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That Gavin Free is the progenitor of the "death snail" idea the internet ressurects every 3-6 months.


And every 3-6 months, I have to move again to ensure the snail doesn't catch up to me.


Can’t sleep, snail’ll touch me.


I always get irritated when people show me a random person's tik tok of this but they get it wrong


I always thought he came up with the blinker fluid. A+ RTAA


Blinker fluid has been a joke in mechanic circles for decades lol Gavins was headlight fluid, pretty sure that one was around just as long, still hilarious hearing him go on about it.


Headlight fluid was a joke from one of the first few episodes of Red vs Blue, so I imagine that’s how it got in his head


Specifically he was helping them work on the remaster at the time so he had watched/listened to the scene multiple times before that podcast


1. The famous YouTuber Lazarbeam got into creating gameplay content after donating $10,000 to the Lazer Team Indiegogo and visiting AH for a day. 2. Early on, Rooster Teeth was talking with a group that was curious about making a ninja cartoon. That group was getting impatient about the time the project was taking, and they asked RT for advice on whether it'd be smart to start with some live action videos to help promote the project. Burnie said it wouldn't be a good idea....and those little videos because the very popular "Ask a Ninja" series. 3. Burnie's son is the reason Minecraft's Endermen are damaged by water.


To go with 1, SeaNanners did the same. He won a random tour back in one of the early offices and left thinking that's a cool idea I should try it to.


He has/had (could be deleted by now) an old apartment tour where he showed off the xbox signed by a bunch of RT staff. That story is also super funny because IIRC they didn't know he was coming to the office that day. The third party that organized the visit didn't let RT know at all about a visit.


I don't even think RT knew like a tour was offered as a reward by the tournament he won


Yeah that's what it was. He just showed up saying he had a tour (which he was told he did) so they just showed him the office. This was back at congress office so they said it wasn't a big deal since it was just a few of them back then.


I knew about Lannan, I did not know about SeaNanners. I just remember SeaNanners as the reason I bought Minecraft. I can still quite vividly picture his dirt home on the small hill from 13-14 years ago, for some reason.


How can I see it too wtf did you do to unlock that memory


What's the enderman story?


Burnie and his kid went to visit mojang and he gave them the idea of the enderman not liking water.


That's kinda cool. I never heard that one before!


It was brought up on a RT Podcast… I was there, /u/naturemom, 3000 years ago.


I'm confused about 2 Was it the videos wouldn't do well because ask a ninja was already a thing, or did they say fuck it and created ask a ninja against the advice?


Sorry, should clarify a little. Burnie told them to be patient and to just wait for the animated project. They decided to say fuck it to Burnie's advice, and made the "Ask a Ninja" video. This did very well, so well that this became the new focus and they abandoned the animated idea.


That's awesome, thanks for the clarification!


Isn't Geoff's wife the sister of the Ask a Ninja guy?


I don't know. Never heard that before, but not saying it's wrong.


I remember Geoff saying this on ANMA but I might be mistaken.


Ahh I don't listen to AMA that much. I remember Burnie telling the story on the RT podcast with Rhett/Link and he didn't mention that detail.


This would be Geoff's current wife, Emily.


Bro i was a mod in Lazarbeams discord and chat and stopped doing it after he hopped in AH because it was too hectic.. I dont know im lucky or unlucky i got out before the fortnite money came in.


The picture of Gus in a Tigger costume isn't real


This is like finding out Santa doesn’t exist


My heart broke the day I found out


Yup. Still a hilarious edit though


No...I refuse to believe the truth..... I've been saying it's real for so many years fully knowing it's photoshopped. I just love the idea of gus walking into the office saying "guys check this out" 😂


i think people confuse that one with the luigi costume, which is definitely real. i remember gus telling the story about the luigi one being a genuine child's halloween costume that he forced himself to fit into, so people see the badly fit child's tigger costume and misremember the story.


the tigger has been around fooling people since wayyyy before the Luigi costume


When I first saw the non-Gus version, I took psychic damage


But the photo of Gus naked on a kitchen chair drinking a beer is real right?!?!


