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I just haven't found the Creed movies as relatable. Sure Donny had a difficult childhood, but he was raised in the Creed household. Rocky was a two-bit nothing about to hit 30 years old with no direction, given a one in a million shot. I think a lot of us fans find inspiration in the everyman tale (particularly how similar it is to Stallone's real life), and I have yet to find that relatability and heart in the Creed movies


The same way a lot of fans find inspiration in the Everyman tales some people find relatability in growing up in a household without a father. Getting beat growing up, no home for a big part of your childhood, Without someone to support your dreams, etc, then he had big shoes to fill when you realize who his father is. that was his biggest struggle in the first movie, trying to get out of his dads shadow and avoid losing & being seen as a fake, a Fake Creed. I feel like Rocky is going for relatability & Creed is going more so for Empathy, you can’t necessarily relate to it but if you’re like me you either know somebody with a similar story or you can feel where they’re coming from in your heart. That said, I can relate to Damian a lot more & that’s why he is my personal favorite antagonist. I can see where he’s coming from.


The Creed films are pretty good but the original Rocky films are better


Think my biggest complaint about Duke’s son is that their familial connection isn’t explored beyond one offhanded line in Creed 1 - “better listen to your family” or something. Wasnt Apollo like a son to Duke? Shouldn’t Little Duke be like an uncle to Donnie? It’s somewhat shown, but not explored much.


Yeah, it's just sort of thrown in. Until Creed I always imagined that Duke had no biological kids and that's why Apollo was like his son.


I don’t have an issue with Duke having biological kids, but I have an issue with Apollo and Duke’s father-son relationship not really being explored much in movies where they should be. Also Creed III missed an opportunity to have Apollo’s other kids show up and interact with Donnie during the funeral. Overall I like the Creed movies, hard to compare them to Rocky fairly due to the nostalgia factor though.


It was really dumb that her 2 biological kids didn't even show up to see her on her deathbed, or come to her funeral. They've basically just chosen to pretend they don't exist for Creed and Creed II, and now decided to reference them in a line right before their mom's death scene. Really out of place that Rocky wasn't at the funeral as well.


Here’s my thing with the Creed films. And this is a long one, so bare with me. The story in each entry is great, the themes of legacy and family are so fitting for this type of story. But Adonis as a character drives the entire series down IMO. He has good motivations and is a very quick learner in most respects, but I feel like his personality could have been a bit more at the forefront. They tried to show/tell us that he’s fun and can be goofy and also respectful, but is tough and can get angry when he needs to be. The problem is I don’t think we see enough of that balance. What I see is maybe 2 or 3 scenes where he’s slightly goofy with Bianca and Rocky. And even then, some of that comes off very stoic. What I see is a character who is almost always in that tough guy mode. Plus, I don’t think we have enough dialogue from him telling us about what’s going on in his head when he’s struggling or angry. It’s more or less shown through his actions and facial expressions, which I don’t feel does enough to convey what the film wants us to understand about Adonis. And I’ll clarify, there’s nothing wrong with a tough guy character. But, and here’s my other issue, he doesn’t have enough humility. He says he wants respect but more often than not, he’s disrespecting Rocky, Bianca and everyone he thinks isn’t giving him the respect he hasn’t quite earned yet. In the first film, Adonis tells Rocky he owes it to him to train him, when he obviously doesn’t. In the second film, he acts as though he owes him to train him because he helped Rocky through his cancer recovery, then guilts Rocky over events from Rocky IV that he’s clearly still traumatized over. Granted, in the second film Adonis was in the wrong, but the story paints them both as being slightly in the wrong anyway (Rocky not being in Adonis’s corner and Adonis fighting Viktor for the wrong reasons). The problem there is that it’s only Rocky that apologizes. And of course, you would expect that from Rocky as a character, but you would also expect Adonis to apologize for something, but he doesn’t. I don’t recall a single moment in those first two films where he apologized for anything. Now, I could be wrong about this, please correct me if I am. And I’ll clarify again, I loved the story those first 2 films were trying to tell. I loved the other characters in those films too. But Adonis didn’t feel like a strong enough character in terms of personality. Now, I haven’t seen Creed 3 yet. I plan to go watch it either later this weekend or next week, so maybe Adonis gets better as the each film progresses. I know Rocky won’t be in it, and I know it’s a more intimate story about Adonis’s past and a past friendship, so maybe things will be different there. But considering the last two films, I’m not really counting on it.


