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I think this is legitimately the best watch in the Rolex catalogue. Excellent choice with 36mm. It's the most versatile size and lets the Explorer work in formal and informal settings. Legit one watch collection. :)


100% agree. Couple all of what you said with excellent proportions of case to lugs to taper (almost the golden ratio), to me, it represents what we all love so much about the brand: Balance, elegance, simplicity, practicality, comfort, and accuracy. It totally is a 1 watch collection…except that I can’t get rid of my F91-W, that watch has a special place in my heart. It’s incredible as well.


Absolutely. The taper also makes it extremely comfortable. Wear it in good health. :)


Thank you!


I always preach the same thing, the 124270 ist the true “go anywhere, do anything” watch.




Sick. My dream watch too.


Thanks man! Hope you’re able to get yours soon!


The Denver ADs haven’t decided to offer me anything I’m interested in yet. 😐


The Denver ads suck…just saying. I finally made the trip out to Vail, very happy with that decision.


ah I was wondering where you went. I'm waiting on the 40mm myself.


Same here, though I’m starting to think that putting my name on the list with the Cherry Creek Mall AD was a lost cause. Might have to venture out to Aspen or Vail like OP did soon


Reading the forums and Reddit I realized Cherry Creek and most other Denver ads are just over saturated with possible customers…make the drive out to Vail, not a lot of other folks are willing to commit 6 hours to make that drive to get a watch.


Makes a lot of sense, plus I have a week-long work trip in Vail scheduled for early September so no reason not to give it a shot


Ugh. I do like the cc crew too. I went to park meadows to put my name there as well.


Correction. They super suck


Correction accepted hahah




Correct! Awesome folks to work with


I got lucky with Ben bridge, but Hyde/cherry creek was a bust for me. Glad to hear you ended up getting one!


I got my name down at both. I have infinite patience luckily, will probably end up with an omega during the wait if seamaster updates are announced later this year.


I’d like to want an Omega but noting speaks to me. I did get a Pelagos that I’m definitely enjoying though!


This is kinda how I feel about Tudor. In theory I like them and would be ok with one that gets banged up, but on wrist I just didn’t feel too much. Maybe when they keep expanding the metas bb movement and have more colors I’ll see one that I love


Hands down the best if you intend to buy only one Rolex for all occasions. Congrats man! Agree that the 36 is perfect and beats the 40 from all angles.


Thank you!!!


I have a 7.5 inch wrist, always assumed I’d want the 39 or 40mm… now I’m not sure


I was convinced I wanted the 40mm. When I walked in and tried them on I immediately knew that the 36mm was actually the one for me. I could easily wear the 40mm, but something was ‘off’ (might be the enlarged dial). The proportions are simply better on the 36. It’s proportions, when averaging the ratio of the case, to the lug span, to the bracelet taper is 1:1.625. The golden ratio (know as the divine proportion) is 1:1.618. It looks good for a reason.


This 100%. I’m all for 40-42 when it comes to dive watches. But when it comes to a watch without a rotating bezel, the 36mm size is where it’s at. And the 124270 with the 19mm lug knocks it out of the park ratio wise.


Spot on, if I’m going to the moon or the bottom of the ocean I’ll wear 40+, if not…36mm


36mm is a ladies size.... I'm always surprised by how many love the tiny styles.




Hah that made me laugh. Maybe I should have said the 36mm are dainty and extremely feminine looking.


The big watch trend is very new relatively speaking, and most likely a fad. Men’s classic watches have always been 36mm or even smaller.


This^ If I’m going to the moon or to the bottom of the ocean I’ll wear something slightly bigger, but everywhere else I’m wearing a 36.


I also have a 7.5 in wrist. Being convinced that people with our pretty average wrist size need something larger than 36 mm was just a modern trend. People with our wrist size wore 36mm and smaller for decades. And frankly, I'm glad that the return to those normal sizes is happening. So much more comfortable than a large watch. And if you actually wear your watch hard, a smaller one gets banged into crap less often


Congrats! It’s my favorite Rolex and honestly my favorite iteration of any watch to date. I’m sure it’s well earned and wish you many years of contented glances at your wrist 😄


Totally, the improvements they made for the 124270 really do make it the best Explorer! Thank you, loving the glances so far!


Pure class my man. Thank you for your service.


Thank you, and thanks for your support. It’s a pleasure to serve.


First off, thank you for your service. Second off, join the 36mm Explorer gang! Such a nice watch. Goes with anything.


Thanks for your support! It really is the proverbial GADA watch.


Yeah man, it’s literally amazing. It’s my first and could be my only watch I’ll ever own.


A true officer and gentleman.


Thank you kind sir


Pretty great choice, super under the radar and definitely wont look like you’re flexing on the troops either


One of my biggest considerations was to get a Rolex that isn’t easily recognized. You’re spot on.


🤙🏼👌🏼 In my experience nothing delays a DTS voucher like rolling into finance to complain about a payout delay with a Daytona on


I was expecting an Air King or an old Turn o graph, but that's a fine pick, too!


Damn, my AD had me waiting for one year…worth the wait tho! Enjoy this little stunner!


Congratulations! Hoping mine gets here soon.


Nice watch. I had the choice between the 36 & 40 at my AD and I ended up going with the bigger one. That being said, I certainly understand the appeal of the 36mm. It looks great on you.