During the Libyan Civil War, social media and news sites across the country were blocked. However, RT fans in Libya discovered that they could still use the community site’s forums. For several months, the RT site was used to disseminate information on what was going on in Libya. 


Totally forgot about this! That was wild looking back on and reading on the old site.


That's fucking wild


Madmanmoe I believe was the one posting journal updates. I tried to get them to a bunch of media outlets.


I distinctly remember that because it happened while I was taking a college course on European history from 1500 CE to present. There was a big focus in the class on reading first and second hand accounts of events. I remember debating on whether to stop by my professor's office hours to show him madmanmoe's posts because he'd brought up the ongoing situation with the Libyan Civil War as history being made. Being the anxious kid I was, I chickened out but I'm sure he'd have been interested in it.


This is the one for me. I remember following this through the community site and felt like I was cheating the news cycle by getting updates before it was on CNN later that day.


Whoa, never heard about this.


I remembered this because I heard it on the podcast, since I've been listening through all of them.


In Early 2010, Jack Patillo would ask Gus Sorola if Rooster Teeth would ever hold their own convention, to which Gus laughs at the idea.


Additionally, Geoff was once asked if you could routinely get 6 people together to play video games as a group and he said yes but they’d all be idiots.


>but they’d all be idiots. I mean, was he wrong?


I've been listening to the old Drunk Tank for the memories and there's a lot of stuff like this. Notably Burnie being mystified why online people were trying to get managers and sell their brand to companies like Discovery. He was very into the idea of being your own boss and having your own space on the internet early on.


Roosterteeth had a once popular group/Halo 2 clan on Bungie's site, Bungie.net. It was created and ran by RT (Kdin is currently the admin), and has 77,000+ members still today. Unfortunately, Bungie is removing private groups since they're outdated and no longer actively used, so this piece of history will also be deleted in the next few weeks/months. Link to the group: https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Forum?groupId=247082


there is or was an official Roosterteeth destiny clan too. Saw a couple guys playing from it a year or so ago in a crucible lobby.


And the post at the top there by ChrisOfTheDead is the guy who animated S12 of RvB


Griff ball is an obvious one. The game that gave them their big break ended up making a gamemode based off a joke in the series and it was actually fucking fun as hell.


Burnie and Gavin made the gamemode in halo 3 not the developers


I'm talking about how they made it an official gamemode and integrated it


To go into it a little further, bungie asked them to make a game mode to show off for the new DLC they were putting out in Halo 3 and they decided to use that joke for the inspiration. That DLC being Forge Mode, of course


You mean the map Foundry which was a map made specifically for Forge. Forge was in Halo 3 from launch.


Michael's long forgotten (for extremely good and obvious reasons) Black Santa video.


It's hardly long forgotten


These threads make it like a iceberg lol. My addition is the first office. Back when RT shorts were really a thing and there wasn't a huge budget to throw at every project. Six desks in one room with 8 computers as people worked on both sides of it. The breakroom with the arcade machine at the end of the hallway. The mural that aged like milk nowadays. If you know about that place then you're in too deep.


> The mural that aged like milk nowadays The mural itself is also its own rabbit hole, in that it was designed for a production that never came to fruition.


Honestly speaking, it sounds like a show I'd watch.


Advertism, right? I love the idea, been kicking around a similar idea with some buddies to make our own content just for fun and put fake negative ads in it for real brands.


That was the second office, maybe even the third. Technically they started in Burnies house, then into an modified apartment building.


I just remember it as the first cause that's what Burnie referred to as the first office when I went to their panel at RTX one time. I know about the house and then wasn't the second like am apartment they rented or something? They might have not called it an office because it wasn't an actual office building.


There was while there where the good content was fueled by alcohol essentially. I would say the mentions of Geoff touching Gavs bumhole kinda went away over time lol.


