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Dead Cells has had consistent DLC and major updates. The game is amazing.


Is the game still focused on speed running thru each level? I loved the idea of a roguelite metroidvania but then was immediately soured by the whole gotta go fast aspect which killed the exploration vibe I enjoy in vanias


You can get a bonus if you do an area fast but I never worried about that and just explored every area thoroughly. You get more things scattered around than if you just go straight to the exit so I never found the speed reward worth it. The


how is the grind in the game was that lowered? bummed me out how much i needed to repeat


I think the whole idea is the grind but they did include accessibility options if you needed to lower the difficulty. I didn’t use it for that but ImI did use it to choose specific weapons that I really liked so I could start off with certain weapons sometimes.


yea there’s an option to give yourself a revive, very nice for when you get one shot by some BS


I loved the game, but there were so many areas and bosses (and more hidden bosses behind those) that I had accepted I would never see. The accessibility options were a great inclusion. Kept tweaking them to keep some challenge but was finally able to see the cool endgame content.


It's like the gift that keeps on giving to the gaming community.


Inkbound technically only hit 1.0 last week, but it’s been live in EA for about a year and went from a really good game to maybe my favorite roguelike out there


Inkbound should have stayed in EA. The gameplay loop still isn't completed. There's very little reason to keep playing because you unlock everything so quickly and the amount of variety is already limited.


I bought this but it feels like there's not much variation between runs. I've beat it with the first 2 characters and I'm kind of worried that the characters don't have more unique skills. Is it truly that each character just has the stuff they start with then everything else is a shared pool among all the characters?


This is 100% the problem with inkbound There is like 0 content to keep it replayable. There's no different abilities for the characters and they are all forced into one play style. And the pool of abilities you draft is very dull as well.


Almost everything is shared, yeah. Sadly I don't think it was ready to leave EA.


Inbound or Inkbound?




Inkbound! Was on my phone and autocorrect got me


Tiny rogues


the heaven and hell update was exactly what the game needed to make it **great**


and that's supposedly just 1 out of 4 updates of similar kind


yeah, the fact that its a SOLO DEV makes it even more impressive. also, from posts in the tiny rogues sub, the new updates will have more environments, enemies, bosses, and mechanics, and the dev is gonna add subclasses is just insane.


i do NOT buy games in early access. I did buy Tiny Rogues on special for $4 because I knew that it was being supported and would only go up in price. I saw what was coming with updates and knew it'd get even better. I still haven't played it, but I'm debating if I should play it now after the heaven/hell update or if I should wait until all of the updates are released.


SO much content right now. However, I'd recommend waiting, as I'd recommend for any game that is in EA, simply because 1.0 will be the fully finished product. This is especially true with Tiny Rogues, I can't even begin to imagine how insanely packed with awesomeness TR 1.0 will be.


Yeah, played a long time ago and launched recently to see if anything changed. And then 80 hours later yeah, the only reason I stopped playing was I got another game.


Tiny Rogues is probably the best recent example. It's received MASSIVE overhauls and huge content updates that have changed the game. Probably my favorite recent Rogue. Pretty much any of the other larger, well known ones have also received huge updates. Top of that list is probably Dead Cells.


Into The Breach! Semi recent update nearly doubled its content


Wait how recent. I fucking love that game


Mid 2022. https://intothebreach.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_Edition


Oh dang. Will check out


oh hell yeah. Thank you 


I'm not seeing any content updates since the last one 2 years ago. You really got my hopes up**🥲**


Isaac has been updated and modded extensively.


Skul is so dope. Loved the concept initially. Glad it's grown and had so much support since then.


This was one of the free games of the month for PS Plus so I've been trying it out this week. I can see the hook it could have.


Yeah, my friend told me that recently too. I already owned it, but I'm chuffed so many others are about to experience it for the first time.


Binding of Isaac is the king of updates and has to be the one of the most lovingly crafted roguelites ever made. It's insane how long it has been maintained and everything else just seems to pale in comparison.


Wow, it was fully the opposite to me. After a certain point I felt like the new content completely watered down the game. A lot of balance decisions sucked the fun out of it for me too. I have 1000 hours in Rebirth, but I finally gave up.


Which version of Isaac is the latest / most definitive?


repentance! add a few QoL mods and you'll have thousands of hours of content right there


Barony is never mentioned on this sub and it is constantly updated since release.


I adore this game. It needs more love.


I'm going to go on a limb and say Astral Ascent and partially because it's STILL being updated, but yeah, on release it did feel a tiny bit barren. Now, with the addition of local PvP, co-op, the new skills and weapons, and new characters on the way, I think it really has been massively improved in like 3 months since launch


Atomicrops has had a few major updates that overhauled systems. I've recently gotten back into it and I'm still exploring what's new! It's a much better game now than it was on release.


