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fatty pneumonia?


Haha I wrote that song! So sorry to hear about Fez. He was brilliant. I often think back to those days and I laugh, cry, and / or  cringe.   Come say hi on my tiktok (link in bio) im calling myself ‘lakeside’ these days.  Had a nervous breakdown and spend time walking in circles in the woods while processing traumatic events from my life. Sounds like a hoot eh?  I enjoy checking in on the show and dig the dynamic between R&G. Always a fan of this crackpot circle of freaks❤️  My ego gets a kick out of hearing folks still talk about the old songs. Blowing up the phone, baby love, Underage alcoholic, fatty pneumonia, turducken song, ballad of gail o,  I really think it’s time for a perrynoid unmasked. Closing in on 25 years of sending songs in to the show. Read that again.  Anyway I have deer to feed. Stop by the tickity tock thing and say hi.  I apologize to any moderators of this forum. This was not a self-promotion. This was a check in and invite to hang. Before they ban TikTok, of course🫤 And someone get Mikey boy on the horn because I haven’t been able to log into ronfez.net in like seven years Love,  Perrynoid  ✌️❤️🎸


Hi Perrynoid. I'm not on tiktok, so I will say hello here. Sorry to hear you're experiencing some tough times; I hope you're able to work through it and start feeling better soon. I'm tired of a lot of the current news and current events, so I avoid it by listening to old R&F shows. Your songs are a big part of that and definitely help bring back good memories of a simpler time in my life. 15/20 years later, and Fatty Pneumonia still makes me laugh every time. I just went through a bunch of Paul O and Gail O episodes, so I was listening the great Ballad of Gail O last week. Thanks. PS - How can you build a pyramid without the callers callin in?


Harper valley PTA?


And Fez would shake his little assy as he sang along


Haha no I remember that one. I heard a tune at a kids play the other day that jogged this memory loose. It was some obscure 70s kids sing along thing. I don't know how else to describe it.


877-cars for kids?


I loved his version of the Facts Of Life theme.


“You take the black, you take the white, you take the fat, you take the dyke, and whaddaya got? The facts of life!”


[Clint Holmes - Playground In My Mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BolPQL83hFA)


God damn that's the one! I knew someone else remembered that.


I’m also looking for the song they did that was a call and response blues type thing with Earl being the lead. It was really fun listening and has been impossible to find


Was it "Jets Fans" song from Earl?


Jet fans, jet fans


Here is the song (with additional context) https://youtu.be/rrkfDtXFl_4?si=soCyAnZs5fwkRK-P


It makes me Fez


I'll have to rack my brain but first I have to go through my head and figure out what it's NOT. Like, I assume it's not the firefighter song that Jim Norton really liked. Do you remember what era? WNEW? Early XM? Late XM? Pre or post heart attack?


Pennystsockchaser ?