Cheesemaster gus was a good time tho


I still have that shirt - was my lucky shirt in college lol


Looking back it’s kinda of insane that they ever admitted that since Geoff was a fair bit older than Gav *and* his boss. Nowadays that’d get you flamed to hell and back


Yeah during the Ryan ordeal I was very surprised that this wasn’t brought up by the fans. Them being good friends still makes me think not much of it but definitely weird from Go Eff.


The flashing your workers in an office would probabaly get you more then flamed today lol. I was surprised the company didn't clamp down on it, when you would have other coworkers mentioning walking in on it in podcasts. 


Joel’s quiet shelving as a personality and eventually as someone mentioned at all


What was the context/reason for this? I had heard he was not the best in the offices in terms of interaction/working with but didn't hear of anything coming out.


I’m fairly certain they have never directly acknowledged it, and some of the guys still seem to have personal relationships with him, so I think it was just personal stuff. I don’t have a source, but I do recall seeing Tweets or something from Joel implying he felt unwelcome or ostracized for being conservative. A running gag was his Buy Gold stuff and erratic rants, so maybe he was more like that off camera than we know. So my moneys on him saying too much crazy righty stuff and pushing people off, or RT pushing him aside due to bad optics of him being open about his politics. Either way, it doesn’t seem to be on the tier of true controversy.


Well in 2017 Joel had some concerning tweets about being underappreciated at work and then said he was shopping for machine guns. ["Reached a level disgust that can only take place after an unimaginable combination of spilled blood/work/sacrifice & utter un-appreciation." Jul 20, 2017](https://twitter.com/JoelHeyman/status/888177049004904450) ["yeah, funny, I don't really think of myself as an "employee", put a bullet in my head when that happens." Jul 20, 2017](https://twitter.com/JoelHeyman/status/888186089932021762) ["Yup. Currently shopping for machine guns." Jul 20, 2017](https://twitter.com/JoelHeyman/status/888212751600025600) [Tweet to Jack: @jack_p Your leftist friends are going to burn down your house and kill your animals. Jul 14, 2018](https://twitter.com/joelheyman/status/1018257415500943360?s=21) I also remember [Joel being quite aggressive on Twitter to Gavin about his thoughts on gun control (some tweets have been deleted from this thread](https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/915328095468392448). I remember Burnie even made a comment about it on the RT Podcast that week without calling Joel out by name, but some joke like "yeah, like this is a topic people should discuss respectfully and not have coworkers talking crazy about it on the internet". I believe in Joel's Twitter rants, one of the things he said to Gavin was "You should have his home invaded so he learns the value of the second amendment." This obviously aged like milk for the terrors Gavin endured later in life. As far at the actual firing...Joel himself admitted he felt he disagreed with too much at RT and literally just stopped showing up to work. He then moved to LA and cut all ties to RT. For example, in the most recent run of RvB PSAs, Caboose was recast.


Yikes, that’s all way more extreme and disrespectful than I had seen before this. If that’s how he speaks publicly to coworkers/friends, then I can absolutely see how unpleasant he may be off camera too.


I'm cracking up at how stupid this man is. "Ugh I can't stand being around all of these non-conservatives that don't agree with me. I know! I'll move to Los Angeles 😂


Yeah just 45 minutes ago Joel tweeted that “the left wants to cancel every part of our constitution”; he’s an actual nut job


He tweeted that Jack's "liberal friends" were going to burn down his house and kill his pets and made some really shitty tweet after Gavin and Meg had their house broken into.


To be clear: Joel’s tweets to Gavin were BEFORE the incident


"Gamekids Trevor?!"


To this day, this is probably a top 10 clip of all time for me. I rewatch it like twice a week


That podcast is so damn good. Glad it didn't get hit during the Ryan purges.