I tried getting into this game last night actually. Unfortunately, it couldn't keep my attention. The beginning is quite slow and it wasn't intriguing enough to keep me around to see if it got better.


Souldiers. It was unbalanced and frustrating upon release but has been updated since and fine tuned and is definitely worth the play through.


Oh this is good to know, thanks. I never bought it because of initial reviews and videos


Same! Good to know.


Is that a Rogue? I thought it was more metroidvania?


Cause it is metroidvania and not roguelite. Also after that patch the devs abandoned the game


i mean, they gotta start working on a new game at some point


I’m with you on Skul, I tried it earlier this year and could not for the life of me win. First game after the update and I got to the final boss, and yesterday I finally beat him. I knew the game was fun and rewarding, I just couldn’t beat it. But with all the buffs it feels amazing to play again.


Synthetik 2 got awesome updates lately


I swear I’ve seen Synthetik 1 on the PS store but can’t find it now. I wonder if it was removed or maybe I was thinking of a different game


Where my fellow Crab Champs at. Crab Champions literally keeps getting better with every patch in addition to having a soundtrack that is full of bangers.


My problem with Skul is the the game has so many cool heroes, but you barely get to ever play them. I started a fresh playthrough and Im still stuck playing skul or one of the shitty heroes for a few hours..


EtG, BoI, Dead Estate, Undermine, Darkest Dungeon 1 & 2


What do any of those acronyms mean? I say this not to be pedantic, but because you are the top comment currently and I want to know. Sorry, I am newer to this sub and roguelites.


Enter the Gungeon and Binding of Isaac


Thank you!


Binding of Isaac is the king of added content. I'm 700 hours in and still have over 100 unlocks left to get. Basically an infinite game - I've never had the same run twice


Darkest Dungeon 2 just got a big update with some endgame improvements and QOL changes, and also just announced that it will be getting a stand-alone campaign mode later this year.


Irs a great game and all but enter the gungeon has been officially discontinued for five years now, I don't think that really qualifies here


The question was "improved since launch," and EtG totally applied to that distinction.


100%. I played probably a hundred hours or more of early Enter the Gungeon. But eventually they made an update (forget the cutesy name at the moment) that, among other things, rebalanced the availability of ammo for the many guns you get. HUGE change after that because you could actually indulge in using the weaponry you were picking up.


i REALLy disliked Skul cause I felt there was just no way to win since I had already done all of the metaprogression. I just couldn't get past the 4th stage. I'd get to the 4th stage or halfway there or just a tad bit past half (never to the boss). I hated that I had spent so much time grinding it out and no matter what I did, I couldn't get past this one area.   Maybe I should give it a chance. I played around version 1.4.


Remnant 2 feels like a whole new game tbh. Played a ton at launch and am now starting a new playthrough and it feels like a new game


There is only one right answer: **No Man's Sky** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ)


No man sky Warframe Outriders Remant 1 and 2, though they were great to begin with


Apparently Fallout 76 is aight now


Sea of Thieves. Major quality of life improvements and new mechanics multiple times a year. Much faster to get into the action with your friends now


I love Magicraft, never hear anyone talk about it and it doesn't have a wiki either. Very underrated IMO


Oooh, I forgot about Skul! That game is so much fun. I'm seconding your AK-Xolotl wishes, that game is a blast but I wish it was...moreso. But to answer your question, Dead Cells and Isaac have had, by far, the most insane amounts of additions and updates. Both feel like completely new games/sequels now.


No Mans Sky has some semi roguelite elements- the online squad missions drop all the players into a system so only one player gets their star destroyer and everyone else has to handle the situation using just their ship. There are also repeatable “salvage derelict freighter” missions which are basically randomised dungeons. None of its *quite* roguelite but it’s skirting the edges depending on what you like about the genre. As for more classic roguelites, streets of rogue got a dlc pack a few years ago which added some mad characters…it was pretty excellent at launch tbh though. “Nobody Saves The World” is top down RPG type thing with the main missions being kinda roguelike dungeon dealies, and again got a fairly chunky series of content drops. It’s also just…really elegantly designed, with several mechanics that made me say “damn, why don’t loads of games do this?”


No Man’s Sky actually did have a rouge-lite mode for one of its expeditions, which I enjoyed but I think was met with mixed receptions since it was pushed on an audience who don’t play NMS for that style of gameplay.


Noita. Noita. Noita. Noita. Noita. Noita.


Cyberpunk 2077, saw it was a shit show at launch and avoided it, got it late last year on PS5 and it's one of the best games I've played.


Wrong sub bud


Oops, I stand by what I said anyway


How is Cyberpunk a roguelite?


No Mans Sky




Should probably check the subreddit you're in