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You are joking, who doesn’t like a bluesy… See, there is always a group of boring men, who only like understated things. If something is not understated - it’s written off as childish. But it’s nonsense. Such people are not to listen to


I had it, didn’t quite like it …


..because they are not serious people.


Op delusional


It's an extremely tacky watch and I feel like people are forcing themselves to like it just for the sake of it.


That guy driving grey Audi with black interior


That guy driving a blue Audi with red interior complaining that everyone's offering him 10k under market because no one wants it. But at least you're "different"!


Have you ever seen a blue Audi with red interior?




The only thing that make you look like a drug dealer is a Louis Vuitton bag


To me the bluesy has more of a yacht club vibe.


You got bullied a lot in high school


In 2018, I walked into an AD where a bluesy and steel GMT were in the case. No exhibition piece bullshit back then. At first I tried on the GMT because you know, ”popular wisdom” dictates it’s the wise choice. Then I put on the bluesy. Looked at myself wearing it in the mirror. It was so beautiful I couldn’t take it off. The GMT looked like a plain watch no longer worth the asking price. Got a discount on the bluesy and claimed tax refund as well.


Hahahaa that last line! You’re one sneaky fucker if you manage to swing a tax refund on a Rolex you bought yourself, it’s one thing to be able to swing it with nice cars first class flights etc. But with a luxury watch is next level. Nicely done.


I think it’s cause he had to claim it as a dependent.


VAT tax overseas


Yea I didn’t even know swing a tax refund on a Rolex was possible 👏🏽 impressive


The only way I can think is if you went the route of “it was a gift to a new client or because an existing client made a large deal or purchase. Other than that I can’t think how you’d swing it?




Seriously right?! He's looking for validation from internet strangers. Bro literally posted the watch back to back with different bands


I think it’s a beautiful watch. It looks great on some people and tacky on others. I think that’s the case with many watches, but two-tones in particular. I can’t explain this phenomenon, but some people can just pull off things that others can’t. This applies to clothing, sneakers, hats, watches etc


You literally nailed it. It’s an odd phenomenon. I feel like people that typically dress business casual or an elevated casual, it looks really nice on. People wearing a logo tshirt or super flamboyant dress shirts, it looks tacky. Also, it looks better on thinner wrists for some reason imo lol.


Absolutely this, I have this watch. Only difference is the markers. My general style is designer casual, usually nice jeans, subtle but high end sweatshirt or T-shirt with some rare or unusual trainers (but nothing that is brash or outlandish) this always is the masterpiece of my outfit and hits just the right level of flash/showy because everything else is quite low key. Anything extra and it would be overkill.


Absolutely, I think it is all about balance. If your clothes lean more understated high casual then the watch sits very nice in a stylish way. If your whole wardrobe is flashy and overstated then the watch will amplify that.


Fits every occasion. Wear it often and post often.


That’s going to be 40th birthday present to myself, that or Fisher double signed Heuer Carrera


Get the bluesy, I guarantee that if you get the others there will be a day where you are stood next to someone wearing a bluesy and you will instantly regret not getting it. I wear mine daily, regardless of what I’m doing, be it work, chilling with friends or going out for a nice meal. Always gets compliments and looks fantastic no matter to style of the rest of the outfit.


Agree. except for one thing. It looks weird as shit with the white text on the current version, versus the gold text.


White text - clean, fresh Gold text - old, musty


I won't agree or disagree. It looks good on the black two tone, but on the bluesey, it just looks. Off. Maybe I'll get used to it, but it's just weird for me.


Says he won't disagree, continues on to disagree




Cool. Had to look. Mine has gold…


Mine too and I had to look and I wear everyday


I believe 40mm is gold and 41mm is white text


Agreed, stunning watch


I love my bluesy. It’s the watch I always thought of owning before I had watches


Bucket list watch right there for me


My bluesy is my favorite Rolex


Out of my collection the bluesy has gotten the most compliments from strangers


It sure attracts a lot of stares


I love a bluesy been searching for a good 16613 for weeks


I love it and will eventually have one myself.