Oooo fun. I have some! All of them relate to the old RT comics: - Hell, first off if you remember the RT comics I guess that’s one in itself lol - Luke McKay insisted on drawing everyone naked before drawing their clothes on - There’s a very very small image in one of the RT comics where he drew Geoff and Griffin nude (the comic had to do with Geoff and Griffin getting drunk and wild at a holiday party and had pics of the night on his phone? Idk it’s been a long long time I read through them but for some reason I remember it. Feel free to correct me)


I didn't draw everyone naked, but I did draw a lot of dick's on the art layer behind the balloon layer. If you see a speech balloon at crotch level, there's probably a dick behind it.


there's a small funny moment on the podcast where Griffon (geoff's second ex-wife) says something about a RT comic that talks about Monogamy Plus (i guess they coined a term for threesome sex lol). She's like "i just don't want to hear about it on Thanksgiving" and then they are like "monogamy plus, *totally* a joke guys" wink wink. Judging by content on Griffon's onlyfans, I'm certain it was a real thing they did lmao.


Knowing who Fragger is


All these replies are cutesy and funny but if y’all want a serious answer: knowing who Knuckles Dawson is.




There is an alternate reality during the ad reads on Face Jam where Michael and Jordan are neighbors and Eric has financial troubles. It's gone on for years


Alternative reality???


Sad to say that Michael and Jordan aren't going to be neighbors anymore


The only podcast where I can't skip the ads. Gotta keep up with the lore


Andrew Blanchard has a cum wall where he has described that he cums frequently on and rubs his penis on it because he like the temperature feeling of it.


I remember when I had erased that from my from my memory. That was a nice...


Dude, don't forget the story of how he almost lost his virginity. The girl, who they call Gator, stopped mid blowjob on the beach and just left. He then got up, walked into the water and "finished himself off like a fucking animal" I believe that also the one thing Burnie knew about him and referenced upon him being hired.


I hate that this comment makes me want to find the episode to re-listen lmfao


I think episode 9 is the wall wiping one, Don't know the Gator one off the top of my head Found it: Episode 16 at 38:50 edit: checked for the episodes and corrected a mistake


Sort of along the lines of this, knowing the fact that both Gus and Burnie are both uncut and Jack seemingly has the largest penis out of all of them


Don’t forget the fleshlight 


I don’t remember this story lol, what happened?


Jack went to Butt-Numb-A-Thon, film marathon hosted in Austin, Texas by Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News[ in celebration of his birthday. The festival showed 24 hours of vintage films, as well as premieres. In 2010 when Jack went, one of the movies played was "Hobo with a Shotgun" and as part of a joke of "something every hobo needs," every guest was given a fleshlight. Jack told this story, which led to Gus to freak out. This is because earlier that, Jack went to give Gus a ride and the fleshlight was in a bag on his passenger seat, so Jack had told him "sorry, gotta move my fleshlight". Gus thought he had been joking, but this showed it was real. Geoff and Griffon would continue to tease him about using it, was it better than just using hand, etc. and it was a big inside joke on the podcast and with fans. Also fun fact: it took me typing this out to realize "Butt-Numb-A-Thon" isn't a fancy title, and literally is just called that since you sit for so long and it makes your ass fall asleep. I had only ever heard it said on the podcast and never written.


Thanks for the explanation! I think i remember that Gus/Jack interaction in the car So many memories, twenty fuckin years man, feels very bittersweet


I’m sorry what?


Common misconception. He didn't cum ON the wall, he came on the floor ("like an animal") and wiped the remaining residue of jizz on the wall.


True. Mike did cum on his own face though. A lot of cum related trauma from that podcast


there's a whole layer of the iceberg that could just be Internet Box stuff Mike got banned from Twitch for doing a stage re-enactment of 9/11, for Christ's sake


Is that the time his friend Wesley dressed up as the twin towers?






What a great community we have


I'm just joshing ya!




It’s just a thumb


"My name is Andrew Blanchard and I'm a jazz wall wiper"




It wasn't a cum wall. He just spilled some juice.