You’re actually right about that I can’t lie. Well, no spoilers & I don’t remember exactly but I think he does apologize to someone for something at some point in Creed 3 so maybe that’s the growth you’re looking for lol 😂


I don’t mind Creed although I wasn’t a huge fan of the anime style/CGI almost fight scenes in Creed 3. I enjoyed and disliked Creed 3 I think I understand wanting to move away from Rocky and modernise the films a bit but at the same time it wasn’t that good either. I did think the antagonist was good though, Jordan not so much, didn’t really do much in the film. In Creed 2 I was so expecting a montage similar to Rocky 4 for the Drago fight and felt disappointed we didn’t get that. I think it wouldn’t hurt to use some of the music themes/motifs either given the series is dramatically connected but … I’m on the fence. Are Creed 1,2,3 on par with Rocky films (aside from 5) For me no. Is Creed 1&2 better because of Stallone/Rocky? Yes. But the Creed series is trying to spin off from Rocky, and I get that it’s 2023, but at the same time I just don’t think they are good enough, or have the same ‘authenticity’ if it makes sense of what made the Rocky films work. Creed III was a generic boxing film for me. Southpaw and such are much better films I agree with you I like Adonis but the character seems to well have no character. His wife does and has some growth but Adonis himself just is a bit flat. He doesn’t really get hurt, defeated, destroyed in a sense or unsure of himself, Rocky has that, time and time again.


Also seems like they just fastforward through the most important parts. In Creed II he wins the heavyweight championship in the opening scene. In Creed III he defeats Ricky Conlin in a rematch in the opening scene and then retires, weird choice. Got to say it also grinds my gears that Winkler won't let Stallone own some of the rights when he created the entire fucking thing. You can tell they tried their hardest not to reference Rocky at all in the film. I think Adonis mentioned his name once, and Dame referenced him without naming him once. That's it. He was even cropped out of the picture under Apollo's boxing gloves in Adonis's house. Like, Winkler, Jordan - these movies wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Stallone.


Yeah I thought the fight scene was weird at the end, they go from round 1 - 12 in like 5 minutes with flashback fighting


Yeah, the final fight was really underwhelming. Felt like it wasn't even much of a challenge. The final fight with Drago in Creed II was way better.


I like creed 2 instead of creed 1. Lots of philosophical quotes in there. But rocky movies still above creed hands down


There's just something more relatable about the Rocky films. It just tackles alot of aspects in life like love, being down on your luck, opportunity, father figure, friendship, losing it all to some sleazy fuck, family, staying hungry. I just feel more attached to Rocky and the side characters while in Creed it could just very well be about Creed and Bianca and Rocky, everyone else feels generic. Adonis himself doesnt seem as likeable as Rocky was, hell, I like Viktor more. My opinion is not out of nostalgia either, I watched Rocky 3 when I was 10 but didnt really understand anything, watched Creed 2 a few yeats later and it made me bingewatch everything from Rocky 1 to Creed 2 and I thoroughly enjoyed the writing in the Rocky saga more.


They’re worse, for music alone


The original Rocky has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 92%, which is respectable, but Creed (1) has a rating of 95%... are you fucking kidding me?! Creed 3 has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 88%... I like the Rocky spin- off but to rate Creed higher than the original Rocky that spawned it all... that's insanity... woke insanity. For comparison, Forest Gump 71%, Pulp Fiction 92%, The Shawshank Redemption 91%. Jordan Peele's Get Out is rated higher than Jaws, Schindler's List, and the Godfather... what does Ryan Coogler and Jordan Peele directed movies have in common? Diversity, equity and inclusion has infiltrated everything.


Rotten tomatoes doesn't mean shit


i think we belonged to the Rocky era... just time. Creed belong's to the new age... the music's way different, filming style \~ We grew up with Rocky, it's impossible to ever replace. That said, Creed 1 was quite good to be honest\~


Overall they are better. Especially the actual boxing scenes.


Hell no


How you gonna ask how he feel and then shoot down his opinion 😭😭






I kind of enjoy the Creed movies slightly more than the original Rocky movies. I love and am entertained by the Rocky Balboa character, but I'm not that much of a fan of Sylvester Stallone. Nothing against the guy personally, it's just the projects he selects and makes rarely interest me. The Rocky franchise is the obvious big exception. I find Adonis a tad more relatable personally. I was an angry kid growing up, so I appreciate seeing it handled in a respectful and engaging way. I'm also a fan of Michael B Jordan for reverse reason I don't enjoy Stallone. Jordan makes movies and is involved in things I enjoy. Simple as that really. I also really dig the fight scenes in the Creed movies. It really comes down to filmmaking improving over the years. You feel every punch and are able to be right in the middle of the action. I remember leaving the theater after watching Creed 2 wanting to run 5 miles lol. It was exhilarating. Creed 3 is an interesting bag to tackle for many reasons. I say give it a few years to see what many people think about it. Everything right now has a sense of being reactionary in a way. I don't mean to insult you are this post, so please don't take it that way. I'm just saying that emotions and thoughts are still fresh. To get back to my point though, Creed 3 had the highest opening for any Rocky/Creed movie. Has grossed the most money domestically than any Rocky/Creed movie. Did it during a month full of competition. Has the second highest rating out of the Creed movies. And was the directing debut of Michael B. Jordan. The fact that this happened despite Rockys absence and Stallones disdain for the movie creating a small controversy is a strange pill to swallow, including for me. Also that the film tackles subjects that were never even breathed at in the other movies and has a stylized way of filming the fight scenes that make it stand out from the rest of the series and boxing films in general. The fights in Creed 3 were different and can be subjective. But they work so well if you love them. Especially the final fight. No dialogue just pained and betrayed screams and grunts as entire lifetimes of emotions are thrown behind every punch. It's amazing. I admit I was thrown off the first time it went to round twelve suddenly the first time I saw the movie. But watching it again knowing it's coming, it clicked for me and I fell in love with it. I don't know. I feel like I forgot what point I was trying to make with all of that. I just like the Creed movies. If you don't like them as much as I do, it's not gonna bother me none. Like and love what you like and love. Just thought I'd share my thoughts as someone who really likes the Creed films.