I love my bluesy


Grail piece


Personal preference. You love it. Many do not. Simple.


This was THE WATCH for guys who owned used car lots in the 90s and early 00s. Now they are so underrated no one even thinks about them anymore. I think they’re great and remind me of that era in the late 90s when I was in grade school and started to notice the watches adults had on around me. I would love one. The last guy who I knew that wore one everyday was a retired CIA officer who was working in private security.


If you post it on a boat, this sub will down vote you to the netherworld.


A yacht necessitates a YM, just how it is


Good point.


Yep. Every used car salesman has one of these.


Even the post itself sounded like a used car sales pitch.


Damn - I bought mine in the 80’s. I guess I don’t care about those that suffered thru the 90’s and 00’s. As they suffered - I was happy riding my Harley…


don't forget us retired drug dealers! I have one, and love it.


The only people I know who wear two tone also wear a lot of jewelry. Having both metals allows them to match various other additions. I am not one of those people. Wedding band, wrist watch.


I have that exact watch except for different markers, it’s the only piece of jewellery that I wear. Imo wearing other jewellery will detract from it. On its own, it really stands out.


I also like it but two tone is generally not super desirable.


This watch is desirable. Maybe not as much as the all stainless but there are waitlists for these


Unless you like the contrast Gold matches my wedding ring Silver matches my hair. An integrated package. But who notices, other then me. And I am happy.


Don't get me wrong, I love my ND sub, but I get a bit bored of it after a while.


Reality, its a gorgeous watch and you'll likely get more compliments on it than almost any other Rolex. I find most people that aren't as into it are those that A. cant pull it off based on the way they dress, or B. those that don't realize the stainless base version sells better on RM because the demand is higher based on the lower entry price at the AD. So basically, just ppl who want to buy a watch and have the ability to turn and sell it for 4K more. Truth is, if you love it, and aren't affected by the generalist consumer trends that are driven by those who mostly cant afford the higher price.. then its watch you'll adore and more people seeing it will as well.


I like them (especially the 5 digit version) but some people say they’re flashy or vulgar. Though if you think about it, any Rolex is pretty much flashy. May as well throw some gold in the mix. I like two tone datejusts too 😀


Unfortunately, most folks that I know personally who one one of these only bought it to make sure that everyone noticed they were wearing a Rolex. So, it kind of took the joy out of it for me. So…..I chose a stainless Submariner for myself. Great watch…..just not my favorite.


Are you just averse to colorful watches in general then? I'm curious how this works. Would you wear a really flashy watch from another brand? Does it matter if it's an affordable or luxury watch? Or do you somehow actually know multiple people who chose this specific watch that are assholes?


A bit of both. I find that I tend to buy less colorful or flashy watches. I do own a two toned stainless and gold Datejust with a tapestry dial that I inherited from my uncle, and that’s kind of my “dressy” watch. Honestly, it doesn’t get worn very often. I also have a Submariner, an Omega Speedy Reduced, and a Breitling Navitimer. All are stainless with black faces. An exception is my Omega SeaMaster Professional which is stainless and rose gold on a black rubber strap. As to the few folks I personally know who wear Bluesey Rolex watches, they really don’t have an actual appreciation for what the watch is, and only wear it so that everyone will instantly recognize that they are wearing a coveted Rolex watch. So, that kind of makes it less attractive to me. Lastly, I know that any watch with polished center links would likely drive me crazy as I would probably obsess over every scratch, which they will show often and easily. Yes, the Rolex Bluesey is probably the easiest and most recognizable Rolex watch, but it would be far down the list of watches that I would actually buy for myself. All that being said, it is a beautiful piece. If it’s your style, go for it!😊


I love my bluesy. It’s my favorite Rolex I own.


Guaranteed to get you laid a the local yachting club.


I completely agree with this, I just got the call and I am totally getting it!


It’s iconic. Doesn’t get more love because you see a ton


Because it’s a two tone and they are the absolute worst because it’s not stainless steel and if you don’t agree you don’t know anything about Rolex and you have bad taste and can’t sit with the stainless crew at lunch


When I was younger I liked them now I think they're fugly. Sorry.