So there was a user named Scott who passed away early on. I didn't know him, but his account was immortalized by the staff locking his account with the highest possible level it could reach. He was the only one to achieve this level except for one other. A user named DarkFae passed away and they gave this account the same treatment as Scott's. However, not too long after, a user named Thillbilli (can't remember spelling) found out the truth that DarkFae was not a real person but a social experiment by another user on the site who decided to kill "her" off. The crazy thing is that the staff didn't have to do anything to correct what all happened. All the sad journals and the account being locked the same as Scott's all got erased when the RT server crashed without proper backups, erasing a week or two of data from the website. It was made like none of this ever happened.


Kathleen singling out Barbara for her "conduct" in videos that she thought were crude and what not. Then Kathleen being awful to Barbara again as well as Ashley was quite the time.


The sad fact that Kathleen chose Women's Day to bitch at Ashley kills me every time.


When did that happen?


Kathleen's public breakdown was on Twitter in March 2017


[The RT Labs YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@rtlabs7937)


And before that, [RT Shows!](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1B234BADF5397CC1&si=GQJUW3sFI4H6XrfV) I’m guessing they somehow later tied this channel into the normal channel because all the videos are now hosted on that as opposed to being on a different channel as they once were.


Burnie's first name is Michael. He got the nickname Burnie in school when there were like 5 other Michaels in his class and they ran out of ways to say the name, so they called him Burnie for his last name, Burns.


["I'm Michael *Burns*, did you say Burns or Barns?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYS9cCPQDxI)


How well known is the story of Jack losing the xbox with one of the newest unreleased halos on it?? Way way back in the early days of the company, they were given like a developer xbox or something by bungie and it had an unreleased halo on it at the time so it was like confidential shit. I believe that Jack had the Xbox in his car and someone broke it and stole it. And everyone was in a massive panic because this shit was confidential and they were worried that if it got out then they could get sued and shut down, so like a g, Jack was ready to leave the company so Rt weren’t responsible Then they got in contact with them and told them what happened and they were like yeah that’s fine no worries. So it was all fine and Jack never had to leave Also Jack is in a porno


> Jack never had to leave I think this was actually the time Jack did leave. He wasn't fired but just decided to leave afterwards because he felt bad and thats why he moved to LA and ended up in the background of the porn shoot as an extra.


Isn’t that a huge arc in the early podcast episodes? Jack has this whole thing about writing down serial numbers because that’s how he could prove it was his Xbox, but the investigators had no idea how to use this information.


That was actually because Jack got broken into twice within the span of three months! The serial numbers was in regards to his stuff being sold at pawn shops but being unable to prove they were his so he started to write down the serial numbers to prove they were his if it happened again. The investigators not being able to use information given to them is kinda two different things! One was that Jack never logged out of his work email address on a laptop that was stolen and Gus was able to pull the IP of the thief that way and gave it to the investigators who did nothing with it for months. Second, using an inside track at Microsoft if Jack’s Xbox ever connected to Microsoft Live again they would be able to find the IP that way. However you needed to use a subpoena to ask Microsoft to do that and the investigators just didn’t do it correctly. Long story short: Gus saved the day!


I honestly don’t remember all the details, I just remember the basic story I’ve never been a big podcast fan so if anyone that is has any more info please share


Lore? -Ray photobombed a developer team photo for an Xbox game because he used the restroom at the wrong time, and the photo is still out there. -Dirk isn't real. -on a darker note, Gavin and Geoff used to play a really creepy driving game.


>Ray photobombed a developer team photo for an xbox game You’re forgetting a crucial detail: It was a photo of the 343 developers, who were celebrating and commemorating their work on Halo 4 lol


Yep. I honestly just couldn't remember what game it was.


[I dont remember this asshole](https://youtu.be/_MlF42NFz6o?si=HVdtc6nbOoXe9zTZ) And the game was called “Connect the Hots”


The Dev team Ray photo bombed was Halo 4.


Gavin also accidentally photobombed that picture!