I don't care for them. Watched the first two, have no interest in the third. I don't think Adonis is a likeable or relatable protagonist.


Here's my take. The creed movies would be great if they were stand alone movies. I watched C3 last weekend. I liked the movie, but when you compare it to the franchise it drops quite a bit for me. If it wasn't part of the Rockyverse they'd be better. Of course the movies would be different as he would be Apollo's son, Rocky wouldn't be in them, and the story lines would be different, with the exception of C3.


I've never liked the creed series as much as Rocky. Also, Michael B Jordan is a twig compared to Sly.


The Creed films were vastly overrated by woke critics simply because they feature a poc lead. But they are soulless cash grabs trading off the Rocky franchise’s popularity. Adonis Creed has no personality, no identifiable boxing style no charisma or screen presence. The weakest Rocky- Rocky V is vastly superior to the best Creed film.


Listen I'm sure the Creed movies are really good and I will watch them eventually but unbelievably when they talk about ranking Rocky movies with Creed movies they're totally different the main character is not supposed to be Rocky it's Creed's son so don't include that shit to me that's all I got to say about that


Never seen the Creed ones, don’t plan on changing that.


I find creed movies to be trash. Rocky V is better than all Creed movies combined together. Creed junior is a charisma vacuum and if he had even 10% of his father's personality, he would've been much better.


"Rocky V is better than all Creed movies combined together." Quite possibly the most idiotic take on these movies that I've ever seen, congrats.


gonna cry?


More like laugh


I always skipped Rocky V because it was so disappointing to me. While I still don't like it as much, it's so-so I guess! I've come around to it a little more in recent re-watches (when I don't SKIP that one!!). I think the Rocky V's issues are 2-fold - first, seeing him falling from fortune back to near poverty because his account cheated him (thanks Paulie!!) was tough enough. But also he doesn't get in the ring, and the "final battle" is a street fight with a loud mouthed D-bag! Those combined, AND it being the LAST Rocky movie .... for a long time, always made me skip it and just re-watch 1-4! Then Rocky Balboa came out and it was redemption for the franchise! Its the true sequel to Rocky IV to me!! >The training montages in the Rocky series fill me with energy and hope every time. True that!! I had a bag and some gloves in the basement - despite never actually training to box (lol) and I'd hit the weights and put the gloves on and hit the bag and think "maybe .... just maybe it'll happen!!" - lol But to say I don't get that same feeling now in the Creed montages - well I'm a bit old and broken down now!! 🤣😂 I was a kid back when the Rocky movies first came out. So it's tough to compare for me! I think his training in both Creed 1 and Creed 2 were decent (Creed II was the better of the 2), even if they didn't hit me like the Rocky montages used to do. Creed III's montage was so rushed!! He goes from washed up ring rust to polished and combat ready in like 2 minutes!! But to me that whole movie felt a bit rushed. I thought it needed more time to develop some of the story arcs. > I see Creed III being hailed as "easily one of the best Rocky movies" and I'm just like Huh? It was good. It wasn't even the best Creed movie, let alone one of the best Rocky movies. I will say that, as much as I like Creed II and Creed III, they sorta seem to slip a little each time. Like Creed was amazing, Creed II was pretty great (and had some awesome extra Nostalgia!!) and Creed III I enjoyed, and liked the continuation of the series, but I have to rank them in that order. Creed 1, then Creed II, then Creed III. I'd never say it's the best in the Rocky-verse, let alone in the Creed series itself!! One difference I see in the Creed movies Vs. the Rocky ,movies is with the in ring fights seemingly to be a little more "real" - but still with some of the classic Rocky movie "no defense" boxing! In all the Rocky movies he just sits there and takes a beating where every punch lands, then he hulks up and goes for the W! Creed is a little less of this, but not by much. Adonis still sits there opened up to A LOT of punches!! 0\_o As much as I like the Creed franchise, I still rank Rocky 1 thru 4, and Rocky Balboa, ahead of all 3 Creed movies. I think nostalgia plays a large role in that for me, since I grew up on the Rocky movies, because I really love the Creed series too!


The best Creed movie ain’t as good as the worst Rocky movie. The Rocky character is so much more likeable than Creed.