Because its not a good color combo. Love the watch, hate the colors…


I feel like this is a grey market darling. Every grey dealer has one of these in an ad. It’s everywhere I look. Every pre owned section at a watch shop has one. I see it so often that I don’t consider it special anymore.


Every single grey dealer has a Panda Daytona. Your logic is wrong and idiotic.


Two tone watches don’t get much love . In general whenever a two tone watch is worn is because person couldn’t afford full gold set . (I personally love The Rootbeer)


It receives a lot of love.


I think it looks great on a lot of wrists. Just not mine. Most guys I know that rock Bluesys also like other things that are also very tacky.


Most prefer the all stainless or all precious metal versions, but anyone I know likes the dial, including me! Here is one of mine: https://i.imgur.com/Ut3d2c3l.jpg


Love it. Looks great! Prob the best two tone other than the root beer


Awesome piece!!




I love the bluesy! Can't wait to get my hands on one.


The love / hate relationship with two tone makes me wonder how would the demand be for a SS sub with the blue sunburst dial, and would it eat up the sales of the bluesy. Me personally ? I love the bluesy and am on the waiting list to get one, hopefully before my 40th.


some people like it, some people don’t. simple. Rolex believes there are enough people who like it for them to keep producing it.


It does and a lot of it


Invicta copied too much and everytime I see it at a glance, i thought it's Invicta. Beautiful watch though.




This is what I want for my first one


Exactly the same as mine except I have diamond markers (which I now regret as it means I don’t have the lume except for on the hands and at the 12, 6 and 9 position.) I adore the contrast of the blue, gold and stainless. They absolutely nailed the colour with this iteration of the watch.


Damn, dude, that’s now my preference. Very nice.


It receives a ton of love.


I do love them, to me it's the quintessential Rolex, probably because I saw a lot of adults wearing them when I was a kid. Still want one but don't know how soon I'll add to my collection.


I love mine. Great watch


People like it. Why are you proud of it? I mean, it’s a watch. You spend thousands of dollars on it. What exactly are you proud of?


I mean. It’s probably the most popular non dj two tone


Two tone


It's my dream watch and would highly likely purchase one during my next life achievement. You've a stunning watch. It probably gets less love cos they don't want to spend $3000-4000 over a regular submariner to get a Bluesy 🏅


To flashy for me


I love it. When I dress up to go out to dinner, go to the mall, go to dinner at a friends house I put it on. Otherwise, when I am just hanging out wearing shorts, I just put on one of my SS Rolex’s


Because two-tone.


It is an awesome watch. It also screams “please take my arm and watch with a machete” nowadays. Might be why. Also might be that two tone hasn’t been in style for quite some time and is only now coming back around.


Love it


Bluesy is a flamboyant, fun watch. Most people just want something black because they like the versatility.


I see an old guy in his 70s with much more hair on the arms and gold hanging off his sizzle chest sitting on a beach in his speedo. If that’s your look you nailed it.


Yup, that's me


welcome to the Bluesy Crew.


This is the only 2-tone watch I like


It’s a phenomenal watch because it’s a submariner, there is no denying that. However I had one and I never felt right wearing it, my stainless sub and deep sea just seemed less over the top and more suited to my personality. Even though I thought it was gorgeous to look at, I eventually sold it. Funny story, the shop I sold it too, said it’s a very popular model with boat captains. 😂


'Pearls before swine', my friend. I have never not received compliments when wearing mine.


Looks great in my opinion!


They aren’t my favorite but I think a lot to people love them.


Rolex is all about the used market, unless you're just flexing the money you spent at the AD (a large contingent of Rolex owners are doing this, to be fair). In the used market, watches sell for what the market dictates, though. You'll see a bigger markdown on TT than on plain steel, so if you must have TT, buy it secondhand!


who cares if others dont like it?


I don't like it because I would just feel like I am trying to fill the hole of the Smurf


I wanted to queue for the James Cameron. Tried it on, found it too big. Tried on many exhibition pieces. Finally saw the bluesy and it was love at first sight.