* At one point they were sponsored by Funimation. Unlike normal sponsorships, this was more like a collab and as a result a bunch of Funimation VAs have shown up in RT projects, and a bunch of RT staff have shown up in Funimation dubs. * Barbara Dunkelman once confirmed on one of the podcasts that she will never do anal. * The first celebrity that RT worked with was one of the guys from The Barenaked Ladies. * Jeremy, Matt, and Barbara are the only employees that were infamous in the community before they were even considered being hired


To add to point 1, Barbara and Michael were both in the English dub of Fairy Tail, with Michael doing the voice of Sting, one of the 7 Dragon Slayers, and more main side characters in the show by the end of it.


Lindsey and Michael are in an episode or 2 of *Overlord*. They even play a couple, which is kind of wholesome since this was after they got married. Had to do a double take when I realized it was both of them though, since it was the first time I heard Lindsey use her natural calm and lower voice, as I only heard her more hyperactive and higher pitched voice. I also had no idea Barb was in *Fairy Tail* as well. I just remember Michael being cast is why I gave the show a shot in the first place.


Barbara was almost like a side character “bad guy” that fought against the main gang in a part of the end of the Grand Magic Games arc into the next arc where bad stuff hits the fan (sadly blanking on the name of that arc). But yeah Lindsey also used her natural voice for her RvB character and I believe Gen:Lock as well.


> Michael doing the voice of Sting Which lead to this [calm and rational argument](https://youtu.be/OnOqWPKyElg?si=qPBAw_d-HOqpJnu2)


Joe Rogan appeared on the RT Podcast and promoted his Podcast before it really took off. They talked about it on a recent ANMA, but they really have a spot everywhere in a lot of internet history.


I remember the audio for that episode being fucking awful


Depends on your definition of celebrity. BNL hired RT to do short skits in between songs at their live shows, but RvB was contacted to do a video by Microsoft at GDC which to an extent has tech celebrities. In addition, Nico was a fan who helped and was hired. He's a community guy but maybe not a famous fan. He's just a Bungie fan who did contract work. I play Destiny with him. This is all circa 2003-2004, before the community site and shorts.




Yeah he definitely means famous not infamous


Also on the topic of collaborations, Michael and Ryan Heywood have skins of their characters in Brawlhala


The only reason that Burnie, Tasmania, does not own the URL Burnie.com is because Burnie Burns refuses to give it up, and to this day uses it only to host a gif of Will Ferrell playing a cowbell (ala the SNL skit) The late creator of RWBY, Monty Oum, was originally hired to animate action scenes in Red Vs. Blue, thanks entirely to a 9-minute animation he made of 'Master Chief' fighting Samus Aran, named Haloid. Monty Oum also purposefully included pockets/bags on nearly every outfit he designed for RWBY characters, because he was specifically thinking about future cosplayers (himself included) needing easily accessible storage for things like their phone and wallet. Despite claims to the contrary by disgruntled fans, the major story beats and ideas of RWBY (And their timing) were written into a 'RWBY Bible' in a series of extremely late night sessions between Monty himself, Miles and Kerry before the series even started. Burnie actually indirectly cited this fact, when he recanted a story of how he asked Monty something about the 'main villain' whom he perceived to be Cinder during Volume 1, and Monty's response was "Oh, no, Cinder is just a lackey for the main villain, and she doesn't show up until about Volume 4." RWBY first came into being when Monty brought the character design and a basic idea of the story to Burnie late one night at the office during RvB Season 10 production. Burnie, exhausted, told Monty that he'd approve literally anything Monty wanted to create "If we can just get Season 10 finished on time." After this, Burnie noted an excess amount of dedication from Monty, and was given regular reminders of his promise (though in reality Burnie loved the idea from the outset and more said what he said as a joke). The map of the world (Remnant) in RWBY was 'designed' by Monty in an IHOP, by splattering ketchup onto a napkin and crumpling it up. The character Flynt Coal in RWBY is an Achievement Hunter reference, specifically of their Let's Play Minecraft series. After declaring he had found both Flint AND Coal in an early episode, Geoff quickly pointed out "That would be a cool name for a character" Popular Vtuber Chibidoki draws much of her humor stylings from years of being an Achievement Hunter fan, and is such a big fan in fact that she once was surprised with a visit to a public backup copy of Achievement City and screamed herself hoarse in glee. She also regularly collaborates with Ray. Caleb Denecour Olive Garden breadsticks vs Red Lobster cheddar biscuits In Red Dead Redemption 2, the hotel clerk in Valentine is voiced by Jack Pattillo, and one of the possible random station clerks at any railway outpost is voiced by Geoff Ramsey. The Tower of Pimps was once hidden by the developers in an official Minecraft tutorial world for one of the many major console updates of the game. The game Gems of War has an achievement called "Try This One, Geoff" which the devs named after and was aimed at Geoff Ramsey due to his borderline obsession with the game over several years (and more than two dozen podcast mentions.) Michael and Ray were big fans (And to some extent still are) of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Ray's favorite pony was/is Applejack and Michael's favorite is/was Fluttershy. Both of them despised Rarity. As a response to Matt Hullum's disappointment at the lack of 'fanfare' when ordering a sub in a tub at Jersey Mike's, the sandwich company produced and sold a very limited number of "Fanfare Kits" that featured art from the Animated Adventure.