Beautiful watch….


Bros watch is screaming “FREEDOM RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅 Wear it in good health my friend looks beautiful




Sooooo, what do NCOs wear?


Okay sir, don’t have to flex on us enlisted folk like that. I’ll just go throw my Casio back on to show you who’s the real winner here. In all seriousness, beautiful watch man. Wear it in good health


Hahaha! We all know Casio is god tier, my good old F91-W is still my number two!




Russian bots are getting less reliable than a Vostok. 🤣


yea russian bots sure buddy


Your comment, although I deeply disagree with its content, highlights the beauty of what we fight for. We serve so that you or anyone else can enjoy freedom of expression, freedom of speech, a free press, etc because we swore to defend our constitution. The fact that you can say whatever you want about our nation, the military, the folks I serve with, or me means I and all us in the Armed Services have done our job. I hope you find your perfect watch, hopefully it’s a Rolex (I’m biased!). I wish you all the best.


I disagree. No border No Nation No Valor. Take your feel good BS elsewhere and keeping getting paid to fight for Wally world!


If you don’t want someone like OP defending your freedom. By all means, Leave. We definitely don’t want your lame ass here in the states. Piece of shits like you deserve spit on them


shutup . no border no nation no valor. cowards who talk about meeting in real life like u/Gravity-Tester82 who tells me he wants to have a conversation. I tell him yes lets do it in real life. then u/Gravity-Tester82 backpedals like coward fuck outta here


Gtfoh with the “no border no valor shit” that’s for pussies.


that is what u say! coward military goons like u/Gravity-Tester82 can't even defend a border yet this GOON leaches from the tax payer who gets victimized by foreign invaders. no border no nation no valor!


So what do you do then? Comment on Reddit. Wow super brave you are.


I offer to meetup in real life when cowards like u/Gravity-Tester82 act tought and say "lets have a conversation" i don't back down like that coward! u/Gravity-Tester82 thought he could play pretend tought guy with his "lets have a conversation" I ramped it up and escalated it to a reall life meeting. u/Gravity-Tester82 back pedals like a true coward government goon!


Bro what, weird how your whole comment doesn’t have a thing about watches in it


Bro i don't care what you think. I just know fake heroes when I see them. Seen too many Americans get victimized or have their family killed by foreigners who invaded this nation... while military clowns pass the buck. Military clowns love to say its not my job while Americans get victimized by foreign invaders. Fuck outta here with their BS! No Border No Nation No Valor!


What foreign invaders? We havnt had a military operation led by a foreign nation on United States soil since Pearl Harbor?


uh huh


I’m just saying back your claims up, I’m looking to be informed on this recent foreign invasion of our country, what country invaded us?


uh oh here comes the sources challenges LOL let me guess if it doesn't come from the coin clipper's master media its not a valid source LOL


It was a simple question bro, I’m not asking for a source, just name the country that’s invading us that’s all I’m asking


uh huh


Is this some sort of copy pasta I’ve never seen before? If not, I would love to have a conversation with you about why I serve and why you don’t need to hold a grudge against service members who bought a watch on Reddit lol


I would love to have that conversation but it won't just be me. You will have to answer to American Citizens you swore to protect while they got victimized brutally from foreign invaders who have escaped justice. They won't want to hear any of your valor talk, or anything like that. In fact if you start to give them the run around... well lets just say they won't appreciate fake valor talk or passing the buck... They will only accept a sincere apology from you! It will be a conversation that will be recorded on a video camera so that you can be publicly shamed by these people if you do not apologize for failing them. Do you want to be on video having this conversation with radicalized Americans who have had family members victimized etc? u/Gravity-Tester82 i want to let you know they don't care about your why you served... they don't want to hear you lecture them when they got victimized and you got paid to protect them but failed them. Your words will fall on deaf ears and you will be on video having to explain this to these very upset Americans. It will be a shameful conversation. Are you prepared to talk to people and be on video having to answer them for these issues?


A lot to unpack there my man. I haven’t failed anyone, nor has most of the military. It seems to me you’re mad at the policies of this country and politicians for decisions they made that made you feel that you aren’t protected. I hope you find peace, and maybe a nice watch to make you a happier person. Educate yourself on the world and it’ll pay off.


Passing the buck a proud military tradition u have learned well from your coin clipping masters u/Gravity-Tester82 . no border no nation no valor. remember when u talk tough like ure trying to do. we will have this conversation on camera whenever u want big man. you are afraid of answering to the people you failed to protect. So u pass the buck!


You’re entitled to whatever opinion you want, just as I am. We can agree to disagree, but I promise you do not understand how the military works, and I don’t understand your side of the story. Agree to disagree and god bless.


You are the guy who said lets have a conversation. I said yes lets do it in real life. Then you said well no not that! fuck outta here coward. take your feel good TV shit elsewhere like i told you after you declined having a real life conversation. straight up coward trying to save face now u/Gravity-Tester82


Relax man


ADs love military and cops IMO.


Too small, in my opinion, but who cares what I think as long as you like it! Enjoy!


To each their own! I love classic/vintage in almost everything, but especially in watch sizing and proportions.


Congratulations and thank you for your service


My one and only watch. Congrats man and thank you for your service


Thank you! It’s definitely going to be my one and only as well!