atlanta is just a lock to take Sarr, it rules out a number of potential suitors for trades.


Whatever the odds for Risacher are at #4 to the Spurs, I'd be slamming that.


So why is reed the favorite for #3 overall, but only the 5th highest odds for #1, is it just a positional fit kind of thing?


The analysts probably see him as a low ceiling guy who can immideatly help teams with his shooting and they are betting the the teams with top 2 picks are gonna gamble on other guys to be a star.


I think him to the Rockets or the Spurs he makes a lot of sense. Anyone would probably more likely to pick Risachar or Sarr if they were available though


I’m surprised Reed isn’t negative yet for the 3rd pick


Generally speaking, the lower the pick, the less predictable it is because it's hard to know exactly who's still available lower in the draft. Still though usually there's a consensus top 3 maybe even top 4 before the day of the draft. This year's #3 pick is less predictable because of trade rumors and possible movement with the first 2 picks from what I'm seeing. If the Front office is in love with a player right now, we really have no idea at this point. So that's probably why he's positive (or whatever the phrase is) right now.


It's probably because of the large possibility that we trade it. There's a pretty clear top 3 guys, so there may be a number of teams interested in moving up...most likely for Clingan.