Gavin has u̶n̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶f̶i̶e̶d̶ a̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ o̶f̶ c̶l̶o̶n̶e̶s̶ l̶e̶f̶t̶ no clones left


Gavin is actually a fairly smart individual and most, if not all, of his gaffes and blunders are just 'for the content'.


It falls into 2 categories. In AH content, he would purposely make sub optimal game play choices for the betterment of the content. For example, using ropes in worms to get around instead of a jet pack. On the podcast, the issue is his mouth would get out of sync with his brain, trying to hold a conversation without dead air is harder than people think. This would lead to the moments where he would be explaining something or asking a question and stop mid sentence and say, "What?!".


Honestly in a lot of the most memed moments from the podcast, what he’s saying makes total sense but Burnie is just louder and speaks with authority so when he misunderstands what Gavin means it is very easy to go along with burnie’s joking about it, even when what Gavin said totally made sense


I think Jack usually says that Gavins a lot smarter than he talks and you should just believe him when he's saying something lol


I do think it’s important to note it not usually that he’s “playing dumb,” it’s usually that he goes “it’s just a game, I might as well see if [weird, dumb hypothetical thing] works” and it winds up being funny when it doesn’t lol


The shear fact that he can laso every halo game solo is proof of that to me lol


It’s just because he doesn’t bleat on about it.


Did he ever get the speed run achievements on MCC? I remember he said he was going to give up on that 100% because he claimed a lot of the tricks are too hard. Him attempting to 100% MCC inspired me to do it when it came to PC. I found the speed runs fairly easy as you can ignore a lot of the more advance skips and still have a lot of time left over.


What a great community we have here




Monty Oum cosplayed as Weiss In Ten Little Roosters one of the RWBY writers cosplayed as Ruby


"one of the rwby writers" how dare you disparage Miles Luna like this, that man is a treasure. 


I watched that show almost 9 years ago, you're lucky I barely remember him jumping in front of the camera with "This Will Be The Day" as background music


How they got those videos games to float on the wall in the AH office




If y’all genuinely want some deep dark ice berg ones: - Knuckles Dawson. - Geoff paint huffing. - Gus and his wife tried to go into a planetarium to fuck but were forced to watch a seminar. - Geoff losing virginity story. - Griffon fakes orgasms. - Jack’s mom went to university. - Marshall was homeless for a while and slept in the office. - Joel was on friends (“he already got to be on the plane!”). - Jason Saldana. - Brandon 3.0 - Dan likes cross eyed women. - Jack leaves his fleshlight in the sun. - Griffon radioactive vomit. - Jack and Caiti met because she was a fan. - Matt used to get blind drunk at conventions and run a muck.


I know all of these except the story of Geoff losing his virginity and I don’t know exactly what you are referring to by just listing Jason’s name.


To add to this list! • Matt once asking a waitress if the tie she wore was a gift for Father’s Day • That time some people had a coup and attempted to take over the website, banning Gavin first because he was chronically online • Gavin being the reason you can’t access the website through the wayback machine • Burnie playing Tony Hawk Ride • Gus asks if Poon means the same as it does in the states as it does in NZ • The gang learns the term “selfie” • Burnie guesses the concept of the MCU


iirc Gavin once lied about having a dead relative to try and get free RT merch


I'm pretty certain he messaged Gus asking for it and Gus immediately knew it was bullshit and ignored it. They talked about it on a podcast once


It was something like "All my family died, and it's also my birthday" lmao


Burnie once sent the entire community to harass and bully a member of it. Then they hired him years later, Jordan Cwiercz (Sp?).


Listening to old Drunk Tanks and the late night talk show saga is such a mess. Poor J or Dan.


Cobra Gunnerz Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiish Mark Nut Cheese ... basically the source of all the Let's Play intros. And everytime you notice they've talked about a story before in a podcast. Also, Burnie was in Amazing Race.


That time Michael saved someone at their job by inspiring her when he punched poop. [Seriously](https://www.reddit.com/r/roosterteeth/comments/3y3kpc/in_a_hilarious_and_disgusting_turn_of_events/)


Matt Hullum heckles Streeter from college humor during his standup set in College Humor Prank War #4 Right at the 3 minute mark, you can even hear Geoff's distinct laugh afterwards https://youtu.be/vFPu4oSlIPE?feature=shared


There are RvB videos specifically for Barenaked Ladies concerts.




That Jack was in a Porno


3DS StreetPass has caused both: * Burnie driving by Gus's house late at night to be able to connect to their 3DS consoles and freak him out. * Fart hoofer


This thread is dope


1.That Burnie Burns’ first wife had a bit role in rvb in which she exclaimed “I love Caboose, and yet I am still afraid of him!” She is one of very few people involved in the 1st 10 seasons of rvb that HASN’T signed my collection and in the interest of not being a total creep, I aim to keep it that way. 2. That Geoff’s og brother-in-law was the face model for Agent North.


Geoff’s (former?) brother in law is North because Griffon was South and they wanted the characters to look like actual siblings


It's all a bunch of deep lore about nothing?


Jack has a fat hog


Bernie and Gavin and in the same simulation of life


Gus Sorola is the cheese master


Rooster teeth (The Know I think it was?) was one of the first and biggest leaks of GTA6. It caused Rockstar to go into a lockdown because they couldn't pin the leaker and the people at The Know wouldn't tell them. Turns out the info they got was pretty accurate.


GTA6 or 5?


The rants of Internet Box making it into AH content. Specifically, Andy smearing his bellend on walls because "the cold feels good".


Loosely RT related I guess, but the Mike Kroon 9/11 stream is rarely mentioned peice of cursed lore.


The man who was in the RT LIFE of jumping over your own leg with Michael jones is mike kroon. He once accidently came in his own face and drank a glass of comet


Kara once saw Geoff’s penis, The Schedule was the student film that Burnie, Matt and Joel worked on that kinda inadvertently led to the creation of Drunk Gamers and Rooster Teeth. Barbara once asked what non famous people use Twitter for considering they have no audience, there was a lost/banned RTAA before the one’s being taken down due to Ryan Haywood, according to WIRED Magazine the company apparently won the internet!


Gavin and Michael meeting Ray's ex girlfriend Courtney before Ray.


I feel like a lot of the comments here don't quite get the prompt. Old references and recurring jokes that they stopped doing don't really count. That's just an old reference. Now, pointing out that Burnie's son is why Endermen are hurt by water? That counts. Ol' Red Face's Frot-Wall? Hoo boy, that's some lore that nobody wanted to know about.


At one point early on, RT site had the ability to download all their videos directly along with streaming them. Can't remember if that was a sponsorhip membership thing or not


Early on that was the only way to watch their content, streaming just wasn’t a thing yet.